MelAir Parking are offering 20% off bookings around the Christmas / New Year period. Enter ATXMAS19 to get 20% off At Terminal Parking. Make sure you book by 11:59pm Monday November 18. You must enter the car park between December 20 and January 12 inclusive to obtain the offer.
For those wanting a slightly more fancy parking experience there is also 30% off Premimum and Business Parking with the code PREXMAS19.
For those wanting an even more fancy parking experience there is also 10% off Valet Parking with the code VALXMAS19.
Terms and Conditions:
* Subject to availability.
* All offers ends 11.59pm Monday 18th November, 2019.
* Available for car park entries between 20th December, 2019 and 12th January, 2020.
* Valid for stays longer than 24 hours.
The outrageous airport ripoff rip off continues while brainwashed continue pretending privatisation is cheaper and that it isn't severely damaging the economy.