• expired

Amazon $2 Bonus Cashback with Minimum $5 Spend @ Cashrewards (Activation Required, OzB Exclusive)


Another nice OzBargain bonus for the final hours of Cyber Monday. Ensure you activate the offer on the landing page before shopping, then head to Amazon Australia on Cashrewards and shop. Please familiarise yourself with the terms below, as they will answer most queries. Ends 11:59PM AEDT. Enjoy :)

Amazon $2 Bonus Terms:

• To be eligible for the AUD $2 bonus, you must first activate the promotion on the activation page, then shop as normal on Amazon Australia via Cashrewards.
• Transaction must be made between 6:00PM AEDT 02/12/19 and 11:59PM AEDT 02/12/19.
• $2 bonus is eligible when making a purchase of AUD $5 or more (inclusive of GST, after any discounts, and before shipping).
• $2 bonus will not track automatically to your Cashrewards account. It will be credited separately as approved by 08/02/2020.
• $2 bonus is over and above the store cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
• Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.
• Amazon sales report to Cashrewards ex GST so the amount shown in your account may be less than $5. You will still be eligible for the bonus.
• Orders with multiple items will report as individual transactions into your Cashrewards account. These are still eligible.
• $2 bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account, and fulfilled by Cashrewards (not Amazon Australia).
• $2 bonus is ineligible if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected, or if you purchase an ineligible product (standard store cashback terms and exclusions apply).
• Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Amazon Australia Cashrewards terms & rates here.

Don't forget to refer-a-friend for $10 each.

If you encounter any issues, please check out our Help Centre and Contact Form here.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3774)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

Related Stores

Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • -1

    Haha great bargain

  • wat

  • +3

    "It will be credited separately as approved by 08/02/2020" hahah

  • +4

    When is the 20% cashback?

  • +8

    Well it looks like they've officially thrown the towel against shopback

    • Yep

    • Yup, I used them together yesterday successfully.

  • +2

    @TA… Why don't you publish similar deal for ebay more often as eBay has many stuff we can buy without paying delivery from China !

    For smaller cashback eBay would probably gives you better sell then Amazon 🤨

    • +2

      completely agree. difficult to find cheap stuffs on amazon

  • +1

    It won't show up the $2 immediately if anyone wonder.

    With all these cash back I really can't remember what I have done before.

  • +6

    Damn, shopback gives 20% off and all you can offer is $2 off $5.

    • +6

      Shopback the multinational pushing out the little local guy…circle of life

    • +2

      So 20% for one hour with no notice is fine, but 3 promos by CR for over 6 hours is unacceptable?

      Gees here I was thinking the $2 back compared to a measly $1 on my Starbucks capsules was a good deal!

  • +1

    Still waiting for some tracking emails to arrive from last week (as a sign of confidence) before I throw my money at something else.

    • same
      i've had amazon tracking come through on some cheaper orders, but the one for a Kindle Paperwhite + case hasnt :/

  • thanks
    cheap book for kids xmas present

  • +3

    Meh. Your competitor has been killing it during the last few days. I guess those early morning infomercials cost an arm and leg.

  • Lol, another one

  • +2

    Oh wow, 3 of these in 4 days! Thanks so much TA and Cashrewards <3

  • Amazon app opens when clicking through the Cashrewards app- does this still track?

    • yes, that's meant to happen. fyi..

      Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.

      • Thanks! I thought that might be the case but better to be sure- wouldn’t want to be $2 worse off :)

      • My last purchase through Amazon app not tracked.

  • +5

    P/S: Use OzB's reminder feature for this deal (and every deal where it says "will not track", set the cashback date, then check your CR account.

    • +1

      Thanks. Thats a great use of the reminder feature! To think ive been using reminder feature for the start of bargains only

  • Thanks TA. During the last offer I checked out with 3 different items totalling 5.99 but tracking showed cashback for each item separately. Will I still be eligible for the bonus??

  • My biggest disappointment this year, Cash rewards not offering more on Amazon.

    Sorry Mr Bezos, I wanted to throw my money at you :(

    • -1

      This whole black Friday/ cyber monday has been lackluster. Prove me wrong, give me 20% cashback for amazon..

      • +1

        You mean like the one on Saturday 20% cashback thru Amazon with SB? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/501797

        • Limited to one order per account, which the terms were changed half way through the cashback hour, purchased 3 orders. Then after it was stated 1 per account, I cancelled two of the orders, then after the hour was up, it was stated they would honour all orders, I'm a little bit salty for sure, but anyway, unlucky.

          • +1

            @snookerbro: Yeah that sucks. I would have been pissed off too.

            • +1

              @Lucille Bluth: Haha I was yesterday, now I'd like cash rewards to have punt :) I even rang amazon hoping they could reinstate my original orders but no win. Oh well!

  • works with amazon fulfillment (third party seller) right?

    • yes, as long as it's on the Amazon AU site

  • +1

    Better than nothing tho.. unless you wanna buy lululemon ;)

    • +1

      When life gives you Lululemons…

      • Sit outside a hipster cafe and take a photo of a green juice for the 'gram

  • +5

    It's like the classic Chasers Sketch… Free Money and no one will accept it. Except in this case they also whinge it's not good enough.

    Incredible. I don't think I clicked on OzBargain.

    • Haha thanks for the link, that's hilarious.

  • Got me the coffee astivita coffee grinder!

  • +1

    My Black Friday $2 cash back hasn't been tracked even though another today purchase cash back came through within 1 hour.

  • +1

    ok done. bought 4l omo $14.50

    • You did not subscribe and buy for $13.05?

  • When is the $15 for $30 spend supposed to show up in cash rewards?

    • As per the original deal for that offer, it says:

      Bonus will be credited to your Cashrewards account by 31/01/2020.

      I don't believe it shows up in the account until that date.

      • Does the whole thing show up on that date, or only the $15? Meaning, what about the % part? Shows up the same time or separately?

        • From prior experience with other deals, the original % tracks after the sale, and then the bonus comes on the credit date. That's what happened with an amazon one recently.

  • urgh. didn't see this. ordered a case at 630 :|

  • I waited all day for any Amazon general deals. None so I pulled the trigger minutes before this. Ah well. At least it was only a couple of bucks.

    • Oh, found something else so I used it anyway!

  • if anyone is still looking for cheap stuff and has prime this is a good deal https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0009Q63W4/

  • I always end up buying groceries when these pop up and I have nothing in particular to get, got some Moccona instant coffee, 3x10 starting at $6.75.

    Don't subscribe and save, TA has said before that it isn't eligible.

  • Shop on Amazon app not tracked?

  • Ordered 3 packs of Tim Tams for $5.46 or something.

  • Got a box of Cheerios cereal. Cheers TA!

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