• expired

Barefoot Telecom Unlimited nbn 100/20 $79/Mth


Typical price for 100mbps is $89, these guys are currently advertising $79 with no apparent deal or time limit. No lock in.

I've used them for years and highly rate their customer service. Have always had good speeds. TPB is still unblocked lol.

For reference they seem to be the same company as Mate Communicate and resell the the vocus network.

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Barefoot Telecom
Barefoot Telecom

closed Comments

  • +1

    I have been with them. Service and connection quality were both good.

  • Any relation to The Barefoot Investor?

  • Never heard of them … but they do offer BYO plans …

    as well as a refund of the 1st months charge if you dont like their service … i like that idea :)

    so ABB vs Superloop vs Barefoot Telecom

    Swapping to NBN is going to be a very interesting process next month .. :/

    • ABB always seem to have a code for the first month free.

    • Superloop sucks ass. No service last 3 days.

      • Im with Sl as well, my service has been fine, but my max line speed is 12/6. Thanks fttn…

      • Had one month on superloop and it was just constant drop outs, any provider is better.

        • You think you know bad. Try Southern Phone…

        • Superloop had an issue recently with their service and they emailed all concerned, I didnt even know there was an issue with the service, they completed upgrades and other rectifications and all good.
          I have 2 cameras that send a notification when they go off or back online, ive only ever had one or two disconnects.

          I hate the long waits for their call centre, but they rang me back which was good.

          again NBN s^cks on FTTN, what a B@lls up of a rollout.
          If they weren't going to do FTTP etc they could of at least provided several nodes in every suburb..
          at least that would keep the copper to a minimum and hopefully greater speeds. stupid 12/6…

  • -5

    This looks like their normal price…

    • +4

      "This looks like their normal price…" As stated in the blurb up top.
      More of a hidden gem than a discount price, either way, it seems like an (Oz)bargain to me!!

      • -6

        More of a hidden gem

        Hardly, I'm on 100Mb Telstra cable and not looking forward to paying more and getting less on NBN.

        • +1

          Telstar charges $90 for their unlimited NBN 50 plan; so what are you on about?

          • @smartazz104: Might be talking about HFC?

          • @smartazz104: probably like me paying $90 for 100+mbps, unlimited, (I get 113 on average), which includes phone, being forced on NBN in October and having to pay $30 more for the same service, probably slightly lower speeds, yes I know I can get somewhat cheaper, but home phone is a requirement unfortunately.

          • -5


            Telstar charges $90 for their unlimited NBN 50 plan; so what are you on about?

            They charge me $99 for 100Mb/s, phone & all calls inc mobile, and Foxtel cable

            Show me an NBN Plan that includes that?

            • +1

              @jv: you get foxtel included as well?? damn … thats good

            • +6

              @jv: Can anyone that isn’t you sign up for the same deal right now?

          • @smartazz104: I pay 89 for 100/40 with telstra..

  • +12

    I kept getting NUMEROUS page errors with them, to the point the internet was unusable. Issues galore! The 'customer service' staff also repeatedly made fun of my slight speech impediment when I was attempting to cancel the service!

    Switched to Optus and never had any issues for years and years!

    • +8

      "The 'customer service' staff also repeatedly made fun of my slight speech impediment when I was attempting to cancel the service!".
      Wow usually companies offer incentives not to cancel the service not teasing and humiliation.
      That's a unique approach that Barefoot Telecom used to keep your business!!

      • +2

        I would of GLADLY stayed with them if it wasn't for the errors. I'm an ex-ish comp tech so was trying to modify my router, reprogram the DNS etc etc (I'm a hardware guy, not a network tech). Tried everything I could throw at it… no good.

        Switched to Optus for about $10 a month more after discounts and went to a very sufficient speed with zero errors. Apart from the odd day or two when the actual NBN was being added onto in the area it's been flawless.

        • +9

          My experience with optus when I've complained about my internet speed,

          Optus: "Your coverage in your area is bad"
          Myself: But it has been working well in the last 6 months but I'm only experiencing problems now
          Optus: "Would you like to cancel your service?"
          Myself: "I will need to find an alternative before cancelling it"
          Optus: " ok so you don't want to cancel it?"
          Myself: "No thanks"

          Not sure if the telcos are adopting reversed psychology but it did work with me haha

          • +1

            @UrbionPT: That's what you get after being transferred 10 times to the same departments over and over.

            • @Clear: Actually this was the first person and only one I spoke regarding this issue. I didn’t care much as fortunately NBN is being installed next month

    • +4

      'customer service' staff also repeatedly made fun of my slight speech impediment

      disgusting. some people just don't deserve jobs

      • That would be discrimination against immoral people.

        • Lol…so what's the problem?

          • -1

            @tdw: It's about being fair.

            If you want there to be no discrimination against people with speech impediments, then you should also not allow discrimination of those who choose to make fun of people.

            • @jv: yeah nah. people expect fairness when they won't treat others with fairness? just how entitled and conceited has society become?

