• expired

$25 Credit for New and $50 Credit for Existing Numbers @ Belong Mobile


Get a $50 credit for bringing your number to us, or $25 for taking out a new number, both on our Regular or Large plans.
The $50/$25 once-off credit is available to new customers connecting to the Regular or Large mobile plan. Offer ends 31 Dec 2019.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (299)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

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closed Comments

  • Can U stack referrals with this?

    • +2

      I can't see how it can. There is a box where you enter a "Promo Code" - it would be one of those above, or the referral code.

      • ok so not that great only $5 more than a referal

        • +6

          $30 more if you're porting in.

  • +1

    I don’t fully get how this is $50 for existing customers

    Is it not saying $50 if bring number from another network or $25 if you go for a new belong number, but both offers targeted at new customers?

    • +1

      I read it a couple of time but yes you're right, just for new customers.

    • +5

      Existing numbers

    • Well I am a customer for Belong home broadband but our mobiles are with Kogan 12 month sim plans. I assumed, perhaps incorrectly though, I would get $50 back per mobile if I ported some of the mobile accounts over.

    • Clearly says - available to new customers connecting to the Regular or Large mobile plan.
      Not for existing customers, but applies for pre-registered numbers that are not belong customers

      • -2

        The $50 code logic is fcked. It only works for new number and says "promo works" when I applied for a porting/existing number. WTF is this sht website….

        • Agree. Will have to reach out to support as well.

          • -5

            @shonofear: i couldnt use the 50$ code for $10 plan.

            Talk about live testing for their website

      • @dealmaker

        Thanks for posting the deal

        I'm having issues with the bonus credit being applied after signup
        Just wondering how you came across the offer and code?

  • +7

    Poor title

  • Now I need deal on those prepaid packs

  • Great for BYO

  • -1

    $25 a month for 10gb . Not as good as the boost deal.

  • +1

    Already with them. I'm a bit tempted to gift my data to my son, port out and port back in on a half price $25 or $40 sim, just to try and get the $50. Reckon it's worth a shot?

  • Sorry! This Promo code does not apply to you (tried BYO50OFF) :(

    • Same message for me

    • +1

      It works now.

  • Bummer - hoping to stack with the woolies sim deal.

  • Does this apply if you use the Belong sim starter pack $80 credit?

    • Where do you get those?

      • he is wrong its $40 with 80gb data not the other way around

        • Are you replying to me? No its the $80 sim starter pack you get when you sign up to their broadband plans.

          • @hazzad: oh i see should be work with that as well i havent tried

            • @CyberMurning: Yeah im not sure. Depends on how you apply the credit i guess. I have a $80 pack to use for my daughter starting High School next year. Guess i will try.

              • +1

                @hazzad: me too. my kogan will exp 21 dec. will port to belong around 15th using the pack from nbn too.
                have a read of this before doing anything


                Billing and Payments
                Plans are billed on the same date monthly. Initial billing dates are every 8 days (e.g. 4th, 12th, 20th, 28th May 2018). The time between activation and the next available billing date is "free".

                One month worth of data is credited on activation, and another on your first payment date, 1-8 days later. So you effectively get double data for the first monthly payment. You can then change to a lower rate plan ($10/month) and use the banked data allowance.

                This is better illustrated by example on the Small $10/mth 1GB plan.
                If you activate your SIM card on the 4th-11th of August (either using '$20 free credit' by ordering a SIM card using a Promo Code, or without a Promo Code) and pay $10 (without a Promo Code, or use $10 of your free included credit from a Promo Code), you'll be credited with 1 GB of data (along with your unlimited calls/SMS/MMS) for 1-7 days (depending on how close to the 12th of August you've activated your SIM). In your first billing date (12 August), you'll be charged $0. On the second billing date (12 September) you'll be charged $10 (again, free for those who've used a Promo Code). So after the 12 September you would have spent $20 (or used your $20 of free credit from a Promo Code) and if you haven't yet used any of your included data, you should now have a total of 3 Gigabytes of data available to use (all for free using a Promo Code!) until your next billing (data rollover) date (12 October).

