Air Conditioning Installation - Too Expensive?

Considering taking up this:

Located in Brisbane, wanting to purchase this, cracker deal with the cashback aswell makes it $670. However looking around at TGG, Bunnings and other local installers etc the going rate for a split system installation seems to be around $600. Does this sound right, the price of the air con I'm buying? Would it still be cheaper to get this deal and get the installation on top or is there some place that offers a 2 in 1 price, the unit + installation as a deal?

Appreciate anyone who has had this in the past and whether you got a seperate local installer out to install the unit or you bought the unit from the same place who installed it.



  • +2

    Located in Melbourne. Recently purchased 4 split systems (2.5kw and 3.5kw).
    Double storey house.
    Bunnings will be like $800 each unit plus additional costs.
    I guess it will end up $1k each unit as I need to upgrade my meter box.
    Very, very expensive.
    I'll be following this thread for cheaper options.

  • +1

    I thought AC installation ballpark figure is around 400-500 ish?

  • +2

    it be $600+ (You in Australia)

  • +1

    In WA, cost was around $500. varied from $500 to $750.

    Post it on those sites like hipages, serviceseeking and airtasker and see what offer you get.

    Include all the information like distance between indoor and outdoor unit, is it going from one end of the house to the other etc.

  • +1

    Nah, the quotes I got so far this year are all around $1k per unit.
    One factor to consider is whether you need a tax invoice.
    I need tax invoice cuz it's a rental property and I need to claim deductions.
    If you do cash deal then you can expect to take $200 off.

    • $1k for the unit and the installation?

      • +2

        No, just the installation. Brutal. But apparently is the market price for double storey. Bunnings has its price list online for $799 without any additional services (like wall bracket, meter box upgrade, etc)

  • Brisbane installation $550 for a 2.5Kw (owner supplied) system here:

    Not affiliated, just looking at that exact same a/c unit in Brisbane and looking for installers. :p

    • Interesting site but thanks, are you looking to buy the unit off the eBay deal?

      • -1

        Interesting is one of the words you could use to describe that Geocities reject…

        Hadn't seen the eBay deal until I saw this thread, no. Just doing research at this stage and that model was one of the ones that came up in searching so have been using it to get baselines. Cheapest I've personally seen so far is $699-pick-up.

        • +1

          That mob is not particularly fond of the small hats…
          Might want to research a little deeper if you want to go with them.

          • @owli: I actually used them to install my air conditioners as they have very good reviews and good pricing. Felt quite dirty after clicking through a few more pages of their website like this( which links to Nazi ideology and Daily Stormer website. One of the installers who showed up though was Asian so I thought maybe it's a mistake and someone has just hijacked their website? My air conditioning was installed two years ago though and the website hasn't changed so make of that what you will.

  • +1

    deal with the cashback aswell makes it $670. However looking around at TGG, Bunnings and other local installers etc the going rate for a split system installation seems to be around $600. Does this sound right, the price of the air con I'm buying?

    Yep, the installation can cost as much as the air conditioner itself. It seems crazy that the entire unit can be built for the same cost as what it takes to hang up the two components and run refrigerant line between them. However, that's the reality of foreign labour.

    • What do you mean foreign labour?

      • +8

        Labour to build is overseas = very cheap
        Labour to install is local = very expensive

        Add the two together, and you have something which is worth a lot (the AC unit itself) costing the same as something that's worth far less (the install).

        • Thanks I read it wrong, like they were suggesting foreign labour was expensive.

      • +2

        I'm guessing he's referring to the factory workers that make the air conditioning unit…

  • +1

    Does this sound right

    $600 is certainly in the ball park. Pretty sure I paid about $600 for mine to be installed a few years ago.

    - Plumber labour (1-2 hr)
    - Electrician labour (1-2 hr)
    Basically 2 of the most expensive tradie going rates.
    - Plus parts - i.e. Piping. mounting brackets (no idea$)

    • +3

      what do you need the plumber for

      • The tubes between the outside box and inside head unit need someone with plumbing skills to connect them properly.

        • +2

          Normally a qualified AC contractor does the installation, and all the electrical and plumbing that goes with it. Just one person.

