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AeroPress Coffee Maker & Ten Mile Disk $49.95 + Free Shipping @ Alternative Brewing


Further $10 off this bundles already reduced price, essentially getting the filter very little! 24 hours only

Use Code "TENFREE" for Free shipping at checkout

Hard to find these on sale at this rock bottom price! Great to take camping, make coffee at home or at the office. Well built portable coffee press and reusable filter to minimise on paper waste.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I love my aeropress. Good price. Note that a new version is coming out in a month or so.

    • +2

      Glad you love it! You mean the new Go I assume: https://alternativebrewing.com.au/product/aeropress-go-coffe…

      Around 60ml Less capacity but comes with a cup! We will keep both the Original and Go in stock :)

      • Hi OP, any chance of a deal for the Go with a Ten Mile Disk? Happy to pre-order and wait for the new one.

    • do you grind your own beans for the aeropress?

      • +1

        Yes. I find it makes a huge difference. I bought this. No idea if I bought it originally from OP or not. It works great, perfect for camping and travel as well. Never need power or batteries.

    • +1

      From what I have seen, the new model is more compact but reduces the amount of water you can put in the brewer. I think the old one is better unless you need it more compact to fit in your daypack or suitcase.

      • I'm planning on having both. New model for home and travel. Old model will stay at work.

  • $44.90 with free prime delivery with paper filters.. The metal disks alter the taste!

    • +4

      We have it for 5c cheaper here haha: https://alternativebrewing.com.au/product/aerobie-aeropress-…

      With the 350 papers too!

      The above deal also includes the paper filters too - 350 and stainless disk :)

      • -7

        Yours is more expensive after cashback, also people are getting 5% off discount Amazon gift card

        • +47

          For the sake of a couple of bucks cash back and the hassle of using 5% discounted gift cards, I'd be supporting small Australian business rather than Amazon.

          • @Maxxiz: So the seller on Amazon isn't small business?

            Amazon is providing the cashback not the seller

            • +9

              @SnoozeAndLose: I'd still support AB honestly

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: People has freedom of choice, I am just pointing out the bargain side not the seller side. Personally if AB on par with Amazon after cashback, I would definitely buying from them.

            • @SnoozeAndLose: I'm guessing that all the small busninesses are supporting the cashback at least in the form of fees. Big business like amazon, make their money from all those small businesses. Their ulitmate aim, like trivago, is to monopolise their area of business, and then branch out into other areas. Think g00gle. Often small businesses are at the mercy of these intermediaries. https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/amazons-war-on-small-busi…

          • +1

            @Maxxiz: Many people don't realise that there are many third party (small business) sellers on Amazon. So you can be supporting small businesses when purchasing on Amazon as well.

            • +2

              @SelfMade: Yeah I understand that too, and it's a valid point. But one can only assume that Amazon still take their cut.

    • +4

      Much prefer my metal discs to the paper options. Both for taste and reduced waste.

      • +4

        Yeah I'm a convert as well. I did initially prefer the "smoothness" of the paper filters. I've grown to love the "bolder" cups I'm getting from the ten mile disk. Plus easier to clean.

        • Glad you all like them! :)

  • Could never make a good coffee with the aeropress as well not with a pour over with a cone filter. So I guess I'll never be a barista.

    That said, most people love these things.

    • +1

      Try different coffee maybe with a recent roast date? Are you grinding fresh?

      • +1

        I roast my own beans, tried many different types, roast levels, grind sizes, etc.

        • Okay you've probably got it covered then 😁 it's a different style to espresso but I enjoy both for variety. Apparently water hardness can also make a difference, and there are different brewing techniques that vary the water/coffee ratio.

        • Which aspect of the coffee wasn't good? It's a piece of cake to make a decent cup. Interested to know what you don't like?

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I can make an espresso that I like using a machine. I remember posting this issue elsewhere and it basically just comes down to personal preference.

            • +2

              @TEER3X: Shot of espresso? Aeropress doesn't really do them well stock. A machine will use pressure. Use something like this:

              Aeropress is the gold standard for long blacks IMHO.

