This is a good Price and my kids love that.
Reusable Stainless Steel Straw $2.69 Free Shipping

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and vampires?
If you ground or sharpen the round bit on the end it would make a cool circular knife blade.
Just perfect for "vamp" to "cut and suck"maybe that should be the new name for it:
"Stainless Steel Cut and Suck""Stainless Steel Cut and Suck in the Muck" …. Yuuuck
Jimmy, if you keep stabbing me… you're going to kill me.
your kids like that its a good price?
My kids are prone to chew their maccas straws, cheap to replace.
These stainless steel ones on the other hand conjur up massive dentist bills if they start chewing without thinking…….hang on. This straw could jab your kids gum like a nail <<<accident prone >>
that is gross. can't even wash it clean inside.
Yes but isn't "stainless steel" hygenic…….
No, you can't see what's inside, after your saliva has been through it.
I dont know about you but i suck through straws not blow through them.
Ever heard of back wash. Oh SNAP!
Saliva is water based so it will wash off when you clean the straw with water!
And unless you actually try to spit as much as you can through the straw then through natural drinking you do not backwash all of your spit through a straw.
Have you ever used a kitchen sink? ;-)
You could use water.
It's not like there is going to be anything that needs to be scrubbed offEver heard of mould which occurs in damp areas…
Yes, on things which stay damp for extended periods of time.
But this will not stay damp for long periods of time, once you clean it give it a shake and it will dry out pretty quick.
Boil it for 5 minutes? sheesh
Why would I want to reuse a straw?
Apparently kids love it?
TBH no idea, less carbon tax?
It looks more like a drug taking implement disguised as a reusable straw
You can cook your kids some dinner (crack) with this.
You can use straw brush to clean. Very easy.
Is that an upsell attempt? :)
I wonder if they make a special electric shaver-style, mains-powered Straw Cleaning Station, with expendable cartridges containing the cleaning solution that can be purchased separately.
Quote: Enjoy you milkshake or smoothie.
Can someone please think of her kids and vote positive…
Have they already been used?
I think all of you are overlooking the most important part of this deal.
It's a Straw/Spoon!!! Think of the practical real world applications!
Have you ever been sitting there sipping your drink and wanting to eat pudding at the same time and thought…IF ONLY I HAD A SPOON!
Sorry to be a downer, but it could be sooo much better if it was a straw/spork. The straw/spoon thing really just limits your options too much.
you could easily modify it with a Dremel (optional extra) to make a straw/spork/knife combo.
I really hate is that my kids bite their plastic straws into tiny slits
You prefer they break their teeth biting on steel?
Tell them not to. Parents can do that (discipline)
They are not plastic. No worries about leaching chemicals.
Agree with tritorius, should have market it as spoon with straw instead of "reusable stainless steel straw"
or a spoon-straw, a spraw!
Does it come with the straw brush ?
Hope you didnt import 25,000 of these from somewhere hoping they'd be 'the next big thing'…
So……. Random :)
Ridiculous! These shouldn't be used by children; imagine the damage that could be inflicted on self or others!
Also, what's the purpose of having "None" as a selection!? Pay $2.69 for nothing with the ability to add nothing to your cart!? Which interestingly still adds 1 to your cart! :P
I couldn't conceive of a more dangerous item to give a young child. If they fall onto it whilst using it, the possibility of injury is frightening.
I've never seen plastic straws (~$1 for 50) look like such good value.
2 for $3.39
you win haha.
I LOVE SUCKING….. on straws….. :P
Different material. The higher the price, the better the quality of the merchandise.
How do you know!? :) I'll eat my hat if they haven't come out of the same factory!!
factory from china is a no no
Thats a bs reason. Just because something is higher priced does not neccessarily mean its better.
just look at beats by dre as a prime example, tons of other headphones are cheaper and better.
Another reason why something is higher priced is because the merchant is charging more..i can see the apple marketing technique there…
I think he confused the word quality with profit.
This is a good Price and my kids love that.
it's really irresponsible marketing this as a product for kids…
it looks very dangerous…
This is a good Price and my kids love that.
It doesn't actually say her kids "love the straws", but seems to indicate that her kids like the fact that the straws are "a good price".
in saying that, any straw could be dangerous for kids including the plastic ones at maccas….
but the risk and probability of an injury from a steel straw is much greater…
Doesn't seem any more dangerous than a metal fork.
But not as dangerous as these, maccas plastic straws will crumple up, these can go through the back of the throat given enough force.
Anything could be dangerous for kids if they use it incorrectly.
my thoughts exactly.
especially their parents….
Form over function. It looks beautiful.
If you buy two of them they can double as chopsticks as well!
Dangerous? Irresponsible? Talk about 21st century helicopter-parent style paranoia.
Oh, for heavens sake! These things have been around for years and I have yet to hear of any reports of death or food poisoning by straw! I have several and they are absolutely brilliant for eating homemade slushies in the summertime. They clean up fine in the dishwasher. (… and of course I don't give them to toddlers!) Get yours quick before they get banned!
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Y U type like sh1t?
At first I was trying to work out what was being said in the first few words. Then I read the whole sentence and couldn't stop laughing. After about 5 minutes of not being able to breathe, I'm back to trying to figure out what this all means.
4chan memes? ugh
sum ting wong?
You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.
(Yes, I know how to copy & paste ;-))
Two of these for a small child would would be perfect to test if a power point was "live".
at least plastic straws are not conductive at 240VThese are not going to fit into a power point.
at least plastic straws are not conductive at 240V
They are when they are wet, like after being used.
And they can be squashed to fit into the power point.why would you even want to give a small child a straw? It would poke their eyes out even if it's plastic.
This goes perfect with a glass of stainless steel milk.
glass? presume you meant a stainless steel cup.
I'm modding it up anyway. Don't know whether it was intentional humour or not but it's the funniest thing I've read all day :)
- dangerous
- stupid
- not a deal
- your kids think it's a deal
I can't believe how many comments this has had for 3+ve and 1 -ve vote!!
we need to discuss how bad this deal is.
I'm not sure that it is actually a straw? I think it might just be a "stirrer"? Bad english I think.
The store is Australian so i think they know what they mean when they say "straw" is a hollow round tube, that should pass as a straw i think.
But you are correct, this could also be used as a stirrer (and so could a normal plastic straw)
I bought a giant, recyclable drinking straw from an indiginous bloke once, but it was too big to get my gob around.
These look like to be a very popular item in prisons etc.