            • @jv: Cant have it both ways… um yeah, you can. Thats how behaviour and resolution works. The argument makes as much sense as the tax office should pay tax. Or that if the police are unarmed, so will the bad guys be.

              • @Tuba: your comparison is stupid. one act is illegal, the other isn't.

                • @jv: According to the law, it is illegal to discriminate. Did you mean criminal?

                  And I edited. And that was the point… law makes it illegal. If there was no law against rape, it would not be criminal, or illegal. But we can have that law, and expect that the choices of victims will not be taken from them. All while we remove choices from the culprit and incarcerate them and no sane person would argue against the righteousness of that. Its how behaviour and remedy work.

                  Just as we can have a law prohibiting discrimination, and not entertain the snowflake notion of but but thats discrimination against discrimination.

                  • @Tuba:

                    it is illegal to discriminate.

                    Since when is making fun of someone discrimination???

                    Show me where someone has been prosecuted under the anti-discrimination laws because they laughed at someone.

                    • +1

                      @jv: The ADA is not the only act applicable, and your attempts to limit the evidence is pitiful. For example, there is the DDA, Disability Discrimination Act, and it is unlawful to INTIMIDATE a person in the supply of a service, on the grounds of their disability.

                      INTIMIDATE - any form of BULLYING, intimidation or OFFENSIVE, HUMILIATING or hostile treatment that happens as a result of your disability.

                      You can pay a lawyer for further education. Im stepping out of that gutter you dwell in. Its more than you deserve to demonstrate its illegal, I dont need to find you cases.

                      • @Tuba:

                        and it is unlawful to INTIMIDATE a person in the supply of a service, on the grounds of their disability.

                        discrimination is against the law.

                        good luck trying to take someone to the human rights commissions and having them charged for bullying because they laughed…

                        • +1

                          @jv: LOL, you think thats all it is… laughed? No, he laughed or ridiculed his speech impediment. Not a joke he didnt find funny. This kind of hair splitting is a courts bread and butter. If its recorded, its not even a challenge.

                          The employee, couldnt even rely on unfair dismissal laws if Barefoot fired him as Barefoot are liable as the employer.

                          • @Tuba:

                            its not even a challenge.

                            Challenge for what? Discrimination?

                            • +1

                              @jv: Context, its right there for you… do you really need a bouncing ball?

                              • @Tuba:

                                Context, its right there for you…

                                in court, laughing ≠ discrimination

                                • @jv: But the reason for the laughter is… I already said hair splitting is the courts bread and butter. Sex isnt illegal either, but a lack of consent changes it. Borrowing a car isnt illegal, without permission it is. Playing music isnt illegal, until its too late and too loud. Laughter is not illegal, but if its directed at a person with a disability, and a result of that disability, its discrimination and harassment, no neener neener required (Neenner neeners v The Numpties)

                                  • -1


                                    But the reason for the laughter is…

                                    in court, speculation ≠ proof

  • +2

    TPB is still unblocked lol.

    People still use TPB?

    Either way, change your DNS server to Google's or Cloudflare's one and you won't have the issue of DNS poisoning.

    • I use entered into the router so all the PCs on the network are routed to it.

      • = Cloudflare

        Yeah, the router is the best way of doing it. Mix in a pihole and it's better again.

    • -1

      Is the pirate Bay still around?

      Must be blocked for me cause I can't access it

      Can still use knaben though.

      I was never much of a pirate bay user but it was the best for finding obscure old music my dad wanted

      • The best you had on offer plenty of better sites out there

  • Been with them on the 100/40 FTTP for 3 Years now. Was $100 per month and went down to $79 about 9 months ago.

    Nevwe had amy issues. Alwaya gwt 90+mbps.

    • +20

      Go home askme69, you're drunk. Oh, and tell Amy to stay out of Nevwe's business

      • +1


    • When I started with these guys it was $89. Then maybe 9 months ago, sounds right, I got a message telling me the price dropped to $79, then recently got another saying its going back to $89 again as of this month. Is that not happening now?

      My bill still reflects I will be charged $89 for this current month.

  • +1

    Check out my Speedtest result!


    That's on my phone over WiFi, while over Ethernet I am also downloading a game from PSN netqork and watching a 4k netflix movie.

    Never had a speed issue.

    • Your general location if you dont mind me asking?

    • +1


      i'm going to miss these speeds when i move to nbn :(

      • Hehe Bigpond Cable?

        • yep … usually i'll get 125 from my mobile and stuff … but the computer im using is via a wifi extender .. so its dropped the speed a little :(

          it really sucks having to go from Telstra Cable (HFC) to NBN because of the speed drop .. plus price increase!!

          plus yesterday they just gave us an extra 300gig on top of our normal monthly usage (not sure why as didnt receive any emails but hey im not complaining) :P

          • @CereaL: Those are amateur hour speeds compared to full cream NBN. It busts me up to know you poor buggers are only getting whatever garbage tier NBN is being rolled out now… To be honest I'd forgotten that it was still being rolled out. I've had it for almost a decade. Condolences.

