I see benefits provided to employee only due to coronavirus. What are the benefits that is provided to the employer.
Only Rent which we need to talk to lanlords? any other ? so i can take benefit.
Thank you
I see benefits provided to employee only due to coronavirus. What are the benefits that is provided to the employer.
Only Rent which we need to talk to lanlords? any other ? so i can take benefit.
Thank you
My company tells us that we are not eligible for Job Keeper, but have already taken away close to 50% of our pay with no reason by making us work 3 days a week and removing vehicle allowances which is about 18% of our package!
There is some serious concerns that they are just getting the govt to pay the $1500 without informing us and dont pay us anything more.
My wife's English language school has taken away classes from (non resident) teachers to give it to teachers who are permanent residents/citizens (with no paycuts) to ensure their salaries are covered by the $1500 grant! Teachers who are non residents are given minimal hours to teach and have been forced to take a 20% pay cut. So the employer is really only paying the teachers who are non residents at reduced rates for no reason! Everyone else is covered by the $1500 grant.
Almost impossible with STP as the government knows how much they are paying you. Unless you're taking home more than $750 a week with the 50% reduction taken into account, in which case I don't think they actually have to pay you any more over and above?
I am trying to read as much as possible about the Job Keeper programme from an employee's perspective to understand a bit more!
My issue is when my employer (with over 500+ employees & not a public listed company) forces us to take a pay cut and tells us that we are not eligible for Job Keeper.
@aspirepranesh: If they were eligible I see no reason why they wouldn't get $750 for free to pay their employees.
@Soluble: I agree with you! Over the last 2 weeks, including today, we have been told that we are not eligible whilst asking us to take a pay cut which does not make sense.
@aspirepranesh: Can't see why they wouldn't tell you, it's relatively easy to see.
Payment above the $750 p/w gross seems to be optional along with the applicable super commitments.
Almost impossible
Guarantee it's not going to stop some employers from trying.
Could see some creative accounting in the near future….
But if your business is closed, you dont need to pay them anyway.
Good time that everyone will be on annuals and staying home with their own money.
If your business is closed you have no business looking for handouts to keep it running
Providing benefits to employers (trickle down economics) doesn't stimulate the economy as efficiently and is generally a waste of money and resources.
People I work with on 12 hours a week are earning as much as I do on 36 hours a week now.
I see benefits for people who are unemployed and not working much, benefits for employers being able to pay their staff but not much benefit or incentive to work for people in my position
Yes fkn retarded
And if their hours raised they can complain
Yup, seen it happen.
"I can't work more hours, this is the most I can do, sorry."
What are the benefits that is provided to the employer.
Umm, not sure what rock you've been hiding under … google "Small business cashflow incentives". That should get you started on the federal initiatives.
Then have a look at what your state is offering.
wow the 3rd one how did i miss it.
Is it not listed in forum. i read all posts of forum but i havenot seen this one.
is it posted in different tab?
Thank you
100% of your employees payG back for the next 2 bas statements
$750pw of your employee wages paid if your revenue has dropped by more than 30%
Instant asset write-off increased to 150k which is pretty nifty if you feel like buying a new something :D
If you're not eligible for one or both of them then I don't know why you'd need any other assistance?
Also troll much? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/477305
100% of your employees payG back for the next 2 bas statements
*3 bas statements
Didn't want to go into too much detail for a clear troll post! 3rd one is not based off the payG for that quarter but off the the previous quarters.
I think you should’ve linked every single post the op has made, since its all pure troll or “I want to buy xxx, find me the best price”.
dont say like that pls la
They get employee wages paid and lower rents
Um the 750 a week to pay your employee
I know right. op is acting like the $750 is only benefiting the employees, but wages is the employers responsibility, not the governments.
I know for a fact the owner of a local cafe is earning the most she has been in years because she doesn’t need to pay wages anymore, even with the decline in sales.
Exactly this. There are businesses scrambling to get their laid off, stood down or sacked workers back on the books. They have free employees for 19-28 hours a week for 6 months! They'll profit from 6 months of free employees. Then close the doors again anyways :(
Jeez, I had a look at your previous posts and it seems like you barely do your research.
I am sorry. i do alot of research but i find it too hard to understand when i read + i am not computer savy.
People who do a lot of research don't ask a million questions like you do like how to sell on Gumtree, because they would have already found the answer. Don't lie and say you do a lot of research, because as others have pointed out, your comments and posting history say otherwise. You can buy house and land, but you can't figure out how to sell stuff on Gumtree? Are you serious? Do you not know how to use Google?
wth i never asked how to sell stuff on gumtree. you must be kidding right
@Mentallysick: My mistake, it was Amazon
My comment still stands however. Do you even know how to research properly? Just look at your post history.
@Mentallysick: Your literacy seems fine; it's just that you seem to prefer to be spoonfed rather than doing any research yourself, and when you constantly ask for help, it gets on everyone's nerves as it seems you don't help yourself
Getting most of your wages bill paid for is pretty good already