• expired

Nulon Full Synthetic 5W-30 Long Life Engine Oil 5L $24.99 (Was $64.99) @ Autobarn


Greetings everyone, this is the cheapest this popular engine oil has been in over a year from what I can tell.

Available in-store at Autobarn, however there should be no issues matching at Supercheap Auto for those who want to stack with discounted gift cards.

Sale ends 8 March 2020.

Nulon Full Synthetic 5W-30 Long Life Engine Oil provides the maximum protection and performance from cold start-up to high operating temperatures. The energy conserving, low viscosity formula ensures optimum engine performance for all technically advanced and performance passenger car petrol engines.

As always, enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Does anyone know if this is compatible with VW Golf Mark VI. Online suggests the Euro version of this oil but is there really a substantial difference?

    • +2

      Not a mechanic - purely a hobbyist - but I don't buy into that nonsense.

      This is a high-grade oil and should be absolutely fine.

      • Thank you sir

        • Check your owners manual to make sure that it meets the viscosity rating recommended by the manufacturer and also that the API/SN rating meets or exceeds the recommendations.

    • low saps

      • Excuse my ignorance but what does this mean?

        • +2

          please only use specified oil . One guy i know used different oil which clogged the dpf completely

          • @userid007: Ultra low saps. I buy it myself. Nulon and Gulf Western sell it. I haven't found any other brands that do in Australia, to the average Joe.

    • +6

      Stick to the Euro-spec oil for VW engines, purely because the engines are touchy as and require low SAPS oils (sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulphur). While you can use other oils, you may save a few bucks in the short term but you will spend more getting the engine cleaned out of deposits on the inlet valves among other things.

      • +5

        By touchy, you mean absolute poo. Agreed.

        • By touchy, I mean susceptible to changes caused by the incorrect oil viscosity, SAPS quantity, time to degradation etc. They are good cars, but when they go wrong, they go hard

    • Does yout engine require 507 oil?

      Aa ota out of qarranty its your call. But if it needs 507, make sure you use 507 even if doing 5k oil changes

    • I wouldn't recommend you putting this oil into your VW Golf Mark VI. You have to get one that is VW Approved, as annoying as that sounds, should list: VW501/505 somewhere on the bottle. Really not a good idea, especially since it's not even listed on the front of the bottle. Golfs can get real expensive to fix if you don't treat them right.

    • +1

      100% do NOT use this oil if you have a modern diesel with DPF, VW or otherwise.

    • golfs are fussy….

  • +4

    cheapest has been in over 2 years


    • +1

      Fixed thanks, read the date wrong.

  • Hhmm. Maybe it's time to give Nylon a go. Have always been using Penrite HPR 5

    • +2


      Hmm I would stick with the Penrite. The Nulon is a good alternative to the Penrite tho'

      • Lol. Memories of poor press from a while back about NUlon products . Might have actually contained Nylon back them. ;)

  • A part of me thinks this is just some cheap oil they bulk buy and put into their own branded containers. Surely not as good as Mobil, Shell, Castrol ?

    • They manufacture it themselves in Moorebank NSW.

    • Our family mechanic is a well known mechanic who only works on high-end Mercedes' and he once told me (about 12 years ago) that he only ever uses Nulon oil as he considers it the best.

  • +1

    thank you, perfect timing

  • +1

    Hi.. is it fine to mix this with castrol edge 5w30?

    • +1

      Never a good idea to mix different engine oils. Even with same viscosity. Will have different compounds and might create reactions such as sludge.

      • Source? What different compounds? How can sludge form? Genuinely curious here.

        • Past experience so I learned never to mixed different brand oils(Maybe different now). But tbh it was almost 10+ years ago in a EJ25T engine I added 1L Valvoline something (XLD?Classic? cant remember - Thats all they had at the servo) thinking it wouldnt matter. Next oil change it came out different to previous changes as I've always had Mobile 1. Took apart the turbo, checked bearings ok, check casing and confirm early sludge.

      • -1

        That is really bad misinformation. It is a requirement of api specification that all oil be mixable. Please do not listen to this guy

        • +2

          Assuming its true, I didnt know that about API. So many different ratings and overlaps its easy to mix two different branded oils with funny results. But hey its 2020 and maybe they make oils so they identify as any thing they want.

    • +4

      I buy between this and the Castrol edge 5w30 ( whichever one cheaper ) for my parents 4WD and I drive the car all the time honestly never notice the difference between the both

    • +2

      Small quantities yes, 50/50 no. I also wouldn't recommend mixing them unless you needed a top-up before service.