            • +1

              @TEER3X: It's great for a large french press style coffee when travelling but will never achieve an espresso crema. I've stopped using mine for travel and rely on the nanopresso. But if you want to try a cold drip, team it up with a puck puck. Use it at home for iced lattes and packs for travel.

  • Hi OP, will you re-stock the Leverpresso? v2 maybe?

    • +2

      Hey! We are actually waiting to get the V3 - it comes out in around a months time then we will place an order for that model! Sorry, but probably worth the wait for the latest!

      • +1

        Ok good to know! Make sure to post on ozb ;)

        • Will do thank you!

  • @sbjel1 I need replacement filters - would you recommend the steel over the paper? Do any of the filters you stock qualify for free shipping?

    • +1

      Personally I used the papers until I ran out then went to the stainless, I find it does let through slightly more grounds so its more full bodied but its great coffee still.

      Sadly with the papers they really have zero margin so we cant help sorry!

      • Makes sense thanks

    • +1

      I reuse my papers quite a few times, they last for a while that way. The aeropress inventor actually recommends washing the papers prior to use and resuing papers multiple times, just make sure to rinse well after each use.

  • Picked up an Aeropress for free on Facebook Marketplace, keen to give it a whirl.

    • Enjoy it! Fresh coffee and good to go!

  • Any other free/cheap shipping codes floating around? I literally only need some hario dripper paper filters at 9.95 and can’t really justify paying 9.95 on top for shipping

    • +1

      Sadly not sorry due to the price of the product sorry!

  • These things are great.
    I have been using mine for a few years.
    Pro tip dont put it in the dishwasher it will wash off the level markings.

    • haha agree and so easy to wash by hand takes a second haha good tip

    • Why are you putting it in the dishwasher? The process of pushing the plunger through cleans the inside! Simple wipe the excess coffee from the bottom of the plunger rubber and you're done, unless you spill on the outside maybe?

      • I didn't the wife did thing still works great.

  • +3

    Can anyone recommend coffee beans or ground for aeropress? Grounded is preferred as i dont have the grinder

    • You'd be better off getting a grinder (get a manual one if you want to save money) and buying Aldi beans in my opinion. The Aldi beans are hard to beat for value at $12/kg and ground fresh they taste pretty good.

      • any recommendations on good value grinder?

        • I've got the older Breville BES one (electric) thats very popular - about $160 when on sale - it's had a lot of use and is still going strong.

          I've also got a small ceramic burr hand grinder (Porlex Mini) that I use occasionally and take traveling if I have excess space. It's a bit too small for daily use I'd say, and I suspect you can get cheaper ones that work as well.

  • I just got one - amazing brewer.

    Can you do a discount on the Cafelat Robot barista? I'd love to get one

    • Feel free to DM us and we will try help out :)

  • +1

    thanks bought 1 just now..thanks for the deal :)

  • +1

    Have been waiting for a deal like this! Just couldn't get it right with a moka pot, thought I'd give the aeropress a shot!

  • +3

    Having been an Aeropress user for 5+ years, after reading some great reviews I bought a Delter in the AB Black Friday sale and I'm finding it makes sooo much nicer coffee.

  • +2

    After a few requests we have also extended the same code to: https://alternativebrewing.com.au/product/delter-ten-mile-di…

    It is $54.95 but with the delter coffee maker

    Hope that helps

    • +1

      I bought the Aeropress bundle yesterday because I have heard good things about it, but then this morning I saw the comments and reviews about the Delter above (which I was previously unaware of) and was convinced. I jumped on the online chat at AB's website and within 5 minutes was able to organise a swap out of the order for the Delter, pay the balance of $5 via an online Paypal invoice and confirm the Delter will be dispatched this afternoon.

      Great service from AB!

      • I did the same but chat couldn't help, had to email them, hopefully it's not sent out.

  • -4

    The world's most expensive piece of plastic

    • +1

      That brews delicious coffee for years :D

  • +1

    Nice! I got myself one thanks

    • +1

      Thanks so much! Will go out today and tracking will come later in the day! Enjoy it :)

  • +1

    Just got in! Thanks. We'll give it a go. We're likewise getting tired of the Moka stovetop method. This one's worth a shot for $49.

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