How Long Do You Travel for Work?

How long do you travel to get to work?

I live in Perth and spend an average of 1.5 hours to get to work one way (a total of 3 hours a day). Is this too long?

Poll Options

  • 65
    No, it is acceptable
  • 783
    Yes, it is too long


  • +1

    I work in education. 5 minutes, 500m. I go home for lunch. Previous job was a 45 minute bike ride. That distance does have a terrific effect on your mental.

  • I work in the city, so only take public transport.

    When i was living in Leederville, it was about 20 minutes door to door, including the 10 minute walk from the bus station to my building.

    living up Karrinyup way now, its about 30mins door to door (including the walk), faster if I drive and park at the station.

  • used to be 30mins door to door (Sydney lower north shore).
    Work moved me (and a bunch of others) to an outer city suburb, that time increased to 55mins door to door.

    I bought a scooter (motorbike type one, not an electric razor scooter haha), commute is now 23mins door to door… love it (except in the rain like today!)

  • 10 minute walk for me to the shared workspace down the road.

  • 7 minutes if there's traffic, including the school drop-off. Can't complain!

  • My best time is 7 mins, but I ride slower in summer so I don't get sweaty before work.

  • I drive to work, the longest trip each way I've ever had is ~30 mins at my previous job.
    For the last few years, it's been on average 7 minutes each way.

    Sometimes people at work all go around discussing their commute and how much time - I try to avoid disclosing my easy travel due to the various strong reactions of jealousy some people show (I would do the exact same!)

  • 40 mins each way and $16 in tolls. From Inner West Sydney to Blacktown.

    Non-Tolls would be 65 mins each way.

  • Damn, cannot change my vote. I voted without reading the question, just like you see a bargain, buy first think later.
    3 hours commute is too long.

  • 15-20 minutes drive each way.

  • Wow… 6-7min on my Yamaha maxi scooter.. I could not imagine spending so much time traveling to work each day…

  • Went live in City it was 3hours each way Gold coast to Brisbane CBD but i move after 6months make 50min then i move regional Queensland 5min and 3 of them getting coffee.

    • 3 hours each way gold coast to brisbane, how so? train takes 60 minutes, are you walking to the train station?

  • Until I get there… or about 10 minutes - whichever comes first.

  • My previous job in the CBD was 1.5 hours each way from western suburbs.
    Car to the station then walk to office. Fun times

  • About 1hr50m each way. Live on the Central Coast and commute to North Sydney. I could probably find a job closer to home but I would likely have to drop my salary by a fair bit.

  • +1

    Inner suburban Melbourne, right next to a busy railway station. Eleven minutes from my lounge room to the office.

    Rent might be high, but it's worth every penny.

  • +1

    I clicked the wrong button! It’s too long and I hope you’ll find something closer. I used to commute on the train, first 1 hour 15-30 (depending if I missed a train). Then 1 hour door to door. Then I found a job 8 minutes driving, only part time so a big pay cut. However, I’ve got more time for my family now.

  • It depends, a single train trip, near the end of a line so you get a seat to the city is suprisingly pleasant. You can do work or leisure on the train trip without stress, and you can blame the train if it's late. Multi-modal is horrible if they don't line up or you change in areas which are congested. Driving in Melbourne is horrid during peak, something I don't miss. Otherwise I find up to 40 minutes multi-modal or drive manageable, any more is too much.

  • 25 minutes door to door train.
    <20 minutes door to door cycling.

    Cost is important to me as well as time so I prefer the bicycle. The train ticket costs $10/day for 5km each way. The cycling is fun and good exercise and the workplace has spectacular end of trip facilities (bike servicing, towel service, fancy pants stuff etc).

  • Way too long.

    My commute in Melbourne is:
    1km walk
    30 min train ride
    400m walk.

    Door to door is ~45 mins.

    Anything more than an hour commute is very taxing on your personal life.

