Shopping List for COVID-19 Panic Buying

Apparently some people in Australia have started stockpiling for the end times that's somehow to be brought about by the low case fatality rate infection Covid-19.

So in the interests of maximising the survival rate of the Ozbargain community (think of a world repopulated exclusively by Ozbargainers), perhaps we should begin compiling a shopping list for the cost-conscious panic buyer.

What products should we be stockpiling?

I note toilet paper appears to be a valuable commodity in areas affected by the virus.


    • -2

      Swine flu had a 0.2% fatality rate… Corona virus currently sitting at 7%.
      That's 35x more deadly fyi

      • -8

        Regular flu has 2% death rate.
        Corona death rate has been 2.5 not 7

        • 2.6% of the infected cases have died so far, but there are plenty of people who are currently infected who will die in the future. So the rate is definitely higher than 2.6%

          One way to look at it is to say there are ultimately only two possible outcomes of getting this virus : you either recover, or you die.

          Data :…

          Latest figures : 2727 dead / (2727 dead + 28895 recovered) = 8.6%

          Obviously your risk is higher if you're elderly, have other diseases, and so forth.

          • +2

            @nickj: you forget undiagnosed cases. remember the really sick ones are the ones who are in hospital who gets tested. the mild ones who have COVID would stay home feel better and carry on. they estimate only up to 25% of those infected are diagnosed. in this way the actual mortality rate would likely be a lot lower

            • +1

              @May4th: Yes but the same things happens with the stats for various strains of the flu and other illnesses so for comparison purposes its still higher than those.

              There's not enough reliable data to know….but stats float around from approx 1% to high range above 5% mentioned above.

              Even if we use the lower end 1% but as a portion of population (assuming it spreads everywhere), that's still scary high for 1st world nations. Where we have widespread seasonal flu vaccines, mortality rate for flu is about 0.1% per annum. 1% for COVID is potentially 250,000 people in Australia, give or take 40K people or so and that's an entire city's population like Hobart, Geelong, Logan, or Wollongong! And that's on top of deaths from all other regular diseases and illnesses.

              Scarier still, 1% world wide is 78 million people… think more than the entire population of countries like UK, France, Thailand… moral of the story… 1% is not low mortality rate for something that has no vaccine or anything stopping it spreading everywhere

              • -1

                @MrFrugalSpend: Firstly, would all of logan dying be an issue? It just means less cars parked on lawns. Perhaps this is a good thing.
                Secondly, see first point.

  • +4

    Lots of herbs & spices & sauces to disguise the gamey taste of humans.
    Old age so you're tough & stringy, not tender meat …

    Maths so you can figure that if 30-50% of Europeans died in the black death plague of the 14th century & civilization still continued, then COVID-19 wont be too bad.

    • Human muscle most resembles veal in texture and taste. Gran and Gramps might be a little chewy though.

    • +1

      Old age so you're tough & stringy, not tender meat …

      Taste like Boomer

  • +3

    Those tinned family size pies with the puff pastry on top are amazing. I forget the name, they're blue on top and were on special at Coles last week. Sorry they're packed in the bilge and I'm on watch, not going down there to check.
    Other than that canned goods of all types. Dehydrated veggies are an awesome addition to noodles.
    You can buy tofu in long life cardboard boxes at Coles, it's in a blue and white box in the Asian section. $10 a kg
    Same with canned cocktail prawns. $12.50 a kg.
    Dried cloud ear fungus is awesome in noodles too same Asian section. Ignore the shiitake, not worth the price and overpowers noodles.
    Wakame is also sold there too. All of those products pump up your noodles and add nutrition and calories while lasing a long time and not taking up space.
    Oh chicken luncheon meat is also good too. Asian section, in a can like Spam.
    Falafel mix is cheap and only needs water added.
    Make flatbread out of just flour and water if you want it. Frankly, just learn to make bread. It's easy and yeast can be naturally sources.
    Porridge sachets can be made with water.
    Cheeses fully encased in wax don't need fridging. Aldi and Coles sell little 200g cylinders of blue and cheddar. Dairylea long life cheese is also good(enough) and half the price.
    Smaller seeds like rocket and baby spinach take no time to sprout and you'll have a sandwiches worth in a few days from one empty takeaway container.
    Plumrose(?) Canned ham tastes the closest to real ham. It's in a blue can.
    I'd consider a small distillery kit. If it's the end of times you can easily make a sellable product which also doubles as fuel, sanitizer and a weapon. It's very easy to do, all you need is yeast sugar and water, then ten days spare and some heat. The process is so easy a 5 year old could do it. Owning the distillery isn't the crime using it is so no issue owning one before the end of days. Oh there are also air distillers now, but I can't comment on the ease of use.

