This was posted 13 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kogan - Amazing Prices on DSLRs - Canon EOS 600D + Lens $709, EOS 550D Body Only $559 + Postage


Kogan started selling other brands.
Amazing prices on DSLRs

Canon EOS 600D DSLR Camera Lens Kit with EF-S 18-55mm IS Lens - $709
EOS 550D Body Only - $559
Nikon D3100 DSLR (Single 'VR' kit), 1 year Australian warranty - $489 + shipping - Thanks Musti
Nikon D5100 DSLR Camera Lens Kit with AF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 G VR Lens $729 + 49 postage = $778
Thanks linkyou

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closed Comments

  • Bloddy Nikon D3100 price is awesome. I paid $200 more last month and still grey import.…

  • I think they are using some local droppshipers to clear some left over stocks. But the price is good!

  • I'm a beginner, should I get 550D or D3100, any advises?

    • The 550d that I bought is my first dslr, I am very happy with it

    • I purchased D3100 and I am happy with it. There are lots of sites which offer comparision there are pros and cons in both camera's so you will need to decide what you think is better. one example is 550d has inbuilt focusing motor. while D3100 lacks that and depends on the motor in lense. with D3100 the lense should have focusing motor if you want auto focus. D3100 has got constant auto focus during video recording, hence I went with Nikon D3100.

      • -5

        sorry NO CANON DSLR has an inbuilt focusing motor. in fact it is the ONLY DSLR brand without ANY model with a body motor.
        get your facts straight

    • -1

      D3100 has better AF speed and accuracy.
      D3100 has cross points to f5.6, 550D has cross points only with f2.8.
      Canon EF-S lenses don't come with hoods.
      Canon doesn't support HSS without TTL.
      Nikon has better and more accurate wireless flash system.
      in general, Nikon if ur getting a camera to take photos, Canon if ur getting a camera to take video.

      • +3

        specs are only good if you can use it properly

        • Completely agree with this statement.

      • I thought Canon 600D is better than Nikon D5100. However this site says that Nikon D5100 is superior than Canon 600D. On this sale Canon 600D price is also higher than Nikon one. What can you camera experts say on this?? I am still waiting to decide on my first DSLR. So please add your 2 cents to help me making the decision.
        Does anybody know when this sale ends at Kogan?

    • -1

      Can't tell if you're genuine or just trolling. Your question is basically Canon vs Nikon. That'll sure fire up the fanboys on both camps.

  • Great price for the 60D body only too! $839+postage. SO tempted to replace my ageing 10D's.

  • +2

    The prices look great, but can we confirm that it is Australian stock rather than imported?
    Yes, it says a 12month Australia-wide warranty, but it doesn't specifically say that it is through Canon. Could be imported stock with a aftermarket repair network in Australia?

    • almost guaranteed imported stock

      • or it could be staff stock. staff get Canon at 40-50% off rrp, 6 items/yr. all my Canon friends got their stuff off friends working there.

        • +1

          Damn, I so need to make friend with Canon employees.

        • yeh, becaus that's a sustainable business model

        • +1

          Your figures are a little bit off, and you should never see staff purchased goods made available for sale…unless that employee wishes to lose their employment. Staff purchase is only for immediate family, and a sackable offence if the employee tries to resell in this manner.

    • +4

      according to Kogan Sales, it's supplied from their 'Hong Kong' branch, and warranty is handled in house within Australia.

      So yes, it's a grey/parallel import.

      • Does that mean they also have the manual in Japanese but not in English. Citiwide prices are better but shipped from HongKong. One problem is that they come with a Japanese manual. Does anybody know about the manuals in these stocks? For a beginner like me the manual is more important than the camera :D

        • I contacted them and they said that the manuals are in English. Further I was told that the warranty claims are handled in Australia through their Melbourne office and that the warranty covers parts, service and freight for faulty items.

        • Manual is in multiple languages, its the standard one they have for their products. Yes it has english.

