Woah nice! Maximum effort rewarded I see~
And thanks for the heads up about what a code could look like. Will keep an eye out~
Happy hunting folks!
Woah nice! Maximum effort rewarded I see~
And thanks for the heads up about what a code could look like. Will keep an eye out~
Happy hunting folks!
Congrats, that's awesome. Was the code visible at all without stopping the video?
You'd have to stop it. It's on screen for exactly 1 second in the bottom right right area. About 5mm height on a 4k 65" TV.
Thanks! Might give it a go later.
I've found that 15 second ad spot. The code is on the diving board 8 seconds in. Too blurry for me to see the code. Happy searching!
Oh, that means it will be real hard to see on mine - I have an old 32" SD TV - might need a magnifying glass if I can find it and hope the lack of pixels doesn't mess with it too much. :-)
Congrats with the win - always good to hear from winners here.
Great for the rest who never win anything - gives us a bit of hope that one day my never ending run of bad luck could change and……… :-)
What channels do they run ads on?
How many codes did you see rewinding TV commercials for the time you rewound?
Only the one. Also only 1 Samsung commercial in around 3 and a half hours. I assume Samsung have reduced the amount they spend on and number of ads to pay for the phones.
wow… i spent last night watching free to air (first time in ages) just for the ads last night..
didn't even see 1
You heard anything from them?
BTW to you guys looking if mine is an example of what's out there. It was the word "phone" (mismatched with different capitalisation and numbers) followed by 4 numbers.
I found a code but I can't work out the format, anyone know how it's supposed to be laid out?
Write it as you see it? Eg. phOnE1234
Saw this hint on a news site about the comp.
“Most dogs are microchipped - but there’s one in Samsung’s George St store that’s also microcoded.”
I don't know if someone has already used mine or not
If a code has already been won by someone else it will say
"oh no :(
The code you've entered isn't a winner."
If it's not the right code it will say
"oops :(
The code you've entered isn't valid."
@Applause: I found mine on an ad image on a website but I'm zooming in and I can't tell what 2 of the numbers are and I've been trying everything ugh! PS: What's the link to the page for the winner?
@YurisYuspov: Don't think I should share that, it has a link to a form to fill out.
Also note that in the T&Cs it says "Some pieces of Advertising Material will contain a hidden code that does
not correspond to a Prize, and does not entitle the Eligible Entrant to any Prize" which is weird.
@Applause: Did you try to enter your winning code again an it said ""oh no :(
The code you've entered isn't a winner." ?
I've found a code and entered it and saying isn't valid but pretty sure I've entered it correctly, not sure if someone has already claimed
@Rad19874812: Yeah I entered mine in again and that's what it said. If it says error keep trying with a different combination but if you are certain it is right it might be a fake code Samsung put out (a comment on facebook said that might be the case)
@Applause: Thanks for your response and gratz. Seems like I found one of those fake codes. It was on one of those digital ads in a shopping centre. Same format as you mentioned above. The code was rotated 90 degrees along the side of the phone in the ad. Hope this will help someone out there. Good luck all
any tips? been looking all day and nothing unless im missing it
Cant win a samsung phone with that display picture
For billboards some airports usually have lots of them around the outside.
No codes on Billboards btw
Samsung Twitter said "The codes are hidden everywhere and anywhere in almost all our ads across Australia! TV, cinema, mobile, laptop and more. Avoided billboards to keep you guys safe, eyes on the road not the code! "
Mixed messages from them. Samsung's Facebook says
We’ve hidden a secret code in our Samsung Galaxy S20 advertisements across… TV, cinema and big billboards (avoid those placements next to highways – we want you to be safe!)
Found another one but can't read it. See https://www.samsung.com/au/microcodes/ then see the image of the camera lenses at the bottom. https://imgur.com/a/udRHAiY
That was the first one I found, tried a tonne of combinations for it but none worked
how did you get the image to become crisp?
Would like to know how you got the image like so sharp as well. I downloaded it and everything and still look pixelated
I claimed that one early yesterday hehehe ;)
Wish it told you if it had been claimed, spent from 3pm-6pm entering 15 codes per hour with my VPN. Ohwell. 😂
got a TV add this morning, after start pause start pause etc way too many times I could not make out the code, got my phone and recorded it slow motion, still could not make out the code, then used the camera to take shot after shot and finally got the code, however could not work out what was capitalised or numbered in the word "phone" after 2 attempts i thought i was done for, however after the 3rd attempt of what i thought the code was i ended up getting a congratulations page then the next page says "Thank you for your claim. We are reviewing your claim request and will come back to you with an email as soon as possible." (note: the code was only up for a second, but would blur and shuffle around a bit before it shows the code for a fraction of a second before dissapearing, hence the 30 mins i spent trying to work it out)
Very nice!
