This was posted 4 years 10 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS, XB1, PC] Streets of Rage 4 Coming to Xbox Game Pass Day 1 of Release


As reported by IGN

Streets of Rage 4, the long-awaited sequel to the classic side-scrolling beat-'em-up series, will be released on April 30 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. It will cost $24.99 USD (UK and AU prices not available at time of writing), and will also launch straight onto Xbox Game Pass.

Official trailer

Note: Confirmed for both Console and PC Game Pass users.

Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their front page customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus are considered additions to subscription services.

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closed Comments

  • +3


  • +3


    • Hey, we ain't that old!

      Grand uppa!

  • Brilliant!

  • +3

    Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their front page customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus are considered additions to subscription services.

    Great addition, that'll keep the whiners out for a while.

    • +1

      Haha I found one 😂

    • admins could remove the posts by default and people will still somehow complain

  • That's really awesome. This really adds value to the GamePass giving subscribers first day access to some games. They should do more as long as it's not AAA titles.

    • +2

      Everything from an MS owned studio goes into GamePass on day 1 already.

  • I like

  • Can’t wait!!!!

  • Awesome! Cannot wait! For those that prefer a physical copy of the game on either PS4 or Switch they can preorder from
    Prices are in USD and with the current exchange rate it will be pretty pricey.
    if you do decide to order through these guys prepare to wait

  • -2

    no negs yet? soooooooooo surprising.

  • I was possibly the biggest streets of rage fan ever. I was a massive Sega kid.

    I think I even once spend like a whole 2 hours on a Streets of Rage arcade machine in one of those unlimited timezone sessions back in the early 90s.

    I definitely spend alot of time playing the Turtles game which was another side scrolling beat em up.

    But to be honest I feel this genre has had its day even as a retro revival.

    With the awesome combat mechanics in games like Batman, God of War and Devil may cry, along with the 3d worlds that they are in essence the same idea but they just crap all over the old style.

    • +1

      Nothing will crap over the old style games. Thats your opinion. Double Dragon 2 The Revenge on the NES is still the best beat'em up game of all time. I load Double Dragon 2 on Retroarch just to look at the title screen and listen to the intro. Maybe play the first level. Batman, Devil May Cry, God of War are great games today but no game will top Double Dragon 2 The Revenge!!

      • +1

        Did you ever play The Simpsons side scroll beat em up?

        It was damn fun. 4p coop beater

        • Yep I played that one alot at timezone back in the day. I think they released it on SNES much later but it was a bit of a pared back version.

          • @Wallyt99: No, they did port the game to C64 and DOS but not SNES or even Mega Drive:


            Pity. I would have been keen to see this in the Mega Drive back in the day.

        • There's a Megadrive ROM hack of Streets of Rage 2, that replaces the standard characters with those from The Simpsons Arcade Game.

    • I'm inclined to agree - this style of game was pretty much my favourite growing up, whether it was Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Final Fight, Shadow Warriors (aka Ninja Gaiden), Ninja Turtles etc etc.

      I have played a few of these in recent times (I bought the Capcom beat em up bundle as well as Double Dragon Neon), and while they're fun for a quick bash, I never really went back to any of them more than 2 or 3 times. They just don't hold my interest the way they used to.

  • So stoked on this, been waiting eagerly since announcement forever ago, and then I found out last night I don't even have to pay for it? I would have preferred on Switch but quote unquote free is best.

    Honestly I've saved money overall on my Game Pass on just the few things I would have otherwise bought day one, My Friend Pedro, this, Goose Game, Supermarket Shriek, Forza Horizon 4, and the next Halo and shit, I've already come out ahead. Love that Game Pass.

  • +3

    Alrighty! Cant wait to play it with my kids 3 players!( 4 player multiplayer)

  • I'll definitely try it out but this is not my type of game and it doesn't really look fun. But people are hyped so maybe i'll enjoy it.

    • Find some people online and play together. Its more fun than going it alone

  • +5

    The only way I could like Gamepass more is if the games never left.

    • I know right i love it too. There is one problem i've found tho, i feel legitimate game anxiety cos there are so many to choose from and when a new 5 just get added i feel like i have to play 'em all haha. I've never felt anxiety from having so many game choices till Game Pass before. God the days of playing one game for scores of hours feels like a long time ago now, thankfully.

    • +1

      I think with the merger of gamepass and live with the PC one for such a low price at some point in the life of the X series X we'll see a new premium tier gamepass product with a MUCH bugger library.

    • Some leave for better replacements like Football Manager 2019 leaving and being replaced with Football Manager 2020 :)

      I just focus on one popular new release at a time. I was playing GTA5 when it got added to Gamepass for Xbox and now I play NBA 2K20.

      On PC, I enjoyed beating The Outer Worlds with my Xbox One controller.
      The only game I started on PC that got removed before finishing was Thimbleweed Park, and, even then, I've watched someone's playthrough on Twitch so I know how it ends.

  • One of the games I spent a long time trying to finish on the hardest setting…

    So awesome!!!!
    I have been thrashing Streets of Rage 1,2,3 and Remake for the last few months waiting for 4.
    Now that Last of Us 2 got delayed. most likely Halo Infinite and games like that will follow.
    Streets of Rage 4 is my most anticipated game of 2020.
    Streets of Rage 2 is my fav retro game of all time. For the shire fact over the years. I always seem to come back to it year after year.
    This is Massive news for Xbox and PC Gamepass fans. I was going to buy for Xbox X at launch anyway. Now I don't need too.

    One thing would be great? If this game has crossplay? As I might buy this for PS4 or Switch to play with my friends if they don't have it.

    • There is an edit window? Annoying

  • +2

    It's a pity this doesn't have 4 player online co-op… just 2 players online and 4 players local. In the age of social distancing, 4 players online would have been great.

    Apart from that, the inclusion of unlockable retro characters and the old SOR1 and 2 soundtracks elevated this to a must buy for me.

    • +1

      Yeah, strange 4 player online co-op wasn't added from the get-go. it's a no brainer for fans. Not like the internet is hard to come by?

  • PC Game Pass too?

    • Yes!

  • +2

    Streets of Rage 4 will be available to download and play at 9am GMT on April 30, 2020 on Steam and Nintendo Switch (EU).

    On Xbox One, Streets of Rage will go live at 10am local time, and that should mean on Xbox Game Pass too.

    So UK 10am is our Sydney 7pm…..can't wait~~~~!

    • Excited!!!

    • Well I’m still waiting

      • +1

        I just finished the game on normal one player lol

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