  • -7

    Dupe… you're taking credit for Mr_P's post. He didn't include cameras in his listing but they are included in the 'new products' listed.

  • +1

    Bit sneaky in that they have NO warranty info other than offering to extend it. Nothing about how to get warranty service etc. If the prices are better than Ebay, its worth a punt though. Their warranty service is probably the same as the Ebay shops with a "local" contact point. They will just ship it off overseas to be fixed/replaced.

  • +1

    Gah, 600D or 5100, I can't decide.

    The 600D if its grey should say KISS whatever shouldn't it? It doesn't say that anywhere on the site.

    • no KISS is only for Jp stock. other asian stock will say 600D

  • Gave them a call and they said that they will replace the faulty one. No fixing kind of things. Would be good if its true, but not sure whether there are any terms and conditions behind

    • If they can point to a webpage of T&Cs, then great. I don't trust what some phone jockey tells you, when there's nothing to backup your claim if something did go wrong :(

        • Yeah, that says repair or replace - not simply replace which is what they told over the phone. So you get told replace, but when you argue they will tell you they can repair if they want to….

        • They probably have a warranty contract with the manufacturer. So you ship it to them and they send it to the manufacturer for repair. It could take a while.

  • +1

    Anyone knows Kogan's HK branch details? URL,… etc

  • Really good price on the D3100 - I'm buying two of them as xmas gifts

    Regarding warranty, I'm assuming it goes through Kogan not Canon given the price

    • It's the same price as any other grey importer. However, you do get 'Australian Warranty'.

      • I'm trying to find out their warranty process on Kogan's website and it's a mess. Can anyone advise what the warranty process is if you have issues with your device?

        • I've got no idea about Kogan's warranty. I assume they have a shopfront in Australia somewhere and you can post your item there.

        • +1

          Warranty is directly through Kogan HK. Their warranty terms specify it will probably be sent back to HK. 5 bucks says if you booked it in with the manufacturer they would check the serial and refuse to touch it.

          Also certain terms Kogan imply are NOT legal.

          "If Kogan is unable to repair or replace the Product, the customer will be provided with credit for Kogan's store or maybe refunded the price of the Product (at Kogan's election). This credit or refund will be for the amount of the purchase price of the Product excluding the associated Delivery Cost. "

          "or maybe refunded" Thats not what the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 states! In a major fault the CUSTOMER chooses, repair, replace or refund.

        • Do remember that if the transaction is made with 'Kogan Hong Kong' then provisions under the ACL do not apply.

      • Do other importers make you send it back to them overseas (usually in HK)? I haven't had a look but I think this is a bargain even if the warranty is not from Nikon. As long as I don't need to send it back overseas.

    • Woops I meant Nikon. (Can't edit my post)

  • +2

    Aren't these the same type of prices as DWI and Citiwide?

    • +1

      Yep, same price with shipping. It's a bit misleading that they are comparing it with the price of Australian stock.

      • +5

        Kogan will advertise anyway they can to get the sales. Just like when they had the Android tablet with all the hi-end specs….and kept downgrading the specs before it was released/on sale until it was the same as the normal rubbish yumcha China specials.

        • -1

          Well, but you always check the specs before buying don't you, so no need to buy if spec is not good enough. Reselling other brands products is diff story, they can't downgrad the specs of ipad before selling them, what worries you in this aspect?

        • +3

          Maybe the OP should add that these are grey imports?

        • +4

          skytree - the point was they opened it up for preorder with amazing specs which were NEVER going to be on the final product, then downgraded and downgraded until the product was pretty much junk. But in the meantime they got tons of preorders and traffic to their site. The same way they are comparing to Harvey Norman's prices for products which are not sourced from the same source. Not a direct comparison no matter how much we all hate HN.

        • +1

          Agree to this, no comparision to local price. I wonder how apple/Nikon think of these products as a "grep import" or not…

    • +1

      I don't see what people are so excited about. I suppose Kogan's warranty is amazing.

