I was looking to pick up Fallout: New Vegas after 'obtaining' a copy when I was less fortunate with money, I searched online and most places wanted about $40 for the game including steam. After looking on the steam page I noticed that you could get New Vegas bundled with a strategy guide for only $27.48 USD, I think that's a pretty nice deal :). I did however find at least one place selling the game for $24.95 AUD (hardcopy) but it was sold out and doesn't come with the strategy guide, also I've heard that some copies are Windows Live only and I wanted the steam version as I think it looks nicer to have the games in one place along with achievements and friends to play with.
I also wanted to add that part of the reason I was buying the game was to do this: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/959557-fallout-new-vegas/5701…
I think it will add that little bit of extra entertainment to the game, kind of DnD style.
its on my boycott list due to:
I hate games that cost less in other regions.