No eBay code just Shopping Square $10 off, total shows at checkout.
Mod Note: 4x AA out of stock. 4x AAA still available.
No eBay code just Shopping Square $10 off, total shows at checkout.
Mod Note: 4x AA out of stock. 4x AAA still available.
Fixed: Eneloops are batteries!
someone please tell me all the types of Eneloops quick TIA
Does it matter? It's eneloop, universal ozb currency, just buy it and everything will be alright… :)
Ozbargain is back!
Hehe that a nice way to work the Ebay Plus subsidy :)
Thanks OP, needed some AAA batteries. :)
me too, thanks op!
Wouldn't mind some non-PRO deals.
What is wrong with the pro ones?
Shorter life.
Fewer cycles, to be precise.
pls summary the different type of eneleeops?
Regular Eneloop vs Eneloop PRO
The short answer: the Eneloop Pro battery has a higher capacity than the regular Eneloop with a capacity of 2500mAh vs 1900mAh. The Pro can be charged up to 500 times while the regular eneloop up to 2100 times. The PRO batteries can provide more current than the regular Eneloops.
@bohn: thank you, so only 2 types with that standard capacities?
thought I saw different colour ones before
@capslock janitor: They have made ones in different colours (eg chocolate) but that is just the packaging, they are still the same battery as far as I know.
@zqipz: You don't need colours to do that. Coloured batteries are internally the same as plain ones, which was the point of the question.
@dm01: The newer pros don't last as long. My 'chocolat' edition eneloops still going strong here. Hasn't feel like it's had any less juice when first bought
The newer pros don't last as long.
What are you referring to exactly here?
Hasn't feel like it's had any less juice when first bought
That's not really an objective measurement.
Even charging once a month, the Pros at 500 cycles could last up to 41 years. Most of mine wouldn't get charged more than 4 times a year giving them a theoretical life span of 125 years.
Given I'd be more than happy with 5+ years out of my Eneloops, I'll take the higher capacity and current thanks.
Catch have 4 x AAA for $14.99, AA's are $19.99 plus delivery or 8 pack of both AA and AAA for $29.99. $7.95 delivery or cheap C&C at Target.
A good ole fashioned Eneloops deal … by gosh its been a while
Just jumped on the Eneloop hype train. Now I just need a charger at a reasonable price. Thanks OP!
chaos is a ladda
Liitokala charger deals pop up quite often, but even regular prices are cheap anyway
The LiitoKala Lii-500S 2.9" LCD 4-Slot Intelligent Battery Charger which I bought for $36.66AU (free shipping) is absolutely incredible, it also does discharge tests. The instructions in chenglish are useless but you can nut it out yourself!
I bought from about five months back. Delivery took a while though!
Seems to be the best price now ($38.76AU):
I forgot to mention US plug, no AU but you just "twist" the pins using bullnose pliers!
Thanks OP bought one!
I know these are hyped up on here. Can anyone fill me in on why that is the case?
Because eneloop is life. How would you survive zombie apocalypse otherwise?
Honestly the hype is no longer needed. A little while back they were the clear stand outs as the best rechargeable batteries but the competition has gotten better, such as Ikea offering Ladda batteries. Though I believe they are Eneloops rebranded. Also they've moved some of the manufacturing from Japan to China and people claim the Chinese versions are not as effective.
don't forget the Coles batteries!
Has anyone, other than Choice, actually bought some and put them through their paces? Like even a few capacity tests.
@dufflover: I'm still using Eneloops purchased back in 2014 (made in Japan). They've now started losing capacity but I've only recharged them less than 10 times. Understandable though considering their age.
@dufflover: After buying Eneloop for years, I've since bought quite a few of the Coles ones and have found them to be good.
@dufflover: I bought some Coles ones a couple of months back and found them to be crap. I’ll be buying some more Eneloops when I next spot a good deal.
As a subscriber to Choice Magazine I read a detailed test and review of many rechargeable batteries including Eneloop and Eneloop Pro.
My summary of it would be that the standard Eneloops are over hyped and scored moderately, the endurance score 54% was quite low which means that the standard Eneloops lose power quickly and need to be recharged more often. They also scored low on value due to their relatively high price, the value score only makes up 10% of the total score. The Eneloop Pro scored a lot better coming second overall in the test, scoring very low on value and very high in all other categories. If the Eneloop Pro batteries were priced better they would have won. So according to Choice Magazine if you could buy the Eneloop Pro batteries for $14.95 then they would be the No1 battery as they have excellent shelf life, can be recharged many times, were very consistent putting out 2,500mAh as advertised. In the test they discharged all the batteries at least 200 times each and the Eneloop Pro's still held a lot of charge and lasting many discharges without failure. So in summary only buy Eneloop Pro's if you can get them at a good price and the standard Eneloop Ready to Use rechargeable batteries are only average performing batteries compared to others in the test and overpriced!! And yes you are right these batteries are hyped, notice how people on this page get upset if you criticize Eneloop batteries, like you can be a fanboy/girl of a battery!!