    • I've just had a look and DWI does have a local warranty agent in Australia (NSW). They also ship incredibly fast (ordered last night and shipped today, should get it tomorrow or Friday). I think the fact that Kogan compares the cameras with Australian stock might make some people believe that these are Australian stock.

      It is a good price (compared to Australian prices) but it is no different to any other grey import.

  • +1

    Just called Kogan,

    Postage was 34 $ to Melbourne and its per piece, so if you buy 2 cameras you pay postage twice.

    Still a good deal imho, just wanted to add this info here.

    • They will ship them separately to stay under the $1000 GST barrier too

      • Hmm, interesting ,

        I thought the GST exemption was only for items bought from overseas ?
        Aren't these being shipped from within Aus ?

        Sorry Got it shipped from HK .

  • Nvm

  • Which camera would you guys recommend for a beginner. Just portrait shots at party's and functions.

    • Quite honestly any of them will do the job just fine. It's a personal preference really. I use Canon personally, but for most hobbyists, it's more things like the feel of the camera in their hands, how intuitive the buttons are for them etc. End result is going to pretty much be the same. Don't worry about megapixels as any DSLR these days goes higher than 99.5% of what people will ever print.

    • Nikon D5100, great value for the money. D7000 if they have it and you're willing to pay $400-$500 extra is the ultimate choice for any DSLR below the Professional level (talking about $8,000 for body only).

    • I would buy the cheapest camera ($399) without the cheap kit lens and then buy the best lens you can afford. The lens would make a bigger difference than the body. Check out

      • +1 for this
        Lens will make far more impact than the body. Get the biggest aperture (lowest f-number) you can afford for indoors and portrait work. Oh, and a decent flash, one you can bounce.

        • Yeah, a good flash is important. Bounce means a flash that bends in the middle and can be aimed at the ceiling at about 60 degrees, depending on : ceiling height, camera to subject distance and if you want to light up the background say in a large hall.

  • WOW realise their ipad2 are cheap too! are their stocks import?

  • -1

    The D3100 is dirt cheap.

    Just bought a D90 last week! Although it is in a different class altogether.

  • Has anyone used?:

    Their prices seem to be cheaper and they work the same way (i.e. ship from Hong Kong)

    • Actually forget about this! The delivery cost is over 100 bucks to send to me in Melbourne, so pushes the price way over Kogan's pricing!

    • I've used them before. They're good. They are run by the same people that run DWI (who have both been around for ages and are well known.)

      TBH, eglobal prices have rocketed up the last few months, it makes buying from DWI cheaper in some circumstances.

      See whirlpool thread:

      and wiki:

      • +1 for dwi, I just bought a new compact (Lumix ZS10/TZ20) and it cost me $305 delivered including insurance and a soft case. $499 on Harvey Norman etc! Ordered Sun night, arrived today by Fedex.

        I used my credit card to make the purchse… will keep an eye on the bill as the whirlpool thread mentions that fraud has been reported. I'm sure this is a rare occurrence though as I get the impression they ship a lot of stock.

      • See this from citiwide. They also ship from HK and price is cheaper than Kogan even if you add shipping.…

  • +2

    They'll happily take your orders and then cancel it saying that they oversold!!

    This is what happened to me last week when I ordered a 32" LED for $328.


    Cheaper price for the 550D saving around $20

  • I've never bought from Kogan, nor have I ever heard of them. Has anyone purchased anything from them before? Their prices seem just a little TOO good, so some feedback would be appreciated.

    • +2

      They're fine. Been around for ages. Shop with confidence.

      • Thanks - that Canon EOS 600D looks awfully tempting…

    • i have bought two of the dab+/internet/ipod radios for me - awesome… get my Melbourne SEN footy fix over here in Perth (…) Would highly recommend :-) Kept me sane whilst bedridden with a knacked back for 7 weeks.

