What Stuff Has Sold out at Your Supermarket?

so far, my one as of today is
Pasta Sauce
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Canned beans/spaghetti
Panadol etc
Laundry Powder (almost all gone)

I wonder what will go next, or when things will go back to normal or get better


    • Shoppers post photos

    • +2

      well one of the chief medical dudes said stock up and the herald sun ran with it as a massive headline and that was it, game over

      • chief medical dude

        Well played Bradford Banducci…. Well played.

  • +1

    Why is any ozbargainer even at the supermarket this week? There aren't any useful half price specials on this week.

    I shopped last week - at the normal time of an hour before closing if you want to find stock of the specials. There are rarely supply problems at that time of night. With 8pm closing for a while that option is closed for now.

  • Soap.

    • Health-food store and get Castile soap.. It's not cheap but if you need soap

      • +1

        Myer & DJ have soap, also

        • +1

          I am sustainable so I am good

  • +2

    At a quick browse it looks like Freezer is sold out as well. Is not sold in supermarket but the demand from the panic buy have lead to some people buying Freezer.

  • +1

    Update: inner west Coles is out of some chips and crackers, out of all frozen veges, out of some canned goods.

    Until tomorrow I bet.

    It's a logistics issue not a supply issue.

    Meanwhile I have food for the week and ice cream for the month (which may also only last one week).

    • A lot of it is in the store-room with not enough bodies to fill it. I am estimating about 800-1000 boxes are left unfilled after night crew have finished.

    • Make your own crackers. I have some flour that needs to be used up, so when I cannot get crackers to have for lunch with humus, I will make mine.

      • Flour is sold out in many places sadly

  • There is nothing at my local shops. I just moved to a small town and am in trouble now.

  • I'm just interested to know what you guys think of the mentality here of these selfish and greedy scums that empty the shelves?

    "We may get to outlive you because we have space and facility to hoard the essentials"?

    • wish I was those greedy and selfish scums, at least then I would have some toilet paper

    • Isn't it a safety hazard for hoarding? With if their toilet paper got caught on fire, and amongst other things people are hoarding, they'll be stuck in their home, dying from their own ignorance.

      • Haha they can die with the flat earthers!?! 🤷🏻

  • Very cheap vinegar that I use to clean, people are literally blocking isles with trolleys that you cannot get through.

    Elderly look confused, saw some today at lunchtime.

    Wanted to get disposable gloves for cleaning the funny, all gone. dishwashing liquid Is gone.

    Some have enough to die from overeating and others cannot get anything.

  • +3

    Problem with stocking up with food at home is the temptation not to eat it all

    • They're banking on it

  • -1

    Thank you thank you BWS and Iron jack ;)

    I dont have to stock pile alcohol!!

    • Surprised you still have some left. I think I have half a case left out of 3 cases. Been busy drinking my $3 beams, and should get my $36 Corona's next week, thanks Kogan. 😉

      • +1

        I've got $3 ones left too!!

        Been rotating and giving some away

  • Everything except gluten free bread.

  • +2

    Need to stock up on beer

  • Looking for CSR raw sugar 1Kg zero none … wtf usually this item is plenty on the shelves.

    • Ahh, sorry that was probably my wife's fault, she got the last 500g packet (there were no 1Kg left).

  • +1

    My supermarket is getting less and less stock by the day. I haven't panic bought anything because 1. too lazy and 2. i'm a tight arse so i don't want to buy a bunch of things i may not want to eat after all this is over.

    The question that is mainly on my mind is as the virus gets worse will there be less stock on the shelves at the peak of the virus as more people panic buy? or will there be more food on the shelves as more people isolate themselves at home?

    • I literally hate shopping, buying in advance is another peeve.

      From time to time I get nuts and seeds double the amount when on sale, that stops ne shopping more and I save.

      With nothing left on the shelves I've been reduced to spending money in advance & shopping online. Online prices have gone up as well. My biggest bulk buy is a sad kg.

