This was posted 5 years 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3 Years of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1 (Multiple Accounts and Xbox Console Required) @ Microsoft

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

This is a little labour intensive and required potentially many Xbox Live and Discord accounts, but if you are up for it:
Note: Do not upgrade main Xbox account to Ultimate until end (if you haven't already)

Follow these steps:

Step 1. Create/login to new Xbox Live dummy account (
Step 2. Purchase 3 months of ultimate for $1 (…)
Step 3. Log in to Xbox console, click free offer on dashboard and get link for 3 months of free Discord Nitro
Step 4. Create/login to new discord dummy account (
Step 5. Use link from Step 3 to get 3 months of free Discord Nitro
Step 6. Click Promo banner on main screen and choose 3 months of Game Pass Console or PC as preferred and get key
Step 8. Cancel Discord Nitro dummy account, Cancel Xbox Ultimate dummy account (You will get your $1 refunded)
Step 7. Redeem Game Pass key on MAIN Xbox Account
Step 8. Repeat (accounts can have max of 36 months subscribed)

- Optimal outcome for if don't have ultimate already is: repeat 10 times until you have 30 months then sign up to the $1/3 months of ultimate on your main account to convert all months to Ulimate and collect the discord key one more time to add 2 more for a total of 35 months. I think you should get the last months too if you leave autorenewal on (you can turn it off later)
- If you already have ultimate on your main account you will only get 2 months each time so will need to repeat up to 15 time to max account. On the plus side, the final cost in this case is zero.
- So far I've gone through the process to add 8 months to my account (4x2months as i already had ultimate) without issue.
- don't forget to cancel payment/renewal on all dummy accounts

This deal is piggybacking on other deals, but seemed too good not to have its own post
Credit goes to the posts below:
3 Months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate $1(new users)
Existing & New Users of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Receive 3 Months Discord Nitro
Buy 1 Month of Discord Nitro and Receive 3 Months of Xbox Game Pass

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +25

    This should probably be in the forums

    • +12

      yeah it's more a hack or workaround than a bargain per se

      • +15

        Agreed, but thinking about it I wouldn't have seen half these 'hacks' if they weren't posted as deals first

    • Why?

  • +1

    This is the way to go ….

  • +8


    • +6

      Did you say Diablo 4?

      • +1

        You guys don't have phones??

        The Chinese government took them away.

  • +19

    nekminnit new forum post: 'My Xbox Live account got banned, what do I do?'

    but lol in all seriousness ill give it a try on a fresh account, rather not do it on my main in case anything cooks itself

    • Fair call, can always use secondary account to access the games on your main account anyway.
      The main account is only redeeming keys provided by discord though so hopefully safe.

  • +44

    Nice way to get banned, and likely these type of promos never ran again.

    And we wonder why companies squeeze every cent out of us lol

  • +16

    WTF is this crap.

  • +16

    I think the standard xbox ultimate deal and the discord promotion is very fair no need to do all this shit and risk getting banned and potentially ruining further promotions.

  • +11

    Not a bargain, a hack

  • +19

    Please dont ruin a good thing… this is not a bargain.

  • +1

    This is actually great. Love a good hack. However, that being said, I would only attempt to do this process a maximum of 2-3 times, otherwise you might risk getting banned.

    • +1

      after the 3 time with fake email, asks for phone number so yeah agreed

  • -2


  • People are saying this is risky, etc, but what's the chance of actually getting banned? Genuine question, these codes should all be generated from Discord. So if they try and trace it, you could just claim that you bought the key online and the seller assured you it was legit.

    • +13

      They dont need to "try" and trace anything.
      We're in the days of big data. Fraud detection systems could well identify you by IP from creating and cancelling the accounts.
      Your payment method would absolutely link them together.
      There's a huge amount of data from the MS side alone that would make it crystal clear who you are.

      • And you think they will spend or have spent all that time = money to actually develop or monitor these big data monitoring system? They barely give you support when you need it.

        • +9

          IP monitoring is mostly likely already done as part of fraud and hacking protection

        • +2

          All it would take is 1 junior developer to run a query on accounts that have redeemed multiple codes in a short time period, and a handful of underpaid junior support people to review flagged accounts in a country where wages are terrible. Plus about a dozen managers who're busy looking busy and justifying their position by authorizing and reviewing the activity.

          There is real incentive to catch people doing this because if it becomes common place it ruins their profit. These promotions aren't run out of generosity. They're hoping you and many others will become accustomed to having the account and just pay to keep getting it once your x months free is over. Pretty hard for that to happen if people keep abusing promos.

