JobKeeper Payment - Megathread

Hi everyone

There seems to be a number of forums in relation to the Jobkeeper Payment. Rather than having multiple threads, ask me questions in relation to the JobKeeper Payment and I will try my best to answer otherwise hopefully somebody else can as well.

Background: I am an accountant with years of experience

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      • Please read above

        • If you get laid off you don’t work for them, they have no obligation to re-employ you.

  • Hi op, I’ve been a permanent PT for the company for 7 yrs.

    I went on parental leave in Sept 19, without an agreed return date.

    As I wanted to come back to workforce in April I was declined although I should be able to come back anytime within 12 months.

    I understand business is slower hence can’t pay my wages for April (to last until government pays them back). However now I waited a month and as the jobkeeper is about to start , I asked company to have me back since they don’t need to pay me out of their pocket - but they won’t nominate me because I can be on maternity leave until September. I provided notice return to work with same condition as before I went on parental leave back in start if April.

    What is best way to approach this ..? Thank you

    • +2

      Fill out this form and give it to them:…

      Ideally via email or something where you can later prove they received it.

      They have to pay you first before the ATO can pay them so technically it may cost them a little in terms of interest on a loan if they need to borrow to pay you before they get it back each month.

      Also note the business might not be eligible depending (eg, if it's a larger business and the business as a whole isn't down enough etc).

      • Company itself is eligible as they said they’ll be picking who to nominate for this (not allowed according to ATO).

        They’re refusing to do this as I was on a parental leave but notice to return to work was given a month ago.

        I think it’s due to not bothering to apply for someone as I was on PL

        • +2

          Do also note that they can actually ask you to work. So you could find yourself back at work immediately (or on alternative duties from your regular duties) as a result, which is fine if that's what you want. Also if you have any annual leave left (which I guess is unlikely in your situation) they can ask you to take it down to two weeks remaining.

  • What if someone works at a hotel and the hotel is part of a large group say IHG. If the hotel's turnover has decreased by more than 30%, however, the hotel group (IHG)'s total turnover did not decrease by more than 30% (nor 50% if they have turnnover of $10 billion+). Then is that local hotel eligible in applying for JobKeeper payment for its employees?

    i.e. Does the turnover deduction requirement base on the single hotel or the entire hotel group?

    • Depends on business structure. Many hotels have management contracts and are their own entity and would therefore be eligible.

    • Depends on the ownership structure of you're property. In most cases you will be eligible.

    • Your employer will tell you if they are applying the Jobkeeper for you. They have to give you a form to notify you. So just sit and wait and if you get nothing, then you get nothing.

  • Hi Riseandfall,
    Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge. My question to you (and anyone else that may be able to chime in) is to see if I am eligible to receive Jobkeeper in my current situation.

    Brief background. I have been on full time employment with a company for the last 5 years, however 7 months ago, that company created a sister company and I was asked to transfer to the new company to help it grow, I was promoted to Quality Assurance manager as part of the transfer.

    The new sister company has been in operation for 10 months, but since the Covid 19 threat, its profit has dropped by a least 60%. Most of the sales team have been on forced leave until further notice and senior staff (inc. me) will soon be asked to reduce their hours to keep the company afloat.

    Is our company and therefore core staff eligible for Jobkeeper? Thank you so much for any input, it is much appreciated.

    • +1

      It will depend on a number of factors. Is the global turnover of the the parent, sister and other associates companies less than $1 billion? If so, you will need to check if the GST turnover in March/April etc. of the sister company has reduced by 30% compared to last year in the same period. This can’t be answered here and you will need to ask your employer.

      • Hi and thanks for the reply Riseandfall..

        Revenue is < $1B, its a small/medium family owned business. My concern is that the company is:

        1) less than 1 year old, and because I was transferred to the new company only 7 months ago (along with a few other core staff), this would make:
        2) my employment length also < 1 yr, thus the criteria may not meet eligibility.

        Does the length of employment with previous sister company (5 yrs +) count?

        …and thanks again for your time.

        • +1

          Your company will be eligible, this situation was covered in additional guidance released yesterday by the ATO.


          Alternative test

          The Commissioner has determined alternative tests for fall in turnover for classes of entities where there is not an appropriate relevant comparison period.

          Circumstances where an alternative test applies:

          the entity commenced business after the relevant comparison period (the business did not exist in that period)

  • Am i able to get on JobKeeper if i'm currently on AusStudy as well?

