• expired

6 Clean Meals for $30.85 ($5.15 per Meal) or Summer Pack 6 Clean Meals $20.15 ($3.36 per Meal) @ YouFoodz

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Ordered 6 CLEAN meals and used 'Honey'Chrome addon which found the above code.
Didn't seem to work for more meals

$5 a meal!

Not sure when if finishes.

Yes, I have seen the video of the owners!

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$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (173)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • -3
  • +20

    Gonna warn you. Cause you’re in your L plates. But this post is about to get hit with a racist bukakke

    Just know it’s not you’re fault :)

    +1 for you’re first post mate. Now, Where are my negs at?

    • +10

      I think its my 2nd deal. Go easy!

      Yeah know all about the racist remarks but a lot of Aussies have jobs with this company.
      Food is pretty good. Better than frozen.

    • +1

      Hope I dont get any 'racist bukakke' in my eyes! LOL!

    • Disappointing, we are here for bargains not social justice!

    • +5

      Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Racist Bukakke? Where? Where else do you see those things? Like, which site specifically?

  • +7

    They must really be struggling to win back customers at 6 for $30.

    • +4

      Seems common just before a new menu launch, I’m guessing an autumn range is about to be added

    • +1

      I used to buy these often but between the crap vegetarian selection and the poor taste, I haven't purchased in months.

      I used to be an advocate but I wouldn't care if they go away now.

      • So non vegetarian selection is ok?

        • I don't eat them but given the criticism on their meat meals from many others, it looks like they have dropped in quality.

  • Thanks op great deal

  • +11

    For those who find Youfoodz standard meals too small, the code also gets you 4 large meals for $22.95 ($5.74/meal)

    • Drink a full glass of water first then have two slices of buttered tip-top bread as sides and end with your choice of fruit. Still hungry?

  • +4

    When selecting “Summer Meal Pack” for me it goes down to $20.15. I assume in your post you have selected 6 individual meals?

    • +2

      It is. I cant comment on where the code comes from cause I dont know.

      Gezz… that a good deal!

  • +22

    Add the Summer Clean Meal Pack - 6 for $49 and use the code and it brings the total to $20.15

    Subtotal $49.00
    Discount YF-REFRESHED - $28.85
    AUD $20.15

    Just over $3 for each meal… Bargain!!!!

    • +3

      Yeah I got $28.85 off the 6 picked meals. Think im going get me a summer pack too!

    • +1

      same here mine came up to $20.

    • Got this as well, amazing

  • +2

    Not sure what happened, but I just ordered and only paid 20+ for the summer clean meal pack - 6. What a bargain!

  • +5

    Any better deal for 6 DIRTY meals?

  • +2

    Ah shit, here we go again…

  • +13

    +23 with no negs. Turns out $5.15 is too good a deal to be offended.

    • +1

      Nah….I'm just burnt out from neg'ing previous deals.

      This offer almost certainly costs the company to deliver 6 meals at this price… Not a bad thing.

    • Everyone has their price!

  • +2

    super bargain. good for dieting

    I'm already ordering weekly so this code is great 😁

    • good for dieting

      Only because there is so little food in each packet!

      • +2

        300-350cals is enough for a meal. I find most people eat too much food.

        I'm getting back down to my natural weight.

        I got the meals even cheaper.

        Summer cheap meals + coupon = only $20 delivered for 6 meals.

        • +1

          How do you determine your natural weight?

          • @ash2000: By bodyfat level and height.

            • -1

              @plasmoske: OK, just a bmi between 20 to 25.

              • +2

                @ash2000: BMI is usually pretty useless. Doesn't really account for muscle mass.

                It takes into account everything (fat, water, muscle, skeletal mass, etc).

                It's much better to just measure bodyfat levels separately.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, amazing deal. 6 meals for $20.15!

  • What makes these meals “clean”

    Are they keto friendly?

    • +3

      Has high protein, medium carbs, low fat and are usually around 300cals a meal.

      A lot of veggies. Very balanced and "clean".

      Not keto friendly.

      • So nonsense. Gotcha.