  • +1

    I am rare, but I hate traffic and therefore I bought a house 400 metres from work…

    The family quite like going to the beach, and i was tossing up between buying near beach and driving 30 minutes to work 5 days a week, or buying right near work, and travelling the 30 minutes to the beach a few times a week. Work won.

  • 35min walk each way. Sydney Lower North Shore.

  • 4 mins walk to work in Inner Sydney.

  • depnneds if it is you driving then yes…but if it's train travel etc i think it is fine

  • +1

    Must not be many ppl work in the cbd. I live in the east suburbs 12km from Melbourne cbd and train is still 30min plus 10min each end for walking and easy 50-60min one way. I know plenty who lives out past dandenong and ringwood. Easy 1.5 hours each way or more when metro decides to throw in the towel which happens every second day in summer. Would love to get a job 5min away like the mrs but IT jobs are more readily in the cbd.

    Also sounds like plenty ppl renting otherwise be buying selling a lot everytime you move

  • multiple sites some are 20 mins; others 1 hour and 10 mins; nature of the beast in perth mate.

  • 15 minutes door to door by bike. If I worked Perth CBD it'd be 25-30.

    If I'm headed to the Joondalup office or similar It's maybe 20-30 minutes car or 40 minutes train.

  • +1

    The redline for my mental health is 40 minutes
    Currently, I spend 1h05m…1h15m and I absolutely hate it. I waste 2.5 hours of my life 5 days a week.
    By the time to get to my workplace I hate the whole world, the same is applicable to my return trip.

  • I'm only 7 min (4.1 km) away drive from work. 2 traffic lights on the way

  • 15 mins one way - ACT

  • My fastest time: 10 minutes, low traffic and got every single green light
    Average: 15 - 20 minutes
    Heavy traffic: 30 minutes

    The closer I live to work the later I seem to be…

  • 35 - 45 mins each way, depending on traffic, or 1hr 10min each way door-to-door using the train when i have to

  • 30 minutes walk each way, or 9 on a Lime!

  • 1 hour one way

  • In my last job I commuted 2hrs (+10 to 30mins on train delays and missing train) each way for 5.5 years. Now my commute is min. 1hr 10mins each way and I’m loving life.

  • 45 mins one way. Don't think I'd travel any longer than that before looking for a job closer to home.

  • Perth South of the River into the city. Bus, train, walk about 25 minutes or cycle 30 minutes. If I do the latter health benefits and Over $150 a month saving.

  • 1hour door to door. Though once we have our own house, I'll be able to work from home and do 4x 10 hour days and have 3 days off

  • 4 minutes, 2.0 km. sometimes a little to close to home.
    i think up to 30 mins is okay, aftre 60 minutes i got crazy, mainly because of people on train who stink, talk loud, or think sniffing is acceptable.

    I took a 25k pay cut to go from 1.5 hour commute each way to 4 minutes, and life is lots better, but sometimes home to much.

  • 7 minutes on my scooter.

  • 10 mins walk to train, 1 hour on train then walk to office roughly 5 mins. North west Sydney to Sydney cbd. Beats the stress of driving..but it’s a long trip. Work from home where possible as I’m white collar, makes it all OK

  • About 1hr door to door. Half of it enforced exercise snacking the other half sitting on train. 4 days a week. Been commuting for over 20+ years now… Have never driven to work!

    Brother in law bought a house 10 mins from his work but 1.5 hours from parents…

  • +2

    I once read somewhere that world average commute was about 22 minutes.

    When I lived on a farm outside Brisbane my commute was about 40-50 minutes - buy the Daily Telegraph after work, read it on the train, relax to wind down from the stressful day, so by the time I was home I was totally in the zone.

    In Melbourne CBD I worked with a girl who commuted from Geelong every day - I forget the length - whether 2.5-3 hours each way or whatever I was horrified but she really wanted that job she couldn't get in Geelong so stuck with it.

