Found this in a magazine at work. Just got my copy today.
Think & Grow Rich - Free Book - $1 Postage & Handling fee.
Promo Code - 111873
Found this in a magazine at work. Just got my copy today.
Think & Grow Rich - Free Book - $1 Postage & Handling fee.
Promo Code - 111873
you didn't think about it hard enough :p
so from all the times it been free in the past ie:
and through which it recieved nearly 10,000 clicks, how many of you simply thought and actually became rich?
I found out how to become rich by coming to Ozbargain.
Unfortunately after I came to Ozbargain I quickly learned how to become poor.
I share your sentiments - we're among friends here :)
$1 too much IMHO
I read this book 15 years ago.
Looks around
It doesn't work.
Is it possible that they are fishing for your info and credit card?
not worth it, I got this for free from the same deal KayDat is talking about. I received a ridiculous amount of spam snail mail from them afterwards, be warned!
I assumed I would be bombarded with advertising after. Ahwell nothing the trash cant handle ;)
So perfect for your enemies then?
I got this book already and they send me nearly weekly emails inviting me to seminars…
masonic drivel
Ah OP, if you were rich you wouldn't be surfing OzBargain and posting rubbish like this.
Nope havent read it… Maybe thats why im still here..
Got this last time it was free. These books are perfect for keeping me warm through the winter, they burn for hours!
So they're about as useful as the Wonderchair hey? I wonder how much hanky panky can be done with just one book. ;)
Did not work for me!
Last time i tryed to get the free book, it was cancelled and the reason was that the posting on OzBargain was unauthorized, or something to that effect. But credit card details were not required, so this maybe different.
They were giving out free books on Think and Grow Rich property at the property expo in Sydney last week.
sigh, heres my secret :)
Free pdf here…
They people behind this get rich by running seminars and spruiking schemes from other talk circuit folk (which they take a cut of). Needless to say no-one would bother running seminars for a living if they could get rich in other ways. The content is in the public domain now so there's plenty of people using it as a lure for their subsequent brain washing efforts eg
Totally agree with you daydream. No offence to the book, its a great book for self development. But people running the seminar is like a scam. I signed up for a $5k course, they just brain wash you, finally I had to pay $1k just to get out from the contract. If the rich people cares about the poor people so much, why cant they do these seminars and couses for free?
Thanks for this, and I just wanted to say that this book changed my life. Believe what you want, but whether you get this book for $1 or free, it is worth so much more. Firstly you would not physically sit on your couch and think all day about being rich and then suddenly become rich, this will not happen because it is unbelievable to you (but it could happen). This book may not immediately make you rich, but it will definitely change your mindset and outlook towards money, people and the world. From there the money that you are looking for may present itself in a variety of forms such as new business ventures, job opportunities, investments etc. I know some people may disagree with what I have to say and I respect that. Anyways I hope my post was of some use and I highly recommend this book whether you get it from the above site or elsewhere.
not sure if trolling…
Successful is correct and makes a good point, this is a life changing book, and i can understand the doubters out there. This is not the only book on wealth creation, there are others that have similar ideas.
I had read a few pages a few years ago and that is all. What I have got out from it is the power of belief and faith. It is truth that human faith is unbelievably powerful and it shapes our lives be it success or failure. Is there more in the book?
Well this will be an interesting weekend then - I'm off to their full weekend seminar after getting the last book (which is only the 1st of 5 I think). The rest of the set, and the weekend seminar are free, so I'll be going for a peek. If there's one thing I know, it's that pressure selling and tactics don't work on me - I've been to so many "presentations with free gifts" it's not funny, and never bought a thing. I am however open to new ideas, and am willing to see what the have to share.
Either way I'll try to post back on how I find it all - good or bad.
Ive been to the seminar - its great - Stuart Zadel is a very cool Australian guy - helping others. The seminar will have guest speakers (no high pressure sales) who will present their (valuable) information and options to seeks further information from their own seminars elsewhere. It was an enjoyable weekend for me - I hope that you like it :)
After going along this weekend I can only agree. There was plenty of information for anyone going along for the free presentations, and also oportunities to do training courses in various fields.
Even if you don't plan to purchase a single thing, I would recommend going along - it may open your eyes to some of the possibilites out there in the wider world.
ITT: People happy to stay in the rat race attacking anything that might set them free.
Common internet marketing tactic. Write a 'free' book to establish raport with future customers and position yourself as an authority - then sell them the same crap over and over.
Selling the book made the author rich.
if you want to make money then get a job in a mint.
There is no crime in being rich - the guy who wrote this book (Napoleon Hill), and the current publisher (Stuart Zadell) are highly ethical people. Give it a try - you may like it :)
$1 Postage & Handelling
I'd prefer $1 Postage & Bachhing
This is exactly 1,000x better than the dig I was going to have at him for his spelling haha
I'd recommend against going for this and to simply read issh's PDF version as linked to above. I now receive unwanted snail mail and email spam even after requesting to be removed from their mailing list! Nothing is truly free, as I found out through the last deal!
you are able to opt out of receiving their promotional emails afterwards - just click "unsubscribe"
Read above, it clearly states I've already tried that to no avail.
This book keeps popping up on ozbargain every few months but normally for free (if you subscribe to spam).
If you really want it you can find it for free without subscribing to spam. The book was first published during the great depression, getting rich back then was very different to today.
It doesn't need to change much because it's a self help book that doesn't really contain any financial/professional advice.
And as a self help book, it works mostly at the one thing they are good at… getting people addicted to self help products.
And as a self help book, it works mostly at the one thing they are good at… getting people addicted to self help products.
have I got a book for you!
There was a post for the same book completely free a while back. I remember signing up for it, but I never read the book. Dunno where it is now.