    That's it for off the top of my head.

    • Salamis. The good quality kind that you hang. I can't believe I forgot them. They don't need to be kept in the fridge, they so better hung up and drying, this is the same with prosciutto when bought whole. I'd research into charcutie in general or just ask your local continental butcher(Serbian/slovak not Italian, we preserve more than the Italians).
      Come to think of it I'd also buy some regular salt, pink salt #1 and #2 to cure anything you do come across. At this point it's end of days, who cares about cancer causes preservatives and nitrates.
      Also pickled/jarred everything. Roasted capsicum, stuffed baby peppers, artichokes, anything in that jarred tapas section that will make you smile.

      • The roasted capsicum needs refrigeration once opened

        • Your not going to eat the jar in one go? They're not that big… It's the apocalypse even if it were big..indulge.
          Also I beg to differ. It'll be fine for a day in ambient temperature. The reason for fridging them is to stop fermentation. You'll smell it if it's fermenting.

    • +1

      Air distillers are really easy to use. Or so I've heard…

      There are families being bombed in Yemen and Syria yet we here in Australia are starting to run around like headless chickens despite really high standards of living. If we ever face an actual crisis, we're stuffed.

  • -5

    So this is how the world ends ?
    Not with a bang ; but with a whimper?

    • +2

      It ends with people sending beer memes to each other

    • +1

      You're the scientist Jay Jay. Have you got any dangerous, black-hole-creating experiments that you were saving for a special occasion?
      Now might be a good time to start prepping the lab.

      • +2

        You're the scientist Jay Jay.

        Yeah but not of the mad variety ;)

        But if I had to do it , I'd go vacuum decay over black holes. It's a quick , clean and efficient way of wiping out the universe, and the laws of chemistry and physics with it. No amount of prepping would save you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  • +5

    just go to the Winchester and wait for all this to blow over..

  • +2

    Everyone needs to calm the fk down. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

    The zombie apocalypse starts Monday regardless. No supplies needed.

    Also don't need toilet paper, use garden hose to wash off.

    • Until you run out of said water.

      • Time to get all those old clothes out of the loft

  • +2

    Now I know why Aldi was completely sold out of pasta this afternoon…though strangely, there was heaps of toilet paper left! The panic buying has begun…..

    • +1

      Buy toilet paper to trade for pasta.

      • +2

        Three pasta for five toilet paper.

        • +1

          Gotta do the fibre math on this one I think.

  • A shotgun! make sure u Aim for the HEAD.. Can always kill a zombie if you shoot it in the head…

  • +1

    Looking at the falls in stocks, oil, gold, silver, etc, you would think life as we know it is ending soon. We'll all be bunkered down or fighting over the last rolls of toilet paper.

    'Keep Calm and Carry On' is a motto more than a few people could adopt.

    • +4

      our economy may very well be.. airlines, cruise ship company's, hotels, tour company's and retail will be hurting.

  • +1

    Install solar panels.

  • +7

    1,000 pack of sympathy cards. Once the printers shut down these will be valuable.

    • +1

      But then you'd need The Postman

      • Call Sam Porter Bridges

  • +1


  • +1

    Just go and buy anything pickled, dried etc. so much crap out there.

