This was posted 5 years 1 month 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% off Subscription to The Daily Wire


Get your fill of Ben Shapiro, Andrew Klavan, and Michael Knowles as they share a conservative view of today's US politics.
Applies a 50% discount across all subscription packages.
And don't forget - you also get your Leftist Tears Hot and Cold tumbler.

From US $60/year after discount code.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2019

Related Stores

The Daily Wire
The Daily Wire

closed Comments

    • +17

      its a bargain and this is a bargain site (hence the name) not a political playground. stick to facts not opinions.

      • -8

        If it was free it would still be a rip off as it would cost me time and brain cells.

        • +23

          with your reply you already showed us you have none left :)

        • -4

          I can tell by your comment you don't have enough to understand the intelligence of guys like Shapiro and Knowles who use facts whereas I bet you use feelings.

          • +13

            @[Deactivated]: Looks like poor ol' Ben got a bit emotional here

            • -8

              @el_cheapo: Yeah I've seen it. He did seem to get a bit emotional, almost like … He's human. Weird. Did you think that would trigger me or prove a point? ;P. Wanna try again?

          • @[Deactivated]: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Shapiro.

      • +20

        Freedom of speech. THEMAN_AUS has a right to his opinion that Shapiro is a nut. Would have thought those downvoting, and thus censoring this comment, would understand that

        • +5

          Again, that has nothing to do with the bargain on offer here. And also his comment is still available to view, should you wish.

          • +7

            @grayadamson: This is poor quality journalism, everyone has a right to downvote on that basis. The fact that he believes Shapiro is a nut just means he would rather be inelegant when describing that fact

        • +13

          We don't have freedom of speech in Australia as gaurenteed by a constitution. We have implied freedom of speech. There is a difference.

          Also, ozbargain is not a free speech platform, comments are regularly deleted for trolling, off topic, etc. Ironically this process is democratic as people are voting for what they like or don't like. People are voting it down for whatever reason, not actively censoring them haha.

          • @misterpotatomato: Sorry I should have put ‘freedom of speech’ in inverted commas. It’s a trope a lot of conservatives often spout in Australia, just trying to put it in terms they can understand.

            If a comment gets enough downvotes then it is minimised. Guest users cannot see minimised comments. If you believe in ‘freedom of speech’ and don’t agree with OPs statement, don’t neg it. It’s pretty simple.

            • +3

              @veritas_mendax: That is a non-sequitur.
              If you disagree with a comment you are free to express that disagreement. Whether that is in a neg vote or a response, you are entitled to say so. That is free speech.
              If the website determines that a comment should be minimised because of its downvote total that is a commercial decision of the site owners.
              It is ridiculous to say that if you believe in free speech you must be silent and not express your own opinions to protect others.

              • @Almost Banned: Never said you can’t express your opinions.

                • +3

                  @veritas_mendax: Yes you did. You explicitly said that if you believe in 'freedom of speech' you shouldn't neg comments you disagree with.
                  That is telling someone they cannot express their dissenting opinion of a comment.
                  You are no friend of free speech.

                  • +1

                    @Almost Banned: A neg in my opinion is not an expression of free speech.

                    • +3

                      @veritas_mendax: A neg - like a vote - is one of the purest expressions of speech.
                      The crowd decides what they support, and what they do not.

                      • -1

                        @Almost Banned: I see a neg as silencing speech as in OzB it minimises comments and even hides them from guest users. You believe it doesn’t silence it. I guess we will have to disagree.

    • +7

      You need to relax mate, maybe some light reading will help.…

    • -4

      'Right wing' - Yeah, settle down there buddy. Over exaggerate much?

    • +1

      Looks like SOMEBODY got destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC

  • +7

    Does anyone know if the tumbler is only for US customers, or do they ship it worldwide?

    • +5

      They ship worldwide, at least they did when I got mine (last year).

    • Yes, according to their merch store.

  • But that's contrary to this deal.

  • +5

    Great! Thanks for sharing!

  • -7

    Do yourself a favour and have some higher standards for your journalism than this.

    • +10

      These guys are honest enough to admit that their content is opinion - not news.
      That's the main difference between them and the MSM.

      • +14

        First paragraph on the site says it’s the “largest conservative news site”

        • +19

          Point is, the word ‘Conservative’ is right there for all to see. Is Huffington Post upfront about its liberal bias? New York Times? Washington Post? Or do people still honestly consider these outlets to be unbiased in their political leanings?