Congrats! Which section of the ad did you see the code?
a girl was taking a photo, then a boy was jumping in the air and it was on the left of the boy amongst the clouds and sky
What channel was it on?
@aussie222: Found my one on 9 during the today show. Watching the movie zookeper on 9 right now as well and saw 2x the same Samsung ad didn't see a code but most definitely one is there.
You have a confirmation email from Samsung yet? Still waiting on mine.
nothing yet
update: still nothing, sent an email to the promotion email as directed by samsung's facebook page on Tuesday 24th, and today (29th) got an email saying "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" showing a list of 4 staff and their email address' showing as not delivered.. not sure if there are other staff the email went to but either way nothing heard from them, so who knows what is going on
Same nothing back from them. Also the same for another person who has won.
Have you guys got anything yet? I just claimed a code today and was wondering when they respond
You'll get a "valid-used" in the URL if is Valid and used….
phonE5871 - for the microcode site
I found one on a video ad I saw on Instagram but it's way too small to read clearly. Someone help lol
which video? :)
its taken
@farnkie: As in you were successful when you figured it out?
That was the code that I submitted successfully after trying a few combos, but I got the message at ~7:40PM on the 13/03.
Still waiting on them to confirm via email though and stressing that something happened.
@farnkie: I can't seem to see pH0NE0203 from the ad, the code I see don't have an E and looks like a dummy code? -.-
@fuzzykat: Code appeared in this video here during say hello to 108 MP on the letter M here is a screenshot
Anyone know how to see facebook ads in ad library in higher resolution/quality? They are all so blurry
this thing is driving me nuts
Some pieces of Advertising Material will contain a hidden code that does
not correspond to a Prize, and does not entitle the Eligible Entrant to any Prize.
Just cruel.
Noticed that. Partner and I came across 2 poster ad and tried it, came up invalid with every combo possible. Wasnt claimed, just invalid. Read a comment on twitter by samsung stating that “not all codes are winning codes” #devo
This is a brilliant promo, They havent updated their facebook/instagram ads for a few days now.
was there one in their original ad for the microcodes?
16 seconds in (when the "in ourour ads" letter pop up). It's in the dark on the left around the middle of the screen. Someone on posted a screenshot on Twitter with and arrow to it. It was pretty blurry.
damn…. saw it was scouring that for ages last time lol
someone said that code isn’t a winning one
Looks like phonE10.. the last two digits are blurred out
It was a winning code. Needed photoshop to see it. phonE1088
I found a code on Friday Night and submitted my details (address etc). It states:
"Thank you for your claim. We are reviewing your claim request and will come back to you with an email as soon as possible."
No email yet, but I think it needs to be reviewed by their promotions team and they don't work the weekend.
Seriously fingers crossed!
Nope, web.
Where arw you finding the code in the web? B
I also found and claimed a code on Thursday afternoon. No email yet either. I messaged samsung through their social channels - they suggested to wait longer for an email however this remark threw me off: "A lot of people have won". Seems a little fishy given the winner cap and current status (around 20% of codes claimed).
Have you called through to their Promotions team yet?
1300 362 603 - Option 9 - Option 9 - Option 2
-Edit- Apparently they are not even aware of the promo lol
good work guys….
@blehgg: I sense… sarcasm? lol
Keep in mind that only 25% have been found, they'll likely trickle them out to last until the end of May?
@blehgg: Ah, the intricacies of grammatical factors!
Keep your eye out. My web one was sooo pixelated that it took many guesses to be able to enter it correctly. Even still, there has been no confirmation from Samsung so I'm a little worried.
I messaged them on fb messenger. They said the amount of entries overloaded their system and made delays with email confirmations and they said not to worry as they captured winners details when you entered the code in. We can try fill the second form in again and see if that triggers an email. Also said to keep them updated as they will follow up.
Got a similar response. I'm worried that submitting multiple entries will mark it invalid, considering the fact that it's part of the T&C's
Went to the city with mates on the weekend, we found codes on posters and billboards. Had to try a few combinations of letters and numbers to get it right. Now I can't stop looking haha
found one….
swear its right… probably a fake code :(
Where give me please dm
Yeah send me the code :P
OMG I just won. I rewound TV commercials on 9 until 6:30 and there was a Samsung commercial and stopped many times. I entered buy got an oops not a code that got me stumped for a while. Then thought what if the O was actually a 0 then tried that and I won. Thank you sooo much OP.