What Stuff Has Sold out at Your Supermarket?

so far, my one as of today is
Pasta Sauce
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Canned beans/spaghetti
Panadol etc
Laundry Powder (almost all gone)

I wonder what will go next, or when things will go back to normal or get better


  • +16

    For the most part it's not a shortage of stock in the supply chain, but the ability to move it around Australia at several times the normal rate.

    The whole industry is built on 'just in time' supply models.

    Longlife milk.
    2 minute noodles.

    • -3

      Yet we have planes sitting empty …

      • +7

        Are you suggesting to fly planes to your local supermarket?

        • +12

          its obvious. use those planes to wipe their asses.

    • +2

      Ba-da-ba-da-ba-be bop bop bodda bope
      Bop ba bodda bope

  • +1

    Coconut milk and coconut cream in cans The whole section had nothing! Not that I was after any, just a surprise.

  • +14

    Just to put it into perspective:
    Last night we had 90 hours of purely grocery load (this doesn't not include perishable/dairy items or freezer).
    Our nightfill crew had about 40 hours of staff.

    • Is this why they are doing the shutdown tomorrow night?

      • +7

        Yes it is to give nightfill a better chance of getting more stock onto the shelfs. No customers to deal with/work around and let's them drop stock in order to work it faster. But in the end even at Christmas time our store is rare to see 90 hour loads.

        • +6

          So once it opens the next day people can strip it bare again…

  • +1

    Colgate toothpaste at Coles Doncaster

    • Luckily me mum uses Woolies paste, still some at ours

  • +1

    Pasta Sauce
    Toilet Paper
    Tissue box
    Cleaning products
    On the go food noodles,packet rice

    Like come on man i needs these stuff i aint stock piling

    • Plenty of pasta sauce at surrey hills, vic. Plenty.

  • My place is pretty stocked up. Just missing Pasta and Pasta Sauce, TP, Soy Milk, and Flour.

    • +2

      So you just have a garage full of hand sanitizer?

      Oh wait, your place is not your house….

      • +2

        "My place" as in the Coles near my house.

        • Which?
          Am need of Salt and other things.

          • +1

            @capslock janitor: Forest Hill. You can also try Foutain Gate but not sure of stock as I went there 3 weeks ago.

  • +11

    Went for onions.

    No onions.

    Found onions in garden.

    Ate onions.

    • +14

      Found onions in garden.

      Find any hand sanitizer in there? I need some..

      • +12

        If you eat enough onions then the social distancing takes care of itself.

        • +2

          Works with garlic too if you're out of onions.

    • +5

      Ate onions.

      à la Tony Abbott?

    • Have you tried mixing roughly chopped cooked onions with peanut butter? It tastes really good!

      • +2

        I had it with peanut sauce. Very common sauce in SEA.

        Love it.

  • Eggs
    Milk powder
    Chicken breasts. thigh fillets etc
    All meat
    Sliced bread
    Canned soups
    Canned beans
    Canned tomatoes
    All gone … plus the usual no stock of:
    Hand towels (paper)
    Wet wipes
    Hand sanitiser

    • +8

      It is so incredibly stupid, how dumb are people. almost all the products being sold out are products completely unaffected by the shutdowns or travelk restrictions. Meat, Dairy, Eggs, flour, pasta, dunny paper etc are all made here and have had zero impact on supply nor are they likely to be impacted. Yet paniced sheep run to grab it before it disappears. If those products actually disappear then it will be guns and bullets you need not a stockpile.

      • +1

        People aren't worried about them running out, they're worried about not being able to get them e.g. the stores being forced closed/hours limited or people being ordered to stay in their homes like in Italy.

        • +4

          supermarkets stay open even in forced shutdowns or they resort to home deliveries increasing. groceries are an essential service that won't be shutdown and if they are then we would be a bodies in the street rotting stage.

          • @gromit: Home deliveries have already been suspended in Vic due to a state of emergency being declared.

