I have ~$20K sitting in my bank account and I save about $3000/month and have a full time job. I am banking with uBank, and currently getting 2.10% interest rate. I am married with 2 kids. Wife does not work.
I also have an investment property loan of $430K with 3.27% interest rate. Current value of investment property is around $550K. I do not have any offset account currently. I enquired with a few banks for an offset account. The interest rate offers I am getting are between 3.75% - 4.00% with a 100% offset account. Other than this mortgage, I am debt free, no other loans.
I would like to invest this $20K initially and then do a recurring investment of $3K/month for the next 9-12 months. Plan is to buy another house next year till I have a decent deposit.
I am thinking of opening a stock trading account and buy broad based (ASX 200 and/or Nasdaq 200 focused) Blackrock/Vanguard ETFs. Last year some of these funds gave upto 30% returns. Now, I know past performance is no guarantee of future performance. I have done some research and read at many places that a global recession is likely in 2020, with worrying economic data coming out of China (probably due to coronavirus), Japan, Germany and Singapore. Should I wait till the mid of the year when things may get more clear?
Thanks for your suggestions/ideas in advance.
I forget which.