• expired

~$95AUD (£50) Quidco Cashback Using World Remit for Your First Transfer


Update, not expired yet. There is also more offers in QuidCo with smaller Transfers with lower payouts.

Compare with topcashback, if they have a better price, QuidCo will price beat after the transfer.

Please read the terms, it's easy to get excluded from this promotion. Claims take awhile to clear

Quidco new account = 10£ ($19 AUD)
WorldRemit Quidco link = 95AUD (50£)
World Remit Referal = 35AUD

Total: $149 back

See below for an additional 7£

  1. Get a referral code from the Ozbargain World Remit Referral Wheel
    Use a different browser or incognito mode you need the last bit of the url.

  2. Sign-up to Quidco using one of the OzBargain Quid Co Referral Links
    for new a account. This will give you an £10 ($19) on joining.

  3. Send AUD$390 (200£ or equivalent) through WorldRemit.

Bonus Quidco Offer
Apple Music 7£

Referral Links

Referral: random (25)

£5 for referee, £25 for referrer

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • So if I send $390 or more, I get $169 cash back? Also Quidco seems to be a UK company, how easy it is to withdraw cashback to Australian bank account?

    • GBP bank. You can use transferwise GBP account or paypal

  • Having lost money to a Forex company going under, I can not warn strongly enough against people taking up this "bargain".

    • Which one was that. ?

    • Always stick to xe.com - they've been around since the beginning of the internet !


      • Never used them personally, I live aboard.
        Transferwise is one of the better options, skrill & Instarem have the best exchange rates and lowest fees and large signup offers.

        All these remittance companys have signup offers.

  • Cashback seems to be £55 for sign-up World Remit.

    FYI, I've successfully linked Quidco to my Paypal. Not sure if there would be any problems in withdrawal later on though.

    • It should be 60£ unless it's just changed.

      30£ for existing accounts that have not transfered.

      • Showing as £55 in Quidco for me.

        • Ok. I'll update shortly. There is an apple music deal(iTunes and android) no deposit as well.

          See the deal in my profile.

  • There is also an Apple Music offer for quidco. No deposit.

  • +3

    There you go mate, better description, I hope:

    1. Sign-up to Quidco using one of the OzBargain referal links for new a account. This will give you an £10 ($19) on joining.

    2. Sign up to World Remit using one of the OzBargain referral links. This will give you an $35 on joining. In Quidco, search "WorldRemit" and click to be transferred to WorldRemit.

    3. Now go back to Quidco, search "worldremit" and click to be transferred to WorldRemit. Join WorldRemit using Quidco link / quidco referral code.

    4. Send AUD$390 (200£ or equivalent) through WorldRemit.

    5. Your Quidco account will receive 60£ (115AUD) cashback when the transaction has tracked.

    320pm: Edited (2. and 3.)

    • Thanks for that, wrote it last night after a Christmas party. Above has been tested. Also try apple music offer in quidco.

      I'm positive it was 60£ unless new accounts get less.

      • Hi there. I signed up for both during the first round of the promotion but didn't transfer money as the offer expired while I was validating my id. Do you know if somehow I can redeem 106£ if I make a transfer using my already existing new account? Or better do open new accounts? Would appreciate some help here. Thanks

    • Just to check - don't you need to sign up via the Quidco link?

      For step 2, i just copied the referral ID from the link and made sure to use that during step 3 when I signed up to World Remit

      • Yeah you're probably right. Need that referral ID from Quidco.

        • Worldremit supplies a code and link. You need the referal code.
          It's on the end of the link and you use it during signup (enter manually)

      • No. Worldremit use the referal code not the link otherwise it will not track

    • Guide above is slightly wrong (mine is correct). Do not use a link. You need the referal code on the end of the link. It will not track using a link.

      • Why? What's the difference?

        • You need to sign up using quidco. I followed his advice and got only 15GBP cashback instead of 55.

          • -1

            @BeefBiryani: Ah, yes,

            Up to £60 Quidco Cashback when you send money with WorldRemit
            New to WorldRemit? Register with us through Quidco and you can earn up to £60 cashback when you send your first money transfer.

            Sign up with WorldRemit via Quidco
            Send your first transaction of at least £50 to friends or family
            Get up to £60 cashback from Quidco*

          • @BeefBiryani: FYI on Quidco, it does say it'll track at 15GBP and then be upped manually within 10 days (iirc)

            • @roadeh: Yes but you need to be very careful getting that referal code. Use a diffrent web browser. It will install a cookie if you click the ozbargin link.

              I have updated the post and made modifications.

    • +1

      Negging your comment because it is wrong.

    • revoking my pos vote

      • No worries, I have reported to Mods to fix it for me as I am unable to edit.

        • I'll update my post. And make the modifications.

    • Thanks for this. This was significantly clearer than the original post.

    • Can step 4 be done on a separate click/session? Thanks

    • Hi there. I signed up for both during the first round of the promotion but didn't transfer money as the offer expired while I was validating my id. Do you know if somehow I can redeem 106£ if I make a transfer using my already existing new account? Or better do open new accounts? Would appreciate some help here. Thanks

  • The $35 referral bonus from WorldRemit seems to be just a voucher. Can you actually cash it out?

