Google Home $78 Delivered
Don't know if you could get Bunnings to price beat but worth a try
Mod - Additional Info/Related deals: Bunnings $78, JB Hi-Fi $79
Google Home $78 Delivered
Don't know if you could get Bunnings to price beat but worth a try
Mod - Additional Info/Related deals: Bunnings $78, JB Hi-Fi $79
What deal is this a part of?
The Google Home $78 deal.
Was more asking how he found out about this deal
The NSA/ASIO deal.
Not as invasive as a phone imo
What is the difference between this and the Google Mini's many of us are going to be getting for free from Woolworths in the next week or so?
The speaker quality.
It's still not fantastic sound quality, but it's fine as a kitchen speaker.
Also the size lol.
I have both. I find the microphone on the mini to be weak. Home's sound quality is much better.
As malich said the Google Home is essentially the same as the Google Home Mini but with better hardware. I'd be interested to know how it compares to the new Nest Mini but (Google Home Mini v2)
Mine arrived on Friday! Lots of fun had this weekend :D My kids enjoy saying, "Hey Google, what does a fart sound like?"
"Hey Google, Pull my finger"
You should have provided the 4D experience for them! ;-)
How to get that from Woolworths?
Expired targeted deal. You'll need to hack the matrix.
I have both. Home is worlds better than the mini, both the speaker and the microphone picking up commands. Minis sound very tinny compared to it. And you can tap the top of the home to pause and issue commands etc. Would never get a mini again
Home seems much better for audio, but for me the mini is far better at picking up commands. I actually think I prefer my mini over the home for this reason alone.
Depends on the room.
For poor folks like me in a tiny studio room, mini works great for me.
Sound quality is much better as mentioned above and also I find it easier to control (easier to tap and control volume).
Google or Alexa?
Alexa for sure if you want her to laugh creepily in the middle of the night. Perfect present for your roommates/siblings etc.
Alexa for sure
If you're not concerned about sound quality, sure….
Wait… what? I have Alexa but does not hear something like this. Are you sure?
It's been fixed now, but just google about it you'll find plenty of information.
Me personally, prefer Google for a number of reasons.
I have both and prefer alexa. You can set alexa to respond with just a chime to commands and google won't stfu.
Alexa is bad at googling things and doesn't do recipes as well.
I believe it's coming and is already available on Android phones with assistant. Go into Account settings > Assistant > Phone (under Assistant devices) > Speech output (under Voice and speech) > Hands-free only. That will stop the assistant from repeating the command back to you.
XDA devs say it's coming to other devices shortly.
I have both. My vote is on Google.
Have both, much prefer Google. Sounds better, seems faster and more accurate, and much better at answering obscure questions.
I used to still use my Alexa in the bedroom because you could make it chime lightly instead of shouting out when I turn the lights off - but Google have half corrected this it seems - Google no longer tells you what devices she's adjusted in the room, though still tells me when she turns off something in the other room.
The fix for this is to create a routine (don't use the standard ones).
I like my Google mini but I hear Alexa works better for audible if you use it alot.
If you want to integrate your smart devices then Alexa I guess otherwise go for Google. I have all three google devices and find google Home has a better mic then other two.
I have both. I have given up on Google. Go Alexa 100%
Office works coming out with some great prices lately!
maybe spend a little more for the google hub 2 for $199 deal
More than double is not exactly a little more
it's 2 hub 2's for $199 so $99.50 each.
I'd personally wait for a better deal over the next week or so.
for 2 Devices?
It's been $99 at a Bunnings before, so waiting for a better deal or for Amazon to price match Big W to secure cashback is a good idea.
Great price for a great speaker. We thought the Google Home speaker was a novelty when we bought it but it is used everyday and we'd sure miss it now if it wasn't there.
Best price on the Google Home ever, nice one.
not best price
Where and when have you seen it cheaper?
how will i know if this will command my particular TV? i have a Panasonic FZ950
Your TV needs Google assistant integration
sorry i have no idea can i add the google assistant integration?
Looks like you can with a firmware update…
@giventofly: i just found a setup page by googling on panasonic website so look possible.
thank s for all the help **^% it ill get anyway!!
If the TV supports HDMI CEC (most do these days), you'll have some basic functionality, at the very least off and on. I was able to do so with mine when I first got a Home device
Just purchased one, thanks!
Woo.. my woollies pack is comimg today..
Interestingly, i can turn off my 12 year old Panasonic TV via google, but not turn it on, must be getting the signal from what's connected to it..
Usually, you need an externally powered chromecast (not using the USB ports on the TV) to turn it on and off, and can pair it with one of the Broadlinks to change channels and stuff.
You're lucky you can get it to turn it off!
Went to Bunnings. Its also $78 when they scanned. They must of known 😅.
Can anyone confirm a price beat anywhere?
bit the bullet ill find out tonight how it goes!
I pricematched jbhifi with Officeworks for that sweet extra dollar off. #justozbargainerthings
What is better Google Home or Google Nest Mini? Price wise it’s pretty close
Don't forget you can get JB Hi-Fi vouchers at 5% off (less 1.75% credit card fee) via the entertainment book. It's a piddling bit of extra savings but might be worth the effort.
Good find OP - I personally went for 2 Alexa Echo (gen 2) for essentially the same price ($83) and the stereo separation is great on bedside tables
Can anyone with both Google Home Mini and Google Home confirm whether there's a noticeable difference in the microphone quality? Does the larger one have a better microphone that can pick up your voice better?
I would also like to know this but to be more Specific. This Google Home VS the Mini version 2. Music quality?
Nice find OP really good price on the google home