          • @syousef: Or they could take the same junior developer and prevent multiple codes from being activated one on account. But they don't, because it's not costing them enough real money to care.


            • @apiecost: You want to gamble your account on when they start caring?

              If it happens enough they need to deter it to prevent real losses.

      • The lucky thing about being "in the days of big data" is that nobody is really watching what you do. If you engage in a pattern of behaviour that does not trip the detection algorithms, you're golden.

        • +1

          correct. NO BODY is watching you.. it's all automated, so even easier to notice and track patterns

      • +1

        nekt minit, theres always that one ozbargainer that is using VPN servers in different countries, fake address generators, virtual machines and load-and-go type of visa cards or even crypto currencies, all the trouble chewing up hours of time just because 'they can'…lol

  • +18

    Ok something to do while you wait for Centrelink payment

  • +2

    Now, Microsoft fixed it. The 3 months xbox pass code you receive only works for new (probably same) customer only.

    • +1

      Nope, the code from discord still works with any account. I Just tried it again to confirm.

  • +2

    As I dont have an xbox, just a gaming pc, what's my best way to get as many months for free/ lowest price as possibe? Or is game pass xbox only, something else for pc?

    • From a support page…

      the code for each subscription would be sent via Xbox Live messages within 10 days or via email if it goes over the 10 days which could be possible seeing how > long the offer is available for. Just keep an eye on your Xbox Live messages and your email address for the codes.

      I have 3 months ultimate from the last deal, like you I don't have an Xbox. The only thing I've received in the messages & Email is an offer for 6 months spotify which apparently only works in the US.

      Hopefully will receive something soon.

  • +24

    Shouldn't publish stuff like this.. if you figure it out good on you, but when you share it with the general population that's when it becomes a problem and hurts future promos and increases chances of being banned

    • I agree with this bloke, not much of a bargain best suited for the forum section I think

  • +14

    Dishonestly exploiting new account promos isn't a deal.

    • +3

      Though this is a very valid point, the problem that we have here is, this has 42 upvotes atm and 8 neg votes, but we see people making .UK ebay accounts or U.S ebay accounts with fake addresses to get lots of 10%+ off deals or gift card deals then swapping address back to AU at checkout and that stuff goes nuts :/

      • This is a valid point - if this is unpublished all Ebay deals as you described and a lot of other bargains/freebies would also have to be unpublished to avoid hypocrisy.

        • +2

          The difference here is that these set of "instructions" are asking the reader to repeat the process.
          I'm OK with everything up to and including Point 6.

          From Point 7 onwards this is where you are asking the reader to -

          • Create new Xbox & Discord accounts for the purpose of obtaining financial gain for fraudulent purposes
          • Break Terms and Conditions
          • Risk the reader losing their account due to Mirosoft banning the account for fraud/deception

          People will have their reasons for holding different secondary accounts but what you choose to do with them is your own decision.
          You don't need people creating fake accounts for the sole purpose of getting around what is a generous deal.

          • @xecutor: While the McD hacks do not instruct anybody to repeat (but some kind of do) explicitly, do you really believe people only do it once?
            Or when HB gives away a freebie people have multiple accounts - also against T&Cs (by the way on XBox, too).
            You have to be consistent then and say no exploitation of loopholes using anything that is against T&Cs, including using fake US addresss to get freebie from Amazon US.
            Otherwise, it is totally hypocritical.

            • +1

              @Lysander: @Lysander So your telling me that any hack which says 'new user/customer' bonus is ok to be abused because there isn't anything to prevent you from opening multiple accounts?

              McDonald's have a 15% off coupon on first order. Uber Eats gives $10 off for first order.

              So according to your logic, just keep opening new accounts because it's a valid offering?

              I'm sure many individuals have pushed the boundaries of such offers when it comes to secondary accounts or even holding fake accounts but it should not be encouraged and such mentions should be removed.

              These aren't 'true saving' hacks but are borderline fraudulent and at the very minimum, ethical wrong.

              Anyway, that is my opinion and your free to justify otherwise. Also, McDonald generic codes are fine as they don't have a usage limitation applied but is limited to 1x per transaction. Neither, do they implicitly advertise once per day, per customer (unless otherwise stated in their promotional T&Cs).

