Being Vegan and Allergic to Legumes and Nuts, Alternative Sources of Protein

Title says it all, what's other protein options? Asking for a friend :)


  • +1

    Barley Sugars

  • +3

    Potato Chips

  • +15

    Sticks and twigs

  • Nutritional yeast.

  • +1

    Protein powder

    • -1

      Usually made with egg.

      • Sorry that should be made form milk, which is still not vegan friendly.

        Though I know you can get vegan protein powders. But they usually have nuts and Legumes in them, so….

  • -1


    • +2

      See OPs list of allergies.

      Death from allergen isn’t the desired outcome.

  • +1

    Flax seeds.

    But I think your friend needs to visit a dietitian or naturopath for better, more balanced advice.

  • +13

    I'm here for the lol's

  • +1

    Teaspoon of cement and a steak for after.

    • +7

      Just a spoonful of concrete helps reality go down.

  • +1

    Ceasing being an animal and life (plants bleed, communicate and react) hating hypocrite.

  • +8

    I'd suggest that for you personally , being a Vegan could have serious health effects!
    Perhaps modify your beliefs and switch to being a Vegetarian, getting some eggs (from free range chickens) into your diet would definitely have major health benefits.

    I personally don't see Why Vegans will not eat eggs? They have every vitamin that the human body needs(except vitamin C), and if they come from hens that are free to forage and socialise where is the 'harm to the animal' element?

    • +7

      [Male chicks are not needed and crushed to death] (…

    • +1

      I think it's reasonable to think that egg production is cruelty free, after all seem to be doing something that comes naturally. But in order to make it a profitable enterprise on an industrial scale it's a pretty cruel industry.

      Chicks are sexed at birth and male chicks are disposed of by being crushed to death or gassed. But also, those hens that stop laying don't get to retire and live on a farm somewhere or play bingo in a retirement village - they are slaughtered for their meat for pet food, or rendered into oil for industrial purposes.

      I think it's similar with the dairy industry. How can drinking milk be cruel? Until you find out what they do with the calves that are born in order for the cow to start it's milk production.

      • +1

        It's the process not the actual product.

        Industrialisation of vegetables kills billions of creatures in it's growing and harvesting and land clearing.

        But it's not popular to care about the lives of insects or rodents is it? Only the things celebrities talk about and promote!

  • +12

    Perhaps try listening to your body. Seems like it doesn't like a plant based diet.

  • +18

    I'm seeing a lot of people trolling or ignoring your question, with only a few legitimate replies.

    I'll add my two cents:
    Your friend has very limited options and veganism may not be a wise choice given their circumstances. Ideally if they are able to know whether they they are only allergic to certain types of nut/legume then incorporating the varieties they CAN eat is the best option.
    If the legume issue is only an intolerance and not an allergy, processed products such as Textured Vegetable Protein might be ok.

    Here are two other possibilities if that is not an option. First is using a refined rice-based protein powder. Here is an example at this link. Please note, I haven't checked whether there may be trace amounts of allergens in this product so please don't buy it without doing further research.
    Seitan may also be an option. It is essentially just gluten and is cooked in a similar way to tofu.
    BUT - I'm not sure how hard it might be to find either of these products without traces of legumes or nuts.

    Two other things to note: for all vegans getting enough B12 is difficult, so you'll have to take supplements. Also without nuts or legumes getting enough iron will also be difficult without supplementation.

    Really this is quite a challenge to get proper nutrition on the diet your friend is hoping to have. For any of the various reasons to take up veganism, you are probably better off reducing your intake of animal products without going completely vegan. There are certainly vegans out there that would see this as heretic. But I'm a vegan myself and the way I see it, if everyone did as much as they could then overall the situation would be better, even if it doesn't mean complete abstinence from each vegan individual.

    Good luck!

    • +5

      Op’s friend’s body is clearly not happy with a plant based diet. Perhaps they should work with their body instead of fighting it.

      • +1

        Tell me, if you were stranded out in the bush with your pet dogs with only well-balanced vegan food in your pack would you eat a vegan diet or would you eat your dogs? Are you so adverse to the idea of veganism that you would do this?
        You probably think I am making an unfair comparison but appreciate that for some people who are vegan this is how they feel about their diet.

        That's not how you feel and that's fine. I respect that you would not like commit to a vegan diet yourself and that's fine. But if someone has already decided that they WANT to be vegan and they are able to do it without impacting their health what should stop them? Even if it is difficult, it's up to them to decide if they want to go through the rigmarole of planning their diet. It's their own cost-benefit analysis to make.

