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CDKEY Warehouse Checkout with Alertpay for 5% off Any Game!


Checkout with Alertpay to receive 5% off every game!

When checking out simply use the Coupon Code "alertpay" to receive 5% off your order!

Must checkout with Alertpay or your order will be declined.

Latest games discounted using the coupon:

Dead Island

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
$33 AUD

$30 AUD

Any questions just contacted live support or send us a email!


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CDKey Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +1

    Regarding Dead Island:

    Is that a Russian or local Australasian version? Can Australian Steam users activate it without having to use a VPN?

  • +1

    This is really cheap for non-Russian keys O.o

  • -1

    massive ripoff price for battlefield 3. thats not even limited edition preorder and its $39.99.
    other sites sell for $25 ish

    • +1

      Price is generic, we will be updating the price closer to release, if the price for LE is cheap enough we will be sending the LE edition to all preorders

      • so basically…anyone who buys now will get screwed cause you'll lower the pricelater
        and we gotta take a gamble that you will give le or not

        …or i can just get the LE cheaper than ur std edition elsewhere guaranteed

  • Anyone had any experience with this site?

  • Grabbed Space Marine from cdkeyshere.com for $24.99US other day, been playing it last few days, so no real bargain on that 1. http://cdkeyshere.com/warhammer-40000-space-marine-cd-key.ht…

  • +1

    WARNING: This site has been caught selling counterfeit windows versions and using pirated E-Commerce software.


    (Some of the text below has been taken from -7-'s post on whirlpool and modified accordingly)

    On another note this site is scamming the end customer and is ripping off software companies which are trying to make their software cheaper in poorer regions. For example, the average wage in China is around $3,000 a year, and in Australia it's $69,000 a year. That's why software is so much cheaper in China.

    If you still want to deal with this company, then don't pat yourself on the back for "buying" your software, since it's half a step BELOW piracy, and in most cases you will get burnt when your key stops working, which it is nearly guaranteed to do at some point.

    • Oh puullleease.. software companies need to stop price fixing.. we have laws in australia that protect us from such bullshit regimes such as these, and its called parallel imports. I have no hesitation whatsoever in buying from key sites because, as far as I'm concerned we need to stop proping up failed business models. Retail distribution is dieing a slow death and I wish it would hurry up.

      If steam wants to have a cry about non-legitimate sources for cd keys they should just stop allowing us to activate copies on steam. No one would buy Steam games for $90 USD, so its in their best interest that they allow activating of cdkeys, irrespective of where you got it from. They need people to use the service. If steam does ban your account, just threaten them that you're going to do a chargeback on all the games you've bought from them.. They'll soon change their tune and give you your account back (yes, i've had this happen and know from experience).

      Edit: for the record, my account was banned due to me using a VPN to bypass bullshit AUD prices. I've purchased at least 50+ cd keys from around the internet and have yet to ever have a problem with a key not working after a period of time. I've had a couple that didn't activate as they were in use, but was either promptly refunded or given a new key.

      • +1

        I do agree with you and I wouldn't want to support the enforcement of some sort of artficial price discrimination either. But after reading some of the allegations from that thread I think I might pass on this one.

        Besides, the million dollar question is: who is msallak1?

        • Well, nobody's ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that criminals tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and msallak1 will get you!"

        • Haha yeah I'd imagine so. I mean how does someone from Libya have the time to browse some foreign bargains site with the revolution going on.

          If I had to guess I'd say that he was the boogeyman, or maybe just some sockpuppet voter.

    • lol tyrx you should apply for a job with these cd key guys, every post they make you are there making warning posts

  • +1

    Not a bargain.

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