Variety of dates from May to December, excluding holidays.
Jetstar is a low cost carrier, so checked luggage / food is extra.
Expires March 10!
Variety of dates from May to December, excluding holidays.
Jetstar is a low cost carrier, so checked luggage / food is extra.
Expires March 10!
I think movies are not free, but some of the entertainment might be free? Unsure, I usually do podcasts :/
IFE is not free. Bring your own entertainment or pay $10.
Does this price include the 14 Day Quarantine on return?
IF that were to happen, all expenses paid by the tax payer, I suspect :/
Touche ;)
Christmas Island evacuation was at the travellers expense!
Only if they were well off; most didnt end up needing to pay.
yes but byo toilet paper
If COVID 19 doesn't get you, Boeing's more recent safety record will.
Uhh ~$400 is still a good price for japan flights and these will be different dates to that deal you posted so your poor attempt at deciding what is a good deal or not is a big miss mate.
Uhh ~$400 is still a good price for japan flights and these will be different dates to that deal you posted so your poor attempt at deciding what is a good deal or not is a big miss mate.
You obviously haven't been around for long enough if you think $433 from the Gold Coast to Tokyo with no luggage, meals or entertainment is a good deal. Better deals come around all the time from Jetstar and also the Qantas flights are getting closer and closer in price. But by all means go ahead and book this deal if my comment is a big miss.
$354 from Sydney:
$299 from Gold Coast:
$335 from Gold Coast:
I have to support both of you in this tiff. Jetstar does usually offer better prices than $400, a few times a year. $299 fro gold coast is pretty close to the best promotion price.
I dont know why $400 is a good price for later in the year, especially as September to march is the autumn and winter months, the snow in Hokkaido this year was not so good in January this year and has been good in the last 3 weeks. This is a bit shift in expected weather, and this affects the tourism and reason to go to Japan in these months. It has been 5 degrees warmer this winter in western Japan (where I am).
COVID-19 is hitting Japan hard, there is so much cancellations, no one on the trains in Tokyo, hotels 95% availability, and tourism businesses going quiet.
I think $400 is a great starting price for offering flights to Japan, but lets all stay tuned until the 20th March, when the same offer will be lowered to $300-350.
Oh great, let me fire up the DeLorean and go back in time and buy a ticket.
Right? What a useless comment. Hey guys no one ever post a good price on japan flights anymore unless it’s under $329. And whoever missed that deal or just wanted different dates the $329 deal didn’t offer, well… you’re out of luck.
Qantas are reducing the number of their flights to Japan; an opportunity for competitors to take advantage perhaps.
there no demand, there is no opportunity. chances are more flights will be canceled
Jetstar's owned by Qantas anyways
Roughly $562 from Sydney, not bad for November/December flights
Thinking of just holding out a bit longer, not looking like this virus is going away anytime soon.
Free coronavirus for this flight~~~
Everyone who was on the Saphire Princess, got Corona and now have antibodies are in for a great year of bargain travelling!
Also, whichever Pharmaceutical company gets the Vaccine rights…get on them!
I'm not holding my breath for a vaccine, I just want something that works impede the progression of symptoms.
I have parents that are older, and while I'd prefer they don't get sick at all, if they do, I just want a way to avoid sepsis and Pneumonia.
If it can be knocked back to 'severe flu feeling' symptoms, then suddenly the world is less scary.
Right now; the uncertainty is killing me more than any virus. I'm barely 30 and I'm dying from stress, lol; I have ulcers on my ulcers on my ulcers.
Not sure if you are serious, but people have recovered and have generated antibodies. It's a pretty straight forward virus, a vaccine will be out next year no doubt. In the meantime, eat healthy, keep hydrated, get plenty of sleep and if you do get it you will be fine. I'm coming up on 4 years now without any colds, and here's what I think makes the difference:
1.Wash hands (especially after touching door handles, keyboards). I've got very good at ghosting people with doors! Avoid tongs at work lunch functions etc (stupid human invention- ensures contact with everyone vs someone maybe might brush past your food). Its amazing how many people dont wash their hands at work before lunch.
2. Eat natural antivirals… honey, garlic, tumeric etc
3. If feeling flat like a cold is coming on, take echanasia and a multi vitamin. Also like to get salt involved (either get in the water at the beach, down 2 min noodles, pack of chips etc for lunch). Red meat for dinner.
4. Walking down corridors/ lifts. Wait till they clear if you can, or face away from people, hold your breath and close eyes and or blink a lot (people always forget their eyes are an easy target).
If you do get get something, take some lysine powder to assist recovery.
If on this Jetstar flight, I prefer window seats (some UV) and I'm 50/ 50 if you should put the air on yourself or not. Normally I aim it toward the coughing person (there's always one).
The above isn't as 'foil hat' as you think and easy to do. Hopefully don't jinx my 4 years (and I work in schools full of snot bags!). Summary, not phased by covid, haven't bought toilet paper this week.
I don't have general anxiety, I'm a fairly balanced individual….. with one exception.
Bacteria? Fine. Age-related randomly occurring 'Diseases'? Fine. Virii? HOO BOY!
Purely because we are so ill equipped to fight them.
We're at the mercy of how brutal they want to be, and all we can do is wait.
To make it worse, the bastards are invisible! Things can look clean, but be deadly; at least bacteria exists MAINLY on dirty surfaces.
I think everyone has that one irrational part of their mind, and that's the one I haven't been able to logic-away yet.
apparently there is someone in China who recovered but got reinfected and died recently, but it could be because he wasnt fully recovered yet, who knows.
I was reading an article that actually made a lot of sense; Chinas death rate is actually worse off, due to their long standing medical practices.
Apparently two big mistakes, are that they offer oxygen too soon, and at too high of a dose.
I was reading a medical journal that basically explains that if the body isn't screaming for oxygen, its been seen to treat lung damage less quickly.
And the bigger one, is that China apparently just DIVES on Glucocorticoids the second someone gets inflammation; if you know anything about corticosteroids, they're extreme immune response suppressors.
tldr of what I read was that too much oxygen too soon, steroids (at any point), and lack of enough machines to administer forceful assisted breathing, is why their death rate is so much worse than european countries.
Was an interesting article, written by peer reviewing doctors, and makes sense.
Do they ‘deep clean’ their aircraft with a single filthy rag ?
Does Jetstar still weigh your carry on luggage at the boarding gates?
And cancel your flight two hours after it was supposed to have taken off
And rebook you in economy the next day on a different route, even though you've paid business - though I did get 250 of my fare back…
Only if it looks heavy in my experience.
I once was carrying a small backpack (probably looked hilarious on my large frame) which was PACKED to the BRIM with things I'd need visiting a rural island.
We're talking 5L clean water, power bricks, 2 laptops, I'd have easily doubled the weight limit.
But tiny bag, big guy; they didnt even blink.
If you wait until the last minute to board they don't weigh your luggage. They only catch people who line up wanting to get on first.
Does the flight offer free on board entertainment? Movies and stuff?