• expired

Unlimited nbn 100/20 $79pm No Contract, No Price Changes @ MATE

  • Unlimited data
  • No contract
  • No setup fees
  • No price changes
  • 1 month guarantee
  • Aussie based support
  • $9 more for unlimited local, national, and mobile calls
  • BYO modem or $149 modem
  • Static IP included

NBN finally reached my area so I was looking for the best monthly price on an NBN 100 and phone bundle for the family and found this as the cheapest monthly cost without changes. For $9 more choosing the nbn+home phone option you get unlimited local, national, and mobile calls. Also BYO modem to save more. We are on 30/1 atm and don't really upload large files so 100/40 we wouldn't use the upload. If someone knows of a better deal of 100/40 that can match this then sure why not get it for the same price or cheaper but the only cheaper ones I could find like Tangerine was $75+10 phone for 6 months only, if it was my house maybe I'd be getting the best deal every 6 months like that but it's not.

Saw the older deal but it's 11 months old now.

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Referral: random (79)

Referrer receives $50 bill credit.

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closed Comments

    • +5

      I wrote why, read on :)

        • +24

          Yep, Cheapest without changes. Does this not constitute a deal?

    • +11

      If jv comments weren't insufferable enough, now we have self-isolation jv comments!

      • +7

        JV has been in self-isolation long before COVID19.

  • +9

    I have this. Mate are very good. I used to have 50/20
    Which was still excellent, but for an extra $10
    Double speed and very handy now the whole family is working/studying
    mostly from home

  • +10

    I'm with these guys as well, highly recommend them

    They're local, and I've never had a dropout in service

    • I've had several dropouts in service but Mate have been impeccable with their status and response. They always get back to me asap and follow up.

    • When I was with them I had a dropout that took around 20 minutes to come back online.

  • Isn't this their normal price?

    • +1

      It seems so

      Original post

      Don't know if it still includes a static IP but I will contact them asap

      • +1

        Can you please share your finding here? I am interested as well if they do static IP.

        • +1

          I looked at their contract and it does say you get a static IP, however I’m going to call them this morning to confirm that

          • +6

            @Zythyx: I just got off chat and static ip is included. Also can get 100/40 for $89 but need to call sales team direct, not on the website.

  • +10

    Worth switching from ABB?

    • +4

      Yes, if you care for the price difference. Service levels won’t be different.

      • I went the other way, from Mate to ABB. Mate was responsive, but I moved away because of throughput drops during peak times, and reliability. Don't get me wrong, they're friendly, great customer service etc - but the actual offering was not as good for me.

        My ABB has just gone up after my first 6 months, but I'm going to stay - that's how much better they have been for us.

  • +7

    Do we know who's network they sell?

    • Not sure, contacting them soon during business hours.

    • +1

      Pretty sure they are vocus, I contacted them before and was advised I would have a long outage on switching NBN provider so I switched to Superloop instead.

      • Is vocus good?

        • Depends on your location.

        • In QLD\Brisbane, yes. But it seems to be the only area.

          Vocus were ADAM\aaNet\EfTel, and a bunch of others; Westnet i think?

          Anyway, they're absolutely amazing, and by far the best in terms of ping, uptime and speed in Brisbane and the surrounding suburbs.
          Even back in dialup and then ADSL days, just smashed it (Until PIPE came along, hi Internode, then it was 2nd).

          Apparently in most other states, they're balls and nobody likes them; but I'll let them fill in their opinion rather than speak for them.

          I'm with Tangerine right now, who are AMAZING, but $9 for double my speed is tempting…..

    • Mate resell Vocus.

      • +1

        Thank you, in that case I'M IN!

  • -7

    Any deals on Aussie Broadband's 250/100 NBN offer? I qualify but don't want to pay $180 a month.

    • +1
      • Google says only Aussie offer those speeds on NBN. But if someone has like a hidden iinet deal for half the price for 250/100 that would be swell.

