This was posted 5 years 3 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Battlefield V $10 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Lightning Deal, Normally $49. Fun game and a good price.

Edit: 100% claimed, join the waiting list and keep an eye on the page.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

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closed Comments

  • +3

    The new Pacific maps and content make this a no-brainer, and it's still one of the best looking games around in motion. Get on this.

    • Is Battlefield V - Update 5.0 free after you buy the game, or like BF4, you have to keep buying the addons?

      • +1

        No paid maps. Everything that can be paid for is cosmetic only.

    • Have to agree with you on that. The Frostbite engine is amazing, especially in Star Wars Battlefront.

  • +1

    How are the servers on PC? Are they still well populated, particularly after the pacific maps?

    • I'm actually curious too — I imagine they're quite healthy, PS4 always has at least a dozen fully populated servers.

    • +1

      During peak hours there are always atleast 3 or 4 servers full on PC, non peak there are usually 1 or 2.

      • +1

        Thank you, appreciate the info.

    • During peak over the past couple of weeks, at least 10+ servers of 64 players during peak. About 2-6 during non-peak.

  • +7

    IMO Battlefield 4 is the best.

    • +1

      I think alot of people agree, it has as many players on PC as BFV

      • +1

        Imo BFV has better gameplay, but BF4 is a really solid package that had several years of support (after a disastrous first year). The Pacific content update has propelled BFV above BF4 for me though, having spent hundreds of hours with both :)

    • +3

      BF4 is the GOAT. BC2 is a close second.

    • +1

      BF4 is also my favourite, though BFV looks fun and for $10 and no paid DLCs it seems like a great deal.

      • Will have to download both and try! It's been a looong time since I hopped on BF4

  • $10 delivery added when I check out, bs

    • Same. It forces you to pay expedited delivery as well. No standard

    • Is that even when you had prime?

      • I made a mistake with the title and thought it was free delivery for non-prime members which is now fixed.

        These lightning deals will only ship for free for non-prime when the regular price is >$39 like the Fire Emblem Warriors deal.

        • +1

          It honestly wasn’t your fault. The amazon page said free delivery

    • Item was $24, with $14 discount = $10 for me. Didn't say $10 for postage whatsoever. (Prime membership)

  • +1

    Yes It is a 'PC' game. I'm an uneducated person therefore I can't play. So sad :(

    • -1

      Don't you want to be on the right side of history? :-)

      • Why the negs? If you don't like it, don't buy it ;-)

  • Thank you. May not play it with my Destiny 2 addiction, but good to have the option there!

  • Is there a single player campaign?
    Is Firestorm available in our region?

    • Single player is pretty shit
      Firestorm is available but dead in Aus afaik

      • Crazy. Wasn't firestorm the mode everyone was waiting for?

        • Yeah but finding 100 players with an already small player base that prefers the traditional game modes is hard

      • I really, really enjoyed the single player. Especially the female character's story.

        Short but enjoyable.

        • +1

          I hated that one. They said they wanted to tell unknown stories of ww2 and proceeded to make one up.
          I feel like there was so many other war stories they could of made that was about a female such as female soviet snipers, french partisans etc.

    • On the hardest difficulty the campaign is great, especially the stealth mission in Norway. Worth $10 just for that honestly.

  • +2

    Question for the brain trust!
    I currently play BFV on the Origin Access. Can I buy this, and continue on with my game progress etc.? Possibly even avoid another huge download of the game if my current one is fully updated?

    • +2

      Yes, the one that comes with origin access is the full game as well, there shouldn't be any difference between the 2, it'll just activate as a permanent addition to your library.

      • +1

        Thanks LemonBarley and OP!

    • +2

      Great question!

      I was wondering the same thing

  • Awesome! Bought. $10 is about the value I get from these games, so that's $10 well spent.

  • Cheers OP!

  • So no Disk, just a download code

    • And they still charge for delivery… huh?

      • Yeah they send out a case with a piece of paper in it lol

  • Thank you OP!

    I waited for a heavy sale, as I only play the Single Player Campaigns.
    So $10 is definitely worthwhile.

    • Apparently campaign not even worth $10 and firestorm servers have no players in Oceania. Going to save my cash on this one

      • Multiplayer is still fine in Aus but firestorm is dead now if you did find a game it usually had some Asian hacker with a aimbot anyway

  • Finally a good PC deal.

  • thanks op.

  • Says $24 less $14 discount = $10 for me. Doesnt say $10 for postage

  • Item was $24, with $14 discount = $10 for me. Didn't say $10 for postage whatsoever.