        I think I clearly explained to OP that a vegan diet is probably not the best idea for their friend. But they may go forward with the decision despite the health risks of their very restrictive diet. So, I told them some ways that they might be able to increase their chance of having a balanced diet despite its highly restrictive nature.

        The friends body is not 'not happy' with a vegan diet. It just takes more planning. A balanced diet takes planning for anyone. A balanced diet with food restrictions (allergies, religion, ethical stance) is more difficult but possible. Does the average Australian eat a balanced diet? No, they have too many sugars, saturated fats, salt and they have too little of various micronutrients.

        Really it sounds like most people in this thread have their own allergy - to veganism. I'd be the first person to admit that some vegans can be quite annoying. I also don't like religious zealots and they honestly seems to be different versions of the same personaily.
        Me - I normally don't tell people I am vegan. Even when I don't use the 'v' word sometimes people are PERSONALLY offended when I say I wouldn't like to eat certain foods. Or they make comment when they notice I don't take any roast from the buffet and eat salad and vegetables instead. This is much, much more common than coming around an obnoxious vegan.
        If a mate of mine didn't take any pumpkin from the buffet because he doesn't like it no-one is gonna be personally offended about that. So many people feel like meat eating is part of their identity. I suggest that you tone down your hate of people who make different decisions to yours, because you sound like a MEAT zealot. You're part of the same species of human as the annoying vegans.

        • +6

          I would bbq the dogs and eat them if I were stranded in the bush with no food. I would do the same thing to a bag of potatoes.

          Ps. I skipped the rest of your essay.

        • +2

          My hypothetical dogs might be able to help me hunt if stuck in the bush :P

        • +10

          stranded out in the bush with your pet dogs with only well-balanced vegan food in your pack

          Hahahaha why have I packed vegan food instead of actual food?

          And this is a nonsensical hypothetical - omnivores can eat vegan food perfectly fine, they're just also able to eat other food. It's vegans who're restricting themselves from eating certain foods.

          Also, a single meal that's not nutritionally complete won't hurt anyone. An entire diet of that though, will.

          • +2

            @HighAndDry: The vegan food is for the dogs. This way you know that they're getting a partial nutritious meal before you eat them.

        • -1

          No-ones telling vegans to NOT eat vegetables. It's vegans preaching and trying to force their beliefs onto others.

          So before you start throwing out things like calling people meat zealots, maybe actually understand who is trying to oppress who here!

          Meat eaters don't give one rats if all you do is eat pumpkin. Go for your life. But don't frown at me for eating meat. You do you.

          • @Lv80: Yet there's not one vegan planting their seed in this thread. It's all meat machismo against a long studied and science backed diet.

            ITT a circle meatjerk.

            • @abuch47: What science backed diet? Veganism?

              No. It's A diet. It isn't THE diet. The med diet is better. Balanced. The only issue is currently has is the quality of all foods in it. Ie GMO and hormone (veg and meat) issues. Something that effects EVERY diet.

              The issue with diets is 1. quality of food and 2. quantity consumed. Organic and unrefined is best. Do that are whatever way you choose to go is good.

              But please…point me in the direction of research that puts veganism above the med diet. Some of the healthiest people and cultures in the world consume meat and animal product. Ancient cultures that still exist consume meat and animal product.

            • @abuch47: Also - just because you don't like eating something or have a moral reason not to does not mean it isn't the best thing for you to do. Heck…lots of people don't like vegetables…some might even stay they are morally against it for lots of valid reasons…should we therefore accept and be sympathetic if they choose to only eat meat? Or call it out as stupidity in favour of a balanced diet for what the body needs.

              OP/Op's friend needs protein - allergic to a lot of things - simple solution - animal product. Problem solved.

              But if they want to spend the rest of their lives fighting against what their body is trying to get them to do then that's on them I guess.

              • -2

                @Lv80: The vegan diet has a some simple setbacks (B12) but has long been shown to be healthy.

                Body tells them
                moral reasons to not eat vegetables


                None of what you said bears any resemblance to reality. You have been led astray to sow discourse into the world.

                disclaimer: I am not a vegan/vegetarian

        • My dogs or your dogs?
          I’d take mine pig hunting.
          Right after I’d eaten the vegan feed.

        • -1

          getting sick of vegans using pet dogs as an arguments. let say Pet fish instead!!! "If you were stranded out in the bush with your pet Fish with only well-balanced vegan food in your pack would you eat a vegan diet or would you eat your fish? Are you so adverse to the idea of veganism that you would do this?"
          hell yeh I love fish

        • Tell me, if you were stranded out in the bush with your pet dogs with only well-balanced vegan food in your pack would you eat a vegan diet or would you eat your dogs?