          • +4

            @Archi: Yeah my point is the tradie has both qualifications hence the price.

            • +1

              @Mechz: Except an AC install qualification does not equal a sparkie plus plumber trade licenses, plus refrigeration qualifications. An AC guy would not be qualified to rewire your home and re-plumb your kitchen, bathroom and laundry. Length of training is much the same (sometimes less) for an AC licence. So no reason to charge more.

              • +1

                @Ozpit: Except most installers are fully qualified sparkies (in my experience).

  • i think the bigg factor is that the cost of running the power from to the unit. if you already have a power point there it should be cheaper to install.

  • +1

    My advice is get a price from a local Panasonic installer to supply and install.
    i got 3 installed last year $1,200 per unit fully installed.
    Your looking at $1,270 installed which i'm sure a local installer will match.
    Any issue with the unit you will be able to go directly to the installer if needed.

    For what its worth i'm have problems with 2 of the 3 units i got installed, have posted a comment in the other thread

    • What units were they? 2.5kw?

      • +1

        Panasonic 2.5kW Cool / 3.2kW Heat AERO Split System Air Conditioner CS/CU-Z25VKR

  • Around $500 for the most basic back to back if they are supplying the unit.

    $600 if you supply unit is fair.

    I paid $1600 for a 3.5kw daiken fully installed basic b2b.

  • +1

    $600 is about right. You might find they charge another $50 for a bracket.

    Try airtasker, as you may get around $550, however make sure they are licenced, as I beleive both refridgeration and electrical qualifications are required.

  • I paid about $500 for installation on a 9.4kw unit, I just found a local electrician to do it for me, was cheaper than going through TGG.

    • +4

      Was he licensed to do air conditioners?

  • 550 - 650 single-story back to back is pretty standard.

  • $550-600 at a minimum and thats without any electrical work, add another $200 for that, so $750-800.

  • -5

    Just do it yourself, it's free…… should come with an installation manual anyways if you bought it brand new. So just read that and you're good to go…but if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, you're more than welcome to pay, for example, between $500 to $1000 for someone else to do it for you….

    • lol

      • What?! I'm serious; if he's complaining about the huge expense of getting someone else do it, then why not just D.I.Y?

  • What are you going to do?
    Argue the point with them???
    Its a very CONVENIENT offer

    By the time you shop around the get a cheaper "quote" you would have wasted so much time to save a few bucks
    And no guarantee the final price will work out any cheaper anyway

    Usually Bunning have great deals
    If you NEED it the grab it

  • I got one installed last week. Called around and was quoted $600. Guy that does our work ones quoted $600 cash. Put it on hipages and found a bloke who would do it for $450…got him to do it but regret it.

    Dodgy job. Piping wasn’t neat. Overflow pipe just ran under outdoor unit (termite warranty inspection would have gone off). Mounting pads sit on top of rocked landscape so woobly as anything. Guys where pretty rude to wife during install as well. Wish we had paid the extra. No guarantee of better quality of course but can’t help but think “you get what you pay for”…

    Edit - that price (and my quotes) included electrical work.

    Edit 2 - I picked up a Carrier 2.1kw unit for $450 ex off the Tradezone website through work. They where having a deal on air cons, might still be on. So all up installed we where $950 for smallest unit in kw and a dodgy install.

    • did they have any reviews?

      • Yeah 100% positive surprisingly.

  • -4

    Are you sure YOU can't drill a hole in a wall?

    Have a look at other installations… how difficult can it be.

    Installations, TV installation, washing machine installation… you can do it… take it out of the box yourself.

    Once installed, consider you have saved yourself $600/$800 and feel proud of yourself.

    Go on, open the box yourself.

    • +3

      Yeah let's not compare AC installation to a TV or washing machine installation. It is definitely a bit more involved than just taking a unit out of the box and drilling a hole in the wall. Do not even attempt to install AC if you are not a qualified plumber and electrician.

  • My mate installs split systems for a living. He says if you buy the unit somewhere else, they charge more for install, because they’re not making any money on the unit. Just something to keep in mind.
    And yes, $600 sounds about right. Offer cash and the price might go down.

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