[Not Honoured] Free Aromas Coffee Samples with Free Delivery (500gm Total)

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Whats better than coffee ??? FREE COFFEE !!!

Do the coffee profile questions (less than 15 secs) and they will send you 3 sample bags depending on your taste preference (beans or grounded options), delivery is pretty quick usually within 2 days for me. Its pretty decent stuff and you can put in a fake email and phone number

New link updated!!! Thanks Sonic

Mod: The company did not honour the deal, see here. Moved to forums.

Related Stores

Aroma Coofee Roasters
Aroma Coofee Roasters


  • +1

    Thanks, done!
    It did say "check your email for confirmation", do we need to confirm anything or are they just sending a copy? I put a bogus email…

    • Nope it just signs you up to the news letter :)

  • Thanks for sharing. :)

  • Nice thanks! For some reason it kept rerouting me to the forms website on mobile view, so tried in Desktop View and it worked fine.

  • Not working

  • +1


  • Fail! Ozbargained.

  • Not working

  • Must of been ozbargained

    • *Have

  • -4

    They have sent me and email saying it would be shipped in 24hrs and arrive in 3 -6 days

    • Its free you fool, I hope they don’t send you anything at all

      • -3

        Mate they aren't. What they hell are you going on about

  • ozbargain hug of death

  • +3

    I snoozed, I loozed.

  • +2

    This form is currently unavailable?

    • Marked as expired link was active when posted now been ozbargained

  • Ozbargained!

  • +9

    try this link https://blog.aromas.com.au/coffee-match-maker/gimme-somethin… disable your adblocks if you have one.

  • +2

    you can still get by bypassing the survey but previous users would need to share their Link to get different strengths/flavours, I chose the weakest https://blog.aromas.com.au/coffee-match-maker/easy-drinking/
    scroll down and fill out the details

    • +2

      Nothing appears under FREE TASTING KIT, what are we supposed to fill out?

  • -4

    Expresso, filter, stovetop, which one should I go for?

    • Depends how you brew your coffee?

    • +1


  • +7

    From the thumbnail I thought it was an Ultrawide Monitor deal

    • +1

      I was just about to post this! I got all excited for a split second there. Glad I wasn't the only one that thought it!

      • Was my first thought also.

    • Double ditto

  • Ozbargained even with the updated links :(

  • -1

    Looks like the form has been disabled. I've tried the other links given above, too, and none seem to work.

  • It worked !!!!!

    • +2

      Doesn't work anyway.

    • OzBargained :(

    • Ozbargained!

    • +16

      Pardon my ignorance, but why does it need to be authorised? The coffee quiz is on your home page for anyone to fill out. It's not like it's for members of something, and your getting peoples emails/phone number/addresses to send them future marketing (as I imagine was your plan when starting this).

    • User joined 10 mins ago - Ozbargained alright

    • That isn't how any of this works haha

    • 😂😭

  • Worked for me

    • How?

      • Clicked the link, I must have got in just before I was pulled down. I got the email confirmation too

        • Cool thanks. Seems they've changed their minds.

  • Guess if they will honour it

  • well if it wasn’t authorized i doubt they will honour it.

    • +1

      I don't understand what there is to authorise? The coffee quiz is on the front page of their website, and the free sample follows that. It's open to anyone that visits their website…
      Edit: Okay, that coffee quiz is different, and just takes you to a suggested type to buy and try.

  • Got one, hope they honour it.

  • +3

    Price of monitor in description please.

    • 😃

  • +8

    Hi, unfortunately our free sample option was hacked. It was only ever intended for our database. We are a small business and while we'd love to offer free coffee to everyone, we simply couldn't withstand that kind of outlay. Hope you understand and very sorry for the inconvenience caused by OzBargain.

    Mod: Quoted from rep

    • +13

      Was “hacked” lol

    • Booooo!

    • +1

      OzHacked, lol!

      When your wheelie bin gets emptied do you also complain about being "robbed"?