      • +1

        I agree. It's not like you ever get all the old oil out when you do an oil change, so having a little of a different brand in won't hurt, but don't mix half/half. A few 100ml probably won't matter though.

      • +1

        need 6L so planning to add 1L castrol edge which is left over from previous oil change.

  • +1

    Castrol Edge or this one is better?

    • +1

      Castrol, probably. There is no real-world evidence to suggest either way tbh

    • +3

      Who knows. I think they are both high quality. Best idea is to just change it on time, rather than worry about minute differences between the two. Some people want to know the best oil, but then won't change it for 20,000km or 2 years for example.

    • Castrol Edge is a top tier brand and from experience, it has been good. No reason to change now, even if Nulon is a little cheaper.

    • Castrol is 120 years old, racing pedigree, OEM oil supplier to many car brands. Vs an Aussie brand from 1980s and oil mixed in moorebank (above post mentioned).

      You take your pick.

      • +1

        Castrol makes great oil, but they also make average oils too. Just look at the price points.

        I'd bet this oil is much better than any Castrol oil that costs $25.

  • +2

    Just be aware that if you're price matching make sure the other shop has the same 5L bottle. I had an issue where they wouldn't price match because SCA for example only sold it in 6L bottles.

  • Can this be used for lawn mower which is 4stroke engine

    • Yes, I just recently used some in my mower!

      • Thanks mate

      • +6

        geez your mower gets better oil than my car does

  • Where does it say that the sales end 8 March?

  • Can this be used on VW bora 2005 2.3l engine.
    I recently bought it, and do not have the owner's manual, so i do not know how to check the recommended engine oil.
    (just wondering if 5w-30 is good for the engine or not.)

    • Go the Penrite or Nulon websites (or any oil website) and search for your car.

  • +1

    I just price matched it at sca. Thanks mate!

  • Should i use this for my little motorbike Honda CBR125R which is recommended for 10-30W

    • "A car engine oil aims to reduce friction between moving parts in order to provide good fuel economy and efficiency. … If the friction level is too low, the clutch will not be able to engage and will cause slippage. So what this means is you should choose a special motorcycle oil designed for your bike."


      • Ah damn… thank you

        • Check if the oil bottle has JASO MA on it, if it does then it's ok for motorcycles.

          I personally use Silkolene Comp 4

    • +2

      Look for oil which says JASO MA.
      My bike uses 10W-40, so I use either Nulon High Performance 10W-40 or Penrite HPR5 5W-40, which are both JASO MA. The Nulon is often ~$25 and the Penrite ~$35, so much cheaper than "motorcycle" labelled oil.

  • Will this be suitable for 2015 Toyota Corolla?

    • Yeah sure.

  • What’s the definition of “long drain interval” and will the oil filter keep up?

    • 10k?

    • +1

      LL just has extra additives to prevent breakdown of the oil, including the things that help prevent wear over long service intervals.

      LL (long life) aka long service intervals are 15k+

      • How long can you go in between regular full synthetic oil changes (regular suburban driving, no towing, no hard driving)? I usually change mine every 10k

        • +1

          Get your oil sampled at 10k, 50-60 dollars or so. You'll know if it needs changed or not for certain that way.

          • +1

            @Oofy Doofy: Interesting. Costs about the same as a DIY oil change (inc filter), but I guess you’d know definitively if you’re changing it regularly enough for your specific driving conditions. I never thought of doing that, cheers.

          • @Oofy Doofy: Hi, I know of engine oil analysis labs in US. Do we have any oil labs in Australia for consumers?

            • @DonaldJTrump: Yes. My mechanic said he had done it several times, and suggested I should try it at least once per vehicle if I was concerned about oil change intervals.

  • Can I use this to service a 10 year old car that specifies 5W-20 oil?

    • Maybe check the specs in the owners manual, some have a range of different weights/viscosities depending on the ambient temperature. The spec will also define the api/sn classification which can help with determining compatibility. I’m guessing yes. The 30 viscosity at operating temp might reduce fuel efficiency slightly, but maybe see what other guys say. What car out of curiosity?

  • Anybody able to comment on which is better? This or the Shell Helix Ultra? It is for a 2004 Saab 9-3 if that makes any difference

    • -1

      Pointless comparing the difference. Just go with the spec you need and what's best value.

  • 2012 holden cruze needs a very specific dexos 2 variant. thanks just picked up a bottle of this stuff.

  • Just got 4 bottles from local SCA and paid $90 via gift cards.

    They were closing so didn't enforce 2 per customer.

  • Is this for both petrol and diesel cars?

    • Diesel with no DPF would be fine.

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