Have been listening to Nick Loper’s Side Hustle podcast for years now, so I was surprised to find his latest eBook is currently free. The podcast has a tonne of value for those who want to pursue a side hustle to their full time job - hopefully the eBook is of good value to you too.
Mod: This book was released March 9, 2015 for US $0.99. It has been free since May 5, 2015. Apparently updated in 2019. Marked as long running deal, not appropriate to be reposted in the future.
@twjr: So this deal isn't for you. Imagine commenting on each post or thread that wasn't useful to you.
I already have a phone, but I am not going to head in to a page for a phone deal to start commenting things like: "this is no use for me, i already have a working phone and don't need or have room for another." lol