Perfect for meetings .. social gatherings.. you all know someone who talks it :)
Posting this for S**** and giggles :)
Perfect for meetings .. social gatherings.. you all know someone who talks it :)
Posting this for S**** and giggles :)
What a load of crap! It's a great deal :D
Only buying if this piece of crap's remote can make it do realistic bowel movements. I don't want just any old remote controlled piece of shit!
Good thing, bought 100, thanks!
as much as It's fun, it is very short live toy and ends up in junk yard.
Pacific Gyre
Don't forget to take your clothes off
Sent the link to SOS and Carlton, a few of these would make handy players compared to what they have now.
I wouldn't rule out sending them to Freo too ;). Definite upgrade from Tabener and McCarthy.
Ouch. It's not funny any more. Do more Carlton jokes.
Name checks out
Control your own dumps whilst simultaneously controlling this RC dump.
This is the future I dreamt of.
looks like shit anyway :)
I guess people that woke up this morning thinking about poo in their minds would be happy about this deal
im just suprised jb sells this.
Probably so “Professional” OzB people can send a gift to Gerry Harvey…
so “Professional” OzB people can send a gift to Gerry Harvey…
And after they send it they'll go and vote for the same politicians that took money from Gerry to tax them more. These would be the same tits that voted for a GST in the first place, they have trouble connecting basic things together such as who is actually to blame for the GST amendment. Hint: it isn't Gerry Harvey.
You think voting makes a difference and a two-party system actually gives meaningful choices? That's cute.
@Miami Mall Alien: @Amar89
a two-party system actually gives meaningful choices?
We only have a 'two party system' because we (the voters) allow it to be so.
Although over the decades the actual first-preference totals of the two major parties have continued to decline, Australians as a whole have never had the courage to fully embrace third and alternate parties.
Australians seem obsessed with 'stability' in government, a theme that is always reinforced by our mass media to discourage third party voting; ignoring the fact that most democracies in the world have coalitions/minority governments, and that our own recent example of minority federal government was one of the most successful (in terms of legislation quality and quantity) in our history.
Ironically, our obsession with stability has done nothing to promote such within our major parties, resulting in our carousel of Ministers Prime in recent years. Our (adapted) Westminster system of government actually promotes and encourages such instability, especially when combined with a preferential voting system.
But again, Australians do not have the courage or inclination to change such a system. It's easier for everyone to whinge about politics rather than actually do something about it.
We only have a 'two party system' because we (the voters) allow it to be so.
I disagree. I think it's by design and potential challengers in the form of minority parties and strong independent candidates are either quickly co-opted by Labour/Liberal (i.e. the same) coffers and/or character assassinated, to keep them in line.
But again, Australians do not have the courage or inclination to change such a system.
No arguments there; this is a politically apathetic nation of neutered adults in a state of learned helplessness, and has been for a very long time now.
You echoed a lot of sentiments I said in a previous post about Australian politics.
I'm not remotely convinced any of the minority parties would be able to affect much meaningful policy change or a sensible economic plan; the entire Western world is locked onto a self-destructive course of degeneracy, deindustrialisation, debt, class warfare and cultural suicide that seems hellbent on destroying every last fibre of the fabric of society as we know it. If other, far more economically stronger, politically-unified and independent nations are succumbing to these subversive and destructive forces, this old backwater outpost doesn't have a hope in hell.
Make sure you're wearing your OzB Gerry Harvey shirt when driving it in!
condolences big bird…
They weren't kidding you when they said JB sells all kinds of shit.
I mean, who wouldn't want to own a remote controlled shit?
i hope my secret santa doesn't read this because then he'd knows what hes getting.
…what a time to be alive
I can send you a real one for $10 (+ shipping. That's shipping. With a p).
"People are flushing 10 or 15 times they tell me .. water is flowing out to see (sic) because they aren't flushing .. 10 to 15 times, one of the biggest ever .. out to see it goes .. American's cannot live like this with the 15 flushes and the water going out .. we need more water 15 flushes it was."
nice gift to your shitty boss
What a great use of the Earth’s resources.
Plastic electronic poo. The next generation will look back at us and facepalm.
Bit of a shitty deal
This deal is a piece of shit.
Name me one person who would look at this item, see the $16.95 price tag and think "nah, too much", but when they see $13.56 they think "gotta get me one of these!".
This is not a bargain.
someone who has a $15 budget
Reasons to neg….
The deal is not the cheapest available
Defective product
Major issues with retailer
Maybe they read it as 'defecative' product.
Maybe he can source cheaper sh!t
what's the rule to neg a comment?
The rule is you cant do heaps and heaps.
Lighten up bud.
As I've often discovered, it doesn't have to be a bargain to be listed on OzBargain. Live with it.
I think I will order one on Sa-turd-ay.
Who's gonna buy this crap?
Secret Santa sorted!
+1 hahaha
Xmas gift sorted.
$13.56 not a bad price for global warming
that's the shit for some people
Give $15 towards a charity instead. One person dies from hunger every second, 36 million a year. This toy reflects badly on us.
You know that a major portion of the money you give to charities goes to the execs in terms of salaries, right?
Go to a gofundme etc website, and take a pick, such as "I can't afford this medical treatment you save my baby" etc and donate. You won't notice the missing $15.
Yep. I knew someone that worked for a children's charity. Everyone that worked there were sooking and whining the new air conditioning system needed to cool a few more degrees, and would walk out unless it was completely replaced - not upgraded - for a second time.
turds for christmas
It’s a Christmas Miracle!
That time of the year when the Christmas poo comes out, it has been a long wait.
Not the same without big googly eyes like the emoji.
It's a deal if it really smells like poo too.
Nice PoS
Light it on FIRE, now that's a deal!
Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo
When Christmas leaves he must leave too.
Flush him down but he's never gone
His smell and his spirit linger on.
Howdy Ho!
Does it smell like shit?
Now thats a great stocking stuffer for all occasions…
Flea Market Remote Control Poo
This /\ is how most of the lying mainstream media see their mind control victims… uh, I mean… VIEWERS.
Is this a bum deal?
The grogan for bogans.
If only I'd known about this on Wednesday when I wanted to use the extra 5% code.
Great I've been waiting for this to go down thanks
Boom tish!
Shit deal…