  • +1

    I am disappointed that the OzB community have to point out stockpiling water. I thought they already would be doing that as a natural part of the OzB spirit of buying Voss water bottles, as well as Quilton toilet paper everytime they are posted (which is regular enough!)

  • +2

    Why toilet paper if you can just wash it with water or wipe it with leaves?

    • wipe it with leaves?

      Com'on, we're not savages!

      • Do you have two $5 notes to exchange for my $10 note!? ;-)

  • -1

    i have allready started digging a bunker in the backyard to keep the zombie COVID-19-20-21 happanening….

    • how? Does it have a time machine and the hole is deep enough to reach China?….. Because it's already started :P

  • +2

    Those of us in W.A are going to be relatively fine in regards to an outbreak. No one likes to come here as it is so 🤷.

    As for stockpiling stuff, my area doesn't seem concerned at all, I've stocked up on plenty of canned proteins and vegetables as well as bottled water and plenty of medications, will stock up on cleanning supplies next week and purchase a few 5 gallon water holders. I'm sure the stock pile will eventually be donated as this whole thing inevitably blows over.

    Better safe than sorry though.

    Edit: current plan is to increase stock in everything should the situation get exponentially worse in the coming weeks. If the reports shows the situation going neutral/flat or even positive, I'll keep the stock as is and just plan accordingly.

    • Two people from the cruise ship now in isolation in one of our hospitals. There's no way someone here doesn't have it already.

    • +1

      Didn't the first fatality occur in WA?

      • A 78 year old man (severe risk bracket unfortunately) who contracted it on the Cruise ship in Japan has died. His wife is in a stable condition under intensive care and quarantine.

        The couple was transferred to W.A for care.

        • I hope she gets better soon.

  • +1

    Vitamin D… I'll be setting up my stool somewhere, looking forward to the trades :D

    • +1

      The good news is most Australians have so far avoided the sardine can lifestyle of high rise apartments with a tiny balcony (if you're lucky). We have backyards to roam and achieve a few minutes of sunlight without contact with other people.

      All those inner urban hipsters living on the 20th floor are beginning to regret the fact that going outside means two rides on a badly ventilated elevator that 30 seconds ago may have carried a COVID carrier.

      • +1

        lol I'm one of those caged humans you are referring to, not sure about being a hipster tho, but yeah I learned about Vit D the hard way :)

        • Did that 'hard' education also inform you that the majority of manufactured Vit D is gleaned from sheep fleece grease!? ;-)

    • bro, your stool at least better be seasoned, or nobody gonna be eatin that

  • +1

    Made in USA 3M N95/P2 masks are back in stock at some Bunnings stores, but be prepared to pay a premium. $29.95 for 5 masks.

    • Are these the normal prices? Or have they increased?

      • I recall generic branded P2 masks sold for $30 for a box of 10, but don't remember the 3M product price.

  • +1

    Cigarettes and Alcohol

  • So, should we buy out all the TP and baby formula and resell it during the crisis for a $$$

    • Nobody's going to be around to buy it. Heck, you might not even make it.

  • +2

    Has anybody mentioned the obvious of stocking up on friends and family as a cheap canablistic source of food?

    • +2

      Just remember: smart cannibals don't eat the brain of their victims.

      • +1

        You wouldn't want those malformed proteins.

        • +2

          Prions are the real zombie-makers. Although , I do have it on good authority that human flesh is delicious and has a much sweeter taste than beef.

    • you'll be in trouble if you aquire a friend that has the virus. isolation is the key to survival.

  • By rights the effect that fast food in our diet has on our body's and health is more dangerous than covid-19. It kills millions every year. To be fair, maybe we should stockpile every time mcdonalds releases a new mcflurry.((profanity) I like icecream)

  • +1

    common sense

  • Maybe it’s time to buy lots of Maccas hamburgers and store them in the fridge.
    Apparently they last for ages.

    Lots of calories too.

