Avoid Fitness Passport at All Costs!

Just a heads up to anyone that is offered Fitness Passport via their employer - it’s not prominently mentioned that you’re actually locked into a ironclad 12 month contract. Unless you plan on taking full advantage of their program the savings are minimal if at all.

Lots in my workplace have been burnt trying to cancel only to discover it was a contract, myself included.

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Fitness Passport
Fitness Passport


  • +4

    What did the contract say when you signed it?

    • -3

      No mention of a 12 month contract on the signup form. Hidden well within the terms and conditions. I must of not absorbed or read that part, there was lots to read there. A quick google search shows I’m not the only one.

      • +4

        Hidden well within the terms and conditions.

        Yea, no. Look at Section 5 Cancellation of membership table clearly outlining the cancellation fees broken down into weeks. This is all on you which is why everyone is giving you a hard time here. Lesson learnt for future.


        Screenshot in case still can't see it

        Credit to Jar Jar binks for the link below.

        • +1

          Yes kicking myself I didn’t explore all the pages. As I said it was offered via my employer, I had received a few emails about it, I skimmed over it on the intranet page which was just the benefits etc, then went straight over to the sign up page. https://www.fitnesspassport.com.au/SignUp/

          There was no mention of it on the signup page or the comms I received. Yes onus on me to be more vigilant, I get that.

          • @mrbrodie94: But surely you got a contract/T&Cs issued to you after you signed up? In which case had 14 days to back out of it with no penalty.

            Maybe there's an option to transfer it to a colleague who wants to sign-up. Worth exploring?

            • @Hybroid: No nothing sent after that. An email confirming a card would be sent out. I believe there’s only a 48 hr cooling off period for these things.

  • +5

    Did you read the contract when you signed it? Why weren’t you aware it was a 12 month agreement? Sounds like you just screwed up to be honest.

    Don’t think it was worth creating a new account to say this.

    • -1

      Wasn’t a contract a face value, a quick sign up form with a basic flyer that failed to mention the contract. They expect the consumer to pick that up deep within the terms and conditions or randomly on their FAQ Page. No where is it prominent or clear on the page I visited and the form I filled in.

      I use oz bargain - created the account to use this in general. Is that an issue?

      • +7

        Congrats, you're now a part of OzBargain's Premium Plan. The direct debits will auto-deduct from the email address you signed up with.

        Unless you saw the check-box on signup to opt out of the plan

        • +2

          Honestly this kind of shit has made me lean towards PayPal more than I’d actually like to. I logged in the other day and was surprised by how many companies were preauthorised to process more payments just because I bought a thing once or twice. Weirdly also includes old subscriptions and such, like cancelled Spotify accounts.

          Much better to remove preapproval for everything within PayPal for than find out if any of them had some hidden recurring fees buried in a credit card statement when it’s too late to do anything about it.

          Like now I’m stuck with this damn ozbargain premium bs until I just cancel the bloody card

      • +1

        You do realise FAQ stands for 'frequently asked questions', right?

        • Yup? I didn’t really have questions, foolishly took the limited information at face value.

  • +11

    "Hey guys I didn't read what I signed, now I'm screwed. Not my fault though…"

    Also: Member Since 4 hours 57 min

    • -6

      Not even close.

      And yes, glad to be a member on Oz Bargain. Unsure what your point is - should I have not made an account today?

  • +5

    Best thing ever. I paid $18 per week and my Family used it 16 times per week at a minimum.

    It would have cost us $80 per week (minimum) in fees otherwise. We could use any gym in NSW basically and no contracts.

    • +5

      This guy read the contract.

      • +1

        This guy read the contract.

        No, he didn't. How could he, when he appears to be under the impression that there is no contract involved?

        @askme69, you can find the legally-binding 12-month contract you've entered into here.

        • Ooof, excellent point. I missed that bit at the end.

