This was posted 5 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Epic - Free - Darksiders I + Darksiders II + Steep - Epic Store


Note: Three games for free this week!

  1. Darksiders Warmastered Edition
  2. Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition
  3. Steep Standard Edition


Darksiders Warmastered Edition:…

Note: The game "For the King" will be free from 10 January onwards so don't buy it in the meantime:…


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closed Comments

  • +14
    • Hey Ly, I think it actually drops in two days as it says YLatIL lasts till the 2nd (assuming US dates)

      • +1

        I will check tomorrow and then adjust if necessary. Sometimes the dates they give are a bit confusing.
        Thank you for reminding me.
        Have a Happy New Year.

      • Three games available today.

  • +13

    Committed to the cause. Even NYE, lysander hooking us up with games!

    Also happy new years everyone. Hope it's a good and bargain-filled year.

  • +2

    A Happy New Year to you too.

  • +2

    Wow… Weekly giveaways continued?

    • -3

      thinking the same 12 days of christmas and they have given away more than 12 Games. At this rate we'll have most of there releases.

  • I wonder if anyone is buying anything besides their fortnite content

    • +7

      this is a very good deal if you want to buy something from epic.

    • +1

      Yep, bought several games cause the deals are great.

    • I've gotten with the $10 off coupon

      Assassin's Creed Origins Gold Edition
      The Crew 2 Gold Edition
      The Division 2 Gold Edition
      Ghost Recon Breakpoint + Season Pass (cheaper than buying the gold)

      Sadly they don't have Far Cry New Dawn on there :(

    • I picked up the Division 2 and AC Origins for c 11 AUD.

      It seemed to be excellent prices for me.

  • +1

    any official release that these give aways will continue and how often?

    • They will and won't. The Christmas Give-Away was 12 games over 12(ish) days and ends on Yooka-Laylee.

      The weekly free game giveaways is an ongoing promotion, they've done like 40/50? so far.

      • +4

        it was scheduled for 2019. so I am just wondering if that promotion will continue in 2020, too.

        • I'll be surprised if it continues past week 2 of February.
          Likely we'll see it end before then though.

    • Well, Twitter seems to suggest it could have been 14 days instead of 12 days of free games.…

      But let's hope they continue beyond those days.

      • +1

        And Darksiders/Steep are listed on Epic as being available from the 2nd-10th. So does that blow the 14 days out to like 20? 😅

        • +1

          I think by 14 days they mean start dates of the freebies, not the duration in total. 🤔

  • +5

    Love to get steep if true. Epic games coming through with the goodies!

    • +4

      pretty sure it's been free already somewhere.. as well as the Japan DLC

      • +2

        Uplay had it free.

        I think I missed the Japan map DLC though… don't have the game installed an we could only redeem it for free in game.

        • +2

          Pretty sure they offered the Japan map twice and I missed it both times because I was to lazy to reset my uPlay password.

          • @SlappersOnly: Dang. I just never got word of the freebie giveaway. Hope there's a third time… I wonder if I'll need to install both the Uplay and Epic Store versions to be able to claim the map on either platform?

            • @Mugsy: If you want to play steep on Epic you will need uPlay installed. You don’t need the game installed on both though.

              • @SlappersOnly: Sweet! Cheers for that. I might just install it in case the Japan DLC is ever free again.

  • thanks for the reminder!

  • Wow! They're continuing the freebies and two of them too!

    Already got Steep from Uplay when they gave that away there but Darksiders 2 would be great. I've still yet to play through the first one on my PS3… damn that big pile of shame.

    Now if they'd only give away Journey and Flower in a double pack too. You'd think that would be a meaningful one for the first day of the year.

  • +1

    Typical the have or are going to give away 2 games I already bought on steam :(

  • +1

    Anyone notice the #LastButNotLeast in the twitter post?

    It might actually be the last one.

    In which case, I'll splurge my $10 coupon Journey and pick up Flower as well. That leaves one empty space at the end of library of games which is gonna bug me.

    • It could be the end.
      My guess is they evaluate how it all went and then make a decision on whether or not they continue.
      We will just have to wait and see.

      • They must have heard my gripes and added an extra game so that if I buy Flower and Journey, my list games library won't have any gaps at the end.

        Now to take a gamble as to whether they will continue the free games or not.

  • Steep is a fantastic game!! Loved it to bits.

  • +2

    Wow, three games! Funny, was just about to buy Steep earlier today but held off… Thanks Lysander!

    • Enjoy. The first two Darksiders are great too so make sure to give them a try. Haven't played number three but hopefully will in a little while.

      • Ah, are they? What’re they like? Will have to give them a go.

        • If you are little interested in angels, demons, the devil etc and like hack and slash games these games are good fun. Really liked them, in fact so I might even replay them (which I rarely do).

    • Also, their sale has been extended in case you want to buy some more games with the $10 off coupon.

  • Thank you kind sir!

  • +2

    "For the King" will be free from 10 January.
    Don't miss it and don't buy it in the meantime.

  • +1

    Just started playing Darksiders II and they took it off Game Pass. This pleases me.

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