                • @CyberMurning: Does Belong have any way to limit data spend? Im with Exetel and i can set Excess spend to $0. Does Belong offer anything like this?

                  • @hazzad: No. But
                    With belong, when you used up your data the speed will be limited or shaped or reduced. They won't take money

                    • @CyberMurning: Ah really. Thats a nice feature.

                      • @hazzad: Most phones have a nice feature where you can track the data usage and set an alarm or stop of mobile data too so you don't have to rely on your telephone company.

                  • @hazzad: Mate did you get $50 extra credit? If yes, what's the code you applied?

  • Hmm so 2 months free on the $25 deal if porting in? Pretty tempting to avoid potential dodgy business with Circles.Life by that stage

  • Can someone confirm if this works with the starter sim packs?

  • I just try to active the $80 credit sim kit from the nbn bonus.
    notice that the code works, but it only applies to regular($25/m) or large($40/m) plan, just need a small plan for the second number.
    what a pity.

    • Oh thats a shame. Was hoping to use it on a low value plan.

      • Sign up for the $25 plan then switch to $10 plan, the extra download rolls over.

        • So you still end up paying for the $25 for the first month yeah?

          • @hazzad: i think (i havent try) but read my post whirlpool wiki belong above:
            when you sign up for 25 plan they will take $25 and give you data
            then you can straight change to plan 10 so the next billing you will be charged $10 only.

    • +1

      i signed up to the $10 plan with a $40 starter kit and when I applied the code, it just says code works. I have ported over for a few days now and no additional credit is showing in my account. I have opened a support request but unfortunately they are not very good at responding to so we'll see how it goes.

      • Same deal. Ported in with $40 kit, showing $40 credit but no bonus $50.

      • +1

        I think above offer only applies to Regular(25) and Large(40) plan, not to small(10) plan.

        • It accepted the promo code as I mentioned above and I have got a screenshot of it as well so if that is not the case, not gonna be very happy.

        • I signed up for the large plan and had the same issue.

          • @[Deactivated]: Have you checked under payments?

            • @oldhippy: applied credit $40
              your mobile service $40
              next payment $0

              • @[Deactivated]: Got back from Belong support and they said they have adjusted the credit and it will show the next billing month.

                • @Sainter4Life: i'm still trying to get them to understand


                  • @[Deactivated]: Looks like they have given you the referral credit already, pretty sure you can't get both.

                    • @Sainter4Life: Yeah I heard just one code at a time. And this code is better than referral.

                    • @Sainter4Life: I didn't use a referal code. You can only use 1 code. I don't understand what is so hard about this?

                • @Sainter4Life: Did you end up getting the $50 credit taking out the $10 plan with the $40 starter?
                  That’s what I am hoping to do, or is it better of then just signing up to $25/mth and then Changing it to the $10/mth? Not sure how easy that is.

                  • @swilso: The rep said the credit will be applied in the second month so it is not yet showing in my account.

              • @[Deactivated]: I just made the account and it shows like this even though coupon got applied correctly.
                Did you able to get $50 credit after first billing ?

                Applied credit $40

                Your mobile service (view plan) $0

                Next payment $0

                Remaining credit $40

                • +4

                  @bazingaa: After service is active, wait half or one day then you'll see the $50 under payment tab.

                  • @CyberMurning: Thanks mate, just now I got it right after service activation :D

  • $25 Belong starter pack is $10 @ Coles (starting tomorrow - Wed)… pretty good deal to stack with this promo code!

    • Thanks for that! Because of you I picked one up at coles today. From what I've read, I assume this gets me 3 months for $10 seeing I will be porting out of Dodo (optus network) for the $50 credit. Can anyone confirm this? I'm going to set it all up tomorrow.

  • Been a while but I think it used to show up under payments

  • Got the $15 $40 starter kit, under payments mine says

    Applied credit

    Your mobile service (view plan)

    Next payment


    Due 20 December 2019
    Remaining credit


    That mean it worked??? if i drop back to $10 plan that mean i get 5 months???

    • +2

      You got it :)

    • +2

      What happened to the $40 credit you paid for?

      • I wonder too, I don't think they know what they doing

      • You mean from the starter kit yeah?
        So what happen to it?

