This was posted 4 years 10 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Sky News - Stream Main Channel for Free


As Australia faces catastrophic bushfire conditions, Sky News is making its main channel available to the public so regional communities around the nation can keep safe and stay informed of the very latest developments.

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Sky News Australia
Sky News Australia

closed Comments

    • +1

      It's cause their opinion isn't popular that's why they don't like it. The facts don't matter…

    • +8

      Couldn't be any more wrong with your analysis.

      • -1

        Nope, I'm a big watcher. People lump in their after dark opinion with their news. Their news is the least biased in the country.

    • +2

      A great channel, straight down [my] centre in their news and analysis. [I] often confuse [my] after dark opinion with [my] news. Probably the best coverage for [myself] also (and don't get 1.5 billion of public funding).

      See how that's a lot harder to disagree with.

  • +3

    On a side not does anyone else feel like their YouTube feed is right leaning, even though they are towards the left? I am not sure why this is happening but it seems weird to me while what I hear generally is that social media reinforces their beliefs by showing people more of what they already agree with, in my case it's the opposite on YouTube

    • +1

      My guess is they want to create controversy and encourage comments across the fence

    • +3

      Whilst the 'right wing' in Australia is fairly disorganised, that's not the case elsewhere in the world - They pour tonnes of effort (and $$$) into manipulating the YouTube algorithm, which is fraught with issues to being with.

      For the study, researchers interested in YouTube’s role in the political radicalization of Brazil programmed a server to go to YouTube and enter a random search term, then watch a video that search term brought up. Then, the server would watch a recommended video based on that video. Rinse and repeat.

      The server did this thousands of times. In the end, based on what kinds of videos the server was recommended, researchers got a window into how far-right content amasses an audience more quickly than other types of content. When a video with popular radical or conspiracy-themed ideologies (the earth is flat, the government is purposefully creating transgender people) begins to get views, YouTube’s algorithm begins to recommend that video. Even when the server watched videos about entertainment or politics in general, it was recommended trending radical videos, researchers concluded. The study also showed that once the server watched a single far-right video, it was recommended more, and more, and more — reminiscent of the platform’s ongoing problem with a “wormhole” of videos fetishizing young children.…

      • +2

        Completely false. You only need to look at which channels are shut down to see this.

        Even PewDiePie is 'right wing' now.

        YouTube (and all of Silicon Valley - Twitter, Facebook, etc) is overwhelmingly left wing. They publicly proclaim this.

        The fact is in truly uncensored forums (a natural marketplace of ideas) many right leaning views win out.

    • how is youtube left? its a business that promotes media for money. far right talking points are easy money makers

      • When I said they I meant the individual, not YouTube. As in if you are watching left leaning Vids but YouTube then refs you to right leaning ones

        • sorry I am in the same position as you. As i stated above I think the far right vids are far more outlandish and hence proponents want to relish/reaffirm and opponents want to know debate/understand what informs the other side. Youtube just wants to make money over fist through clicks and hate/fear sells.

  • +24

    ABC radio, state based fire department and ABC news. don't mess around with skynews if you're in a bushfire area

  • +20

    Wouldn't trust Sky to tell the truth if my house was on fire. Blatant lies and conspiracy theories.

    • -1

      Nope, the ABC are the ones peddling hard left conspiracy theories. Remember Angus Taylor supposedly stealing $80m during the election campaign?

  • Is political affiliation now an acceptable reason to downvote a deal?

    Seems all the downloads are just people who are left leaning and don't want to share anything outside of their own political beliefs.

    • +19

      Rather than 'beliefs', I think the word you're looking for is 'facts'

    • +20

      The issue being referenced by most posters here, and ironically what Sky news is associated with - Climate change, is not a 'political belief'

      • It's probably better described as a religious belief. The religion of 'science'.

        Our scientists (priests) say it is so, therefore let's mock, shame, censor and downvote anyone who doesn't agree with them.

        • As long as they actually did science, it makes them as correct as humanity can be

    • This.

    • +1

      What people are complaining about here is the poor quality of the journalism, just like if you washed a pair of underpants and they were loose, you probably only need to watch the bolt report once to know it's full of shit

  • +12

    I wouldn't trust sky news at all for this. You are far better off tuning into your local ABC radio station for updates.

    • -3



      ABC is hard left, hard green conspiracies. Sky during the day is as reputable as you'll get, especially for regional coverage.

    • Just so I have this straight - you honestly believe Sky News would misreport important bush fire 'life and death' survival information?

      That's a really warped view.

      • +2

        ABC local news is always going to have more up to date information. Even the fire services recommend (on their websites) tuning into ABC local radio for the latest updates. A national broadcaster is never going to be as up to date as local radio.

        • +1

          Can't be the real Christopher Pyne

  • +12

    Full of propaganda and lies, wouldn't trust a word they say

    • +2

      Not a word. Not even if they said ‘hello’?

      • +4

        Not even if they said "hello", because it would be used to lead into a nest of bullshit

        Thanks for the laugh though

  • +16

    How is this a deal? You get full coverage on ABC news 24 and ABC radio - without the right wing bullshit and biased reporting Sky News is infamous for.