    • +8

      Can you remove my details from the database then?

    • +7

      Hmm could you not honor the first 25 orders or create a special OzBargain discount code for us to enjoy your coffee then ???

    • I do not know why i deserved these negative votes. Basically above response from their customer care response.

      • +4

        your message came across like you were the rep for the coffee company, thats why

      • +3

        Quote it properly next time so it's clear you're not expressing your opinion or position.

    • -2

      Jesus Christ, we're inconviencing them with showing interest in their product?
      How insulting.

      • -1

        we're inconviencing

        You need to speak clearly and fluently if you want to be more effective at protesting

  • +5

    Massive Fail

  • My free coffee sample has been hacked - no deal!

    • My personal info has been hacked

      • +4

        Time to change your name and move interstate.

  • +1

    Thats just great - While we'd love to be able to offer you a free sample of our coffee, as a small business we simply could not absorb the cost of providing free coffee to everyone.

  • +1

    Guys minus adcx.

  • +3

    Just got an email from Andrew at Aroma's coffee, after filling out the form.

    This was meant to be for customers in their database. OP shared something that only a select few were meant to have access to.


  • +6

    I'm really sorry to ruin a good thing but the bad news is that OzBargains managed to obtain access to a promotion that is only reserved for our database of customers.
    The free samples program was never intended for public distribution.
    While we'd love to be able to offer you a free sample of our coffee, as a small business we simply could not absorb the cost of providing free coffee to everyone.
    I'm sure you understand and I'm sincerely sorry for the misleading information posted by OzBaragin. A private page of ours was shared publicly without our permission.

    Best wishes,
    Andrew | Aromas Coffee Roasters

    • How bout a coupon offer for ozbargainers for some coffee samples that won't destroy the business?

    • +2

      I don't think they understand how the Internet works. If the page was accessible by everyone, it's not a private page The only way that they could have made it private would be if their URL was linked to an account login.

      They didn't get hacked (which is a typical catchphrase from people who don't properly understand how websites work) - they just don't have a clue what they are doing when it comes to the Internet.

      • +2

        Impossible for this website to be hacked. They store all of their customer's information in individual text (.txt) files in the folder "customers".

  • +7

    I wonder if this company intended to collect our personal information for marketing purposes

    • +1


  • Wasted 10min of my life

  • +13

    So much hate because a small coffee operator can't honour a deal that wasn't intended for the public. Get real ozb, support the little guys.

    • +29

      I don't think the backlash is aimed at the operator. I think it's aimed at the way they're treating OB members like hackers/villains just because OP posted a link to a publicly-available website.

      I know we're labelled professionals (looking at you Gerry), but we're just a community of normal folk who happen to share deals and offers we see around the place.

      Something along the lines of: "We're so sorry, our offer page went live before we were able to lock it down to select people. Thank you for your understanding and we hope you continue to enjoy our excellent brand" without vilifying OP or the OB community.

      • -1

        Give this guy a job in marketing & PR, please ^^^

  • +17

    Similar thing happened with Five Senses, but they handled it a lot better

    Whilst we were a little surprised our 'start-brewing' coupon code made it onto the web, we were happy to send out some early Christmas cheer before the coupon finished up. Shoutout to our awesome team who worked through the night and managed to have it all roasted and dispatched within about 24 hours … and the courier guy who rolled up yesterday to pick-up the mountain of additional orders for delivery: on ya' Keith! (I wish I could post a pic here). And let’s not forget OZ-Bargain member @jollybeggar for making this all happen ;-)

    For those that missed out on the deal, we still wanted to share the love so here's a 20% off coffee coupon for all OZ-Bargain members that will sort you out for orders between now and Christmas:

    Merry Christmas from everyone at Five Senses Coffee!


    I got my sample, and ended up ordering again :)

  • I wasn't expecting 3 sample bags for everyone, but perhaps a compromise would be 1 sample bag for those first few who filled it out?