          • +5

            @grayadamson: Do you understand what a bias is? Show an example of where you see bias on a WaPo news article.

            The Daily Wire is not even conservative. It’s just New Idea for alt-right rubes.

    • +18

      Also, that's not a valid neg.

        • +13

          From the Wiki
          Appropriate uses of negative vote
          Cheaper price elsewhere - nope.
          Defective product - nope
          Major issue with retailer - nope.
          = Invalid neg

          • +16

            @Almost Banned:

            Major issue with retailer

            Seems like a valid neg.

            • -1

              @Tacooo: Not when you look at the examples provided by the Wiki.

              • +2

                @Almost Banned: Sadly the mods don’t restrict it to the examples they allow any “issue” rather than product or service related ones even social ones it seems

          • +3

            @Almost Banned: Defective product: totally

        • +3

          Care to elaborate? Go on, I dare you, I bet your argument could be pulled apart by a 4 year old. Your TDS is playing tricks on you.

          Edit: Yep, just as I thought, I get downvoted by the coward who is quick to shit on a good thing but cannot argue their point. They willingly know they speak garbage but have no idea why, the modern-day left is a joke.

    • +3

      Someone doesn't know the difference between journalism and opinion.

    • +1

      Reeeeee The guardian amirite?

      It's funny how the left reacts to people they don't agree with.
      Politics is meant to be a free flow of ideas between people of different views, where the hope is that rational people on both sides of a political compass can put forward their ideas, listen to the other side and ideally both learn and grow from it, and ideally find some common middle ground where both sides sacrifice a little and gain a little.

      Why does the left, in particular, hate this concept?

  • +24

    Not agreeing with his opinion doesn't make this not a deal…

      • +8

        Do I get to downvote all the irrelevant deals on here then?
        That's a dumb argument and you know it.

        • +9

          the fact only 90 people have clicked the link and there is 29 upvotes says a lot, out of those 90 clicks how many are going to spend $120 to listen to some guy who can't even get 1 minute of research right before expressing his opinions on the BBC lol . Guess people are up voting to express their political leanings rather than voting because it's a 'deal'.

          • +1

            @toblerone21: Buddy this deal is already on the front page!

          • +3

            @toblerone21: Maybe because we already have the subscription and, although this deal is a great deal that I wish I am eligible for, it doesn't apply to me.

    • So I must revoke my neg vote on that flat earth book…

  • +29

    Came for spice (and a damned good bargain); was not disappointed.
    I guess everyone's entitled to an opinion, as long as it's not the wrong one, huh? ;-)

  • +4

    Agree - they are open to say they are right leaning unlike the other US networks

  • +6

    Sometime an opinion is just a opinion but sometime a opinion is truthful. Like it’s my opinion that CNN is crap, see sometimes an opinion is true

    • +12

      It's my opinion that Fox News is biased right wing garbage. And I'm sure the downvotes I'm about to incur will be because my opinion is wrong.

      • +2

        And isn't it wonderful that you are entitled to hold and express that opinion?

      • +3

        No No it's the Left that is intolerant. The Right doesn't mind that you have the wrong opinion ;p

        • +7

          Right: Fk LGBTQI people
          Left: that’s not nice, stop being a d*ck
          Right: INTOLERANT LEFT!!

          • +7

            @veritas_mendax: Said no-one, ever.

            • +1

              @grayadamson: Thought it was obvious but it’s an example. Don’t take everything so literally, snowflake.

              • +7

                @veritas_mendax: You made a bad argument by literally scripting a conversation that you recognize to be obviously unrealistic.

                Then you ridicule someone for taking your rhetoric at face value and name call.


                • @[Deactivated]: Hook bait and sinker.


                  • +4

                    @veritas_mendax: Nice attempt to make it look like some sort of clever ploy.

                    You plainly made a personal attack after making a poor argument.

                  • +2

                    @veritas_mendax: It's 'hook, LINE and sinker' Biff.

                • -2

                  @[Deactivated]: I can call them a snowflake. I’m just expressing my freedom of speech, ya bish

                • @[Deactivated]: Lol how is
                  “ No No it's the Left that is intolerant. The Right doesn't mind that you have the wrong opinion ;p” an argument. LOL

                  • +1

                    @veritas_mendax: "Hook, bait and sinker"?

