Interested on peoples source on all things car-related, especially after a few comments around the validity of the recent Wheels COTY 2020 being the Mercedes EQC.
Personally I use and Pdrive TV on YouTube, and find them pretty on the money, however open to hear peoples thoughts and opinions.
Which automotive review website/channel do you use?

Doug really has the best content. He talks about minute details nobody else would ever mention, and his videos are generally hilarious. I can watch hours of him nit picking or appreciating a car.
People are the best, so I trust sales figures. If something is as good as the reviews make out, then this would be reflected in sales figures.
Most reviews are skewed in favour of the highest bidder. And it’s all about not stepping on toes if you ever want to be included on junkets and loan vehicles.
I mean, come on, Jeep Wrangler Rubicon wins a “4x4 of the year”, a month into 2020 and was compared to some of the worst vehicles in its class. That’s how stupid/worthless COTY awards are.
Oh cmon, we know you rely on John Cardigan
Tell me that he isn’t paid off by Hyundai and Kia… He is just as guilty as the publications that he criticises.
He definitely seems Hyundai / Kia biased.
@Circly: I don't actually believe he is being paid…
Yes he recommends Hyundai/Kia almost routinely, but it's in the context of evaluating engineering quality and service quality against price.
Hyundai and Kia happen to score well on price by default and their Engineering has been on a steep improvement curve to the point that they are no longer sneered at and are even admired.
They also haven't been in the news recently shafting their customers… and in the car industry that counts as top level service!Otherwise, he rates Mazda and Subaru pretty frequently, Mitsu for the Triton, Ford for Ranger, Toyota for Corolla, Camry and Landcruiser and the rest he's got a bone to pick (or in the case of VW Group, Mercedes, Nissan, Holden and Chrysler/Jeep/FIAT entire skeletons)!
What car/manufacturer is is he legitimately missing from the recommendations list?
John is basically: "this is crap, that is crap, that over there is also crap" dipped in high viscosity smugness.
Pass!But he's been on A Current Affair.
@JIMB0: But but but… John Cadogan says so…
And I swear that peanut comes here, because, as soon as we have something topical come up, Cadogan has a very similar video on that same topic released a day or two later. It’s uncanny…
Jeep Wrangler Rubicon wins a “4x4 of the year”, a month into 2020 and was compared to some of the worst vehicles in its class. That’s how stupid/worthless COTY awards are.
That particular COTY award is a deeply flawed process that only includes models that are new or ‘significantly new’ for the whatever 12mth period they look at. Not testing it against the previous year winner is another problem.
Others are a little better, including anything they can get to test that is available at the time of test.
redline reviews
For ordinary cars, carwow i find very good (uk based)
Savagegeese seems to cut to the chase.
scotty kilmer?
he makes the finest clickbait titles thoReally? I’ve tried to watch some of his videos, and the guy is a peanut. He may be a real mechanic, but he comes off as someone who “thinks” they know about cars, but has very little “actual” knowledge at all. And I don’t think he does actual car reviews more than he does repair/maintenance/how to videos.
Chris Fix is a much more watchable channel than Kilmer if someone wants to know about their car and how to fix/maintain/look after their car.
I only watched like 3 vids and his opinion is really inconsistent, it changes to whatever suits the video he's working on, thiccc accent too.
As you said, ChrisFix explains much better on maintenance and kilmer is a timewaster, but has a degree on making clickbait titles.He always sounds like to me, of a guy who was told something by a real mechanic and he is making YouTube videos of what the “thinks” he can remember what they said, or making videos of things he just read on Internet forums.
And that voice… I just can’t take Kilmer seriously.
his opinion is pretty consistent
toyota celica is the car to buy
find them pretty on the money
What does that mean? Serious question.
No, I want to know how OP gauges the review to be "on the money".
I find that Carwow is the most objective review channel on youtube, I find Evo the best printed magazine, I find Motortrend the best American publication (but I don't believe Motortrend's straight line performance testing numbers). They find any excuse to deduct time (to get more clicks and sell magazines), so you have ridiculously unachievable performance figures from them. They are pretty entertaining with their videos.
Doug DeMuro is excellent too, but he's pretty biased towards Porsche and Mercedes (but they do make excellent cars).
I have a couple of issues with car reviewers. In Australia car reviewers are keen to tow the company line and will jump on a bandwagon. They are clearly also pretty susceptible to brown paper envelopes (hence the EQC win).
I find most traditional automotive reviewers don't actually know how to review EVs properly, or if they do, they sometimes manipulate the testing to favour a particular car. As an example, most reviewers are oblivious to the fact that in terms of EV range, around town range doesn't matter at all, no one is going to do 200km+ around town in a day, and you charge at night. Freeway range at Freeway speeds is the only range that matters, so a combined range test with around town driving that say favours something like the Jag iPace might seem great to future owners on paper, until they own one and realise it's useless information. Likewise the latest Car and Driver Taycan vs Model S test. They did a range test by doing 100 miles on an oval at 85mph, which is 140kmh (an unrealistic motorway speed for much of the world, and one that just happens to favour the Taycan's efficiency delta, thanks to it's second gear). They then added the predicted range of the cars from the car's computers, and claimed that as the full range. (The predictions are notoriously unreliable, you really need to run the battery all the way down, especially if you have access to an oval). Basically the 'range test' resulted in astonishingly similar ranges from the Taycan and the Model S, despite vastly different EPA range ratings. It was a rigged test, because at a more reasonable freeway speed of say 110kmh, the single gear Model S would have gone significantly further. So youtubers like Bjorn Nyland are much better at testing this kind of thing (and they don't have an agenda).
and they don't have an agenda
Unlike some on this forum that appear quite biased with their opinions.
HEY! I love the Fiat 500. And it's not a biased opinion… After all, it did win "Car of the year" in its release year.
These are my favourites:
Doug DeMuro
Throttle House
Alex on AutosCarAdvice has gone a bit downhill since Nine took over and the original blokes left which is a real shame.
I enjoy Doug DeMuro and Carwow vids
Yes, Ozbargainers are the only knowledgeable, unbiased source of car buying advice for me and my Corollacamry…..
Username checks out…
My favourite car review site is Car Tell TV. Here is the first episode I watched: the comments are usually about the presenters not the cars themselves.
Carwow, caradvice.
Consumer report.
The straight pipes
Doug DeMuro