            • +4

              @ssquid: and even in italy supermarkets are still open. if they closed supermarkets then home deliveries would open, otherwise expect streams of people ransacking your house.

              • +6

                @gromit: No point trying to talk sense into irrational people.

            • @ssquid: I thought they were suspended due to low stock everywhere…

      • +1

        guns and bullets

        Is it easy to get? pls
        Can I buy at the chemist

  • +1

    I wandered the medicinal aisle. Quite literally the only thing left was pregnancy tests.

    Today was peak emptiness. It would be quicker to say what was there, as opposed to what wasn't. I couldn't even buy a pack of sandwich bags.

    • +1

      They'll be gone in a few weeks too!

      I made a joke to my Obstetrician yesterday about a baby boom in 9 months yesterday and he just said "Yeah! Like the blackout, but busier!"

      • +1

        I thought more people would have Netflix and no time for other activities

  • +2

    Pretty much all of the above plus

    Canned Tomatoes (Coles and Woolworths Indooroopilly, Coles Toowong)
    Frozen desserts except ice cream (Coles Toowong)

    Longlife milk was available at Indooroopilly stores though.

  • +1

    Add cereal and anything that has eucalyptus in it.

    For meats, poultry, fruit and veg, still plenty at the markets. Saw heaps of bread at the bakeries too

    • +2

      anything that has eucalyptus in it.

      No koalas in stock? 🥺🥺

    • +1

      edit : wait is this writing a shopping list for hoarder resellers?

      yeah no weetbix, 1 box corn flakes, 5 box nutragrain. many sugar laden crap like milo, cocopops, etc and plenty of bran + fruit + antioxidant bullshit types. you sure can tell what is popular vs which companies pay for shelf space when the shelves are empty.

      managed to get two packs of lasagne sheets though. not many left and zero any other pasta. grocer plus deli had some gourmet Italian dried pasta though. eggs as well which was out at coles and woolies.

      no bleach or much of any cleaning products.
      had to go to three stores to find disposable gloves. needed to dye hair and didn't get some last month.
      not much laundry detergent.

  • +7

    It's so weird what people are buying en masse and what they are leaving behind. There was no meat or poultry at my locals which was a bummer. However, plenty of roast chooks. Got one of the macro free range one for half- price. Lots of fresh veggies and fruits too.Grabbed a couple of capsicums, broccoli and mushrooms. Threw it all together with the shredded chicken, some cauliflower rice that was also on 1/2 price, added the leftover rice from the fridge, added 2 eggs we got from a local farmer's market and some spring onions from the garden and voila!, ' JJB's special fried rice'. The kids ate it with gusto. We had watermelon for desert.

    Woolies also had lots of those pre-packed sandwiches too. Grabbed a couple of the roast beef ones and the snitzel ones for lunch tomorrow. They were on reduced for quick sale at $3.85 instead of their usual $7. I also got some peaches for snacks.

    • +1

      Yeah I don't think we'll have issues with fresh fruit and veg. You'll be able to find those somewhere I'm sure. The problem with it is you can't store some of it very long

      • +1

        Quality of fruit and veg has been pretty crap due to the drought, but no shortage here

        • Yep, I find a lot of it looks/feels fine at the shop then 2 days later even in the fridge it's well on it's way to being unusable. 4 days and it's basically decomposing.

        • No Salads at my Coles

      • You don't have to store them if

        Yeah I don't think we'll have issues with fresh fruit and veg


      • That is why people are panic buying freezers :P

        • and if we ever get to the situation where those goods are actually out then power will also likely be gone making those freezers useless unless you are also setup for offgrid use.

          • +1

            @gromit: LOL. Another one who thinks we are going to war. Not a pandemic. The virus is not going to bomb our power plants and poison our water.

            • +4

              @netjock: yep people are like that. The panic buying is so moronic it is hard to believe it is real. people that think stockpiling locally produced goods is smart need a good slap. They somehow think that things will get so bad not even local food will be available, yet somehow all the other services will continue.

