Carsales warranty for cars with unreliable electrics or that power off while driving

TLDR version: crap Toyota Corolla hatch, awesome Peugeot hatch that powered off while driving, does carsales warranty cover this showstopper and has anyone else had significant or intermittent/unfixable problems with Peugeots

Non TLDR version:

Please bear with me as this post has a long backstory for context and apologies for any repetition; it is not my objective to turn this post into a rant.

I bought a second hand 2015 Toyota Corolla Ascent hatch a few years ago from a Toyota dealership and, because I previously owned a 2003 Peugeot 307 hatch I hate every aspect of the Corolla. To summarise key issues, the driver and passenger seats of the Corolla curve in on the inside so exacerbated my back and left shoulder pain, the peugeot felt like driving on clouds light and quick turning and quiet engine, and the aircon didnt need the engine on from memory only electrics turned on and if you set it to 18 degrees even on a 40 degree day the whole inside of the car is 18 degrees in 5 minutes, and I got 850km per fillup.. in contrast the corolla I get 450km max per same cost fillup and feel every pebble on the road with a noisy as hell rocky engine and needing the engine on to turn the aircon to maximum which is the only setting that gives any significant cold air makes it sound and feel like a tornado is hitting your face and doesn't even permeate enough cold air to back passengers so they cook.

I'd like to do a swap for the Corolla for a decent older Peugeot or perhaps some other car.

However, the Peugeot I owned had a showstopper problem that manifested itself about a month after I bought it for $2150 from some dude who used to own a used car dealership… on a 39 degree day whilst driving at 70km/hrs it completely powered off (engine/electric shutdown). Also, from memory the Revs indicator was always hovering at 10 (I think it was 10) even at idle and having driven cars before this I thought that was supposed to sit at 0 unless you are pushing the accelerator? I never had any issues powering it back on. That day, it powered off about 40 times and from that day forth for the next 2 odd years I lived a nightmare where it would both randomly and consistently power off while driving (some days it did it almost every day for a few months then I'd have a couple of months respite. It would do it typically at 70km/hr, descending from around 30km/hr or at idle. It never powered off when driving above 70km/hr.

Appart from this issue, the car had no other issues and was a pleasure to drive.

I had it serviced at a prestige motor mechanic and had repairs done that was very affordable on the face of it rather than taking it to Peugeot directly due to their prospective costs per hour and minimum diagnosis cost etc and because I only paid $2150 for it I was not wanting to fork out much money to try and make it the perfect driveable car, but the powering off of course never happened whilst it was in the possession of the mechanic and their Peugeot Planet system was showing funky results so several times I forked out $700 on their recommendation of 'we think it is this but cannot be sure' (from memory they couldn't really pinpoint if it was electrical or mechanical - one time they replaced the 4 spark plugs and the entire electrical coil housing, another time they replaced the alternator I think). Strangely it did stop the powering off each time and the car felt smoother but it only gave 1 month of respite before it started happening again.

Sooo, going back to my current goal to get another Peugeot but knowing there is a real risk it might be another lemon that is hard to diagnose and fix, my question is. Does anyone know 1) if any of the warranty tiers provided by Carsales (Basic, Standard or Comprehensive) would have suited/covered to the point of permanent rectification my Peugeot showstopper problem? They say they need to receive a quote in order to assess snd hopefully approve a claim, but in my case with the Peugeot, I'd have provided quotes each time but with recurrence of the same issue as they could never fix it 100% so might they also 2) have an exclusion for this which means after 1 chance to fix they might not have covered the subsequent attempts?
Also, question 3) has anyone else had a Peugeot with a showstopper or annoying problems that are hard to diagnose and/or remedy permanently?


  • +13

    Why not look for a car that is comfortable, yet gets you from point A to B reliably without any weird electrical gremlins like the Peugeot ?
    Lexus perhaps ?

      • -5

        Wowsers 11 negs and counting. Nobody likes the Rav4 Hybrid???

        • +23

          Probably the humble braging or the shitcanning of Corolla in favour of a known shitbox brand you have engaged in with the rest of your post has more to do with it than the RAV4, considering the RAV has a 750+ reply post of mainly good comments, I doubt it’s the problem here…

      • Toyota Rav4 Hybrid GLX or Cruiser

        I've had a RAV$ Hybrid as a company drive for 2 weeks and really wanted to like it (I like Hybrid Camry). It's a disappointment. Quite a few negatives for me including the half baked keyless ignition but not entry.

