25 Tubs and 25 Lids, seems like a great deal. Granted, some of them are small, but they'll be good for spices and leftover sauces etc.
Shipped from Amazon USA
Don't forget CR/SB for an extra 7-8% cashback to bring it to less than $20.
25 Tubs and 25 Lids, seems like a great deal. Granted, some of them are small, but they'll be good for spices and leftover sauces etc.
Shipped from Amazon USA
Don't forget CR/SB for an extra 7-8% cashback to bring it to less than $20.
It's US$11.69 on Amazon.com, so it should be around $19 through the global store after allowing for currency conversion and GST.
Recently I've noticed Amazon seems to be adding in a hidden margin over and above the Amazon.com price on a lot of products sold through the global store with 'Free International Expedited Delivery'.
Still good value considering they offer free delivery all the way from US. I'm personally happy to pay for the "hidden margin" just for the convenience of free shipping.
I'm personally happy to pay for the "hidden margin" just for the convenience of free shipping.
It's not really free if you're paying hidden margins on top of the US price is it?
The hidden margin only seems to have started in the last month or so as far as I know. Before that if an item was sold by Amazon themselves on amazon.com and also through the global store on the AU site there was no hidden margin and the free shipping really was free.
Free shipping through the global store is the only reason I signed up for prime so I can't say that I'm happy that they're making AU customers pay extra in hidden margins on top of the amazon.com prices for some items.
I get what your saying, but you're comparing this to an unobtainable deal on Amazon USA. That item doesn't ship here and if it did, it would probably be around $20 postage.
The deal is compared to what is locally available.
@gooddealmate: I wasn't really comparing this deal to any other, merely pointing out that Amazon has been adding in some extra margin over the Amazon.com price on some global store items lately, and this happens to be one of them.
It's an issue that's been annoying me recently, and I noticed that this item is affected and so commented on it. I wasn't trying to criticize the deal per se, just Amazon.
And no, Amazon is not and never has been 'paying the GST on behalf of us'. GST has always been factored into the cost of global store items.
Is Amazon paying the GST on behalf of us hence the slightly higher price?
Great price but quality is my concern. I've moved on to buying the more expensive ones from Coolies during 50% off sales. Still way more than $1/unit but they'll outlive these too. Each to their own though. I'll still up vote this deal on its merit.
Which one do you use
I buy sistema containers when on clearance.
These containers are crap. Very thin, our last lot started shrinking after a few washes in the dishwasher (top shelf), the lids shrunk & didn't fit.
Once you go glass can't go back to plastic. Got sick of having to dry the plastic ones when they came out of dishwasher
I don't see why this is a good deal. These are terrible quality - effectively no better than take-away containers and break very easily. $20 to add to landfill in a short period. Joy
Thanks, I will stock up before they ban them too.
Great value