            • -2

              @netjock: A pandemic is war. There was online footage comparing a local Italian newspaper’s obituary section on 9th of February, when listings took up just one page, to a copy dated 13th of March, when 10 pages were needed to commemorate the dead.

              • +5

                @[Deactivated]: If you ever been in war you'd know when people die in war there is probably no newspapers to put obituaries. Stop pretending you know anything about war.

                Which war are you aware of where electricity, water and sanitation gets targeted and turned off. I can guarantee you there won't a single bomb that will hit a hospital by mistake during COVID 19.

                Don't swallow what the newspapers tell you. I slowed added to my pantry end of Jan 19 because I knew people would be stupid and panic buy. I have enough to tie me over until you people fill your house, the shed and the additional shed they are going to buy from Bunnings plus whatever water tight water containers they might be able to fill with toilet rolls and pasta.

                You know the best part about panic buying being unAustralian is most people lining up are Caucasian Australian people who are so quick in telling us they are whiter than white.

                • -1


                  Stop pretending you know anything about war.

                  I can't say that I ever was in an active war-zone but I have worked in some capacity for the ADF.

                  I can guarantee you there won't a single bomb that will hit a hospital by mistake during COVID 19.

                  AFAIK, no bombs were dropped during the influenza pandemic of 1918 either. Yet, scientists estimate that the pandemic killed more than 50 million people around the world. Other estimates go much higher. Because of a lack of medical record-keeping, we may never know the exact number.

                  However, what we do know is that it killed more people than World War I.

                  • @[Deactivated]:

                    A pandemic is war.

                    It isn't a war like you have just said.

                    Just because the press uses headlines like "going to war against the virus" it isn't war.

                    Working in some capacity for the ADF, that sounds like someone who works at the auditor general's office going out to audit ADF's books and putting themselves up as a submarine warfare expert. Sorry but you bring down the level of respect for our armed forces if you call a pandemic a war.

                    You could call dining out war too because obviously you can catch food poisoning. Is that a food war.

                    • @netjock: Actually, I was learning to fly… not that it matters.

                      I call anything that has the potential of killing 1000s of people a war. Just because our armed forces are powerless against this enemy doesn't make it any less lethal.

                  • @[Deactivated]: and ww2 combined! btw

                  • @[Deactivated]:

                    no bombs were dropped during the influenza pandemic of 1918 either.

                    you know WW1 ended november 1918 right?
                    spanish flu was jan 1918 to dec 1920.
                    bombs were being dropped through a third of that time.

                • @netjock:

                  You know the best part about panic buying being unAustralian is most people lining up are Caucasian Australian people who are so quick in telling us they are whiter than white

                  Wtf does the race of people panic buying have to do with anything?

      • +1

        Its BECAUSE you can't store it that there's no shortage, because no-one is hoarding it because they can't store it for long.

        These shortages won't last, and will be followed by a huge glut as everyone returns their hoard to the shops, or if they've enough space just start using up it. How long until then is uncertain but it can't be much longer - most hoarders must have accumulated most of their hoard by now so they'll stop buying.

        • +1

          These shortages won't last, and will be followed by a huge glut as everyone returns their hoard to the shops

          That is if people can get out the front door after they have eaten all the food. There will be high level of calls to 000 to get people out of their homes.

        • +3

          I hope supermarkets don’t take anything back and these people can live with there 1000 cans of beans for ever.

    • +7

      Just keep in mind fresh loose veggies can be handled by many people, all checking the best looking stuff.

      • +1

        Very good point! Important to also sanitise fruit & vegetables

      • +3

        Cooked veggies is fine. Trickier with fruits which I have been washing and peeling before adding to the kids lunchboxes. Was hard to do with the nectarines ( they were actually nectarines and not peaches). Might stick to apples, pears and bananas from now on.