        • +1

          That's what you get on the GX 😉 don't judge the car by the base model

          • +1

            @spackbace: You can only judge on what you experience.
            Unlike many people here I've driven one for a lot more km than just a dealers road test and in very varied traffic conditions.

            It wasn't a terrible car, just not as good as I expected.

            • @brad1-8tsi: What were the other negatives?

              • +1

                @spackbace: I'd have to take it again to remember.

                I couldn't get the seating right. It was hurting my back after 100km. It's very much aimed at big fatties with wide bottoms.

                The NAV/ICE system was a bit crap but I won't install / register the Toyota App for a days/weeks work.
                Toyota need to allow more than 5 bluetooth registrations and allow 2 live connections.

                There were a few other WTF moments.

                For those considering one for economy, I got 5.5L/100km urban driving and 6L/100 on the motorway. I wasn't trying for economy.

                • @brad1-8tsi: No need for the Toyota app, it doesnt add much functionality. Did you run Carplay etc?

                  • +1

                    @spackbace: I'm on Android. I had music streaming. Can't remember if I linked in Maps. I drive too many pool / hire cars. A new one on monday. Things have to be very intuitive as I don't get time to read manuals.

  • What’s your budget? Buy a new car with a warranty if you can.

      • +7

        My understanding is that extended warranties are normally worthless. Review yours, if this is the case you can get it serviced anywhere you like and ditch the warranty. If you really hate Corollas so much than just sell it - no point spinning your wheels on ozbargain talking about it. Life is short!

        • Valid points. It is supposed to cover all 'moving parts' whatever that means. Certainly didnt cover the front left speaker which had fuzzy feedback 50% of the time. Toyota advised that will set me back $165 to replace the speaker.
          I am risk averse though and want to minimise any spend on car. Was ok with $4k going down the drain on the peugeot over 3 years as it got me from a to b in a scary but comfortable way. If I had bought it for $10k I would have been a lot less happy, but seriously what are the chances of a car ever having the same power down problem? When I was reading forums at the time I found only one post indicating similar issues. She was in the UK and spent about a year trying to demonstrate the issue and have it diagnosed and fixed many times but according to her post it was fixed in the end by replacing a leaky fuel pump or something simple like that. The mechanic advised no issue with the fuel pump in mine

          • @exulted: Should have taken it to an auto elec or a good euro car mechanic (not a dealer)
            Sounds like you had something earthing out due to heat.

            Peugeot in general are awesome for the first 5 years and then start breaking most mechanics don't want to deal with weird euro shit so you get crap service

            • @Gumster: I took the Peugeot to a prestige auto mechanic (claiming expertise in Euro) in the inner western suburbs of Melbourne. That's where I got the RWC, servicing and repairs done. They have Peugeot Planet but they said they would have referred me on to an eutoelectrician if need be

  • +6

    Get a another Corolla.

    Please include a tldr.

    • +51
      • Bought a 2015 Corolla, hated it.
      • Bought a $2k Peugeot, had issues which cost more than $2k to fix.
      • Wants another Peugeot 😂
      • +1

        Unfortunately the $2k never fixed the issue so I had a wrecker give me a few hundred bucks for it

        • +15

          What a surprise, that's because it's a crappy Peugeot and not a corolla. You know there are other cars than Peugeot's are corollas right?

          Also, your Peugeot a/c didn't work with the engine off.

          • -1

            @brendanm: Yeh but for the $10k budget was hoping for a suv or hatch and any suvs that get low in price get very old with huge mileage done

            • +2

              @exulted: Could have got an asx with low mileage, but then you'd have an asx.

              • @brendanm: Yeh considered the asx in the medium term but not quite large enough for growing family I think I.e. boot space. Could be a serious option for swapping the Corolla for next 3 years though. Might address some of my issues with my corolla. Perhaps the Corolla I have currently has problems not inherent in other corollas?

                • +9

                  @exulted: I'm honestly not sure what your problem with the corolla is. I'd pick a corolla 100 times over a peugeot, for reliability as well as ergonomics. I had an asx for a little while, it was ok but very meh. With 10k you aren't getting a large family SUV really, looked at wagons?