              • @xecutor: What about sim card deals? They say new customers only and you can be certain they do not have porting out and immediately porting back in in mind.
                I am not sure why your moral compass reacts so severely re this deal but if Ozbargain was pulling this deal, a lot of deals would have to be pulled.
                Hacks per se mean that you are doing something the company did not intend - therefore, according to your logic, all of them should be prohibited.

                Plus I am not talking about codes re McDonalds but hacks.

                And if we are talking ethically wrong 90% of all deals should be prohibited, especially those exploiting freebies and charities. Why is it okay to have multiple accounts to get game freebies?
                Why is it okay to buy from CDKeys etc even though we all know they are not an official reseller and selling bundle keys is against T&Cs? Why do you not think this is ethically wrong and deals should be prohibited?

                • -2

                  @Lysander: @Lysander No further responses will be given after this and I certainly have made it quite clear in this thread why I personally disagree with the above deal. I have no problems with deals that allow you to stack multiple offers from different sources if there are no Terms & Conditions which prohibit this.

                  When deals start to promote unethical behaviour and in this promoted deal, deceptive/fraudulent methods to give you a financial gain. Even if this seems like a small advantage it should not be encouraged. This is a public accessible site and while we may all have difference of opinions and ethical boundaries I don't support actions which could land you on the wrong side of the law.

                  What you want to do and how you understand this deal is entirely up to you. I have only expressed my disappointment that we should not encourage deceptive behaviour that is in this instance gaining a financial advantage. If you have a difference in opinion I am not changing your stance only pointing out my reasoning.

                  You originally raised McDonalds as your argument and that deals which I presume (manipulate their menu customisation) where if you remove certain food components you could get a potential free food item or due to a system/promotional errors make McDonalds owe you money due to the weird customisation performed.

                  In this case - I see this as marginally unethical but the fault lies with McDonalds to allow customers to perform these customisations which are legally allowable through their software. You are not modifying their kiosk or app source code or preforming some external computer/electronic hack which alters the final outcome. So it is up to them to determine if this is 'fair play' if they are to go ahead with the customer transaction. The police won't be arresting you because of some clever manipulation over food customisation options as this was proven to be a system/promotional oversight. The deal while unethical is a valid hack (until they decide to patch this).

                  Your second response over 'Loopholes and Against T&Cs' (using Amazon as the example) - I had previously said that having multiple accounts (secondary or even fake ones) could be against that Amazon T&Cs but it is not for me to police or enforce their rules. Amazon who have created their own policies are responsible for managing their own users.

                  I couldn't care less if you have 1 million fake accounts across their website. If Amazon decide to enforce their T&Cs and if there was enough evidence to make a case against you in court for whatever breaches and/or financial losses they perceived they might have lost due to your actions is then tested in court. Is this likely to happen? Answer: No

                  Your example about providing a US based address (when clearly you are not a US resident) to obtain a Freebie. Let’s break this down, and using Amazon US we all know that the US and AU Amazon are completely separate sites in how they operate. You need an individual account on both sites and they are not shared with other Amazon sites like (UK). Is it illegal to sign up for an account in these other regions? Answer: No

                  What about the personal information you enter to create the account?

                  • Is this unethical if I enter false/misleading information? Answer: Yes
                  • But what if I enter a true address like a public venue like a Hotel? Answer: No

                  The T&Cs and how Amazon US enforce their signup rules and account creation is a matter for them. They could easily put a system check to see you have a US bank account, credit card issued from the US, or any unique personal data specific to US residence for the sole purpose of ensuring only US citizens can obtain an account.

                  Obtaining a deal through financial/deception for financial gain would be if you were to open multiple accounts for the purpose of obtaining the deal with the consideration of either on-selling the freebie for financial gain. It would be against their T&Cs because this would be limited to one per customer and as you are only one individual. Even if you were not to sell these keys but to give them away again you are preforming an unethical action as you are not sticking to the one per customer rule. All policing of these deals are managed by Amazon.

                  Then lastly -, they are a 3rd party reseller (not official) and could be considered like any other online public marketplace like eBay or Gumtree. Sure, they are breaking T&Cs of that software licensing agreement. But is it not illegal to on sell items you have obtained through legitimate means? Answer: No

                  What about the SIM Card Hack (Port in, Port Out)
                  * Most will port out and port in as this is the condition of the deal (whether the customer does this on the same day or over a longer waiting period of time). If you meet these conditions you are not breaking these rules. I have never seen an advertisement where these deals include a statement like you must be a new customer that has not previously had services/any account with us previously within the last **[insert month exclusion period]

                  • The company offering these offers may have these system checks (where they cannot create a new customer ID due to their systems already containing existing customer information due to their direct link into that service provider's database). This is where the issue becomes a little murky. But in an ideal world you have contractually ended your commitments with them but system wise it can take some time before your customer records are removed/made inactive. Even if you decided to re-enter a new contract after switching to another provider you might be entitled but due to company data retention policies or system limitations determines whether or not they can create a new customer record.