          1. A non-vegan wouldn't take 'well-balanced vegan food' on a bushwalk in the first place. So the question is already nonsensical. In fact anyone that prepares like that - expecting they could be lost in a remote area - would have some kind of freeze-dried survival meal - which are all meat-based (and for good reason!).

          2. Depending on your level of health to begin with, your daily exertion, and how long you expect to be lost before likely being found - you don't make 'hot dogs' on the first day. You can go without ANY food. With little or no exertion, but ample water, many people fast for a day, a week, up to month or even longer. i.e. Eating dog isn't pleasant. Eating a turkey, a fish, or a wild pig you catch - is.

          3. It's quite simple - if you're now facing STARVATION - you'll either eat your dog, or you'll soon die and your dog will have no similar qualms about eating YOU.

        • well said, thanks

    • +1

      Good advice. I have a friend who is fructose and gluten intolerant. No veganism or vegietarianism for her unfortunately, despite a desire to be. I have successfully cooked vegan for her, although that's just a one off dinner.

      • I have successfully cooked vegan for her

        Was it a free-range grass-fed vegan?

  • unistudent1 is that you?

    You can try TPN with B12 injections along with cernevit, vitamin K weekly, trace minerals, and ensure you're on a PPI.

  • -3

    Egg White protein Powder.

    Just pretend you are walking around the bush and find chicken eggs. Bit like roadkill or Animal Droppings, or is that still against Vegan's?

    I just googled vegans and from what i can understand, they are just CRAZY/EXTREMIST Vegetarians is that about right?

    Maybe Vegetarians should come out and say, hey we are not all extremists and you can't tar us all with the same brush. Just to try and distance themselves.

    This is CROSSFIT on a whole new level.

    • Egg White

      Doesn't sound very Vegan.

    • +1

      Yep, totally crazy not wanting animals killed for a few moments of pleasure. Most males are killed in the dairy and egg industry because they serve no purpose, the females are also killed quite young because they no longer produce enough eggs or milk. The conditions they're kept in while alive are pretty horrendous too.

      If people want to eat animal products that's up to them, but there's nothing crazy about not wanting to.

      • +1

        If people want to eat animal products that's up to them, but there's nothing crazy about not wanting to.

        unfortunately, most vegan threads are hijacked by omnivores complaining about supposedly obnoxious vegans. Go figure.

        • Being in vegan communities, there's obviously a lot of non vegans each day posting misinformed rubbish or the very witty mmm bacon. I usually can't be bothered telling people why they're wrong anymore because honestly I have seen them defend cannibalism and paedophiles and pretty much anything else in order to argue that veganism is wrong. Anti vegan people can't be convinced that not eating meat doesn't make you a horrible person, it's not even worth the effort.

          • @Miss B: You'll find most people attack vegans because most vegans being illogical, dishonest, and fanatical - have attacked them.

            e.g. The nonsense about male young animals being killed. That doesn't make avoiding meat right, nor does it make eating meat wrong. It's just a practice that needs to be more humanely managed.

            I also note (as I posted above), that nearly every vegan I've ever heard citing all the horrors of poor animal husbandry… who call for empathy, compassion, and call on our innate 'sense of right and wrong' - will then turn around and argue for human abortion, over adoption. Where's all their 'compassion' and 'sense of right and wrong', when there are childless couples out there weeping and wishing for a child while some 'evil vegan' will stand up for a day-old rooster more than a human being!?

            Until the vast majority of vegans cease spreading misinformation, denying logic, while obfuscating over their own nasty hypocritical REAL murder - they will forever continue to receive just as rabid pushback from the majority of everyone else.

            • +1

              @GregMonarch: Most vegans won't attack people, you wouldn't even know they were vegan.

              If you think it's right to eat animal products you're free to do that. I choose not to because I don't think it's right. All practices in factory farming need to be managed more humanely, which is part of the problem for me, because that's where the majority of animal products come from.

              I support a woman's right to have an abortion, she is the thinking, feeling being. Pregnancy takes a huge toll on the human body and nobody should be forced to carry a foetus to term. I am unable to conceive and if I did manage to I would most likely have a miscarriage. I still don't believe women should be forced to deliver a baby for me, that would be revolting and would draw many parallels to factory farming.

              You won't hear me refer to killing non-human animals or foetuses as murder because neither is.

              • @Miss B: Like I said, just shows the hypocrisy. And brainwashing.