                    It's all justified and clever now. Not that it was my comment but it is now signed, sealed and delivered.


                    • @[Deactivated]: huh You already replied to that comment and I replied back. Are you re replying to that comment or did you meant to comment on one of my responses to your comments. I’m a bit confused as I am not smart.

                      • +2

                        @veritas_mendax: You clearly aren't as you're confusing me with you.

                        Here is how to appear less not smart.

                        You see that little "-" button. Click it. It collapses the comments so you can see how you are not me because I did not re reply. You did.

                        • @[Deactivated]: Yeah but why were you making the same
                          Point again in a reply
                          To a different comment?

                          • +3

                            @veritas_mendax: So now you're trying to divert from your re reply fail and pointing out the same point?

                            Well, because the point can be applied to your reply and your rereply as both your replies (which were made in response to the same comment) have the same (lack of) substance.

                            • @[Deactivated]: Yeah but why were you making the same
                              Point again in a reply
                              To a different comment?

                            • +1

                              @[Deactivated]: Look, maybe I am not as eloquent as yourself, but the point I was trying to make is that calling the left ‘intolerant’ is just as silly as calling the right ‘intolerant’. Both extremes are intolerant cun*s. Doesn’t mean I can’t have a bit of fun while trying to make this point, ya bish.

                              • +1

                                @veritas_mendax: Content.

                                Not eloquence.

                                No amount of wrapping paper is going to make a turd less of a turd.

                                No amount of "having a bit of fun" is going to make name calling appear less pathetic.

                                • @[Deactivated]: You say pathetic, I say deplorable,
                                  let’s call the the whole thing off

                        • @[Deactivated]: Soz babe on mobile, was accidentally pushing return rather than space x

              • @veritas_mendax: Yup, an example of something said by no-one, ever.
                You got me on the snowflake thing, though. I am indeed literally shaking. ;-)

                • -1

                  @grayadamson: Cool I guess you’re triggered. Anyway the deals expired you should have signed up rather than mashing slefties like myself

          • +6

            @veritas_mendax: I don't think the right cares what alphabet someone wants to identify as.

            They care that someone else wants them to recognize their identity.

            If it were up to me, I'd identify as Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander. There are a lot of perks but I'm simply neither. I'm still free to identify as one but I cannot impose an inaccurate statement on someone else.

            So as a "Right", this is the conversation I hear more often:

            Left: I'm LGBTQI.
            Right: no one asked.
            Left: OMG <something>PHOBE!

  • +41

    I hate how people are pushing this left v right shit in Australia.

    This is not America, it can get (profanity).

    How about we just look for good journalism, not this biased off the bat crap. I guess that's too hard to find these days.

    • +4

      This is not journalism, it is opinion.
      If you don't like hearing different viewpoints you are free to ignore them.

      • +3

        Opinion on current events and politics is journalism.

        • +2

          True objective journalism should contain no traces of opinion.

        • +2

          Oh god. I hope you're being sarcastic.

          "Asian grocers charge more for milk".

          "Stingy foreign grocers rip off unsuspecting and vulnerable shoppers, potentially stressing financially strained households".

          The first one is journalism. The second is opinion.

    • +1

      It reminds me of U.S. Anus by Frenzal Rhomb

    • +2

      It’s garbage. We don’t have to bicker with each other and take sides, we should be pressuring both major parties to stop being self indulgent (profanity).

      The media is largely to blame though.

      • +1

        The media is just doing what it has always done.

        For as long as people can consider right vs wrong, someone had to be the judge, and there has been incentive to promote a perspective.

        Bickering is also inevitable as people can, will, and should have differing opinions. Some of those opinions affect others, ie. when a neighbour wants to share the cost of a fence.

        Some philosophies require mobs to impose their rule upon others, some want to be left alone. They cannot co-exist so here we are - swaying opinions and bickering just to have a middle ground for basic diplomacy to take place.

    • +1

      Left vs right exist in every political atmosphere. You can call it liberal vs conservative, labour vs liberal, socialism vs capitalism…

      It's there. Every major decision has an alignment.

      As per blaircam, this isn't even a news channel nor does it make any pretence. It's ironic that you are calling for good journalism.

  • +16

    This is more offensive than the Porn Hub deal posted earlier.

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