    • +1

      You can be still paid by centerlink. But Jobkeeper is taxed so it might effect your centerlink payments if they do income testing, no idea if AusStudy does it or not.

    • +2

      No, you’ll basically have too much employment income and your Austudy will get cut off.

      Definitely in your best interests to be on JobKeeper instead though with the much higher rate of pay

  • +1

    I’m on jokeeper now. Still working. Two of the casuals who only ever wanted to work 10 hours a week 12+ months get to sit at home earning the same as me now. Can’t see what the govt wants people paid 4x what they’d usually earn to do f all. Imagine the debt our grandkids will have to pay back because of this.

    • +2

      This is why employers are saying that people need to work 26 hours to get the Jobkeeper but those casuals are complaining.

      • Except we aren’t busy enough and they’re just not responsible or skilled enough to run the place. (Restaurant) They’ve been offered more hours with more responsibilities but not interested.

        • +1

          Unless your restaurant is space constrained that you cant practice social distancing with an extra employee, I see no reason not to call them in for odds and ends tasks i.e. take out trash, pot wash, job training. Law allows employers to assign tasks to employees that may be outside their contract but reasonably within their skillset, if they refuse… terminate employment…

  • So does Partnership business apply or is it only sole trader?

    I have been stood down by both jobs in a casual position. My wife and I also have a Partnership business which still operating.

    I won't be able to get JobSeeker from both the casual jobs as I have not been with them for 12 months on both jobs.

    Can I claim the JobSeeker with our partnership business instead for both of us?

    • +1

      Depends. You need to be active in the partnership business and only one partner can receive the payment.

      This is in addition to meeting the turnover and other requirements.

      • Thanks many, much appreciated!

  • Thanks for doing this OP,
    Sorry this is not related to Jobkeeper payment but I need a little help with my tax return, i was doing tax return on mygov and noticed this " Business transactions PAYPAL AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED payments of 31,000.00 AUD" I was not sure what to do so i phoned Ato so they could delete the pre-filled data of Paypal ( All the money deposited to my Paypal account came from online gambling) so they told me to call Paypal to fix the data and then i called Paypal and got told to get it fixed with an accountant. I am not sure what to do now, anyone knows what to do? ( its like thousand Paypal transactions on my account)

    • +1

      Do you have any other income? They might be classing you as a professional gambler.

    • If you’ve made $30k from online gambling then I’m sure you can afford to pay a proper accountant!

      • no i wish i've made $30k from online gambling. i always deposited with my debit card then withdrew with Paypal and during that lost just $1k or 2k aud

    • +1

      I think it just gets reported on the prefilling report as potential income. It'll just raise the risk of being flagged for review if that income isn't reported on your tax return.

      But if you can show that money on your debit card is salary or savings (money that is legitimate and has been taxed), is transferred to paypal, is used to gamble, and is transferred out of paypal, then you should be all g

  • So I’ve enrolled for the program from my business portal. Apart from the confirmation screen do you get an email or anything? How do I know I’m actually accepted and will be getting the payments?

    What if the ato doesn’t accept it but you have paid your employee the $1500?

  • Not necessarily jobkeeper related.. But if a total household income has significantly dropped to less than a certain amount with 3 kids, would that make them eligible for some assistance? What criteria would have to be met?

    Thanks to all for the helpful comments and discussions in this thread.

  • How are JobKeeper payments paid? Is it through BAS returns? If so, does this make a sole trade who makes <$75k ineligible (assuming they are not registered for GST).

    • Seems to have been covered here to some degree, it would seem your eligible but would have to provide additional information during the application process to demonstrate a 30% drop in revenue.…

      A sole trader has an ABN but has never lodged a BAS because it is not registered for GST and does not deduct PAYG withholding. Can the entity claim JobKeeper for the owner of the business?

  • Does anyone know what oncost still needs to be paid on top of jobkeeper for employers?

    I know for sure Superannuation needs to be paid, but is payroll tax and workers comp still apply?

    • +1

      No. JobKeeper payment is not subject to Superannuation. However, if employee works for say the $500 the employer will be required to pay super on that $500 and isn't required to pay super on the $1,000.

      Only two states have confirmed payment is exempt from payroll tax (last time i checked). Since the thresholds for other states have increased, there should be no Payroll tax on the payment anyway.