                • @GregMonarch: And you'll just be another one of those people who care about them in the womb before they're a thinking feeling human, but as soon as they're born if they don't fit your requirements you don't care anymore. Those living in poverty, refugees, LGBT+ community, non-white, whatever your requirements might be. Or are you the one who's different to the rest of them?

                  • @Miss B: [Sigh.] I know it seems rude, and it's not how I intend it, however if only the contradictions in logic could be penetrated through the brainwashing, I would put the effort in. Unfortunately I've tried in the past, and all the same points of confusion are present. Be well.

                    • @GregMonarch: You just think everyone should do what you want. I've already said if you think it's right to eat meat go ahead and do it, but you have an issue with me not eating meat. You have an issue with me not saying other women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions. I'm sure you have an issue with a whole heap of other people doing things that have nothing to do with you. I would say it's more controlling than rude.

  • Somebody saw the game changers film…

    • Best review of the "game changers" with supporting scientific literature…

      • Thanks for the link! I'll give that one a good read.

        A few obvious errors in logic popped out on my first and only watch, such as the claim that "here are some vegans at the top of their sport". My response was, "if veganism led to sporting prowess, then you would be able to show that while 1% of people are vegan, 10% of elite athletes are vegan". Instead I would guess the elite athletes are more like .01%.

        The Joe Rogan podcasts also provides some interesting counterpoints to many of the pieces of "evidence" reported in game changers.

    • Didn't mind that show, even though producers have an agenda. That 60 year old vegan dude was mighty impressive.

      I also went on a diet once, keto, lost some weight and felt great. If your diet is crap and you decide to go on a clean eating dieting (including a vegan one) of course you're going to feel better.

  • +5

    Make friends with Quorn, and other mushrooms.

    "Depending on which Quorn product you buy, and therefore what other ingredients have been added, the protein levels will vary from around 14-18g per 100g. Mycoprotein itself is a complete protein as it contains all nine essential amino acids for adults."

    • OP, you won't get better protein:kJ macros than Quorn. Get on it ! As an omnivore I still eat it weekly. The Qourn mince is their best product!

    • Quorn is unfortunately not vegan. It has egg.

      • Mmm, forgot about the vegan part. So free range eggs from hens that naturally produce eggs as part of their life is wrong. Unless the OP wants a diet consisting solely of vegetables I'm afraid they'll be out of luck. Nuts and legumes are the natural food for vegans.

        Maybe the OP can eat loads of seaweed. 6% protein content so not too bad.

        If I was given the choice, I would bend my ethics in order to lead a healthy life.

        • +1

          Bending ethics means you aren't vegan. Best for the friend to just accept this and live a stress and guilt free life. My body needs me to eat meat to survive…ok. Who the heck is actually going to judge someone for that.

          The stress of trying to be 'vegan' is probably doing a whole lot of harm to them too

      • +1

        Some of the Quorn stuff is now vegan. It has it on the front of the packet if it is. It's mostly the mock chicken type stuff, but they're bringing out more stuff from time to time.

        • It's interesting. A lot of the recent vegan products on the market have a long list of ingredients, which in my book, makes them a "sometimes" food.

          But it's great having so much more choice!

          As a vegetarian, I'm quite glad to see more vegan options!

    • Make friends with Quorn

      This… the minute amount of egg in mycoprotein products is a minor and irrelevant distraction. Being the best person one can be is the goal.
      Additionally, I suggest visiting an open minded and qualified dietician.

  • +5

    Eat meat dont be an idiot

  • You can buy egg-white powder… that is presuming your "definition" of vegan somehow incorporates "the other side".

  • +5

    I'm no expert but I know plant proteins have incomplete amino acid profiles, compared to meat/dairy etc which consist of the full 20 amino acids.

    Given that your friend is even further limited in his plant protein choice, he could end up ill or weak and lacking energy if missing certain aminos in his diet.

    Overloading on rice protein or whatever likely isn't going to be the answer to this dilemma.

    Look into amino acid profiles of the foods he can eat, consult a doctor/dietitian and maybe consider amino acid supplements if necessary.

    • +3

      Nope. Soy is complete. Grains plus beans is complete.

  • +2

    Wow, I didn't realise ozb had so many haters…do what if someone wants to not eat animals (maybe they just legit don't like the taste?) And doesn't like eating things made from another animals milk….each to their own! The no dairy part does make perfect sense tbh…the meat part not so much but we are actively trying to eat less beef in our household. Have just read too many things about how bad cows are for the environment…

    • +4

      I just don't like the taste hamburgers - said no-one ever.