  • +5

    I'm very curious as to at what point and how long before the hoarders realise they have enough or too much and shelves start filling up with toilet paper

    • +3

      i'm curious too. consumption hasn't changed. worse case scenario - if the virus wipes out more people than expected, consumption would actually drop. at what point will this demand drop off and we're gonna see a glut in supply? hopefully people wont have to throw unused perishables away - that would be absolute mad

  • +1

    My supermarket is out of coconut oil, condoms and lube. I wanted to insert something clever about babies in 9 months time but it looks like it may be mitigated for.

  • +1

    took me 1.5hrs driving passed 11 shops just to find 24 rolls of toilet paper…… what a shit morning i'm having.

    • +8

      Gonna be even worse when you get sick due to traipsing around crowded shops.

  • +1

    All those people touching the "I've got my own bags" screen aint helping.

    • +1

      Blame the supermarkets for being too paranoid about theft to disable the weight sensors. If they were turned off the register doesn't care about unexpected items in the bagging area and you can scan things a lot quicker without waiting for their weight to be verified.

      • Paranoid? From the recent ozbargain survey. Over 50% have stolen something lol

  • Most of the essential items, high shelf life foods are mostly cleared.

    But the good point is when the new stock comes back in, the buy 2 restriction should help to be available to the community.

    They need to count even they go crazy hoarding, how long will the food last them

    But good thing is ice creams seems to be available and on specials.😁

    *Love ice cream anytime anyday.

    Going to costco in a short while…sigh I bet its going to be crazy over there too.

  • Been looking for some salt since last week but could not find anywhere till i tried it in a Indian store and managed to get 1 pack there and also scored some Rice. Running seriously short of Nappies for my little one too but hopefully Amazon will come to rescue in that regard. Its getting absolutely ridiculous right about now but hopefully things will calm down soon.

    • Can someone tell me why people are hoarding salt. Costco sold out.

      Any special remedy or properties to be used besides seasoning meats?

      • Nvm found out why….need to get salt now.

        • what was it?

          • @Iggemo: Just to super summarise

            Virus prevention

            Gargle with cold water frequently

            • +2

              @luffyex2010: If you need salt just log into any gaming server at any time lol.

            • @luffyex2010: Saltwater can help soothe a sore throaty. But once the virus gets into your bloodstream, that's it. It you can get it through your eyes, mouth and nose.

              • -2

                @nobro25: not my words but by a medical professor from USA

                "Coldwater can contract blood vessels in one's mouth and throat, thereby reducing the chances of the virus entering one's bloodstream. Salted water can stabilize the s protein on the virus's surface making it less easy to attach to mucous membranes, To enter the bodies, the coronavirus first has to bind itself to ascertain specific proteins in the membrane and then self multiply massively."

      • +1

        Because humans are stupid

  • +3

    It's a good time to support small businesses. My local Fruit & Veg has lots of food, same with the butchers. Milk and bread is in stock at the local servo, and the Asian markets have noodles and sauces.

  • +2

    Inner Sydney.

    Woolies shelves are just empty by the evening. I'm not joking - whole aisles are just blank. No tinned products at all, no pasta or rice, no bread, no frozen vegetables, no baking ingredients, no tonic water (the bastards), no onions, no spuds.

    What's left: some fresh produce, frozen vegan and vegetarian meals, dairy, expensive organic foods, those premade salads and mini-meals that Woolies make.

    • +2

      What I found weird is those premade salads all been reduced to clear

      You would have thought if we are going to run out of food, and there was no long life stuff left, you'd buy the fresher stuff so that your long life stuff at home lasts a day longer

  • +3

    Patience. All gone.

  • +3

    It seems this whole situation has been made a lot worse by supermarkets suspending their home delivery.

    If they were still running, the supermarkets would have a better idea of the stock they needed to get in (and would be better able to enforce per customer limits), the elderly/disabled wouldn't have to queue outside stores at 5pm in the morning just to get their essentials, and crazy typhoid Marys wouldn't be running around visiting 20 supermarkets in one afternoon at a time when every health professional is recommending keeping social contact to a bare minimum.

