Car parts for European cars are obviously cheaper in Europe, but when the shipping costs more than the part it does not make any sense to import them. I am just curious to find out if there are any stores in Australia that sell them at a reasonable price or is there a European store that ships them cheaply. Where would an OzBargainer source their parts?
Where Do You Guys Get Your Parts for European Cars?

What parts ?
Probably Europe
Car wreckers?
Parked cars
Maccas. Jokes. I don't have a European car.
generally off eBay, you'll find some sellers that are so much cheaper for parts, but often you should look at buying from the after market. example i purchased an after market engine mount ( polyurethane ) at a huge price reduction to the alternatives available in Australia, another surprising one is certain parts are cheaper from the main dealer than local car parts suppliers, it really is hit and miss ( part dependant).
the best way to save money is to reduce the labour element of any job, and look up how to do things yourself.if you ask the person at the parts counter at the dealer they can give you part numbers which will make finding alternatives easier.
currently going through this myself, dealer wants 1400+gst for a part i have found an aftermarket in poland for 1/10th of the price including delivery.
Off the back of a truck in Frankston.
or off the back of a truck truck in Frankston.
I've got a BMW which is now out of warranty. I get all my parts from Clickable Automotive:
they don't store the most important item…
.They don't stock blinker fluid for BMWs, because they don't have blinkers. Or they don't get used enough to need the fluid replacing.
depends on the car
Run Auto Parts
The dealership (sometimes the price is reasonable)
ECS TuningUSA for my Mercedes
Who cares if the shipping is more than the part if the cost overall is cheaper? I'd rather pay £40 + £45 shipping for a part than spend $400 to buy one in Australia just because the shipping cost is significantly cheaper.
Pelican parts
Asv euro
Other random companies in Europe. for general parts or wreckers. for performance upgrades.ECS Tuning for buying a few parts ($120 shipping minimum)
Clickable Automotive (Melb based) for single partsI bought NGK spark plugs from the UK for a European car cheaper including shipping than anywhere I could find here…. Then turns out they were made in Victoria!
Ha. I bought a postcard in Greece to send to my folks back in Melb. I looked on the back of the card and the address of the distributor was a company in the suburb next to mine in Melb. Looks like the world really is getting smaller.
Always buy 2 or 3 of what you want, then shipping is reduced. Sell spares locally - profit
In addition to shipping cost, you also need to consider the exchange rate.
Still buying from overseas online is often cheaper than from a local dealership unless you’re buying a single small item like an engine oil filter or a dust filter.
You can find small items on eBay from Australian sellers.
I purchased windshield wipers from eBay UK last year and paid less than I would have at a local dealership, including shipping.If you disclose the make of your vehicle and what you’re looking for (genuine parts or aftermarket), you might receive more relevant replies.
As previously mentioned, it depends on the car and also the parts required.
I buy a lot of things from European Auto Imports in Box Hill in Melbourne. (They have a smaller branch in Sydney somewhere.)
For French cars, Dapco Auto France in Sydney
There are others, but these two are the most reliable.
RIMMER BROTHERS… I have an MG ZTT, and if requiring parts, I simply look it up upon their web site, place order, and it is shipped back over to here.
A lot lot lot cheaper than purchasing via mechanic, etc.
Give them a go. They sell all European parts.
Have a look at
eBay looking for GSP sellersHowever I would still check local prices first as some parts have become somewhat reasonable to the point that importing direct makes little sense.
Rock Auto doesn't do direct shipping to here anymore blaming the GST.
Rock Auto doesn't?
Since when 🤔😩