    • +3

      Yeah, send it to your self or friend. There will be $5 transfer fee. You will get $30

      Use transferwise foreign to receive

      • Hey @shadowangel, I have done two new signup/transfers under myself and wifey's. Mine didn't seem to track even after 6 hours and wife's tracked instantly but only 15 pounds cashback rate. Any idea? TIA.

        • +1

          See roadeh's comment above:

          GBP 15 seems to be their 'default' cashback which is always tracked initially.

          I made a transfer (by accident) for GBP 20, which is below the cashback minimum requirement of GBP 50. But, my cashback has also tracked at GBP 15. Most likely, this will be cancelled later when they fix up the amount.

          • @vikvance: The referal minimum is 100aud or equivalent just over 50£ so you will miss both cashbacks transfering 20£

            • @shadowangel: I think I can get the referral minimum as long as I make another transfer, and they all total AUD 100. When I signed up, it said that:

              Once you’ve sent a total of 100 AUD (over as many transfers as you like), you’ll get a 35 AUD WorldRemit voucher

  • Verification needed to send using world remit?

  • +1

    So, I went through the whole process of signing up to Quidco & then WorldRemit, and then at the end I realised that I cannot send money to myself in Australia. Lol.

    Australia isn't in the drop down list, when I click to send money.

    Is there any way around this ?

    Any way, I could somehow send money & then get it back somehow ?

    • +1

      You can setup a virtual UK bank account in your name with Transferwise. Then transfer funds to that and back to your regular AUD bank account.

      Though I'm not certain it could be setup tonight before the deadline for cashback

      • +1


        The Quidco site says "Expires in 4 days" under the voucher code for WorldRemit, so maybe we'll be lucky & get some more time to do the transfer.

        Edit: I signed up for Transferwise. It seems I can do a transfer to Transferwise's own UK bank account & they'll then credit it to my account on the Transferwise platform.

        • +2

          Order a card and you can convert to any currency or cash out at an atm with no fees. (Except a small conversion fee)

      • +1


        The Transferwise method worked brilliantly.

        BUT, I made a crucial error and I'm not going to get the cashback. Lol.

        The issue is that WorldRemit asks for the "Bank Name" when doing the transfer and this is a required field. But, Transferwise isn't in the drop-down list.

        I wasn't sure if the Bank name was actually needed, but I got spooked at the thought of possibly losing $400 in a transfer error. So, I randomly selected "Cashplus" as the Bank name & then I sent a test transfer of GBP 10.

        I received the test transfer OK, overnight, BUT I didn't realise that the Quidco cashback is only for the FIRST transfer. So, now I can't get it I make the proper transfer of GBP 200+, because this'll be counted as the second transfer.

        • Bummer!

          Thanks for the heads up

  • Tried again a second time, by signing up my Mum for WorldRemit and everything seems to have gone fine.

    Thanks for posting the deal, OP.

    BTW, I think the deal hasn't really "expired". It's still available on Quidco & it says that it'll expire in "3 days".

    • Can step 4 be done on a separate click/session? Thanks

  • Deal seems to be still going. It was orginally 60£ but was dropped to 55£

    There is also new offers for lower sends

  • Hi guys, does signing up and transferring money have to be done in a single click session or can be on separate sessions? Thanks.

  • +1

    Seems expired and reduced to 15?

    • +1

      I'll expire the offer thanks.

  • yep showing 15 now for a minimum of 50 pounds

  • +1

    This deal is back!

    • Hi there. I signed up for both during the first round of the promotion but didn't transfer money as the offer expired while I was validating my id. Do you know if somehow I can redeem 106£ if I make a transfer using my already existing new account? Or better do open new accounts? Would appreciate some help here. Thanks

      • To be honest, I am also not too sure as I am also waiting for cashback. Received $35 from Worldremit though. But note that $35 is not a real cash you can withdraw, you can use it for your next transfer.

    • The £55 offer doesn't show up, only £15. If that's the case, shouldn't we update the post accordingly. Plus worth clarifying if the offer is different for first transfers from the existing account/s as some have commented here.
      Thanks for the post anyway.

      • its finished. for some reason i can't edit the thread or expire it.

  • Just 15 pounds now instead of 55, right?
    Maybe I'll hold off making accounts at quidpro and world remit until it's back on.

    • when do you reckon it will be back? Ta.

      • No idea really. Actually thinking I might be better off just doing it now cos of my personal situation

  • It is £40 now, not 55. Does anyone know if I have to register and transfer money during one session?

  • 50£ again. Note this offer changes often.

  • Does anyone have step by step instructions through transferwise? I have seen it somewhere I can't find it sorry

    • You just need to create an account, then open a border-less account. Any foreign currency account will be fine.

      you then enter the bank details in world remit.

      I use GBP Account as it's easy, you enter Transferwise as the bank name or if there is no option just select any from the drop down.

    • my skrill post also has a transferwise guide. it's nearly the same for world remit.

  • This has expired? Shows only GBP 5 cashback in quidco for World Remit

    "Cashback Rates £5 cashback for a new customer registering and making their first transfer of £500+"

    • +1

      Thanks for the update. Ill expire it tonight.

      Azimo is still 20£
      Xendpay 10£
      Skrill is $40AUD
      Instarem is $10 plus $10 in points
      And Western Union is giving $5 coles vouchers with every transfer (may be targeted)

      • Thanks. Skrill seems to be the best option, yea?

        • Skrill is the best option, It's near instant cash.

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