  • +4

    Been with them for 2 years now and never had a problem. Do about 1.5tb of data a month

  • I pay $89 per month with TPG is it worth?

    • your on 100/40? i guess if you dont need the extra 20 upload you can save $10 a month.

    • How’s your speeds? If your happy,I wouldn’t risk it.

  • +2

    Thanks for notice. Swapping my Aussie 100/40 + Circles mobile combo for a 100/20 and mobile mates combo, coming out nearly $30/month ahead.

  • Will i be able to use existing belong modem?

    • I think so. I use a Telstra one

      • My old man is on Telstra NBN (HFC) with a Telstra Gateway modem hooked up to a powerful DLINK wifi router. Could he just switch over to this ? Or will heaps of settings need to be changed etc

        • +1

          The Telstra Gateway modem will need some settings to be reconfigured but not all. This website has info on accessing the modem settings.

        • +1

          Is the D-Link setup as an access point?

          Here are the settings that need changing.

          WAN Protocol: PPPoE
          Credentials: Mate username and password
          MTU: 1492

        • I haven't had to change my NBN-issued ARRIS modem when moving from Telecube, ABB, Superloop etc.

          • @spasto: NBN HFC modem is independent from your ISP. The only time it gets changed is if it's faulty.

            The router WAN settings sometimes need to be changed with different ISPs.

        • I'm a network engineer by trade;

          When questions like this need to be asked; it's usually just best to buy their included modem so it's plug and play.
          Yeah, it's an extra bit of cash, but it's cheap compared to a tech call-out, or a relatives time.

      • I asked mates and they say if modem is unlocked and compatible, it should work. I am not sure how to find if it is unlocked.

        • Belong modems are not locked. You can use it with Mate.

          • +1

            @Twix: Thanks mate.I think i will switch. Belong has been very unreliable off late.

  • +2

    got tired of waiting for NBN
    installed Optus 4g
    instant 90mbps

    • +1

      how is the 4G working now with so much congestion?
      I am with Telstra and its keeps throwing me off 4G and the 3G speeds are just terrible.

      • +2

        all good where I live so far. measured last night after installing it. night and day compared to ADSL

      • If you're in a vodafone coverage area, their 4G solution is by far best. They have a broader spectrum.

    • +2

      What's your postcode ? And which modem are you using ?

      I'm in South Yarra and get anywhere from 20 to 30mbps on Optus 4g

      • -2

        measured 90 last night. South Melbourne. latest modem Huawei that looks like tower from LOTR I think model B818

        I took that offer $68 per month for 500gb of data monthly. only chose it because 5g home wireless wasn't available in my area yet. but I would be jumping on that as soon as it becomes available.

        screw wires. sometimes I wonder why did we as a nation even bother with NBN when future is obviously wireless. but that is my personal opinion

        • screw wires. sometimes I wonder why did we as a nation even bother with NBN when future is obviously wireless. but that is my personal opinion

          Wireless works great, provided it's not congested. If even a quarter of people who are currently wired switched to wireless, the network would be unusable in built-up areas. So people using the NBN makes the good wireless experience possible.

          • @Spam Service: I understand that. I am talking about future, 5g is already dealing with congestion in a way, and I expect technology to advance further.
            present situation from my perspective is of little significance, since I was on 10/0.5 ADSL for years and years, so I will take anything that is faster than that.

        • Hey Astro - did you tweak any of the modem's settings on the site ?

          I'm using 5G on channel 44 with network set to 4G 2300Mhz.

          • @the fig man: I only accessed it via my phone briefly, through a Huawei Smart app. it only had a limited number of settings in it.
            I should try the web interface today, but I haven't tweaked anything so far. I only connected to it to disable built in wifi as I have Tenda serving wifi around the house, and that's connected to its LAN port.

            • @[Deactivated]: Web interface gives you a lot of control. There's been posts online about how to maximise your Optus speeds, but sounds like you're already there. I've just played around with it again and getting 30 to 40. Good enough for the price.