    Or at least a product discount?

    I'm sorry rep but just joining to say "this isn't authorised" when it's on your home page and not giving any kind of consideration to what could be future customers is very poor.

  • -6

    Everyone so upset they can't destroy this small business…

    • Negged ya and this is why………..everybody so upset that this alleged error was handled poorly by the business.

    • +3

      Nah, it's about the poor handling.
      I didn't apply for this and I don't think many people cared or expect anything.

      Reality is, this is no one's fault but theirs. If you create a coupon or a discount page, and it isn't locked down, it will be found and shared.

      There are lessons to be learned here for them - but as a small business you can choose to use this energy and momentum to create new customers and a good experience that people will share… or do what they did. Blame others and refuse to accept responsibility.

      This is a golden time to get new customers by handling such a situation well.

      Saying you've been hacked and effectively ostracizing a group of keen and savvy buyers is not the best next move.

      Having said that I hope some of the comments here help them to improve the response next time :)

  • +3

    A private page of ours was shared publicly without our permission.

    i feel sorry for their existing customers, their personal information is highly at risk.

    • +1

      Couldn't have been private. You need to figure out how it happened.

      No hard feelings from me though. Hope you guys offer some kind of promotion on here at some point.

    • Exactly lol.
      Now I'm glad I didn't go for it, otherwise my information could've been 'accidentally' made public.

  • +2

    Don't anyone actually buy something from them, imagine how private the checkout system requiring a password must be!

    • +1

      That's not exactly the same. They have a SSL and their commerce system seems to be up to scratch. It just seems like the company wanted a page for their existing customers and their only way to set it up was via a non-public facing page. Someone took the link and posted it via OzB.

  • I reckon maybe a publicity campaign. BAd publicity is good publicity!!!

  • -1

    Taking all our data then saying this

    • +5

      They are not out to get you. It seems like it was a genuine mistake.

      • +1

        AFAIK there was two mistakes.
        The first one was making a private page public (which is a worry it took until it blew up on Ozbargain for anyone to realise).
        The second one was basically saying "ha thanks but nah we're not gonna".
        To at least give some out would show a much wider audience they actually care about the customers and not just the profit.

        • -3

          I develop websites for a living.

          There's many ways to make sites hidden to the public, what they have done isn't a concern. What they didn't expect was someone to upload that link to a OzB (hindsight is amazing).

          Now if you're a small business and have budgeted say 50 (or less) that may respond and they are getting THOUSANDS of requests. That could very well send a small company broke.

          Aromas do make good coffee (my ex used them where she worked at a local bakery). Why not give them a shot and support the local, small businesses. Hopefully they do come back with a deal as a "whoops we stuffed up" deal. If not, I'm gonna get a few beans off them anyway.

          • +1

            @richadam: I actually do support small, local businesses. I also support businesses 900km+ like this one.

            This is where psychology and marketing have crossed over. Fortunately, I've studied both.

            Link goes up, people expect free coffee. Link gets taken down, people are disappointed. Code goes up for XX% off coffee, people give it a shot. Business gets it's name out there and repeat customers come out of this. Or, few people receive a sample bag and others realise hey they actually did deliver.

            But that's not the problem.
            The problem is how they joined Ozbargain just to call us hackers and cheats. We're ordinary people and didn't realise it was not meant for the public (once again hindsight is amazing). They since have then have not responded to anything, only saying it was "unauthorised" and making seemingly no mention of erasing the data they have just mined from thousands of people.

            It's not too late for them to do a "whoops" sale, but impressions last on people.

            This is nothing about their ability to make a website, nor their inability to ship thousands of samples. It's how they handled it.

          • @richadam:

            Why not give them a shot and support the local, small businesses.

            Because I'd rather support a small (or even large) business that doesn't create accounts on OzB specifically to accuse its members of "hacking" their site.

            Very simple.

  • I love their coffee. Still got 2 bags left from the 30% off deal before Christmas.

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