  • +1

    Is JobKeeper ripe for abuse? Consider the following situations:

    1) My store has closed, but before it did I paid my son c$300 per week for his work on weekends. He now receives a windfall of $1,500 per fortnight, despite having never earned close to that. Was this an oversight, or is JobKeeper partly designed to be an economic stimulus in addition to the "help employers keep their workers employed" scheme?;
    2) Assume my store reopens next month, and I give my son his regular hours. He can then tell me he wants to sit at home playing xbox while still receiving his $1,500. I have read the other threads on this issue, and while yes you could fire staff that are not willing to work, if you were employing a family member or friend why wouldn't you just let them sit at home and receive JobKeeper?
    3) Assume I operate a successful medical practice, of which I am a partner expected to take home $500k+ this year. I also have other business ventures and on the whole, am doing quite well despite COVID19. However, I was also the managing partner of the practice, which has now shut, and I received a wage. Does that mean I can now receive JobKeeper given it is not means tested?
    4) I work at a large accounting firm that rakes in just under $1bn revenue. My firm has just asked all staff to take a pay reduction of 20% due to a forecast decrease in revenues of 31%. The pay cut only applies to the next 4 months, and the loss of income to me is less than $1,500 per fortnight. Am I also now JobKeeper eligible?

    What I am getting at is that the JobKeeper seems to be open to a lot of people who may have experienced either no drop or only a minor drop in their income, and on the whole have not been materially financially impacted and still have a solid income.

    If this is by design, as way of a pseduo economic stimulus, then I sort of understand.

    But at the same time, putting hundreds of thousands of Aussies on $1,500 payments who have not been materially financially impacted seems to be outside the intended policy of JobKeeper (i.e. help employers keep staff on that they otherwise couldn't afford to keep, and provide support to employees who have experienced significant reduction in hours/pay).

    Am I missing something? Is my understanding of 1-4 incorrect? Would be interested to hear your views!

    • +1

      is your son at least 16 years of age? that's one of the requirements.

    • +1
      1. Seems like he was a casual employee. A casual employee needs to work on a regular and systematic basis for 12 months. I would argue working only weekends sounds like it is not regular and would not be eligible. That is my opinion only.
      2. See 1 but if he is eligible then yes.
      3. I dont understand the question. For a business in a partnership, only one partner can be eligible and the partner can not be an employee. If the partner was an employee, then it will depend on whether the business meets the decline in turnover requirements etc.
      4. Depends. If you were eligible, the business would receive $1,500 which get passed to you (albeit the accounting firm would be required to pay you first before getting the $1,500 from the ATO)
      • +1

        Working only weekends will count if it's regular for a period of 12 months. There's no minimum amount it just has to show they could be expected to be working if COVID-19 didn't hit.

      • 1) 17 years old, nearly 18. So long as he has worked roughly the same number of hours each week for 12 months, I would argue that is systematic? Unless there is a minimum hours worked per week requirement?

        3) I am not an accountant, so might have phrased that poorly. The point I am making is you could be an individual who still has a job, or business, that is trading profitably and despite the current reduction in turnover, you are on track to personally earn significant income this year (either directly as an employee of the entity, or through your share of partnership or trust earnings). This person would never normally qualify for government payments, but does qualify for JobKeeper. This personal is benefiting from Job Keeper because they are not earning as much as they would have had COVID19 not come about, not because they aren't earning anything at all. This seems odd to me.

        4) Sounds like there could be a lot of professionals, lawyers, accountants etc on JobKeeper soon then. I believe the big 4 have all gone for some sort of pay reduction. Similar to scenario 3, this seems out of sync with the problems that JobKeeper was implemented to solve.

        Maybe a simpler way to phrase my entire question: Do you think JobKeeper is going to where it is needed most? Or are a lot of other people benefiting greatly along the way?

        • With 3) and you generally can't get JobKeeper through an employer if you have your own business. And you can't get it through a casual employer if you have a permanent employer, so that prevents most people that still have unaffected jobs from being eligible.

          4) It's irrelevant how much the employees pay has decreased, the employer gets the payment if the employer's business has suffered the required loss in revenue. If the employee is required to work reduced hours as a result of the downturn they will still be getting paid less, and the business employing them will have that reduced amount subsidized. JobKeeper is designed to help businesses and keep people out of Centrelink.

          There's definitely going to be some people benefiting who don't require it, even though it's not that simple of a system, it's way simpler than it would need to be to avoid that. Broadly it's going to meet the objective of keeping the official unemployment rate lower than otherwise expected and taking some of the load off Centrelink while saving a lot of businesses from having to completely rehire from scratch when they reopen.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: This here is the key. In most cases, JobKeeper is actually a wage subsidy for the employer, not an additional payment to the employee. It is just easier if you think of it that way.