    In Japan we once found ourselves on an early morning commuter train hundreds of km away from, bound for Tokyo - in winter the heating was like 26C so it was almost impossible to stay awake - looking around every head except ours was eyes closed, head down, full asleep - their body clocks were set to arrival in Tokyo maybe 2 hours away.

    Cheaper housing where there's no jobs - better paying jobs in the city where housing is too expensive - a standard worldwide phenomenon.

  • I lived and worked in Perth for many years, ending Nov 2016. I'd say the norm for Perth is about 30 minutes (by car.) The only people I knew that were further away than that, lived that far away for some particular reason (family, cost, lifestyle) rather than living somewhere convenient for their work.

    My one-way travel times by car in Perth, for my 3 main jobs: 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 17 minutes, then I moved house and that 17 minutes turned into 8 minutes.

    Now I live in Sydney, I'd estimate the norm to be about 50-60 minutes, but this could be inflated due to a higher rate of people using public transport vs. driving.

    My one-way travel times by public transport in Sydney: 15 minutes, then I moved house and that turned into 45 minutes.

  • Around 6 minutes in the car. 9 if there's a freight train.

  • 20 minutes driving + 5 minute walk, 15 minutes cycling + Shower.

  • 1 minute - Brisbane City living. :)

  • Perth - 15 minute cycle in and out of the city
    Gladly pay higher rent to maintain this if it means i keep 1-1.5 hours of spare time in my day. You only get so many hours in your lifetime, stuff spending it commuting

  • Depends on what you do with the time.

    Listen to an audiobook and relax, or a podcast to learn .

  • *how long do you travel for work?
    *gives us a poll only about his commute time

  • Three hours a day? I'd go insane with that amount of travelling. I find the 20-30 minute commute too long already. Time is the most precious thing you have, why would you spend it commuting?

  • I used to travel an hour to work and couldn't stand it. Like I'm talking about the level of developing severe depression, anger and overall feelings of frustration everyday.

    I eventually left that job and found a new one which takes about 45 minutes commute. I don't mind a single second of it. I think the main factor is that I like my job now, whereas my last job I absolutely loathed.

    Travelling knowing that I'm going somewhere enjoyable that's going to give me a sense of purpose and empowerment with great people around = no problems.

    Also, new commute is mostly on motorways. Only 3 traffic lights to my home, so no needless stopping or anxiety to beat the red.

    ++ On a nice day I'll take my hobby car to work, give it a nice rev (but never over 4k) and have a nice cruise on the way to work. That way I actually get enjoyment out of travelling.

  • Today I spent over two hours to get home. This doesn't include going to work. They should not have spent the money on renaming/rebadging BC it's still sh*tty rail

    • Were you caught in Lidcombe signal mess last night?

      Took me 3 hrs to get home last night. Screw Sydney trains! There is train line chaos whenever there is a heavy rain

      • Yes. I can't count. It was 3 hours too. I should really follow their Twitter..
        I read somewhere the signal room flooded.

  • I do the same travel, 30 mins to the closest train station, than a 1 hour train to Brisbane CBD.
    I'm from north Brisbane but half my office is from the Gold Coast and do the same travel.
    So very normal in my office!
    Totally sucks though… Especially as I will have a newborn in about a week!

  • For 3hrs to day it’s want to be my dream job, even then it’d want to be an easy transit ie country driving or mostly on the train for reading etc not stuck in traffic for most of it.

    My last job was 10min door to desk by car, but I mostly biked to work which took 35min door to desk allowing for cool down and shower. The extra time was fine because it was good for fitness and good ‘mental health’ time.

    Current job is 2 locations. 10-15min or 15-20min drive each way. I do intend to ride (approx 30min) but I’ve been a bit slack.

  • For those who live so close to work, have you ever thought about the loss of time to unwind and be alone after a long day? Sometimes the 45 mins - an hour commute home is a great way to wash off the iniquities of the workday. I don't want that the stress to follow me home and be so fresh in my mind.

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