    • +2

      Online shopping orders are fulfilled in physical stores and some 'dark stores'. If there is no stock in physical stores, why would they continue offering home delivery when there is no chance of fulfillment?

      Definitely tough for those without access to local alternatives but deliveries are not a priority for supermarkets - lower margins and takes scarce labour resources away from restocking where the bottlehead currently exists.

      • The stores get restocked (via deliveries) every night. Usually they estimate their orders based on past sales/current stock levels. It's more efficient for them to order stock that they know for sure will be sold (i.e. has already been ordered by customers).

        Having empty shelves and staff doing nothing (because there's no product to sell) is not in their interest.

        • Not really how it works. When the item is ordered it prints of a list for a picker. When the picker gets it from the shelf it is scanned as a sale. Once an item is sold it is reduced from the inventory. Once the inventory hits a certain limit an order is automatically placed with the distribution center. The distribution center typically pick the orders once a day for the store.

          This is where the estimates you speak of come in, under normal circumstances they know how long they have till the run out, these are not normal circumstances, they are running out 10 mins after it hits the shelf.

        • How can a store get restocked every night in this environment when everything is gone every day? It would take a delivery truck every 2 minutes to fill each store again. Times that by 2000 or more supermarkets

  • tube socks

    • funny you should say that

      Lining up at aldi's this morning and the woman behind me asked if I was lining up for toilet paper and I said no and she said she was down to her last 2 rolls but then chimed in with at least I have a drawer full of socks

  • im curious as to whether everything is going to slowly recover in terms of stock wise, or will toilet paper be empty for a long time

    • I thought that last week, surely people had enough toilet paper now, but no they keep buying more.

      • i honestly can't see it improving soon cos all the people who behaved as directed (ie, shop normally) now have nothing and now are forced to panic buy so i just think it's gonna get worse for weeks yet

  • +1

    Canned vegetables, such as canned tomatoes. Just empty shelves.
    Spam. You know people are worried when spam sells out.

  • +1

    There is a heightened tension in the air in my supermarkets. I haven't seen any agro, but if you make eye contact with someone who can see a kind of startled fear in their eyes that I never noticed before. Everyone is politely panicking but you can be sure if someone shoves another person out of the way we're just seconds from a huge punch up.

    Over the past two weeks I've only seen one customer wearing a mask, so at least people are not using precious resources prematurely. Or they have no masks.

    • Ha I agree, I'm very startled by the weird looks everybody is giving each other…. I just run in and run out as quick as I can.

  • Wasn't much cheese left when I went for a stickybeak at lunchtime.

    Maybe someone is having a party?

  • +5

    Scotty from Marketing has told us it is unAustralian to hoard so I’m sure this will stop!

    Frankly I do find myself perplexed about all this. How much storage room do some people have? These people won’t need to buy any TP for years.

    I already had stuff in storage because I points buy and a 9 roll, double length, pack is a nice chunk of a $50 shop for 4 weeks. I’ve also got pretty good stores of various washing powders/liquids, soaps, antiseptic washes etc. they are all good things to bring you up to totals. I don’t feel quite as foolish now.

    • i dont even live in a big house, but I could easily store 40 rolls of toilet paper without too much fuss

      • And the cans of food, and the dishwashing powders/liquids etc. Still, they won’t need to buy any of these things for a looooong time.

    • +1

      The neighbour across the road is using his garage as storage and parking his Jag on my side of the road.

  • +6

    Humanity. sold out.
    It seems that Australian's are the worst, despite the locally common idea of 'ozzie kindness' , mateship etc. ..
    Turns out we're the worst in the world when it comes to taking care of each other and being calm and helpful :s

    • +7

      Well we are the laughing stock of the world at the moment with the videos of fights and punchups st the supermarket of a product thats not even that important as others

    • +1

      i've always known that. A couple of months ago i was having an argument with someone else where my point was the aussie citizenry is the most idiotic, ignorant in the western world and they dared to oppose that view!! LOL. Normally i say just look at exhibit A - recent elections and serving governments, but now all i need to say is "remember the toilet paper brawls of 2020?".