Out of curiosity, what brand was the No.1 battery tested by Choice?
"Delivery" $14.95
This is a scourge running through eBay. Listings made at less than RRP, with the difference being added to the Delivery charge. No way delivery of this small item needs to be over $8.
eBay has to get those Plus subscriptions somehow!
very manipulative strategy
Thanks OP. Just to note : 10$ off applies on each transaction. So order 4AA and 4AAA separately to claim 20$ off.
I ordered 4AAA and 8AAA separately also works. Now got the batteries for the walkie talkies just bought!
Should've ordered 4AAA in three separate transactions
what were you thinking
Any deals for the charger?
If you have a few diff types of batteries you want to charge, look into a XTAR VC4 charger.
I have this one and works fine.
Get a nitecore or something from a Chinese website
Nitecore D2, eBay Aussie supplier, $29 delivered, or D4 $39
can i charge the AA and AAA with D2? Sorry, complete newbie. Thanks
Anyone have any "real world" comparisons between the $6 for 4 Aldi LSD batteries and these?
Yes. I have a bunch of Aldi LSDs and they are very inconsistent. You buy a pack of four and use them in a device which takes 4 batteries. Some of this 4-pack discharge much faster than others. Some will die sooner than others. I got a smart charger, and when I start charging the batteries that came in one pack and were used as a set, some are at 0%, while the others may be at 75%. I stopped buying them, absolutely no respect for Aldi batteries of any kind.
Similar experience here, will never buy Aldi batteries again.
Old Aldi ones were good and still going well for me.
But I tried the new ones earlier this year after Ladda's became as expensive as Eneloops and they are pretty crap now.
Sob, when did this happen? Used to laugh at these deals and watch the Ozb crowd go nuts for expensive eneloops when the Laddas were cheaper and Pro versions. :-(
I found Ikea rechargeable batteries are better than aldi.
My view* is Eneloop > Ikea > Aldi
*personal view and not backed by any science research whatsoever, and will be biased to the max :)
How much better are these than $7 for 4 batteries from aldi?
Eneloop pro's are made for the devices with higher current, such as powerful photo flashes. They are much better for these specific applications.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but the batteries from ALDI did not power a toy vacuum (real suction motor). But I got some Energizer LSDs and they started it right away. Might have to try the IKEA LADDA in them. The LADDA also did not work for a baby music box (Alkaline worked), though I don't have enough Energizers to try in that.
Maybe the Energizer's voltage is higher.
I feel like I've joined a cult.
Just ordered my first set of Eneloops, thanks OP!
No good for any of the remote control toys you are buying your kids for Christmas. Like most rechargeable batteries, these are 1.2 volts whereas single use batteries are 1.5v. I've got so many rechargeable AAs and AAAs, and yet those RC cars aren't going anywhere.
These are for remotes and controllers
There are lithium rechargable AA & AAA, 1.5V.
link pls
Google is your friend.
Some of them with built in USB port can be charged with cable, some of them needs a charger but comes with larger capacity.
I use rechargeable AAs and AAAs for those RC
it works fine on me. lego power toy, Nerf power gun, RC car etc.
Have been using exclusively 1.2v rechargeable aa & aaa batteries for probaly around 10 years now in everything i own, including remote control cars, helicopters, drones, cameras, remote, game controllers, etc - has never mattered if they wanted me to use 1.5v - they have all worked just fine with 1.2v.
You can ignore any toy (RC cars included) that state 1.5V required. The 1.2V rechargeables work just fine.
Whilst NiMH isn't 1.5V I noticed recently Eneloops seem to hold up a higher voltage at least at the start.
I had some pretty old Logitech wireless joypads which seemed a bit buggy with Aldi and some non-LSD batteries fresh off the charger, but worked fine with Eneloops.
I didn't bother measuring the voltage or anything for specifics; just a recent observation.
What's so good about these? Are they rechargable?
Click on link and read..
These have replaced Bitcoin as the currency of choice for Ozbargain members. Once upon a time they were given away. Now you can buy a house with these!
Been waiting a while for a solid eneloop deal
eBay plus is back AGAIN free shipping only to Plus
Well, I am shopping for 18650s. Anyone knows a good deal?
How many do you want?
I love the Samsung 30Q, several Aussie suppliers on eBay selling them for under $16 for two these days, $44 for six.
Thanks, but need high drain/high current ones for cordless power tools.
Depending on the capacity you want (and if you know what you're doing) you can get 10x next time Aldi and/or Ozito tool batteries go on special :P
I am rebuilding the battery pack for the cordless tools, from NiCd to Li ion. Ordered other things (BMS, connectors, etc.) from eb.
The Aldi 4.0Ah tool batteries have 10 Samsung 20Qs in them and go on clearance for $20, if that's useful to you. I see now that's exactly your use case, so yeah.
These sellers have been recommended by other Oz bargainers, need to buy more than one to get the good price. Alegedly genuine product for the real brand names here.
such as the 30Q's for $9 each free postage, minimum 2x to get that price…
4 x AAA gone
Eneloop's are back!