    • +5

      Left wing bullshit is way better!

      • +3

        The amount of people in this thread who don't acknowledge ABC is hard left, hard green is astounding.

        • +3

          It's a testament to how effective their propaganda is. They don't even know they are on a particular side.

          It's best to take all news sources with a grain of salt and understand any left/right biases they have.

          Hint: EVERY news source is biased in some way.

          To help people who don't know:

          • Left - ABC, The Age, The Guardian, SBS, BBC, MSNBC, CNN (, YouTube (the company), Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTubers (The Young Turks), etc
          • Right - Fox, Herald Sun, Brietbart (US), Ben Garrison (, YouTubers (Mark Dice, Paul Joseph Watson, Black Pigeon Speaks), etc

          None of the above are 'unbiased' or centrist.

          It's very easy to count the number of articles for/against the popular hot button topics like Trump, climate change, immigration, Brexit, etc.

          Level 0 - You are here, thinking you watch centrist news and that those who disagree with you are simply 'uneducated bogans'.
          Level 1 - Believe whatever you want but at least recognise the side your source of information comes from.
          Level 2 - Understand why we're all so divided, who benefits from this and their agenda…

          • +1

            @MementoMori: Well said everyone in media has an agenda to push doesn’t matter if you’re left or ring wing on the political spectrum

          • @MementoMori: Trash - This restructuring is an example of trying to move the political spectrum to the right and normalise 'hard right' 'conservative' ideologies.
            Most of those you've strangely categorised as 'left' are not left leaning, and considering Brietbart or anyone on YouTube as legitimate news is laughable at best.

        • +1

          its not even close. It reports less because it has facts. It has been gutted by libnats and instilled with their shills yet its apparently left. the most trusted news source in the country is the ABC and it is the least bias news source around.
          just because you RWNJs say doesnt make it so.

          • @abuch47: Congrats you fell for their propaganda. All media has a certain narrative to push. Now with the internet, the more clicks the more revenue can be made so they will twist the the truth to gain more profits. At the end of the day media organisations don’t care about telling the truth except only making their wallets fatter by catering to their specific audience.

            • -1

              @Griffindinho: Yet the ABC has the biggest and therefore most unbiased audience in the country.

              Peer reviewed science is the only source for things we cant witness and it agrees with everything the ABC reports other than opinion pieces.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. So many people here who can't handle different opinions.
    I enjoy Sky - particularly The Bolt Report and Outsiders. Their podcasts are available on Spotify the day after the show airs.
    puts on helmet and gets ready for lambasting

  • It’s always been free.
    If you download the Foxtel go or now apps sky news is the only channel you can watch without a subscription.

  • +10

    Yeah nice try Murdoch, @#$% you.

  • +16

    I'm all for alternate views, but sky doesn't broadcast news, it's opinionated propaganda disguised as news. I miss news of the past where you were presented with facts and had to make up your own mind. I browsed that channel recently and the propaganda is so obvious, they tell you what you should think, constant fear mongering and calling supporters of the other side vicious names. This is Fox News lite which is a pest in our society.

    • This is garbage. You're confusing their after dark OPINION with their straight news, which is apolitical and unbiased.

      • +2

        This is garbage. You're confusing their after dark OPINION with their straight news

        Sounds like you watch a lot of Sky News, they talk the same way you do. Tell you your opinion is trash, question your sanity and thoguht process and then tell me how your opinion is the right one. Your OPINION is irrelevant, show me facts. I've seen enough of Sky to form my own opinion and choose not to watch it, because Fox News started the same way with Bill O'Reilly only being on air at night, nek minute the whole network was overrun with right-wing sycophants that made Bill O'Reilly look like a tree hugger.

        • Sky News doesn't do any of that. You're confusing late night partisan coalition opinion with their midday news which is middle of the road.

    • I agree sky news is biased and pushes a certain narrative towards its viewers mostly old baby boomers. But to say sky news only does this is utter nonsense. every other media organisation in the world has an agenda or propaganda to air to their target audiences. Because it generates more revenue for them

  • +8

    ABC News over time has slowly shifted left to the point where its news headlines and agendas are hard to distinguish from other left leaning news organisations such as The Guardian. We really need a 'centrist' news organisation in this country which hopefully will strike good balance.

  • +13

    (profanity) off

    When did reporting the truth become "leftie"?

    • +3

      the truth


  • +17

    You would have to pay me to watch this propaganda channel

  • +14

    A much better source in my opinion. Not a Murdoch mouth piece

    • LOL I just clicked on the link and they were talking about white privilege on the drum. I think ABC news has a playlist of agendas on repeat like they do with music on triple J. "Home of new music" okay, so why I am hearing this same song over and over again, it's not even a good song!

  • +19

    I could take a shit and livestream it for free but that doesn't make it a bargain. It would probably be more informative than Sky news too.

  • +1

    I prefer listening to Alan Jones. His voice is soothing.

  • +9

    (profanity) off Sky News & Murdoch. Your propaganda isn't wanted here.