        • I was left with just 25 credit 50byo

    • +1

      I'm having the same situation, my understanding is remaining credit should be $50 not sure how $10 is calculated.
      What's your remaining credit after changing to $10 monthly plan friend?

      • I think they look at it like $40 starter, so of that amount they apply credits before you change plans

  • I currently have a 2 Belong services under my name and my wife's names for 2 of our kids.

    I plan on porting in another 4 services.

    Can i use this with the additional number that i will port in?

    And im not sure if i can consolidate services.

    • I don’t think you can consolidate service to one account.
      I think their policy is one service per customer.

      • Thanks.
        Its a shame. But not a deal breaker.

        Just dont want them thinking im activating 3 services under my name and another 3 under my wifes.

  • +2

    The $40 starter kits are $15 at Woolworths until 1/1/2020.
    I will be cutting a fine line to try and get my Telstra plus points on my direct debit on 30th Dec and make the switch to Belong on the 31st…hope I still have access to the points/Telstra plus with cancelled services

    • From my experience, you can't redeem telstra plus points with a cancelled service. You can login and see your points but it won't let you redeem them.

    • Confirmed.
      Just bought 4x $40 packs this morning.

      However they wouldn't let me use my WW giftcards to pay for it.

  • +4

    F me… I literally just signed up to Belong, came on over here to put in my referral code and saw this post… I wanna cry :'(

  • +1

    Whats the cheapest way to get a number to port ? I'm thinking Dodo $5 plan with free shipping on the sim card?

    • +1

      I think Lyca or Lebara have cheap sims.

    • Also would like to know this.
      So which is better to go with, Dodo or Aldi, with min $5 upfront on activation (postpaid plan?)?
      Would any of $2 kits work also?, for example https://www.bigw.com.au/search/?category=&text=sim

      My current plan is with Amaysim PAYG, so long expiry, I will keep this # till it expires (park it), so I want a new # & go with the $50 port promo.



      • +1

        any will do, this is just simple: port number use code you get $50 (belong reg or large plans).
        you pick whatever you like or the cheapest.

        • Thanks,

          Once I get a $5 kit & sign up/activate, should I wait a few days (but without using/making calls) before porting it or is there no need?

          Its been many years since I last ported, seems porting is a lot quicker these days.


          • +1

            @OrbDaggerZ: I think you can port once it is activated.
            The Belong process needs you to receive a text message on the number you want to port.
            I don't know if the $2 kits will activate and receive text messages without having to add credit.
            Can anyone suggest the cheapest way to activate a SIM?

      • +1

        Update; Signed up with Aldi ($5 starter kit), no issues so far with ID, just waiting on the service to be activated (new #).
        Logged into Aldi, new # is not the greatest (easy to remember), oh well.

        Thanks ChiMot & pete2 and others

        • How did you go with this? Thinking of doing the same for my daughter?

          • @hazzad: The process went fine, no issues.
            Got email under 30min & could use their website.
            But I did have abit of trouble with their phone app not accepting my pw, didn't try it again,might be my pw software.

            • @OrbDaggerZ: Cool. Seems to have worked ok. Got a $5 sim from aldi and activated and just did the belong sign up now. $80 starter kit plus the $50 byo. Question though. I could only sign up to the $25 plan with the byo50. When should I switch back down to the $10 and when I do, does it just bill me on the next billing cycle for that $10?

              • +1

                @hazzad: you can change plan on or after the first billing date ie 4th jan in our case.
                lucky you i got "Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later." but received email saying port request has been received

                • @CyberMurning: Ok so my number port should occur today. Your saying I should wait until the 4th before switching down to $10 plan yeah?

                  • +1

                    @hazzad: not that you "should", but you "ONLY can" change on or after first billing date. and only can chance once a month.

                    • @CyberMurning: Ah ok. Cool. So what is the net effect of what I have signed up for and what I get. I had 130 in credit when I signed up and used 25 on the plan. When I drop down to $10 plan when do I get billed again and what will I end up with data wise?

                      • @hazzad: check my comment on the second page near the end (the long one) just adjust with your plan numbers

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