          • +2

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Of relevance to this post, from the T&Cs,:

            5.5 In the case of a medical condition which prevents you from utilising your Membership, FP will:

            a. agree to a cancellation of the membership if a letter is provided from a certified physician stating that you are on a medical restriction of an indefinite nature, in which case the membership may be cancelled; or

            b. direct that the membership be suspended for the duration of the injury/ailment where a letter is provided from a certified physician stipulating an approximate period that you will be on a medical restriction.

            5.8 Except as set out in clause 5.5 above, FP reserves the right to determine the individual merit of each application in its absolute discretion and reserves the right to refuse a written request for cancellation or suspension of a membership in its absolute discretion.

            • @[Deactivated]: I'm not sure a GP will provide a letter stating OP's lack of reading and comprehension meets the requirements of a medical restriction :)

              • +1

                @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: No but the fitness industry is regulated under the Fair Trading ( Code of Practice- Fitness industry) Regulation 2003, which states:

                26 Other termination of membership agreement

                (1) A client may terminate a membership agreement with a supplier
                other than under section 24 or 25.

                (2) The client terminates the agreement by giving the supplier written
                notice of the termination.

                (3) The maximum termination fee the supplier can charge the client is
                the termination fee stated in the agreement.

                (4) The supplier must make every reasonable effort to respond quickly
                and fairly to the client’s termination of the agreement.

                OP, have you given them written notice that you want to cancel? Do you have a valid reason for your cancellation?

        • Ive been on it for 10+ years.

          PS: Fitness passport paid the gyms we attended as much as $150+ per week. Needless to say, I cost them money.

          • @askme69: Glad you're enjoying and making the most of your FP membership :)

  • +3

    Website - FAQ and More Information - How do I cancel?

    When you sign up with Fitness Passport you join for a minimum 12-month contract period.

    I mean, if you wanted to find it, you'd find it.

  • +3

    I signed up and was aware that it was a 12 month contract. Big fan so far

    • I’m pleased to hear it’s worked out well for you! :)

  • I signed up not long ago. The 12 month term was prominent. I'm sorry the didn't make that clear to you.

    Overall it's a very reasonable price for good selection of gyms. I travel a lot so it's nice being able to visit a gym wherever I go. Last I checked there are >750 facilities on the program, but apparently it varies by employer.

    Expensive boutique gyms are generally not included, and 24 hour gyms often have a separate once-only charge for the entry fob. But otherwise I am satisfied with the selection.

  • +2

    So all the heroes here read every detail of all those 50 page + signup contracts that are everywhere ?

    • +3

      The first few pages of clauses that outlines the core information, yes, absolutely in detail. Then a quick read over the rest like termination, fair use policy, insurances etc. You'd be stupid not to.

      Here's an example: https://uniactive.uow.edu.au/content/groups/public/@web/@ura…

      Read 1-3 in detail, skim read 4-8, read 9-10 in detail, skim read 11-18. Not difficult.

    • 50 page + forms are everywhere?

      Funny, it only takes 1 page of terms to buy a car.

      Given the nature of gyms, and their memberships, would it not be reasonable to check if it was or wasn't a contract? You'd double check if you signed up for Telstra, wouldn't you?

      • Most people signing up don’t read the in my case 50 + average pages at 100’s of establishments , you have protection of a cooling period and regulators are aware of this fact so more protections are in place legally .

        • Most people signing up don’t read….

          Citation required.

          you have protection of a cooling period

          LOL. Please share the details of this magical cooling off period applicable to OP's scenario.

        • The cooling off period for a gym or fitness centre is only 48 hours. I doubt that will help OP.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            5.1 Cancellation of a Membership by a Member will be allowed at any time in the first 14 days from the date of your first direct debit (by giving notice in writing to FP) or following the expiration of the initial 1 year term of the membership.

            That seems rather fair.

            • @Hybroid: It sure is when the cooling off period is normally only 48hrs.

    • Yep.

      You need to know your rights and responsibilities.

      Ignorance does not get you far in life.

