So I love the salami stix you can get from Aldi and various other places for a dollar used to be cheaper but they upped the price if I recall correctly.
Haven't been able to find many other good items to keep in my bag and munch when I'm hungry say at work or on the commute home etc.
I find it really nice to just have portable long lasting but still tasty food on the go.
Also no mess, easy to store and saves me time and energy spent preparing stuff for work because I'm usually busy or just house stress means I can't really do much without getting interrupted or disturbed by someone also housemates / landlord are very strict vegetarians anyways let's not get into that let's just focus on the task at hand and that is recommendations or just list your favourite on the go or keep in bag snacks and treats, meals etc.
Every time I have one of those pepperoni sticks I'm so amazed at how genius the idea is and it works but for me I need a couple to get full or be satisfied one or two usually is not enough because when I go for it it usually means I'm hungry and stuck no where near a decent food place or at work etc or waiting for a train / bus with no near food shops.
The list goes on so what's your go to keep in bag or long lasting food item because these stix are life savers to me.
i find your whole post very difficult to read