A freebie from 7 eleven for today only. Grab it while it lasts!
Happy Valentine's Day!
A freebie from 7 eleven for today only. Grab it while it lasts!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Vegan Drumstick
Wasn't aware there were drumsticks that ate meat…
This came from a beyond meat chicken
Just checked my app,I only have the usual free coffee :(
So it's gelato?
Gelato has milk in it too ya dingus. You're thinking of sorbet.
Vegan? Affogato'bout it.
I'm here for the comments 😃
Nothing on my account
If only Coles Express or Starmart can "price match" this.
I'll Will have check this morning
They had a few left at my store
Grrr, just left my local 7-Eleven! Would’ve been perfect for today’s weather!
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Good luck finding stock.
10 now at my local!
Enjoyed mine already!
Got thanks OP
A whole bucket full at my local store. Thanks OP.
Would it help if I shared my barcode or is it generic?
It's not generic..
Ok well let me know if someone wants mine
Has your offer been taken please? Would love one :)
Got one. Deliciouuuuuuuuuus :D
Wow this was actually really good, saw it in the app when I was in-store saving 40c a litre on fuel hahah. Delicious but sort of feel guitly eating something vegan.. urgh
sort of feel guitly eating something vegan.. urgh
Why would you possibly feel guilty eating something vegan lmao
Cos people associate vegans with protesters and traffic disrupters nuisance
And how does that affect someone eating something vegan? Do they feel guilty when they eat an apple? lmao
@[Deactivated]: Real vegans don’t eat a lot of farm grown fruit as it’s common practice to exploit bees and their hives to increase pollination rates. During hive rotation on larger farms and honey extraction a number of the already exploited bees can die. Naturally pollinated fruit is ok though.
So I guess those people you mentioned can eat most apples but not all of them?
@mapax: I mean… what's your source for this? "Real vegans"? I know a lot of real vegans, I'm a part-time one myself. It's absolutely ridiculous to be super concerned about possible harm to bees in large-scale agriculture. That's just one of the costs of being alive under capitalism.
Everyday vegans are not generally concerned with semantics, rather, they are concerned with reducing their overall impact as much as practical.
@mapax: eh, I don't care about that with fruits because it's impossible to know which are problematic and which aren't. I mean most crops are harvested in a way that kills animals too, even organic ones.
If we listened to the "traffic disrupters nuisance", which clearly you haven't, then maybe the real nuisance bushfires may never have happened.
but of course, you're too busy to notice the bank you work for is heavily invested in fossil fuels and the government you elected is just as ignorant as you are.
I probably would feel guilty just cos I'm not vegan (at all!) and it's hard enough for vegans to find things to eat as it is without omnivores like me taking their sustenance!
But I'd still do it. 😂
Vegans (myself included) would be happy that you are choosing something plantbased. I'd rather you get the last one than I get it if you were going to eat something non plabt based instead.
I'd rather there be no vegan options left for me than see someone eat an ice cream that necessitated the birth and killing of a calf.
Glad you understood my point hahah, I'm not a vegan at all.
This is amazing! I saw it in the app to get my free coffee and left with a free Vegan Drumstick too. It's super tasty - better than a lot of non-vegan ice creams I've had.
Can u redeem two offers at once? Usually the attendant says can't use two offers in a day
Yeah they let me redeem both with no issues at all. I'm guessing it depends on the attendant you get then.
Never been a problem at my local store.
Asked Manager today - "if you've got a voucher - we can't refuse"!
These tastes super sugary and icy to me. The consistency isn't there yet compared to other vegan ice creams but hey it's free!
if its icy then its propb been left out of the freezer too long at some point
Vegans are becoming a joke all around the world
If you mean that large businesses have recently discovered the profits to be made from the "new" vegan market…
How so?
Took one bite and put the rest straight in the bin. Sickly sweet.
I think I'll pass based on the sugar comments.
Yep, give the barcode to one of the 2 that negged me for having an opinion i guess
I didn't find it too sweet..
It's got a really nice coffee scent when you open it but the ice cream tastes too "watered down" imo..
Tasted too artificial with a not pleasant aftertaste for me. Wouldn't buy.
What I did like was the tasty cone.
Heaps at Hastings Vic
So I picked one up, and I still think I've owed half a free icecream.. Not sure there the rest of it is, and all the others there looked similar.
edit fixed it :) please delete this comment
Do you have to buy anything to get the deal?
I redeemed mine but voucher still there
This… Anyone tried it twice with the same voucher?
Conveniently "sold out" while a new box of "DRUMSTICK AFFOGATO" is right under the grill that holds ice cream.
"We only restock ice cream once a day"
I swear every time I try to claim a freebie I get a new excuse to my collection.
Don't know why I bother…
I prefer meat in my drumsticks
Every vegan post has some people complaining about veganism, yet it's vegans who are supposedly always "shoving" their views on others?
same with religion and the people carrying on about how much they hate religion, religious people are intolerant etc.
Just here to share that I'm vegan, because apparently that's what we do. GO VEGANS!
My local ran out, anyone want mine?
It was pretty good, not as creamy as real ice cream but I liked the taste
I was all excited about this yesterday until I realised it wasn't a Vegemite drumstick.
I got this… i know why it was free. It was not good
My Seven-eleven never has the free stuff. I think the owner is putting the stock out back or something.
Manager at local Brisbane store gives a friendly laugh when I enter the store - "So what do you want for free today?".
He even has put stock aside, knowing I'll be in later. Great guy!
There were over 10 of these @0940 yesterday. He restocks during the day.
I seem to recall on the top it said:
"May contain milk or tree nuts."
if they add a couple of vegan candles that's a vegan romantic dinner sorted