    • +1

      Yet we complained about actual refugees "jumping the line" coming here by boat, to escape real war and persecution.

      We would be punching and beating each other up to take the first tinny to New Zealand if we had war or persecution.

  • +10

    Do people think it is going to be a WW3? Because, I came after the war from Yugoslavia, and exact the same thing happened at the start of the bad civil war. We didn't have water and electricity for most of the two years, and we were paying $25 for a kg of flour, but we didn't kill each other for food, rather shared what we had. What would happen if it is a real war here? If people are emptying the shelves because of Corona virus, they would kill each other for a piece of bread.

    • -1

      No doubt the same bogans up in arms about boat people will kill each other to take the first boat out.

    • That would have been unbelievably hard! My dad and his relatives have many stories about post ww2 hardship that makes what we have here seem trivial so I agree, can't imagine our reaction to a war now.

      On the positive side, there has been lots of local community help via our suburban Facebook page, people offering to do shopping for others, give away sis rolls of to, etc, so there some hope at least at the community level.

  • +1

    I heard the next item that is now difficult to buy are fridges. Everybody has filled their current one.

    • +3

      Freezers, not fridges. Until there is no electricity. People were selling house furniture for flour, cars too. We bought a car for 10kg of flour (so we can run when needed) and sold furniture for 20kg. BTW petrol was also $25 a LITRE. Cigarettes were sold a piece, $1 each (30 years ago). And everything was sold on the street, food too. Every single supermarket and shop was closed permanently for a couple of years, a hundreds of them in the city.

      • What country was this?

  • I don't see too much issue yet. Yes the basic necessities are out. But you got heaps of frozen foods, canned foods, snacks, oats, peanut butter.

    Paper towels, tissue paper, and baby wipes are probably the only somewhat important things.

    People are just too familiar with eating the same thing. Got to work with the environment and manage. Try new foods, get get toilet seat that takes care of the toilet paper. Use microfibre towels/old clothes for wiping.

    • No frozen foods in Aldi. Wait a couple of days, there will be none in Coles and Woolies. Smart people were buying freezers a few years ago. And camping equipment. Smarter ones are already out of this country.

      • +2

        Guess your not one of the smart ones

        • Nope, I admit and gave you an upvote for comment. A man can never be smart in all things. In some things, yes. And there is a big diferrence in being smart or being wise. By the way, I've always been a patriot in the former country all the way until the end of Yugoslavia, and I am a patriot here, too. Plus, I gained some experience from previous situation :).

        • I guess you are not, either.

      • +1

        so what “smart” planet have they moved to? There is nowhere guaranteed to be free of the virus, so being in a strange country with an unknown health service, isn’t very “smart” at the moment. The only reason we have shortages, currently, is because of idiots hoarding. I have a freezer because I do bulk cook, to avoid having to cook everyday. Yes, it is reasonably well stocked but that is more accident than “survivalist“ design. Have fun camping. I will continue to sit in my warm, comfortable house and take a few precautions. If necessary I will ”camp out” in my own bed. I understand statistics so, I think, I might just have a different definition as to what “smart” means.

        • Russia. But there could be a good situation out of all this, that is to employ more people, even casual, in production, warehouse and supermarkets. It is up to our government to allow this.

  • +1

    Went to one of the massive Coles nearby - half the veggies gone, no meat/chicken, milk, cold juices, pasta, rice, flour, canned foods, frozen foods. Even the biscuit and chips aisles were half empty. Didn’t bother checking for toilet paper. Only thing they did have was bread, cheese and chocolate

    Never seen anything like it, sure what people are going to do with all this food but how they are going to pay for it when the credit cards come due? Probably cry for a handout or a mortgage holiday

    • theyve already started crying for a "rent" holiday,
      and there is the $750 handout coming soon as well

      • +1

        ScoMo: "Have some free money battlers"
        ScoMo 2 days later: "Oi stop buying everything"

  • I go to the supermarket daily (across 4 major sites), and have started noticing meat has gone from zero to obtainable, eggs are limited to a few types but in stock, pasta sauces are light but in stock & still all good on the fruit & veg front.

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