• expired

MyNetFone Naked ADSL2+ Plans (Free Setup + Free Modem)


Alternative to TPG. Offer available to Economy Plans & above.

Fast Broadband with NO Line Rental
Check out all the fantastic benefits you get with MyNetFone Naked DSL.
Special Offer: Get Naked this spring!
Get a FREE modem (Model: Netcomm nb6plus4wn) and FREE setup when you sign up on Economy or higher plan*! That's over $200 value for free!
Plus, you also get:
Easy Setup: all our equipment is pre-configured
Free Unlimited Technical Support from our Sydney call centre
Low Contention
2 Phone Lines with MyNetFone VoIPĖ†
NO line rental fees
Simplify management with one bill for all your communications needs

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closed Comments

  • Looks good, internode just put the price of mine up by $10 a month.

  • +3

    What is the bargain actually?

    • -1

      Special Offer: Get Naked this spring!
      Get a FREE modem and FREE setup when you sign up on Economy or higher plan*! That's over $200 value for free!

    • +1

      plans don't seem that cheap…

        • +3

          Except with TPG you can get unlimited for $60 per month ($30 line rental and $30 for the bundled internet plan). Just don't use the phone line and you can treat it like a naked connection :P

          (no, I don't know why their plans with line rental are cheaper than the naked plans!)

        • 200gb is plenty, unless you're a illegal downloader ( movies, games, music, software ect … ) then you need unlimited. And don't put up your excuses that "helps" you download ( i have enough at work ), thief is thief unless you stop it and change your behaviour. If you didn't pay for it or people didn't give it to you it's not yours :P

  • +5

    1st post, please be kind.


    • jv's popular again :D

  • Is mynetfone any good ISP?

    • their VOIP is pretty good…

      • I am looking for a good cheap Naked DSL ISP

    • +3

      I would vouch for them. Switched from Internode and could not be happier.

      • thanks

      • Thanks for the heads up. I too am on node and, while I appreciate the excellent quality of the service, the $10 increase in price isn't going to do it for me. MNF economy plan looks like a winner.

    • I set up a non techie friend with MNF naked DSL/VOIP a year an a half ago. I've never had any problems and it seems to have better uptime than my IINet connection. Last I checked MNF had the best value naked DSL deals for $40 and below — without even considering their VOIP service.

  • Looks OK with the free setup and modem but the monthly costs are way too high.. so naaaaah.
    …won't neg it but thought about it…

    • +3

      This is for a naked service, make sure you are comparing to other naked services.

      Naked costs more than a non naked plan.

  • +1

    This is their plan page on Whirlpool: http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc/isp-1152/mynetfone.htm

    The offer here is the free modem and free setup. They are ranked #20 on Whirlpool.

    Just FYI, I'm a disinterested party.

  • Can you send and receive faxes via voip?

    • Only with certain voip providers. With mynetfone (MNF) you can. My business has been with MNF for voice, fax and data since September 2011, and I must say that it has been fantastic.

      • +8

        It must be good if you can post from the future!

      • +3

        are you from the future?

      • I'm assuming you meant September 2010?

  • +1

    Should probably have some details of the plans in the OP. Can't really judge whether something's a good deal just based on what you get for signing up to an unknown contract.

  • -7

    ClubTelco's prices are much more appealing. Unlimited for $50 a month with no contract. Pretty sure they don't have any setup fees either, just a $50 once off membership fee and you're away.

    I can't vouch for them personally, but I've been following them a bit on Whirlpool as I'm thinking of changing from TPG. TPG's Naked plans are starting to lag behind a bit.

    • +1

      dont think they offer naked though

    • +1

      this is comparing apples & oranges. ClubTelco aren't naked DSL.

  • +3

    Mynetfone naked DSL service is good !

    • +5

      does not deserve a neg

    • Since when is MNF a budget Internet provider? Agree with dy4me, poor reason for a neg.

  • +2

    if this was available in my areas I would be all over it…
    sadly, both central coast and newcastle get no love

  • im on iinet naked now, do you support churning?

    • You need to ask mynetfone

      • I'll be asking that question too. I believe they use Optus ports from the last time I did research on them which makes churning from my Node service quite easy.

    • Absolutely, I do! The more butter, the better. And put some clothes on…honestly.

  • +2

    We're using MyNetFone and happy enough with the service so far!

  • there is very limited amount of homes that can connect to this service…basically the whole inner east melbourne cant connect.
    I'm with iinet adsl2 but this isnt available

  • +1

    Anyone notice the irony that the free modem doesn't have a built in voip ATA and this offer is coming from what is primarily a voip company?

    • Glad I wasn't the only one!

  • damn, this would be perfect for my folks, but they are locked into a mobile broadband contract.

  • I wanted to get their naked dsl since I use the voip service but was told I would have to disconnect from my current service first and reconnect and and I would be without internet for 2 weeks. Is it really worth it? currently with aanet.

    • Yeah, I'm just concerned about having to disconnect. Can't really be without my internet for 2 weeks either due to heavy reliance from Uni. Guess I'll find out in a few hours.

  • Thanks for this, i'm going to convince my housemates to swith from TPG naked unlimited for $69 a month, to an economy 200gb plan. The free modem is good, it's 300mbps N. Need to get a new modem/router anyway, currently using a G wifi router, and the boys just used LAN cables to desktops. Only 12 month plan is good, with free setup.
    Our TPG naked has been too slow, especially at peak times. Was going to investigate internode, but this looks the business.

    • Check whirlpool.net, you're only able to sign with a company on telstra's infrastructure and apart from them and TPG, any other smaller expensive company isn't worth it or cant offer duplicate service.

  • I'm pretty sure this is a lesser offer than what it was 1 month ago. They used to offer an additional 12 months free VOIP plan which gives you one DID and I think 100 local calls per month, plus the modem, plus the free setup (although only on 24 month contract). The advertised value used to be $250 worth of benefits.

    About 8-10 months prior, they used to advertise $350 worth of value for free. I know all this because I signed up and yes, the naked ADSL2+ service is pretty stable.

  • Can someone confirm that free modem is firmware unlocked, my VOIP service with MNF before but the Netgear router VOIP was looked.

  • +2

    This is not an altenrative to TPG, who use Tesltra infrastructure. I enter my address and am not eligible, which means they use different infrastructure. I am limited to TPG and Telstra where i live and IMO, its hard picking between the lesser of 2 evils, I've bene to the ombudsman 4 times with TPG and Tesltra have 400% inflation on top of their competitors costs, so unfortunately im going to have to stay with TPG…

  • According to Whirlpool, MyNetFone is on the Optus DSLAMs exchange. My exchange (toowong) is compatible with the Optus DSLAMs.

    So i should be able to use MyNetPhone, yeah?

    • MyNetFone is on the Optus DSLAMs exchange
      My exchange (toowong) is compatible with the Optus DSLAMs.

      So i should be able to use MyNetPhone, yeah?

      I think so.

      There is a coverage checker on their website which you can try to be sure.

      • Cool thanks, checked it, and we're compatible! Now to check with my housemates to see if we use less than 200gb, or 500gb. Cause we're on TPG unlimited at the moment. I would think 200gb would be enough, unless the boys are downloading blurays or something.

  • I have unlimited.

    On a good month i do 200gb. Blue rays although good are over rated unless you need it very good quality. Not wotrth the extra time to dl lol

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