what would be the best investment to do with 50k in Australia apart from real estate, lets put your thoughts please guys. Thanks in advance
Investment of 50k in Australia

Yup iwould say safe with good/ not bad return. Got zero idea in share market and found complicated. and been working in hospitality as chef for over 10 years but i lost passion in recent years.
So then best savings account offer you can find like unclesnake mentioned below.
Got zero idea in share market and found complicated
Unless you're willing to do some research, just stick to high interest account.
easy term deposit si judo bank, offers 2.4% percent on 5 year terms, get interest paid annually and can break on the day after anniversary.
Bubble tea!
I'm not sure if it's stupidity or gross ignorance but Bubble Tea has some negative news owing to a Bubble Tea addict.
https://www.foxnews.com/health/bubble-tea-blockage-teens-bow…the teen did not chew on the bubbles in his tea, rather he swallowed them whole.
Every restaurant and food product could have the same problem if their customers didn't chew their food. Lool
if their customers didn't chew their food
Exactly, stop blaming the bubbles in milk tea!
Yes yes, username checks out..
Shame you didn't have more available … otherwise you could have invested in a high yield BMW or Merc.
Could always hire purchase!!
Yup iwould say safe with good/ not bad return. Got zero idea in share market and found complicated. and been working in hospitality as chef for over 10 years but i lost passion in recent years.
So you said.
This wasmeant to reply hybroid but came as separate comment. Can not delete it 😂
I would normally say shares but if you dont like that option i would suggest buying a car park they seem to lease out for decent coin and are pretty low risk
Always the risk of self driving cars completely killing that business model in 10-15 years, since fewer people would own cars, and those that did could tell it to park itself somewhere with free parking.
Would be like telling them to buy a taxi medallion 10 years ago.
Make a long term investment in a low cost index fund. Contribute regularly. Reinvest the dividends. Let compound interest work it's magic. All the best!
A BMW. Not sure who the expert on these boards regarding this fabled appreciating asset.
Go for real estate. Alan Kohler blew away the shares argument on the ABC news the other night (Monday?). Since the GFC, return on AUS shares has been 8.4% or so mainly due to dividends. MEL/SYD real estate returned 100% in the same time.
I got 21percent on shares this year
They are a good investment, although I just cashed out, think they will go south soon
It depends what Alan is investing in and what point in time he has chosen for his argument.
The Aus market has returned 130% from bottom in March 2009 of 3100 points to current 7200 points. Other worldwide markets have mostly outperformed this and in most cases substantially. To namecheck a few… US S&P 370%, US Nasdaq 610%, HK Hang Seng 140%, German DAX 260%, Canadian TSX 120%, Japan Nikkei 220% and the UK FTSE despite Brexit upheaval is up 100%. Exchange rate adjustments over this period would leave the returns largely unchanged (slightly on the upside with GBP, JPY and Euro down and USD, CAD and HKD up - substantially so).
If you use the subsequent market correction which ended around October 2011 you're looking at reducing the above market gains to around 60% of the values reflected. Although if using these dates the Aus dollar had weakened so you'd be topping off your returns for the foreign markets with Ex Rate gains of around 40% for USD, HK with 140% , German with 25%, Canadian with 15% and UK with 30%.
Either way, more impressive than his 8% value (even if this was intended to reflect 8% compounding returns) and the above movements don't include dividends.
While property is generally considered a safer investment, unless people were able to make distressed purchases during and after the GFC, most wouldn't have achieved anywhere near these returns.
Having said all the above, without a crystal ball who knows what the future will bring.
TLDR - Kohler is FOS.
Invest in peanut butter and jelly
What return are you looking for?
Invest in yourself.
Namaste.Considering you are in your late 50s you may want to top up your super.
Super? Come on!
Well that's the thing really. We have no idea what the financial or personal situation the OP has to start; suggesting what he should do is bound to be a lottery.
If he is indeed late 50's (which I made up) and has a couple of houses (I am still making things up), under 1.6million in super (another assumption by me), then perhaps a top up is not too bad.
The guy has no interest in the stockmarket which is dangerous but whatevs that's OK. Super actually isn't the sillyest decision as it will pool with his current balance and could yeild some govt. incentives if done correctly. Lower tax ect. Basically a good index fund would be a sound idea if not super but each to their own. Or I dunno Emu eggs…
How old are you? Travel. Explore. Learn. Invest in yourself and your wellbeing.
best to put this in super. industry funds. sunsuper and host plus have special options which go beyond the norm for industry funds.
check them out.
you need to save for the future.
super will force you to keep the money there.
currently we may have a recession. sooner or later.
read widely and work out what conservative option is best.
work out what risk and return mean.
read investopedia.com.
investments are fluid.
save to the max in super.
do not buy a house unless you have spare cash.
the opportunity cost lost is huge if you compare super.bank interest is a poor return on your savings.
do the sums on this.
many calculators are there.
but you need to educate yourself first.
What's your definition of "best"? Relatively safe investment with some yields (savings account with minor interest) or happy to risk it for potentially higher gains (stocks/shares or buy a cafe business)?