      I have also purchased 2 of the dv cameras for school. cheap to buy, not bad quality pic, but image stabilisation is not great, and having a bugger of a time getting software to edit it, as most cannot seem to read the files, although they 'seem' to be standard avi. Tried Windows Movie Maker (the new Live one) Adobe Premiere Elements, Pinnacle 14 and 15, ended up with Corel Video Studio Pro as the only one to work. This was REALLY annoying… Also found that the sound is very quiet, and the zoom is way too fast. Would not recommend :-(

    • Purchased , it was perfect for me. No dodgy stuff.

  • +2

    Mr Norman will be displeased :)

  • the 600d link doesnt work

    • Had some trouble navigating the site, too. Finally managed to buy a 600d, so I can confirm it works… it's just been Ozbargained.

  • Just bought a d5100. Pretty much an impulse buy. Hope i won't regret.

    • You will if you don't use it.

  • I thought APPLE doesn't allow retailers to sell extended warranty.
    You have to buy APPLE CARE on ipads 1yr to 2yr only.
    JB & Harveys are under VERY stict conditions in selling apple products - no extended warranty is one of them!
    Must grey imports - Does that mean Apple Australia is involved in anti-competive dealings if local resellers are forced to only sell apple care but Kogan can sell any warranty.

    I wonder who repairs the iPads sold thru Kogan?

    • great question

    • All ipads have international Apple warranty no matter who sells them.

  • Good job. They need to sell higher end SLRs and lenses to make the local market more competitive.

  • well.. it seems Kogan is charging extra $5 for shipping now. Now it's $39 for me. It was 34 before.

  • I just ordered a Nikon D5100. I was reading reviews on both D5100 and Canon 600D from last Thursday and was unable to make my decision till now as they both come head to head in comparison.
    By the time I compare models and make my decision in these 3 days, Kogan bumped up the delivery by (15%) $5 just today. hmmm… I still ordered anyway. But it's not a bargain anymore.. Guys who paid $34 for delivery got the bargain. ;)
    Citiwide online prices are still cheaper. But I hope Kogan will have better warranty as they say that it's an Australian warranty.

    • I've been umm-ing and ahh-ing over those two as well. Like you say it all comes down to warranty, which is a bit of an unknown quantity with DSLRs and kogan right now.

      I tried that kogan coupon code that was posted, and a few more I found online, but none worked. So no sale to me as of yet.

      • Hi Stumo, I think the vouchers wont work becuase they are for " Kogan Australia" need to find vouchers for Kogan HK. also it is unlikely they will provided discount…check whirlpool there is a thread where they identified the HK importer which Kogan has a acocunt with. If this is true, then i dont think they will undercut they price as they pretty much dont make a lot of these dslrs.

    • +1

      citiwide price is cheaper…………….until you add on $100 postage they charge at the very last step of checkout.

      • true.. but then on the other side, with citiwide you can add all the accessories you need for the camera and ship them at once, you still pay the same shipping.
        I am now having that problem.. I ordered D5100 from Kogan, but I still want to buy a good SDHC card and a flasher. I have to find some other place to buy them and pay for shipping again. If you want to buy a better lense, still the same deal.

        • Yeah, I can see your point of convenience and maybe slightly cheaper postage. However as this is my first dslr, I would like to buy accessories as I get better. It gives me more time to do research on possibly better equipment on forums as well as advice from professionals. I also think about lot of the accessories can be had for a lot cheaper on ebay if you look around. My opinion anyway. There is a sdhc card on sale from Zazz atm on OzBargain… Class 10 or another recent sale of sandisk cards as well :)

  • I bought a d5100 on thursday and received it this morning. I paid $16.70 for postage (to postcode 2000) but when I checked today it asked $39. I guess I was lucky.

    It comes with a cheap aussie power plug adaptor that is not strong enough to hold the battery charger in vertical position. Other than that no problems.

  • So is the D5100 a good price after shipping cost compared to buying overseas online?

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