          • @the fig man: hi there, are you able to PM the guide to tweak please? Thank you

        • Hey Astro - did you tweak any of the modem's settings on the site ?

          I'm using 5G on channel 44 with network set to 4G 2300Mhz.

          • @the fig man: no, haven't tweaked it

        • +2

          How do you think the towers are connected? Future is not wireless as much as you like to think.

          • -1

            @Piranha2004: ROFL no, of course I didn't know that towers are connected by wires.

            But I'd rather build 5 times more towers and improve coverage and capacity rather than put a wire to each and every house out there.

            anyway, I can't get the meaning of your comment. are you implying that I, an IT engineer, don't know enough about technology and its future? or are you rather suggesting that I should stick to my ancient ADSL and wait patiently until they wire a fiber cable to my house at last?

            could you please elaborate

            • +1


              Are you implying that I, an IT engineer, don't know enough about technology and its future?

              Yes that is exactly what I am saying. Being an IT engineer doesnt mean squat. Its actually worse that you are in IT and seriously believe that wireless is "the future".

              • +1

                @Piranha2004: lets use this analogy, if radio waves were better than light in data transmission, why do the still lay more and more undersea cables (fiber) and not more satellites?? I'm assuming communication engineers know better. just look at NZ version of the NBN, the speeds/cost to users, and its all fibre. And yes I work in IT too

                • +1

                  @Trantor: Im assuming you were supposed to respond to the other guy? Sounds like you are agreeing with me.

                  • @Piranha2004: yeah :/ was meant to be a reply to Astro not you. called lack of sleep! lol

                • -1

                  @Trantor: I am talking about consumer end of the internet consumption. I don't see them laying more undersea cables into my apartment anytime soon.

                  I am not talking about the whole infrastructure here, just the final nodes - consumers, and that will be wireless soon enough.

                  • @[Deactivated]: you know what an analogy is right? the tech is the same whether macro or micro

                    • @Trantor: that's why Titanic sank, right :)

              • +1

                @Piranha2004: pfff let's talk in 10 years. next!

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: OK "IT engineer".

                  EDIT: FYI. Fiber has been around for over 30 years and still remains the best medium for transmission. See you in another 30!

                  • @Piranha2004: deal :) yeah, I've done fiber. for business. putting fiber to every dwelling on this scale is a bit of an overkill.

                    but what's done is done, so let's see how it is in another 10 years. or 30! haha

  • +5

    Mate are awesome. Stay with them because when I call support, I actually get an Aussie technician who knows their stuff, not a frustrating scripted offshore call centre.

  • +1

    The address finder is a bit dodgy. I know my house has no NBN and they still accepted my address.

  • +1

    I'm with Mate. You can actually get the 100/40 plan you just need to phone up or ask through their webchat as they don't publically advertise the plan. I bundled it with a mobile SIM and get the service for $79 per month. Very happy and like others have said no throttling or dropouts. I run an hourly speedtest and I don't get dips during peak hour either.

    • +1

      How did your get $79 with the mobile Sim bundle ? I'm getting $79 NBN + $20 mobile plan - $10 bundle discount = $89.

      • guessing an older deal?

      • That's correct so technically the plan is $89 per month for 100/40. I am not talking about the advertised 100/20 plan in this thread. Then you get that discount of -$10 bringing it to $79 per month. I have a $25 dollar mobile bundle so its $104 per month bundled.

  • Just switched to them on 50/20 from belong last week. So far getting consistent 45ish Mbps. Great !! I suggest combine with mobile for extra $10 off . I am paying $84 with 15gb Telstra network unlimited.

    Just to add belong modem doesn't work with them. I figured out after wasting half day. Exetel zte does

    • how do you confirm whether your modem works with them? edit: found the mobile info, the $84 combo does look attractive.

      • What modem do you have?