        That being said, went to pick up my youngest from daycare yesterday. 2 of his grubby mates threw themselves at me trying to take me down. I then went on to get the BOGOF and a few parents came over to ask how my wife was doing and when she'll be back. So much for social distancing! Why am I even bothering peeling fruits? We're doomed.

        • Peeling fruits not good if you can manage; it's where most of the nutrients reside.

          I like eating peels :)

          • @ihbh: It is also a PITA. Washing in cold water alone will not inactivate SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The temperature needs to be at least 40c or disinfectants with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) need to be used.

            I might make jam with the rest of the nectarine.

            • +2


              PITA. Washing in cold water alone will not inactivate

              You may need to soak them wet and submerge, let those little buggers Drown!

              • +2

                @capslock janitor: Wouldn't work.My wife is into free-diving. She can easily stay underwater for 4 minutes. Her PB was 6 min 47s in open sea. The little buggers take after her ;)

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: "Washing in cold water alone will not inactivate SARS-CoV-2" - of course not, but it does physically remove it. The virus in the sewers aint gonna infect anyone, besides which UV in sunlight or the heat of a tumble dryer will in fact inactivate any left. Cold water wash for clothes is fine.

              After all that's how soap works when you wash your hands - the bugs quite like the stuff but it flushes the skin oil they're in down the sink.

              • @derrida derider:

                of course not, but it does physically remove it.

                Have you seen the way a child washes a piece of fruit?

                I do like the idea of soaking the fruits, possibly with the addition of some baking soda, but not sure how that would affect the taste or texture.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: We soak with white vinegar. But don't do it for leafy veg for long. The water turns green and with a lot of the nutrients.

                • @[Deactivated]: Mum buys fruits like apples from the markets, washes them then store in plastic bag in fridge.

                  No different in than you peeling them, but quicker.
                  Wash, fridge, pop into lunchbox/when needed as you would. Even teach the kids how to wash it perhaps

                  • @capslock janitor: Just wash it with a little dishwashing liquid! Same as your hands before you put em in your mouth. No need for bleach, ethanol etc.

              • @derrida derider: Wait, how does cold water physically remove the virus?🤨

                It doesn't.

    • +1

      Walked into Coles Monday night to get some stuff for dinner. All meat, vegetables and pasta completely cleared out. But there was a Coles pasta/lasagna premade thingy reduced to clear at 60% off for $4.

      Grabbed that and like you said there was plenty of roast chickens, so grabbed one of those too.

      Perfect for the next couple of nights.

  • +15

    Gluten free brown penne is absolutely untouched where I am. If you can't sell in this environment, have a long hard look at yourself.

    • +5

      All of the Pizza / BBQ shapes were gone.. the nasty new flavors still in stock . Maybe Arnotts should take a hint

      • +1

        pizza is the only flavour that should be allowed!

    • +2

      yeah plenty of bran + fruit "now with added antioxidant" crap and sugar laden filth like milo cereal and cocopops.

      zero weetbix, 1 box corn flakes, 5 box nutragrain remained.

      you can really tell which companies pay for shelf space.

  • too many…cannot believe it

    i reckon the next to go is frozen veggies/meals

    • +2

      Frozen veggies totally gone at my local Coles.

  • +3

    Just went to Spudshed in Bentley and was able to find long-life milk, oil, pasta, tuna, eggs etc. Stocked up a bit :)

  • Dish washing liquid to add to the list.

  • +5

    Junk food isles are the only one that are still well stocked at my local. I may have to live, for a short while, on Cheezels and Coke. Maybe I should go the healthy option of veggie chips and fruit flavoured lollies. They're just as good as real fruit right?

    • +3

      Well that plan's out the window. Dropped into the local Woolies on my lunch break and the junk food isles are basically cleared out as well now.

      • +2

        Wait did you expect after posting that on ozb? :p

    • Better, they'll survive a nuclear winter

  • +4

    No oats, had to buy sugary cereal for the first time in 10 years.

    • +1

      I feel your pain, suddenly everyone has turned into a health nut :(.

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