                  • This doesn't make the deal illegal but it is highly manipulative and while you do gain some financial incentives you haven't broken any laws. If the company decides to process and accept you as a new customer (congratulations are in order).

                  I never said unethical deals should be removed or prohibited for posting here on OzBargain.
                  Ultimately, the responsibility of burden and policing lies with Microsoft to manage this promotion and to take any appropriate action if they believe you violate their Terms of Service. If you want to take the calculated gamble like the promotional offer being reversed, annulled or your account cancelled/suspended) you weigh up the risks involved and accept whatever remedial actions they do take if they find you in breach of their policies in place.

  • +12

    This is a workaround, likely against TOS, is sort of scummy, and isn't a deal.

    • -1

      It's openly fraudulent. And could be illegal.

      eg Criminal code - section 134.2 Obtaining a financial advantage by deception

               (1)  A person is guilty of an offence if:
                       (a)  the person, by a deception, dishonestly obtains a financial advantage from another person; and
                       (b)  the other person is a Commonwealth entity.

      Doing this is NOT a good idea.

      • +2

        Your warning should not be downvoted. Some of us have jobs that require no criminal record. Imagine losing your job over doing something this stupid. I'm reminded of celebrities caught shoplifting.

        • do celebrities lose their job though?

          • @baldur: is being a celebrity even a job is a better question

      • +3

        Giving legal advice is illegal under Federal Law if you are not a lawyer.
        I assume you are not as the section you have quoted is inapplicable and inappropriate unless Microsoft is now a Commonwealth entity. Note, it states "and" which means both (a) and (b) must be applicable and that is clearly not the case.

        Source: I am allowed to give legal advice.

        • -1

          I didn't give anyone legal advice.
          This is fraudulent, and it could be illegal.

          • +3

            @timps: Saying this is fraudulent, especially if you also cite a legal section (even though it is the false section), is technically giving legal advice as it is also on a public forum.
            It is by no means clear it is illegal. An action can be against T&Cs but can still be legal.

  • +3

    Points for effort

  • make me feely D i z z y! >.<

  • +1

    Nice find op

  • +3

    Yeah nah not gonna risk getting banned

  • +5

    This is peak Ozbargain

    • +1

      Nah, peak OzBargain were the series of Maccas hacks (free cheeseburger with no meat, etc.)

  • +8

    Definitely not a deal. Just a good way to ensure they stop doing actual deals.

  • +6

    Do not waste your time.
    Microsoft would cancel your XGP membership and then refund $1 to you after couple of days when they found this hack.

    Yes I tried this before.

    • -3

      For what? You are just redeeming keys provided by a 3rd party on your main account.

      • +8

        You know exactly for what.
        For fraudulently creating new accounts to try and take advantage of offers described as one per person.

        • +7

          Can confirm I've done this type of thing with zune music before and it was cancelled100%

  • +7

    Not gonna do it, love Xbox and I am happy to pay for their services. But points for sharing and the write up OP. Don't agree with messing with companies no matter now big they are.

    Phill Spencer is out there fighting for us, saved our beloved Xbox, the least we can do is respect his work by not exploiting promos.

  • +4

    I've done it just once - all done legitimately with my main account as current Game Pass Ultimate Subscribers have access to the free 3 months of Discord Nitro as well, where you can then click on the banner in Discord as mentioned to get yourself a 3 month code of Game Pass for PC or Xbox which then converts into an extra 2 months of Ultimate.

    So based on that I've given an upvote - 2 extra months of Ultimate, and free 3 months Discord Nitro (also a month of EA Access is available too for those playing at home)

    Understand why people are worried about doing it on extra accounts etc, but an extra 2 months is a saving none the less :)

    • +1

      So to confirm you were able to get 5 months ultimate for $1?

      • +2

        No sorry, 2 months Ultimate for completely free. As a current Ultimate subscriber we have all been gifted with the Discord Nitro Offer (as well as 1 month Free EA Access) upon signing up and using my Discord Nitro offer there is a banner on the Discord page offering 3 months Xbox Game Pass. This code will then convert itself automatically to 2 months of Ultimate.