            • +1

              @LaTerrible: It amazes me how people think something can be faster than the NBN, its light ffs. Nothing is faster than light. NBN was hobbled is the problem. Been so since Rudds FTTH gift to Aus was tampered with to create haves and have nots.

              • @Tuba: well .. its only proper light if you have FTTP …

                i'll be connecting to HFC which i guess is better than some other connections …

                its sad how NBN12 and NBN25 plans are still being offered by larged sized companies :(

                • -1

                  @CereaL: FTTHome, FTTPremise, same thing IIRC.

                  • +2

                    @Tuba: It's late and FTTH and FTTP looks the same on the screen … but either way .. whats your point ?

                    FTTP/FTTH is the lowest percentage of installations around (19% According to NBN's 2019 Corporate Plan) .. so like if you have FTTP/FTTH you're lucky.

                    It's the rest of us "normal" people who won't have the speed of light available anytime soon :(

                    • @CereaL: If you reread the first post I made, thats what I said. FTTN is the hobbled net. Although if close enough to the node, you get close to full speed.

                    • @CereaL: NBN have been quietly replacing FTTN with FTTP for years.

                      Gigabit on FTTP is nice though 😉

              • @Tuba: Gift? Who do you think paid for it?

                • +1

                  @Wardaddy: We still pay for it, but now we get no gift of gigabit NBN, worse still some people cant get full speed NBN50 let alone NBN100, 250, or 1000. And we will now pay twice for that portion sooner or later.

    • I've been with barefoot telecom a while and here's mine: https://www.speedtest.net/result/9020549131
      I'm on the $69 NBN only plan, and seem to be getting ultra speeds (83mbps download) for the max price, so I'm not complaining.

      Also, I gotta say they have great customer service and no sign up fee or lock in contract is also very nice.

  • +4

    100/20 ?

    Slow upload speed.

    • -3

      It’s 100/40.

    • +1

      Took this long for anyone in the comments to realise why this is cheap - its a new tier with slower uploads than the regular 100/40 services that people may be comparing this to.

      Had I not signed up with Belong for 12 months (50mbit for $55!) I'd probably have given this a go.

      • I’m considering to sign up for belong $55 plan, what would be the reasons that would make you spend an extra $25 a month, are you experiencing any bottlenecks ? E.g Streaming stopping?

        • Nope it's been perfect and unlike some on Whirlpool, we haven't been throttled to 36mbit (yet).

          Just that we waited so long for NBN, we may as well pay a little extra to enjoy the full speeds available.

  • I never look at the invoice. But January was $79 and no mention of a price increase 100/40.

    PS: i did notice it also tells you how much data you used: 3.2tb last month.

    Check out my Speedtest result! How fast is your internet? https://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/5730827733

    Juat now on my phone with a child also online gaming.

    • i got an email notification back in December of the price increase back to $89 for 100/40. This is the first month at that price.

  • -1

    Yet another private sector ripoff while idiots pretend that it's cheaper than the Government.

  • I'll be transferring from Telstra cable. (HFC). Will I need to get a modem? Or only a router?

    • with hfc the box is supplied by NBN, but doesn't have wifi, the "modem" the companies supply is basically the wifi router (with a phone port if applicable), so if you are happy with what they supply, differs from company, and the charge, if any, there get the providers one, or get your own, but check the provider what they allow.

    • just router from what i understand

  • +1

    Interesting, all new 100mbps "deals" are 100/20, instead of the usual 100/40 deals. Kogan 100/20 is the same.
    ABB defaults to 100/20 as well, unless you "build your own plan".


    • So they can offer 100 down for a cheaper price.

      • +1

        I know why they do it, it's just dishonest to call all these deals "100mbps"; it's either "100/40" or "100/20", but we can't put them in the same basket

        • I understand what you're getting at - it's a little misleading but ultimately they are trying to get more customers in at a lower price point.

    • What if you have a 4K TV and upload files/live stream?

      Also you wouldn't get 4 people streaming Netflix in HD on a 25Mbps plan. Theoretical doesn't equal real world throughput. You're not all going to share the bandwidth evenly so someone will get HD while others don't.

        • Yes this was the dribble that the Turnbull government used to hoodwink people like you, oh but he of course made sure to get the fastest connection possible when he could. Total and utter tripe.

          Your reply tells everything we need to know about you. The comment has been reported

          I think I will report your comment for its sheer idiocy.

    • +2

      Ok Boomer.

    • Malcolm Turnbull? Is that you?

  • +2

    100mbps is hardly enough these days and so overpriced. Can't wait till 100mbps goes to say $69 and gigabit goes for $90 or $100. It takes ages to download new PC games at 100mbps and uploading even at 40mbps is crap.

    • Probably won't happen anytime soon with current cost of CVC for gigabit.

    • +1

      That's a valid point. A BF 5 update is pretty much an overnight job… :/

      • Used to take that long to download one low res image. Back in the day, the evolutionary ancestor of the troll took pride in making sure the image was not what you expected either.

        Good times… good times.

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