  • +5

    As Australia faces catastrophic bushfire conditions, Sky News is making its main channel available to the public so regional communities around the nation can keep safe and stay informed of the very latest developments.

    In such conditions, it will be a struggle to find a working cell tower and you want to congest it by streaming media, while other means can inform for free as the country is burning.

    How is this even a deal on ozbargain, this is more of a publicity stunt.

  • +2

    This post shows you messed up everything is now. Everyone fighting and arguing.

    Everyone got their back up behind what they believe.

    (profanity) u.s election next year too.

    Going to be unbearable.

    Im happy I'm bout to check out this bitch.

    • +1

      Yeah, this is why I don't read the news anymore.

    • Im happy I'm bout to check out this bitch.

      You okay mate?

      • "R U OK" day is not until Sept 2020.

        If OP can please wait until then to reply, thanks.

  • +10

    Surely bushfire victims have suffered enough without being subjected to Sky News? Nothing more than LNP mouthpieces spewing right-wing propaganda, masquerading as a "news" channel.

    Use a trustworthy news source for your bushfire news instead, like ABC News 24 (which is completely free already).

    • +3

      It's only free if you don't pay any taxes. The rest of us are forking out over a billion dollars a year, even those of us who don't consume this drivel.

  • +6

    This channel seems like rubbish

  • +8

    People whom maybe affected by bushfires have plenty of options to get informed through radio stations, Iview, ABC live stream and heaps of other ways they don't need this rubbish channel. Also how is this a deal?

  • +7

    Not a deal

  • +1

    Instead of all the arguing in the comments, can't someone just make a Poll about the issue?

  • +9

    Being drip fed Rupert Murdoch's right wing propoganda for free is no bargain.

  • +8


  • +10

    Blaming these fires on climate change is ridiculous.
    There is absolutely no evidence to support that view. Individual weather events can not be linked to climate change. But we do know with certainty that many of these fires were started by people.

    Australia has been a country of drought and bush fires for tens of thousands of years.
    The plants in our bush land have adapted to live with bush fires. Some require bush fires for their seeds to germinate. These fires are no different than what this country has previously experienced in our lifetimes. Step back and use some critical thinking skills instead of becoming a zealot brainwashed by the media. This is a tragedy being used to support political activism.

    • +7

      Scientific fact is not "political activism." The only reason climate change has become political is because large corporations protected by the LNP/Murdoch (like coal and oil) have the most to lose in the fight against it, so their strategy has changed to discrediting the issue itself.

      • +8

        What fact is that? These fires were caused by a combination of drought a peculiar weather event and most importantly people both accidentally and purposefully starting fires. Climate change may have contributed in some way but it is very difficult to quantify and it is not the cause. No scientist will tell you these fires are specifically caused by climate change because its not true and it is not even scientifically possible to prove so.

        People are clearly using it as a political activism which is why they solely blame it on climate change without being willing to acknowledge basic facts. Then they label those that disagree as right wingers, crazy, coal miners etc creating an us against them mentality.

        • +1

          Climate change it would be fair to say, contributed a small percentage to the probability and the intensity of fires, I'm sure. But this number is so small it is probably a rounding error. Also there is no immediate off switch as the hysterical greens suggest.

        • The fact is that while you you can't directly attribute an individual bushfire to climate change, climate change exacerbates every risk factor that makes bushfires more frequent and more intense.

          A good article for further information.

          The impetus to take real and urgent action on climate change is clear.

    • -1

      @zombie whatever you're on.

      Can I get a nikel bag please?

    • +3

      Sky News denies that climate change even exists. Their 1 or 2 selected "scientists" vs what was it….11000 from around the world?

      • +4

        If you watched Sky News you would have learnt some interesting facts about those supposed 11,000 scientists: The number was from an internet petition that anyone could sign. Few were climate scientists, many not scientists at all, mostly activists, including Mickey Mouse from the Institute of the Blind.

        The study was not peered reviewed. It resembled a copy and paste job. Of the several study authors not one was a actual climate scientist. One was a wolf expert, and one was a student.

        The left-wing mainstream media gave it an uncritical gold stamp and broadcast this propaganda.

  • +7

    Sky News a deal… wth is this coming to?

    • +2

      Even those stupid Adani tshirts were a deal…
      I hate it

  • +5

    SKY News is trash. Why would anyone want to watch it, even for free?

    • +3

      It is amazing there maybe other people out there who think different to you.

      BTW, ChristopherPyne upvoted you.

  • +6

    Green totalitarians take advantage of the short memory of the public. You people are like goldfish and it's pathetic. When I was a kid it was called global warming and we were all told to prepare for the oven like conditions. Deserts would grow and spread. Children would never have seen snow. I've been spoon fed the same headlines from birth. And then the conditions don't match the projections so the establishment pivots; no no, it's a new ice age we're heading in to. The result will be the same - frozen desolation worldwide. You have but one chance, and it's to fund our policies and cede full control of your lives to us, your Green Overlords.

    If you're going to allow the boot on your throat from Green fearmongers, at least understand what they're selling and why.

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