    Need some multivitamin and water from the tap is still ok (as long as no zombies)

  • Shopping list for COVID-19 Panic Buying

    CORONA would be on the top of my list

    • Going cheap right now apparently.

      • $49.99 a case at uncle dan, cheap it aren’t.

  • +5

    I've stopped mowing my lawn and have been blowing dandelion seeds to grow more dandelions. Dandelions are very nutrition dense foods.

    • And are SO EASY TO GROW!

      Don't believe me? Come check out my "lawn".

    • +1

      This make me cringe too much haha. Yea i spent a couple days rooting up these mf.

  • +1

    I am not sure why one would stockpile water?
    Our tap water isn’t affected by the virus, have I missed something?

    • +1

      I think the belief is that so many people will be sick and incapacitated that the supply of chemicals to treat water or maintenance of treatment plants themselves will fail thus leading to unsafe conditions.

      It reminds me of reading The Oil Drum forums in 2008 when the price of oil rocketed upwards. It was a forum populated by peak oil believers, and when the price rose quickly people were saying their final goodbyes to each other as there was a belief that the global economy was about to permanently collapse. 12 years on… petrol, diesel and gas are still available and cheap.

      Keep some extra food, medicine, and other essential supplies on hand by all means. It's a good thing to do at any time. But don't go building forts out of toilet paper.

      • I think people would be surprised at how automated power, gas and water are. It is only during wars when they attack infrastructure when you have to go dark / shortage.

        For pandemics it is a much different problem. Maybe people should panic buy a few medical personnel to tend to them when they catch corona. Generally food would be less the problem but risk of getting the virus while buying food is higher.

  • Well tinned fruit, and Metamucil. Got to keep that fiber in your diet, during lock down, otherwise you can't put all that toilet paper to good use.

    I bought a silly 5000mah solar panel battery power bank for $15 from the reject shop.

    They are like $12 online before PaH from the red zone.

  • +3

    The only thing worth stocking up on may be anything you rely on from overseas. With China shutdown this is already starting to and going to have a huge lead on affect on a lot of industries and supply chains.

  • +2

    I still have some cereals that is 2 years past it's expiry date. I should be fine.

  • What is the rational behind stocking up on toilet paper? I went to my local woolies yesterday to do the weekly grocery run, and to my horror most of the shelves were empty. I can understand the pasta and canned food isles being empty, but there was not a single toilet paper or paper towel in the isles. Why why why?

    • +7

      Because people are full of sh*t

    • +4

      People are stocking up on toilet paper because they think sh*t is about to go down

    • They're stocking up on everything, toilet paper just goes out of stock easier because it's bulkier so supermarkets carry little spare stock out the back, then people noticed the minor shortages and turned it into a full-blown run.

  • +1

    Not shopping as such, but a decent garden. Our lawn has been taken over by very healthy pumpkin and zucchini plants. Most of the back fence is covered in passionfruit and grape vines. I've got loads of potatoes ready to be dug up.

  • -6

    I wouldn't bother wasting money unless ppl r dropping dead on Aussie streets. A treatment is closer than U may think….

    • Treatment maybe, cure no. In fact we are many months (maybe years) away.

      Being in the field, i wouldn’t ‘bank’’ on it.

    • I think that's why people are panic buying because if it were to get worse, the likelihood of you being able to obtain stuff is going to be harder

  • Buy some survival skills books and read while you're fishing, enjoy…

  • +1

    Being a true ozb’er
    What from this weeks catalogues do I need to get?

    • +14

      Store the catalogues and use them as toilet paper

      • +1

        High IQ answer right here.

        • Big brain time :)

  • +2

    Just went to Costco… No toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, cooking oil, plain flour!!!

    Bottled water was nearly out

    • Medium grain rice is out of stock too

    • People may be observing the ongoing lock down in Wuhan and wondering 'they've been in lock down for over 30 days, and still going… maybe I should prepare for that too'

      As for water, I don't get it. If you want thousands of litres of safe drinking water without electricity or gas you can buy a Life Straw.

      • No idea what the mentality is…

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