First post!
Was looking for a bike helmet and came across this for $19.98 - cheapest anywhere else is $49.95.
Delivery is $9.95 within Australia ($11.14 to WA). I don't think this increases with multiple items, but don't quote me on that!
If you decide to go for another product from this store - don't forget to check out their eBay page where they have free delivery on most products (this particular item was $49.95 on eBay).
Enjoy riding!
Edit: Just looking through their website. The image is Satin Blue - but description comes up as Satin Black. Not sure what I will receive but happy regardless.
The site does have another link for Satin Black which is coming up at $49.95 + delivery - so potentially site/price error
Postage is $11.14 to WA