                  • @brendanm: I'm starting to think my Corolla is a lemon too. It had done 34000km in the first 9 months of its first registration by the previous buyer so maybe they overworked it or I could have been unlucky enough to get an engine that is self defecating.
                    I liked the peugeot better because it had a cooling glovebox and a pull out compartment under the driver and front passenger seat. In all seriousness though, it felt like a much lighter drive with better suspension and turning and more comfortable and quiet with much less rocking at idle without the aircon turned on.

                    I kind of want the height of an suv rather than a long wagon. So I can put furniture in there. The peugeot was wider so I could fit things I find have no chance of getting into the Corolla. The Corolla design from 2018 has like 25% less boot space than mine so I cant imagine what those owners put in there

                    • +1

                      @exulted: What's your actual issue with the corolla? No such thing as overworked.

                      Measure the internal heights of most "SUVs" no more, sometimes less, than wagons. Unless you go to a full size 4wd. Wagons are also cheaper because everyone wants SUVs. Also better on fuel.

                      • @brendanm: Main things that seem to be issues are 1.
                        Fairly noticable rocking at idle and driving that is still there even if the aircon is turned off, I asked the Toyota service crew to look at it and they said it is 'within normal limits', which I suspect might not be entirely correct. I don't have a mechanic mate so hadn't considered getting a second opinion on that.
                        2. 450km is the max off a full tank of fuel, consistently over about 300 or more fillups. A mate said it might be due to poor tire pressure, an unlearned air filter, or something more insidious like failing compression, but he is a car enthusiast not a mechanic

                        • +1

                          @exulted: How many KMs? Have you taken it to someone who isn't Toyota? I've worked on plenty of corollas, none have a rough idle when everything is ok.

                          How many litres are you putting in to get 450km?

                        • @exulted: Get on Facebook find a good independent mechanic not a dealership and not a franchise. ask your work freinds who they use. It sounds like you either have high expectations or just have shitty mechanics.

                          Toyota corolla should be getting more than 450km a tank

                    • +6


                      It had done 34000km in the first 9 months of its first registration

                      If it's a Corolla Ascent, with mileage like that, you bought an ex-rental.

                      Have you checked the books to see who was first owner?

            • @exulted: I think you'll be able to find a 2012 Nissan Dualis ST for ~ $12K with reasonable mileage like 70-80K. Not a bad budget SUV type bigger sized hatch.

              • @bigbadboogieman: A few years ago I thought the Dualis ticked boxes in terms of size and space. Will look at them in more depth, thanks!

          • @brendanm: Get a Tesla, the A/C works with the propulsion engine off.

            • @payless69: Obviously, telsa is electric though, we are talking about an internal combustion engine, that has no ability to turn the a/c compressor unless the engine is turning.

        • If want a french car which is reliable too get a Renault. You can find a decent used Clio for around 10k mark. I have had one since 2017 and never had any issues with it. Bought it for 12k second hand, mileage was 32000 and is 54000 now.

      • Thanks.

      • +2

        Wants another Peugeot

        With the money he's going to earn heading up our space program he can afford to run multiple Peugeots.

        • Hell no, Toyota probably designed and built the techmech

          • +3

            @exulted: Toyota are designing the vehicle for Japan's space mission.

            And people are happy that it's them, and not the French 😉

          • @exulted: Toyota is owned by the Toyoda family they started as a sewing machine factory. Skoda started as a bicycle factory. Get an old VW Beetle and get that Ferdinand Porsche feeling.

      • Spackbace why didn't u just say buy a Holden in the first instance, u would have saved so many negs

        • Wut?

          u would have saved so many negs

          For clarity, you've commented 45 times in this post as of right now, and I've negged 2 of those comments.

          • @spackbace: I mean if u'd been the first to comment after I put the post up and said buy a Holden I would have. There'd be no more Comments after that

        • LOL @ 4 year old, irrelevant comment reference.

          I cant even…

      • What is it with Aussies and European cars? He literally said why he hated the corolla (all reasons are valid and true)

        You guys would drive a bucket with 4 wheels if it was'reliable' and 'cheap'

        • There's good cars, and there's European cars. Especially $2k European cars.