  • I utilize fitness passport as well in a family plan and the number of times per week that we use it compared to the actual fee of gym and pool membership costs makes it very much more beneficial to us. The fact that even when travelling I can access a reputable gym or pool and still have free access is also a very welcomed addition.

  • I also signed up recently and the terms and conditions made this very clear on the Fitness Passport page. I love using it, so much more versatile than my old gym membership. Gives access to local pools and multitude of gyms.

  • +1

    My company just gives us $800 a year to spend on gym and shit.

  • I go the gym almost everyday for years.

    God forbid the day I have to pay normal amounts for a standard membership.

    This seems like a resolutioners problem who gave up on the gym.

  • +2

    Ridiculous thread.

    Fitness Passport is great. My 12 month contract (of which I was fully aware of when signing up) is almost up and I plan to continue using it. Great value.

  • I am on my third year on FP, great that I only pay $19 a week for family and I go at least 2 time a week to different locations.

    Clearly you get warn when signing up about minimum 12 months sign up

  • I love mine for me and the family. Can go to a lot of public pools and gyms all over NSW.

  • You have had enough roasting, now make the most of the membership.

  • Love fitness passport, so cheap for what you get.

  • It's shitty of them not to put the information in the flyer.

    But as the second point on section 3 regarding term and fees, this information is not really "hidden".

    In future. Ask whether something is a contract or not.

  • Is there a VIC version of this, that doesn't require signing up your whole corporation?

  • Buy yourself a Total Gym… or running machine. Get some weights and elastic resistant bands.
    Do your own training…. it is not hard.
    you were taught the basics at school…. use them

  • FP provides excellent value for money. My membership with my wife costs $43.90 per fortnight - basically $11 per week each. I go swimming at my local pool every day so each visit costs me about $1.60. My wife visits about 4 times per week so her cost is about $2.75 per visit.

    We have been members since November 2018 so are well past the initial 12 month contract which we were aware of.

  • How can i join?
    Is that through employeer only?

    • Yes through employer only.

      • Thank you, seems like a good value paying well over double with fraction of the benefits

  • Fitness passport family literally saves me 50% at my local so you are wrong there and also you are wrong for not reading their terms and conditions.

    Seems like you are upset at… yourself.

  • I am surprised that how hard the OP was hit from the fellow OzBargainers.
    I understand he did not read the terms and conditions.
    Of course the title could have been 'Hey guys be aware, there is a catch joining FP.' instead of 'Avoid FP at all costs'.
    However, it has been a big help to me.
    My company recentrly joined FP program, and just looked at their web site.
    It looked all great even thouigh I don;t really workout regualarly.
    I googled and found this post.
    Until I read this I wasn't aware of the very FIRM and HARD 12 month contract either.
    I am sure they will send me a proper contract including all these details if I actually sign up.
    But by this point when I am deciding if I want to sign up or not, that information was nowhere to be found.
    At the very least for me.
    So I think it is a very helpful post even after 3 years.

  • Even I didn't read T&Cs for ozbargain sign up. Does anyone read more than 100 pages of T&Cs when you purchase iPhone or sign up free gmail or outlook emails?

  • I signed up last year and didn’t read the full terms and conditions but it was made blatantly clear that it was a minimum 12 month commitment and then monthly after that. So hopefully they have listened to concerns and added that in.

    Brilliant program though, we save so much. And as for boutique gyms usually they have a weekly fee you can add that gives you access to reformer Pilates etc and you still come out on top. My local EMF includes everything with fitness passport excluding Reformer and Hot Yoga. so many morw classes there though.

  • is anyone here an employer that could give me more information on the fitness passport (costs and locations please). Im in SA and am aware it covers the gyms and stadiums close to me and would be cheaper

  • Thanks OP. I was thinking of taking it . I will refrain. Rather I will start walking back from child care after I drop off my kid there. Much easier and healthier and potentially more free fresh air in the morning and evening.

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