        Nothing dodgy or questionable about doing it this way as you’re using your legitimate account to do it.

        • What I assume was you got the 3 months for $1 and the extra 2 months free from discord. Is that correct or is the 3 months ultimate for $1 not available? I'm not a subscriber at all atm. So just wanting to work out best deal without to much hassle.

          • +1

            @hazzad: In that case then yes you can get the three months for $1 followed up by 2 more months for free.

            • +1

              @MBix: Awesome. Sounds like a plan. But of entertainment for the kids over summer.

              • @hazzad: Yep. Family of 4 with 3 consoles between us. 2 of us already had Live Gold. The other 2 now have Gamepass Ultimate till mid April. Happy days. I'd get a 4th console but I'm more a PC gamer myself.

                Only down side is we're spending a chunk of the holidays with inlaws who have no Xboxes and no Internet.

                • +1

                  @syousef: Maybe take a xbox with you?

                  On another note anyone know why when i click on the 3 months ultimate link i get the offer of a quarterly sub for $1 but when i login i only get the offer for 1 month for $1. I have no current subs.

                  • @hazzad: Thanks for the suggestion. Yep did think of that. If the inlaws had Internet I definitely would. I have 30GB on my phone but given how easily we could overrun that i'm reluctant.

                    • +1

                      @syousef: Yeah without a decent broadband connection, would kinda pointless i guess. Ah well.

  • Thanks mate.

  • +3

    I've never seen so many white knights on OzB. Charities get plundered but poor little Microsoft are off limits?

  • +8

    How to break terms of service and get banned in 8(10?) easy steps!

    • +3

      Microsoft hate him!

      Learn the trick in 8 simple steps

  • +2

    I did the same for groove music when it was active, had til 2021 of membership for free

  • Impressive, I'll say, but yeah, a little tedious.

  • +3

    This is disgraceful and honestly shocking that is allowed on Ozbargain.

  • +3

    Go get a job.

    • +2

      …and a haircut…and get off my lawn. :-)

  • Not only is it likely to be classified as fraud (I am not a lawyer and all that jazz, so seek legal advice blah blah), you end up with a mess of accounts and it only takes messing up with 1 account to end up charged repeatedly and you'll wind up spending the same as or more than if you bought at full price. That is if you don't get banned. And to top it off it will probably take many hours to do this, so unless you consider your time worthless you're paying with that too. Doesn't sound like a bargain to me.

  • +5

    Hack - not a deal.
    Dishonest, breaches Terms and Conditions.
    Could lead to being banned.
    This type of post could give Ozbargain a bad name.
    Lets stick to legitimate, safe deals.

  • +4

    Not to be a hater, but system abuse should not be encouraged.

  • +6

    Blatant Fraud and Deception (if instructions followed) will lead to future Microsoft/Xbox deals not to be made available if people abuse the signup process.

    While stacking offers is not new, advising people to create 'dummy accounts' and then repeat the process is against TOC and could also lead to your account being banned. This is no different from self referring your fake 'friend' email accounts via Cashback to obtain referral monetary signup bonuses.

  • +3

    How is this still up??? Where are the mods for pity sake?

    • Somebody think of the children!!

      • +2

        Hey if you're fine being associated with a web site that teaches people how to commit fraud, that's on you. Think of the reputational damage.

    • 13 reports and no action from mods. I guess mods and Ozbargain support this fraud.

  • +5

    Microsoft do catch these types of things and block those accounts. Microsoft could also blacklist the mobile phone number(s) you entered from signing up new accounts.
    It's one thing to mention it as a comment, but posted it as a deal is really not a good idea. However, by the look of it, it appears the mods are allowing it.

  • +3

    What? No Cashrewards?

    • You can go through the trouble and get $0 from Cashrewards. One of the dodgy steps is:

      Cancel Discord Nitro dummy account, Cancel Xbox Ultimate dummy account (You will get your $1 refunded)

      After cancelling the transaction, you expect to get some reward? This whole process is already dodgy and you want more?

      • +4

        I think they were joking.

  • +1

    definitely don't support this

  • +3

    Getting your main Gmail, Microsoft or any other important accounts Audited or screened is certainly not a good idea.

    If you are willing to use a dummy account for life and keep changing phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Then I guess it is up to you.

    This bargain is no different from people who still choose to download torrent movies rather than buy or subscribe to a movie subscription service.

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