Does Australia Have a Virtual Credit Card?

All the overseas VCC's are in US or Euro currency, and therefore won't get accepted here.

Does Australia have a virtual credit card?


  • Westpac and ANZ offer them.

    • I'm guessing one will require an account with these banks to use their VCC service?

      I was looking for a VCC service that doesn't require a bank account, a service like ezzocards.

      • You can get credit cards without an account. Maybe give them a call before assuming.

        • -7

          I suspect the conversation will go something like this:

          Me: Can I get a credit card fam?

          Bank: Do you have an account with us sir?

          Me: No but can you hook me up anyway?

          Bank: fack no

          • +2

            @deepcloe: I have 2 cards with banks that I have no other products with. They don't really care as a sale is a sale.

    • +1

      Those both say corporate in the link. Are you sure that general account holders can make use of those services?

      • +1

        Yeah they're only available to corporate and business customers.

  • +2

    Used to, with divipay, but the business pivoted.

    • +1

      Given the OP story there's only two products in the Australian market that offer this functionality to consumers and both will not work as explained on whirlpool.

  • Neobank Revolut offers a virtual card.

    • Product is currently on hold in the Australian market while they sort out some regulatory legal troubles and the waitlist was as long as my arm before that even happened so slim to none chance that he will get on that product any time soon.

      • Really! Source? I am still on the waitlist

        • I believe it was Banking Day back in November sometime at the time I also looked at the official government documentation I would think would be hearing more soon probably late January sometime in February maybe.

  • Out of curiosity why do you want/need it or what do you want/need it for?

  • I just googled and found this… not sure how good it is…

    • On reading the website further… does not look like a standard kind of product you're after… this is a money lending website… so just ignore it…

      • I took a look anyway. It came damn close to what I'm looking for, they do have VCC's, but these come with the loan.

  • Also looking for virtual credit card function if only worked in australia as that's exactly what I need. I had revolut for a few months in the australia trial however they are very unreliable, they constantly block the account each time you transfer money in and it can take up to 2-3 weeks for them to respond on chat and unlock it each time. Over and over again after 5-6 times of this whole process happening I just got sick of them, transferwise is better for overseas travel etc.

    • Also looking for virtual credit card function if only worked in australia as that's exactly what I need.

      Unfortunately there's nothing like that that exists here in Australia that's available to non-business based customers. DiviPay, did offer a product that would've been suitable but they have pivoted to a business product.

      I had revolut for a few months in the australia trial however they are very unreliable, they constantly block the account each time you transfer money in and it can take up to 2-3 weeks for them to respond on chat and unlock it each time. Over and over again after 5-6 times of this whole process happening I just got sick of them, transferwise is better for overseas travel etc.

      Yep that product is quite horrible and untailored to the Australian market.

      There is now only one product that offers a virtual card that's generally available that's Velocity Global Wallet, Revolut is technically another but you're not getting in on that product as a new user. As it existing user you're well aware of some of the issues with the product. These are pretty much the only two that offer this functionality to consumers non-business customers.

      UP Currently has the functionality on their roadmap but it could be months before it's available. Depending on what you need you may be able to get away with a multi card set up with someone like Macquarie.

    • I have not had any issues when transferring money in to my Revolut account. Was it a huge amount when you transfer?(my transfers are almost always under $100)

      I've read on r/Revolut that it happens quite frequently in Europe but yours is the first localised case I've heard of.

  • has anyone try moneyme?

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