This was posted 5 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1] Pre-Owned Games: Watch Dogs 1, The Division 1, Battlefield 1, Call of Duty IW, Far Cry 4, NBA 2K17 $5 @ EB Games


Seems to be a few popular games from $5. Can't really go wrong. Hopefully you find a title you've wanted.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Congratulation Bud a EB deal with 3/4 available of the games I clicked :)


    • Don't blame op, blame EB for their shit website and inventory system.

      • +15

        No I think they're genuinely excited at 3/4 available. For me it's usually 1/10 on a good day.

        • +3

          My bad, i misread his comment.

  • Cheers OP. Got few $5 PS4 games for C&C - 6/6 - that must be a first !. Hard to get the disc versions cheap.

  • +1

    No switch games :(

    • +1

      These games are all almost older than the Switch.

      • -3

        And yet most wouldn’t be able to run on the Switch’s pathetic specs.


        • Is that meant to be savage?

          Switch has all the successors of the NBA games after 2k17. Wii U had Watch_Dogs. Far Cry 4 ran on Ps360 hardware.

          Switch can run Witcher 3. It could run any of these games if the developer wanted to out in the time.

          • -1

            @Faro: Yet it runs like garbage

            • @Griffindinho: Okie doke. What system is it you're trying to validate against the tablet again?

  • +3

    $14.95 postage for 1 game! who are they kidding?

    • If I remember correctly, you can ask someone at your local store to order the game(s) in for you.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I grabbed the call of duty games and Farcry 4. For $5 I should get enough single player entertainment and can always trade them back in later with bonus credit deals.

  • here's a direct link to the deal!

  • +5

    Good to see some of those 80 cent games I traded in ended up somewhere… lol.

    • +2

      They pay $0.80 for these as they come in? Didn't know trade in prices could get that low.

      • +2

        I think it was 75c but I had some bonus trade in value because of my EB World membership. Shrug. I tried to sell boxes on Gumtree/Facebook but got bored waiting and trying to arrange shipping/etc when I really just wanted to declutter lots of stuff.

      • Yes and they charge you $1 as a refurb fee.

        They gave me 25c for my Kinect.

  • +5

    Farcry 4 is a steal at this price

    • +5

      It’s a far cry from the original price when the game released.

  • I’ve picked up 4 games for $20. Thanks for sharing

  • Ripper, 4 games, C&C for $20.

  • I got the first Watch Dogs for Xbone just before Christmas for $7 and am surprised at how much I am enjoying it…not sure why it copped so much online hate at the time it was released. It's nice to play a sandbox game where you aren't just some generic criminal/gangbanger.

  • Great deals for $5 thanks OP
    Also ONLY $59 for a pre-owned dualshock 4, bargain! :/

  • Some of these games have the buy one get one free sticker on them in store, well Wollongong did, so you could get two games for 5 bucks
    Edit you would just need to pick up the ones with the buy 1 get one free sticker

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