            Most of the time, eligible companies can use this to subsidise their wage bill instead of firing people. The changes to the Fair Work Act also allow them to cha get people's hours and whatnot.

            A 30% reduction in turnover for most businesses is massive and would normally be leading to redundancies. The goal here seems to be to have employers just reduce hours to the point activity matches the wage bill they need to find, so that when activity levels resume they still have a workforce. If we get to the end of JobKeeper and the economy is still crap, there will probably be redundancies to follow anyway.

  • So our Businesses march earnings were significantly higher than March last year but now ( in April) we are starting to see a decline due to covid closures on materials and less work being available. Would we still qualify if April is down by 30% and not March ? Also, if when we check at the end of April and we don’t quite meet the 30% loss but expect to well and truly meet it in may then are we still eligible if we show projected earnings for may? I’m finding it all very confusing!

    • You can compare the 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020 quarter projected turnover to the 1 April 2019 to 30 June 2019 turnover.

      If you project that the 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020 quarter will be less than 30% than the 1 April 2019 to 30 June 2019 quarter, then you may be eligible (provided other tests are met).

  • Merged from Employer Terminated Me despite I Am Eligible for JobKeeper


    I got a call from my part time employer that I am terminated. They have applied for Jobkeeper and asked only selective employee to fill the form for Jobkeeper. Few of us got terminated. The reason he provided is that he is not sure if he will have a job for me though everything goes back to normal.

    I find it ridiculous as he could at least keep me in books until I can get Jobkeeper from government. Basically, he does not have to pay from his pocket so I find it ridiculous despite I worked really hard when I was working for him. Wondering why one would do this in a crisis situation when it is the right time to support your employees.

    I got one week pay for termination.

    Is there I can do anything about this? I am thinking the reason that he provided for termination is not good enough for termination. Never been into this situation.

    P.S. My full time job is not applying for Jobkeeper as they are not eligible. Thanks that I still have that job.


    • casual?

      were you employed by them at 1 March 2020? When was your last shift?

    • +6

      Have a chat to your employer about this:…

      The ATO has released a clarification that if an employer is to access JobKeeper they must provide it to all their employees. They cannot pick and choose, and only the employee can reject it if they wish.

      • +16

        If they have been terminated they are not an employee anymore though.

      • +1

        Someone who has been made redundant and paid a redundancy is not an employee and thus not eligible.

    • he could atleast keep me in books until i can get job keeper from government.

      This sounds unlawful.

    • +6

      Maybe the company doesn't have funds upfront

    • +12

      Thought you could only get Jobkeeper from your primary employer? You stated that you still have your full time role. Why would you get Job Keeper for a part time role?

      • -7

        That applies only to casual not parttimer. I can pick who i want.

        • +12

          If your in a permanent position (i.e. Full time or Part Time) then you must go with them for JobKeeper.

          If your fulltime job isn't applying for JobKeeper you cannot apply elsewhere - that is the law or the land.

          If you are a long-term casual employee for one employer, and are also employed in a permanent position, you can only nominate your permanent employer. You cannot nominate your casual employer, even if your permanent employer does not qualify or elects not to participate in the JobKeeper scheme.


        • +9

          If you've been a part-time employee for less than a year the notice period is one week.
          As long as the employer hasn't breached a discrimination act to fire you, what they've done is completely legit.

          Second, if you're not collecting jobkeeper for your primary job, why would you claim it for your secondary?
          I get you're taking a hit by being let go but jobkeeper is intended to keep people in their job, not keep up their lifestyle.

          As per the ATO, where a person has two jobs, they can only claim JobKeeper for the full-time job. The ATO makes no mention of someone who's fulltime with a part-time second job it means they've most likely grouped it with casual.

          Third, the payment is a fixed amount of $750/week. I'd be surprised if your part-time job was paying you $750/wk after tax. If you want the payment because it's more than you get paid normally, (profanity) you.

          Fourth, pull your head in. You've still got a job while millions of others don't. You wouldn't be entitled to the payment under the spirit of the law so put on your big boy pants and suck it up, Sunshine

            • +16

              @Mentallysick: True colours shown here, what a spiteful entitled person.