          You're the person that wanted a $20k Mazda so how are you any different? You had a Mazda, and wanted another, obviously coz it was reliable. And it's not European…

          • -1

            @spackbace: Typical cheapskate

            • @nikoris: A $20k Mazda isn't a cheapskate car? 😂😂

              • -1

                @spackbace: It is.
                But you don’t see me ranting online about European cars. I know better than that.

                • @nikoris:

                  I know better than that.

                  Just ranting and bitching about other stuff? And replying to comments nearly 3 months later?

  • +17

    Also, from memory the Revs indicator was always hovering at 10 (I think it was 10) even at idle and having driven cars before this I thought that was supposed to sit at 0 unless you are pushing the accelerator?

    Ummm. No. When the engine is running the RPM gauge (tachometer) shows how fast the engine is spinning. At idle this is often 700-1000 rpm depending on the engine. The gauge should always show something while the engine runs.

    • +27

      OP needs more car knowledge before having a whinge about his cars 😂

    • -2

      Fair enough. Damn good aircon though, with engine at rest the Corolla has pumped out luke warm air and needed 10 minutes of driving to get cold air flowing through on 40 degree day

      • +3

        Checked for a regas?

        • with engine at rest the Corolla has pumped out luke warm air and needed 10 minutes of driving to get cold air flowing

          isn't that normal? my new rav takes around 5-10mins from engine start

    • I remember why this was an issue now. Waiting at the lights or driving, it would drop unexpectedly from 1100 RPM down to 0 and then creep back up. Surely that is not normal to drop to 0?

      • +2

        0 RPM means the engine is not running.
        Modern cars have a stop/start feature. They stop the engine when the car stops moving to save fuel and when you take your foot off the brake the engine starts again. Is this what you're talking about? Surely you would know if your car had this feature.
        If your car does not have this feature then 0 RPM means the engine is stopped and you would need to turn the key again.

        • I see, no I don't think it had that as a 'feature'. When it did drop to 0RPM sometimes the car did do its power off thing but also it powered off when it was not heading to 0RPM, and sometimes it didn't power off during the drop in RPM so must have been borderline. Has to be related to the full power off issue. It went from 11kRPM to 0 or almost zero instantaneously and sometimes shot straight back up but other times crept back up

          • @exulted: The tacho's probably a wee bit busted. Considering that 2003 307 is known for niggling electrical problems that's not too surprising.

  • +15

    Fyi I don't know of a single car that doesn't need the engine (petrol or electric) running to power the a/c. So that part of your rant was pretty redundant

    • +3

      and the aircon didnt need the engine on from memory

      It must be some euro technology that we don’t know about.

    • Missed that bit. Sure, you can get the cool air fromtneh AC without the engine running, but only for a short time after you turn it off. Euro cars aren’t known for their efficient cooling systems either. Knew a guy who sold his fancy Alfa Romeo and bought a Camry because the Alfa didn’t have proper air vents to adjust and blow cold air on you just had little vents all over the car to enable it to warm up the whole cabin quickly.

      The only cars on the market that don’t need the engine running to power the AC are battery electric aren’t they?

    • Pretty sure the Prius (at least the gen 2) has an electric compressor.
      Not sure about the rest of Toyota's hybrids ?

      You're correct that it's not the norm though.

      • Needs the car to be 'on' (hence my reference to petrol or electric engines) and while a hybrid is on, if the battery gets too low on charge it'll start the petrol engine.

        But it sure ain't cooling on ignition/accessories

        • makes me wonder if the electrical issues OP was concerned about were related to him having super low battery charge from running a/c without engine on.. I've never heard of anyone even trying this because it's such a bad idea :s

    • +4


      • -3

        Again, runs off the 12V battery or the electric engine?

        Fyi I don't know of a single car that doesn't need the engine (petrol or electric) running

        People seem to either not read my comment, or not understand how hybrid or EV vehicles work.

        • +7

          I was about to apologise for misreading, then realised I'm actually right.
          When a Tesla is stationary there is no 'engine' running to drive ancillary equipment like an A/C compressor. The A/C compressor is a stand-alone electric device that runs off the car's main 400V battery.