      • Don’t know about Vegan but I had a vegetarian Japanese burger at Naked for Satan, $3 on some days, that will knock your socks off. I’m not vegetarian but all things being equal I will try the vegetarian option. Just wow.

    • +3

      Please have a read on monocultures and impact on environment. You'll be surprised.

      • +3

        Of course vegans won't educate themselves on how dangerous to the environment..and themselves, industrial crops and harvesting techniques are.

        They only look to statistics that support their belief.

    • +3

      They basically came here one day and called us all pieces of crap for eating animal products. Not to mention constantly hijacking animal product threads to talk about their newfound religion.
      What’s not to hate?

  • +2

    1) Black rice
    2) Purple rice
    3) Brown rice

    and Vegie, seaweed, pumpkin, fish

    Try macrobiotic:
    Japanese food

    • +4

      Fish? :O

      • Random people giving advice

        • Fishless fish is now a thing.

          But it contains soy

          • +1

            @Cluster: fishless fish…people one day will wonder wtf we were doing. Just eat frikkin fish! Soon well be just having pills with all the nutrients we need. And then we'll be robots…and then all this virtue signalling will be zero's and one's.

  • What is the current diet then? Rice has some protein but is it a legume too?

  • +1

    Soylent green

  • +2…

    going vegan doesn't mean killing less animals. In fact…it can often be quite the opposite. But whatever helps your friend sleep at night while they fight an entirely natural food source. Nothing like humans to pretend they are more than just another animal.

    But in a world where we think we can change our biology just by identifying as something else…why not think we must not eat meat.

    Simply existing kills animals. "Oh but I'm not intentionally doing it" is beside the point. That's just cherry picking the data to support a moralistic high ground and virtue signalling that accepting the truth of the matter.

    Eat enough meat to allow your body to function properly. Simples.

    • +1

      Some ppl choose to become vegan or vegetarian or whatever for their own reasons.
      It might be to not contribute to the slaughter of animals but could be lots of other reasons too in varying degrees. Such as; environmental, cultural, economic, religious, health etc.

      • Yes true…but if your body need meat to survive…all those 'reasons' become pretty meaningless if your health is at risk.

        I died because my religion said I couldn't eat animal product. ok?
        I suffered serious damage to my body because social media kept telling me it was wrong to eat meat. Ok?

        I get people have reasons. "You do you" makes sense. But if the answer is something you are refusing to accept…?

        • +2

          I'm a bit conflicted by this. Not a vegan, never will be, but the assertion that you need meat to survive clearly isn't true. Even ignoring 'modern-vegans', there's whole populations that never eat meat at all and haven't for generations upon generations yet are perfectly healthy and functioning. I'm not convinced that argument stacks up.

          • @Hybroid: I'm not saying you can't live without it. It certainly makes things easier in certain situations though?

            The amount of food needed to get the same protein as you would from an animal is significant.

            I think the amount of meat western societies eat is too much, but find the eat that we shouldn't eat meat…or any animal product at all, a bit ridiculous.

            • +2

              @Lv80: I don't think it's ridiculous. It's a personal choice for whatever reason they decide, whether we agree with it or not.

              Doesn't suit me, but I'm not really bothered if it suits others. They're also entitled to voice their opinion whether we agree or not.

              Some people don't eat specific meats. Some people don't eat tomatoes. Some never eat fish. Some choose not to drink. Some like to eat insects. This guy only eats Pizza apparently. So what..

  • -7

    OzB is pathetic.

    how do you know a vegan. They'll tell you

    Yet a vegan asks for help and it's all the cuckservative trolls telling them to eat meat to live.

    On meat; science says reduce, regressives say increase.

    • Want more protein, eat more meat.

      • -4

        Thanks internet dietician didnt know I could want a macronutrient. Maybe you should tell the gym bros smashing down powdered milk, eggs and spinach.

    • And yet you offer no advice.

    • Real men drink cows milk straight out of the teat!

  • +4

    Your friend should look into becoming a Breatharian OP. All I can say is do your own research but it works for me.

    • +1

      The great thing about being a Breatharian is it's quite a short diet and very effective.

      • cept even that..for the small time you are around…contributes carbon..which kills animals…ergo…you're still not a vegan lol

  • +3

    Seems to getting harder to be special these days

    • +1

      you seem to be doing alright

    • +1

      In some ways it's great we have the problem of vegans who cannot eat legumes and nuts but want protein. It means we've basically solved all food problems in Australia if people can afford to be this fussy.

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