    • Can I ask which model Belong modem did you try? Was it the current Belong 4353 modem?

      I have an old Sagemcom F@st 4315 modem from Belong from a few years back, and MATE live chat has said that it should be compatible with their plans.

      • +1

        Belong modems are not locked. You can use it with Mate.

        Here are the settings that need changing.

        WAN Protocol: PPPoE
        Credentials: Mate username and password
        MTU: 1492

  • Where is the info on the home phone inclusions and call rates for overseas?

    • all I could find was this;

      A two minute national call is: $0 (VoIP telephone service includes unlimited calls to local, national and mobile numbers).
      Additional calls: 13/1300 calls charged at 50c per call, international calls charged at various rates.

      and this;

  • I signed up with Mate last year on the same plan and they've increased their 100mbps price to $89

    "At MATE, we strive to deliver a quality service with great value and we are totally committed to providing the best deals for our mates.

    We want to keep the price you pay for your internet service as low as possible, but the big challenge we face is to do this against increasing network costs.

    These costs mean that we now need to apply a small price increase to your nbn™ plan. As a result, your soul mates nbn™ 100 plan price will increase by $10.00 per month from 24 January 2020.

    The new price will appear on your January invoice."

    • I suggest calling them. Are you on 100/20 or 100/40?

  • Thanks OP. Will keep my eye on this. Currently with Belong and have had some speed issues and dropouts of late…

    • Just got confirmation -Barefoot and Mate are the same company

  • I am a bit skeptical in choosing a small provider as they close with little to no notice. Initially good with less clients, but become slow in few months as they are providing services from another network and wont upgrade. That was my previous experience choosing local small companies.
    Have been with ABB. That is expensive, but they are providing their own network and keep upgrading.

  • I was on the $79 plan last year but then they increased it to $89 so I downsized my plan to NBN50 @ $69/month. Didn't realise that they dropped the price back down to $79. I've found that NBN50 has been sufficient for my usage anyway so no need to go back up to NBN100.

    Mate have had great support, they respond asap via their chat, Facebook and email.

  • I have been with Aussie 50, Mate 100 and am now with belong 'standard' ~30/20. To be honest I found Mate 100 very similar to Aussie 50 (generally around 45mbps). Occasionally faster topping at about 70, and occasional times of severe congestion.

    I found it highly patronising that they call everyone on the phone 'mate' several times each call. Reality check…. I'm NOT your mate.

    Aussie BB was excellent with consistent strong speeds and good service. I left for the free xbox deal with Mate (which was great).

    Mate decided to put my plan up by $10 a month so with I voted with my feet and went to Belong. I've found with Belong I get a stable and consistent connection 30/20 connection which is about all I need.

    Get what I pay for essentially and I don't see it worthwhile paying big bucks for an extra 20mbps.

    • +3

      I found it highly patronising that they call everyone on the phone 'mate' several times each call. Reality check…. I'm NOT your mate

      Pff, that would be annoying. Although this is Australia where strangers often end a threat with the word. Eg in a pub "That's my wife your talking to, mate." Or on the road, "Get outa the f****n way, mate!"

  • Point to note, if you have security system at your home connected phone line for call burglary notifications, This does not support. I have confirmed with the mate chat. I have been looking for a good plan with a home bundle that support security system. Probably voip is replacing the telephone line, I should think of getting the sms module to security system.

    • +2

      On the NBN all phones will be VOIP, so no matter which RSP you choose, you'll still need a mobile module to make it work.

      • Yep, Mobile module is the way to go. I'm currently with TPG and the phone line is connected with our security system Bosch solution 6000. Most of the NBN providers with a competitive price seems not offering a separate line (they insist connect to the modem i.e. VOIP)

  • how does this compare to telstra? i get constant dropouts with the telstra 100 plan. its sucks major B@lls

    • What kind of dropouts? The modem or NTD lights turn red or the wifi drops out?

      Changing ISP won't fix an NBN problem.

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