          • +3

            @bmerigan: Yeah just saw that

            Well there ya go, we learn something new every day :)

    • +2

      A Tesla main motor stops when the vehicle comes to a stop ( in traffic etc) , the A/C has separate small electrical motor.

    • My 2000 Corolla runs the aircon when I put my key to ignition, without starting the engine.
      Though I never let it run for more than 1 minute because I fear it will discharge the battery.

      • +3

        Compressor won't be running though, you won't have cold air without the engine running

        • Will test out today when I have time!
          I am sure the aircon light is on when it happens!

          • +2

            @Blue Cat:

            You cannot run the AC without the engine running. The air conditioner compressor and clutch are operated by the serpentine belt that runs your other accessories (your alternator, for instance). If the engine isn’t running, then the belt isn’t turning. That means your air conditioner’s not actually on. You cannot use the air conditioner if the engine is not running. It’s as simple as that.

          • +4

            @Blue Cat: Your a/c compressor is driven by a belt from the engine. No engine runny, no cooly airy

        • Then how do cars that have auto-stop and start keep pumping out cold air when the engine is off?

          My Skoda will keep cold air flowing when stopped at the lights and the engine is definitely off.

          • @Nereosis: You sure you don't have it on recycle, and it's just moving the same cool air around the cabin? Or does it auto-switch to recycle when it stops?

            • @spackbace: I don't think so as the car will still be warm inside with cold air coming through the vents.

              I have noticed the car will not auto-stop if the aircon is on full (full fan and setting to full cold) but if you lower the fan and put the temp up a little (with AC still on) then auto-stop will enable.

              • +3

                @Nereosis: When the engine is running the AC compressor is able to be run to cool the section which the interior 12v fan blow through. When the engine is stopped the fan continues to blow, running off the battery. The air is blowing/sucking pat a pre-cooled section so will continue to be cool until that section warms to ambient.

                Just because the AC light is on does not mean the compressor is running. The compressor will cycle on and off, just like the house system, to cool the ‘radiator down to minimum temp then cut off until it warms up enough to turn back on. The AC light (usually) just indicates the AC is set to activate if between the relevant temps.

                • @Euphemistic: That makes sense. If you sit long enough with auto-stop on and AC running the car will turn itself back on automatically.

          • @Nereosis: That's just because the evaporator doesn't heat up instantaneously. You sit there for a minute or so, it'll simply be pumping in hot air.

            • @brendanm: Yep, that makes sense to me. If you sit with the AC on and auto-stop on for too long the engine will start again automatically.

    • With pure electric vehicles the main motor doesn’t power the A/C. So when you are stopped with the main motor off , you still get cold air as it’s driven by a separate small electrical motor.

      • Yeah you said before :P
        Still, it's an exception to the rule. And I'm sure it's not designed to run for any lengthy period of time, given the power draw of air-conditioners

        • It’s not an exception to the rule in terms of purely electric cars.
          They are designed to run for an extended period of time, as the main driving motor never powers the A/C…

          • @deepblonde: Of course it doesnt that would be moronic, electric cars are directly coupled, so the vehicle would have to be moving. It would be far more complex to have the a/c run off the propulsion motor than have an electric compressor.

          • @deepblonde:

            It’s not an exception to the rule in terms of purely electric cars.

            This is true, but in terms of the average vehicle it is certainly the exception.

    • Engine /= Motor

      Engine's use heat to make motion. Motor is more generic, includes engine's and other energy conversions to movement, like electric motors.(

      No pure electric car has an engine.

      Air conditioner's generally use thermal mass. Even if the compressor is off, cold air can still be supplied for a limited time. This can be noticed easily in many understressed split systems, were the compressor will regularly turn off and on for short periods of time as if it stayed on it would provide too much coolth.

    • Tesla have aircon when parked controlled by your phone.

  • +2

    Warranties have claim limits, as well as age limits.

    Don't buy a $2k car, and a $2k warranty.

    • -2

      Why not? Everything about the Peugeot was like a $10k car except the showstopper

      • +4

        So it was a great car, buy you just couldn't drive it?

        • -3

          No, I could drive it but it would power off, I'd turn the engine over while still moving or at rest and it would fire straight up again and I could keep driving until it happened again lol

          • +30

            @exulted: That's not a great car, that's a shit car.

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