            • +7

              @Mentallysick: many of us have been working hard and paying our fair share of tax. If we all jumped on the welfare bandwagon, where would the country be?

            • +6

              @Mentallysick: Dont want money to be given for free to people but here you thinking youre entitled to free money. Go figure.

            • @Mentallysick: Look. You still got a job and that's what matters right?

            • +1

              @Mentallysick: How about I don't want my tax dollars to be used to support greedy people who take money they don't need for something other than its intended purpose, making you a considerably worse sort of person than those living in poverty because they can't or don't want to get a job.

              At least almost everyone collecting unemployment is either trying to get a job, raising kids a single parent, disabled or suffering from a mental health disorder, diagnosed or otherwise.

              What's your excuse?
              "I just want free money because I'm entitled"

              Tell your story walking.

    • Gonna play devils advocate here:

      As the employer has to carry the cost of JobKeeper - perhaps he could only carry some, not all?

      The question will be whether you were lawfully terminated - speak to Fair Work re: this and then the rest will intertwine in

      • +2

        As long as the employer hasn't breached a discrimination act or equivalent to fire him, it's legit.

    • +6

      p.s my fulltime job is not applying for jobkeeper as they are not eligible. Thanks that i still have that job.

      So you have a full-time and part-time job? Maybe the part-time employer didn't want to keep you on the books because of your availability? Maybe they were looking for a reason to get rid of you? Maybe you were really a casual employee like before?

        • +27

          So you work full time still. But also expected to get JobKeeper from your part time employer? Lol.

            • +1

              @Mentallysick: So are many others!

              If you loathe the situation we are all having right now then take it to the ballot box next time you have a chance to vent.

              But there are others who are either in the same boat or even worse situation than yours.

        • +3

          Why did you not let us know you changed to part time? You've kept us updated on most other things.

      • +1

        Beat me to it. But they're also a business owner ;)

        • Saw that ;)

    • +33

      Exactly, so you have a full time job and you want the taxpayers to give you $1500 a fortnight when you are likely to be way under that in your part time job??

      Are you out of your f'n mind?

      • -7

        Hey i am a tax payer as well. Do not think that i get away with tax.

        • +11

          Just because you are a 'taxpayer', it doesn't mean you can go and claim benefits you are no eligible for.

          I shouldn't need to tell a Homo Sapien this.

        • What a fuss lol you go job keeper if not go for job seeker either way you will target tax payer money, so time to claim then bragging about it. Either way job keeper and job seeker have not that huge gap now.

          • +2

            @Zonty: He can't get jobseeker as he still has a full time job. He's get Jobkeeper on top of his main job.

    • +5

      The title is not correct. You still have a full-time job so you are NOT eligible for the job keeper. The end.

      You are eligible for the payment if you have been with your employer for 12 months at 1 March 2020 on a
      regular and systematic basis. Apart from this, casual employees are not eligible for the JobKeeper Payment.
      You are only eligible for the JobKeeper Payment as a casual employee if you are not a permanent employee
      of any other employer.


      • My Friend as mentioned above, i am not casual. i am part time.

        • Do you write hours in time sheet or fix shift with allocated hours? That determines you casual or not. I believe you think part time but real you might not.

        • Part time is considered to be a permanent employee, it is employment of a ongoing non-casual basis.

          Your not eligible, it is what it is.

    • +11

      I can't believe you are expecting to be paid Jobkeeper for a second job if you already have a full time job. Is this a troll?

      • +16

        Nah just entitled.

      • why not? prove it i cannot.

        • +1

          Because you have to fill out a self deceleration form on which providing false information is considered a criminal offence… roll the dice ! see how it turns out for you lol

          • +1

            @Lichen6420: The form only asks if you have already claimed jobkeeper from another job, it doesn't ask what job that is, or if you have any other jobs/incomes.

            • -1

              @dizzle: Lifesaver mate.

            • @dizzle: That's a fairly significant oversight.

              • +1

                @BinaryPirate: Agreed, however I think they have removed steps to allow more people to receive a payment quickly, rather than being more thorough and needy people missing out (same with the Jobseeker applications).

                I would hope there will be checks afterwards to ensure people that were not entitled have to pay it back. If so I think more small businesses will be stung than employees.

    • +7

      So let me get this straight… You have a full time job, a part time job and a business?

      And a casual job working 32 hours a week?

      • i now am a part timer in that casual job.

    • +1

      If you still have a job and want extra money, just claim jobseeker while staying employed. Either way you're committing fraud.

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