  • Seems like you can only use the code once

  • -3

    I used to be one of the people who came in here to remind every one that youfoodz is racist, but geez 6 for $30, sorry azn’s you’re on your own

    • -1

      Guess we know the value of your ethics.

      • +1

        Judgey judgey

    • +1

      I'm holding strong…. Even though ordering would almost certainly cost the company money.

    • $20 for 6 meals actually if you select the summer clean meal pack.

  • And here…. we…. go

  • I'm assuming this deal is spend $49 and get $29 off?

  • +1

    Cheers OP!Really helpful post🤠

  • Brace yourselves

  • -5

    Baxter's dog food and youfoods have the same ingredients freaking disgusting

    • +2

      God forbid you actually feed good food to your dog's

      • -2

        Don't worry about my dog he eats better then all these guys eating of youfoods .

  • +1

    works for the dinnner as well!

  • -5

    Racists. Can't buy my love.

  • +3

    You can order another set if you change your email - as the code is linked to your email.
    Got the lunch and dinner pack. :)
    2 sets comes up to $40 which should last 2 weeks worth of meals for work.

  • $20 delivery for Perth, is a bit steep

  • Can someone explain all this talk about racist and negging as I have no clue and really want to know now?

      • -1

        Lol not even that bad.

        • +9

          I have a different opinion. I have close friends that have been subjected to this all their lives.
          While it may not seem that bad, i guess it wouldn't be nice to be judged on the way you look, something you cannot change.

          And FWIW, i'm a white male.

          • +2

            @Lord Fart Bucket: Thanks for your reply. I googled it and found similar including video.

            Pretty low form from this couple, especially in their position.

            Not sure why people negged you for replying to answer my question,

            maybe friends of theirs lol?

        • -2

          You can't even look sideways at minorities today because of the chosen internationalists, who despise white gentiles and occupy our governments.
          It's a free for all on whitey though.

          I preferred the old days when everyone gave as good as they took.

  • Thanks op, lunches sorted for next week!

  • dinner sorted :)

  • +3

    There's an old saying in Chinese, "what's dignity, can you eat it?"

    • +3

      No, never heard of it.

    • they probably thought dignity was a breed of insect.

  • +3

    What are the margins on these?

    Surely even the haters have to up-vote this deal, especially if the company is losing money at these prices.

    • +1

      For $3 a meal ($20 for 6 meals + free delivery), it's a steal. I honestly have no idea how this company makes money with these deals.

      • How do you get free delivery?

        • +2

          Free delivery if you live in metropolitan area (doesn't include Western Australia).

    • -3

      They use Baxter's dog food with some veggies

  • +1

    The outrage is fatiguing.

    Monetary savings always outlasts morals.

  • -5

    Perth - $20

    What the heck are these delivery prices?

    • +8

      What part of Europe is Perth in?

    • +3

      Perth is closer to Asia

      • -2

        Explains the charges then.

    • i'm with you… but 5 people from W.A. think 20 bucks delivery is ok… either that or people neg your valid opinion… must be people from the eastern states that have trouble with commonsense.

  • +1

    bought, thanks OP.

  • +1

    Good deal. Thanks!

  • Good deal, will try for the first time. I don't see it getting cheaper than this for clean meals.

  • Great deal 👍.


  • -1

    Summer clean was 30.85$
    Scrap that i had 1 meal extra in there.

    • If you added 6 separately, they're $30.

      If you added the 6-pack clean meals, they're $20.

      The pack is basically pay for 5, get 1.

  • Score!

    Thanks OP.

  • How long can you store these meals for on average?

    • +1

      5 to 10 days

  • Thanks OP, code works for 6 normal (non-clean) meals too. 6 meals for $30.85 - good value!

    • Works for 5, you just paid full fee for a meal

      • Bugger. Still happy with the average price though. Will still sleep tonight :)

  • Xie Xie, dinner and lunch sorted

  • +1

    Money vs Morals = the Oz Bargain dilemma.
    See you all in the Bad Place!

  • +5

    Neg for the *** the boss is and the bad food

    • +1

      I would upvote so that more people order. Im pretty certain he's not making a profit and possibly a loss for this deal.

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