Found this while browsing the website. Bargain as per title heading.
Samsung BX2450 24" Slim Full HD Widescreen, $179 Pickup from Sydney or $200.40 Delivrd

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$188.53 delivered (for my location at least)
Don't think they do pick ups..?plus 2.5% ($4.71) if paying by credit/debit card or paypal.
If you live in WA (like me) it'll cost you $45 to get it shipped costing $224.93…
I think it's the same one….. $189.95 + $14.95 shipping to WA
looks like it's almost gone though.
Quite a few alternate shops selling it cheaper/at the same price. Check the previous Centrecom post for some examples.
Can be used in combination with the AMEX $50 rebate posted here a few weeks back. The total bill has to be over $250 though
I believe that offer ended at the end of August
The offer is still open I think. Check out
As far as I can remember, the actual purchase must be made before the end of this month
Is there a similar deal but pickup from bris???
V. nice. That's an ugly stand though.