  • If you buy this - can it / does it get added to your Origin account and launch like you would BF1, 4, etc?

    • +1

      Yup. Digital copy in a physical case apparently

  • +1

    LOL wait they dont email the code for activation? it's sent out in a physical case inside on a piece of paper??

    • The case can be used as decoration

  • +2

    100% claimed (out of stock).

    • +1

      You can sit on the waiting list. I watched it tick over from 99% to 100% then entered wait list and got one pretty fast.

  • Would buy 100% if not for shipping costs :(

    • +1

      Should 100% get Prime membership !

      • Just another subscription I want but don't need to enable me to buy more stuff I want but don't need. It's a slippery slope.

        But they're all starting to add up - Stan, Netflix, Spotify, Audible, mobile, internet etc etc. Struggling to justify another.

  • +2

    Deal is 100% Claimed

  • Damn it

  • +1

    Received my order today, though it was missing the download code. Hopefully the replacement they send has the code.

    • +1

      It should be on the bottom of the back of the white separate piece of paper. Do you see that?

      • Sadly there was only a flyer for Battlefield 4 inside.

    • Hmm. I also received a box missing the download code.

      • Well dang. This was a christmas present but I better open it now. Don't want to give an empty box without a serial at christmas time. Could take a while to get a response at Christmas time.

    • Also no download code included in mine either. WTF??? This is Amazon how can they stuff this up?

      • Oh this is interesting, check the Sender address on your packaging. My copy of BFV was sent from Amazon Returns!

        • Same here. I'll check other packaging when I get home to see if they have something different.

          • @Uncle BucK: Maybe they just use that as the address for all posted items… would be crazy if they shipped returned items as new.

            • @Trawler: Yep, it appears that's the default sender details. My other parcels from the last couple of days have the same sender.

  • yep receive mine today. shit myself when there was no cd, then realised it says digital download. least there is a code unlike some people… why bother sending us a box????

  • Received mine today and no download code inside the box like a few others have mentioned. Only a promo flyer for Battlefield 4 inside.

    I have done a return and a resupply so I will see what happens.

    • There was no white piece of paper? I just checked mine, the code was on the back of the white piece of paper. Out of curiosity was yours plastic wrap sealed?

      • Inside the hardcover, there was a Battlefield 4 flyer and that's all that was inside. The only other thing was the Amazon receipt.

        • Received my replacement today and thankfully it had the code in it (as well as the battlefield 4 flyer).

    • Do you have to pay for return? This is craaaayzee

      • You don’t have to. I convinced the Amazon person that it would be stupid and a waste sending an empty box, so she made an “exception” and re-sent via priority shipping. My 2nd had the code. :)

    • i got the same issue. should i contact amazon? will it be shipped again?

  • also, how do you redeem the game? on Origin Client? I tried and it said it has already been redeemed.
    edit: lol my code was redeemed one year ago by someone else. i contacted ea support.

    • Did you get a new code?

      • amazon replaced the order. Still waiting.

  • +1

    Empty DVD case…

    • They're all empty - its just a code.

      • +1

        lol empty as in no f* code in it

  • My code has already been redeemed. WTF is this?

    • +1

      lol. same happened to me. i contacted first amazon, they said contact ea support, i contacted ea support, ea support said, contact amazon. i contacted amazon again. They replaced the order and sent a new item.

      • Does the new code work ?

        • I havent received it yet.

        • I got the replacement and this time it worked.

      • Same here. Sealed case, opened it up, punched code into Origin… "This code has already been redeemed"

        What the actual *&$# Amazon?!

        • The second item they sent, worked this time.

  • I went through hell with an Amazon webchat representitive. They refunded me my $17 ($10 game and $7 shipping) because they couldn't replace it which is bizarre. I then had to buy a new copy of the game where he refunded me $17 again plus the remainder because the new ones are more expensive. Such a hassle.

  • Received my replacement and it had a code and it worked as the 1st one did not have a code in it.

  • Guys and girls, if you received a case without a code or with a invalid code, please report it to Consumer Protection. Especially if you communicated with EA. I communicated with EA via Live Chat and they basically said to go back to the retailer or buy from their Official online store, which I'm pretty sure does not meet the Australian Consumer Guarantee considering these copies are an official EA retail product, made in Australia and then shipped and fulfilled by Amazon Australia (Amazon Commercial Services Pty Ltd). Redirecting somebody to buy from another retailer is NOT a solution, it's trying to pass the buck.

  • Received. It's a disappointing game compared to BF4. All the shipping and reshipping hassle for nothing :(

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