Stock up on Corona Extra Beer 24 x 355mL Bottles
$48 Delivered
Corona Extra Beer 24x 355ml Bottles $48 Delivered @ CUB eBay

Last edited 16/03/2020 - 13:45 by 1 other user
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Not even an offer of free roll of dunny paper??? Sorry, no deal :)
Corona listeria?
was just gonna praise you for treating corona with listerine…. but then read again.
Why down vote this? Very UN-Australian thing to do people
Peter Dutton
Is Peter Dutton a good guy?
The only Corona I want right now!
Believe it or not, many people on China's social media platforms (WeChat, QQ, Weibo) have been told that the Wuhan Virus was created by USA in an effort to cause "social unrest" against their government (CCP) because of the trade-war with Huawei's 5G Network. The conspiracy (meme?) is that it was initially smuggled/deployed through the Corona beer.
So you can read Chinese? Good on ya!
@Kangal, Really not sure why you were downvoted and why other users posted dismissive comments, but you are absolutely correct.
@Aandalucia, I don't read Chinese. I can read English though. See comments from the Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Twitter, in English.
Some background:…
I can read both and I'd like to contribute to this thread.
This discussion is not relevant to this deal.
It is extremely rare to see Corona beer consumed in China.(Tsingtao, Snow, Harbin and Heineken are familiar to me)
The US conspiracy is (relatively) popular on social media but not endorsed by (any) main-stream media. People are scared of the virus. It's just one of the thousands of rumors/ fake news on the internet anywhere in the world. Main-stream media have announced numerous times that the wildlife market is a 'probable' source of the virus.
I don't have references for the statements above. Those are the personal experience that I can represent for a handful (if not dozens) of family and friends around me.
@zhc946: Not sure what your point is. My point is the Chinese government is already starting to embark on their typical war on information. All countries do it to a certain extent, but not with the same ruthlessness and disregard for an opposing view. Like how they killed a bunch of university students in 1989, and now say it was a movie. Etc.
By using a city to name a virus, I knew you are just a xxxking racist moron. We never call swine flu as Mexico flu or America flu. Yes, there are a lot of rumours that CoronaVirus was created by USA. But to be honest, this is the first time that I read the conspiracy that it was initially deployed through the Corona beer, as I think most Chinese even do not ever hear of this beer.
I note you were careful not to mention Spanish flu.
@twinbag: Which actually never came from Spain… probably demonstrates why this method of naming can be hit and miss. Although in this specific case I 100% support calling it China flu or Wuhan flu.
@twinbag: Damn, you beat me to it.
There is nothing racist about "Wuhan Virus" or "Corona Virus" or "COVID-19". Viruses don't discriminate people based on race, or other stigma. They're opportunistic, and highly mutational/evolving. Maybe you (jy752) should leave your biases behind?
I think it's hard to brainwash these drunkers right here… just let it happen thru diplomatic channels…
Chill. It's not like he was saying that China has finally coronised the world.
Cool your jets, Jenny Jumpinjack
Lol Corona beer? Wat a load of rubbish and I read chinese
Waiting for the limited edition version of 19 bottles per carton.
man i imagine all of you guys writing dumb virus jokes thought you were being so clever as you typed your comments out
No… that ones actually low brow humour. I usually do a lot better. But then no one ever seems to get it!
cant believe these people didn't get it.
ill have the tuna sandwich.
@timthetoolman: There's about 30 people now, they clearly haven't seen TFATF and don't have a sense of humour
you may need to order a few boxes as once delivered and you come into contact with corona its a mandatory 14 day self isolation..
only question is how many boxes needed to last for 14 days ….lolSo is isolation from the first bottle or last?
They can do better than $48.
Was gonna say! This isn't even close to being a bargain.
mate I'll give you Corona for free
beer or ?
sure I do that over a beer
Is that the best you can come up with?
Try warm soup, sprite and Dayquil
Sorry I don't drink crap
yes if this the cure, then the cure is worse then the disease.
thank god it's St Paddys day tomorrow!
lol so it is!
now I have an excuse to drink tomorrow!
Corona isn't crap
It's piss
i was afraid that this comment would be negged, thank god ozbargain have some dignity
I'd take the virus over the beer any day. Im no snob but honestly its terrible stuff.
40$ and we're talking
overrated beer. pass.
Came here to give an upvote for the brand most negatively impacted by Covid-19
Is this made in China?
Is this a serious question?
can the alcohol in this kill its brother? Serious question
Try and let us know
no but it might mate with it's cousin
- No
- COVID-19 and Corona Beer are in no way related
If that was a serious question you should probably avoid alcohol consumption
If anything, the alcohol could lower the immunity system, making you more prone to the virus. But as Aussies, it will help our sanity from isolation and confinement by sitting on the porch with a beer and telling young punks to get off the lawn.
But not delivered. In these times of social isolating delivery is what counts.
I'd rather pick up a slab than wait for a delivery driver to cough in my face when it arrives
I don't know man. What if the guy that's delivering is infected and they deliver the virus straight to your doorstep? (Not another beer name pun)
The virus will survive on surfaces for many, many days. So the bunch of people that pull it off the pallet, stick it on the truck, and take it off the truck to deliver probably pose more a risk than you just going in and pulling a fresh one off a pallet.
Includes a free water bottle. Supposedly with $30 (who are they kidding).
Too soon bro
Lol, another Corona making a killing, albeit of a different kind
Need to stack up on this, don't want to be left out again like those tissue papers…
What happens when a person is under the effect of the corona virus and drinks a corona?
Corona - Corona = 0
Everyday price at Aldi. They sell 12 packs though
Wow that's expensive.
Discount code COVID-19 no longer working might try COVID-20
So more expensive than the going rate at Dan's. I was going to say it's only good value if you can't leave the house, but alcohol deliveries require a signature to ensure you're over 18, so doesn't help a no-contact situation.
Negra Modelo same price and a much better beer.
Hadn't heard of this. Seems to be fine for those with gluten intolerance/coeliac disease.
Will give it a go.
I don't mind Corona, as a beer it is quite weak, but as a refreshment I don't mind it, however this price is NOT a great deal. Usual price at Costco(i think $46), I would never pay anything over $45 for this…
CUB seems to be habitually late with their "guaranteed" delivery, one of my previous orders was not even passed on to auspost on the date of their "guaranteed" date. It is good if you are not in a hurry since you can get a $10 gift card for future ebay purchase.
The $10 voucher must be used within 28 days
These type of vouchers can be used to purchase gift cards from paypal digital gift. I always do that so I can get cashback when using the gift card.
needs to come with a bonus toilet paper roll
Isn't it better to buy them from BWS for about $54 and get a minimum of 2000 bonus points that they have been offering for the past few weeks.
cringing at all the tryhards desperately trying to make a joke…
I came here to neg covid related comments. Was not disappointed.
It's so outplayed by now lol
This isn't cheap? Not a bargain.
$46.95, not on special, any day of the week in stock at dan's. Not a deal.
No, but you can like… go and get it.
I hate waiting a week for shit I know is at the shops down the road. And postage is only going to get slower.
Why can't we have a craft beer virus, wouldn't mind picking up some Deeds fiscal damage 75% off!
Wuhan extra
Bet they will change their name after this!
Corona should start a campaign like coke. Share a corona with a mate or Share a corona with Tom.
$2 each delivered at my door. Thanks
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